From star abyss

Chapter 276 133. Samurai Blade

The black sky in Ersha was instantly cut by two arcs. The two forward-swept Skyhawk fighter jets slowly faded away from their optical camouflage. The pilots quickly found the target area for the planned attack from the radar, and with a thought , the fighter plane turned and flew over there like a bird.

Their flight was very stable, and with the cover of the natural disaster, no one could detect the attack.

"This seems to be a civilian residential area, Itai-san." The wingman suddenly noticed that in addition to the hemispherical greenhouse buildings on the ground, there were also many residential areas with schools and dormitories.

"No matter what he does, he is not one of our civilians."

"That's true."

The wingman shrugged, flipping the switch as casually as if he were eating breakfast.

The next moment, the hidden bomb bay in the abdomen opened, and several 1,200 kilograms of ground-penetrating bombs fell straight towards the housing area of ​​Sunny Garden.

The greening base did not notice their attack. In the elementary school in the residential area, the old [Biochemist] was seriously teaching the students to identify the images on the projection:

"This is a plant in the Rosaceae family. The first one is called rose. In some places, they seem to be confused with rose. The difference is mainly in the leaves. This is an ornamental plant. Ancient people would regard them as A symbol of romantic love..."

call out------

A harsh roar passed through the sky on campus. Many naughty students raised their heads, ran to the window and looked at the sky.


Four teaching buildings were directly penetrated by high-speed drills. Teachers and students who were still teaching were instantly crushed into pulp. The crazy smoke and dust filled the artificial sunlight with an icy color.

"What is that? Why would someone attack us!"

"Enemy attack! It's Shikoku Dog's fighter jet!"

"Call the police quickly——"

The drill violently tears and excavates the soil. The principle of this ground-penetrating bomb is simple and crude. It is like crashing a shield machine in front of the warhead. The launcher can remotely monitor and detect surrounding life targets before detonating it, or it can Through the delay fuse, the excavation depth is determined and then exploded.

To be on the safe side, the two Skyhawk pilots chose to detonate manually. They watched indifferently as the life signal dropped from hundreds to nothing in an instant. After digging down tens of meters, it skyrocketed to hundreds in an instant. indivual.

"This is it! Explode!"

Boom boom boom!

The four ground-penetrating missiles detonated instantly, detonating 280 meters underground in the residential area of ​​the green base. The uranium-containing explosives filled inside were triggered and detonated by a precise mechanism, releasing terrifying heat energy and shock waves in a short moment.

The raging heat wave burned through the rock formations, throwing soil and rubble into the sky. The shocking explosion shock wave blew the buildings into ruins. The people in the outside world who were attached to the green base were at a loss and could only flee in fear. One person held his head. He kept dodging debris and flying steel bars everywhere, and suddenly it seemed like someone kicked him in the back, knocking him to the ground instantly. When he looked back, he saw that it was just a broken leg.

The natural disaster storm in the distance is like a wild dragon, and the fireball nearby roars like a man-made disaster.

At least when it comes to causing pain, they're comparable.

The pilots of the Skyhawk were hovering in the sky, and not long after, they received an angry signal:

"People of the Four Kingdoms, we haven't done anything, why are you bombing us?"

"Shut up, we are killing you, please don't interrupt our work."

The arrogant pilot said it casually. He didn't feel arrogant at all, and even felt humbled by the honorific he used.

The wingman didn't blame the leader, which was natural. In the past ten years, they had launched hundreds of military operations against the outside world.

"Those four bombs are worth 6 million baht per day. You might as well reflect on why we are willing to use such expensive bombs to bomb you."

The spokesperson of the Greening Base laughed angrily, and roared ferociously: "Tianhuan people, you killed our people, and you actually ask us to reflect?"

"The weak are not qualified to judge the rights and wrongs of the strong. If you are to blame, it's because you are not one of the Four Nations."

"Tianhuan people, you should be glad that I am a materialist, otherwise I will drag your country on earth into purgatory! You will all be burned by karma and tortured forever!"

"You are not worthy. We have the great King of the Rings. He protects all our warriors. After we die, we will only enter the supreme heaven!"

After saying that, the lead plane hung up the communication and turned to report to the headquarters: "The bombing has been completed and the enemy's retreat has been blocked."

"However," the wingman said, "the Green Base is not very satisfied with us."

"What's going on?" Kano asked curiously.

"They claim they want to drag us to hell."

"Then destroy them together." Kano Chaoyi said indifferently: "A group of tree planters have really given them a shame. Who allowed them to look at us - blow up all the residential buildings on the ground into rubble, so Li Aozhi They don’t have any cover when they come out.”

All Tianhuan people unanimously approved this decision, and the artillery troops were immediately stationed. The smart artillery automatically mounted the gun, and the 152mm high-explosive bomb in the bomb bay was immediately loaded into the gun barrel under the control of a robotic arm.


The frontline commander gave an order, and a crimson barrage immediately appeared in the sky. The 16-link rocket launcher was played slowly like a pipe organ. The violent firepower was overwhelming, and the green base was thrown into flames in a short time.

Electronic warfare planes took off and spread various black chaffs, interfering with the artificial sun's hemispheric transmitter. Military hackers further used their skills to easily break through the defense.

The false sun was turned off, and the violent wind and snow immediately poured into the green base.

Countless people fled because of the bombing, but they could not see the direction due to the smoke of the artillery fire. Instead, they rushed towards the heavily armed Tianhuan troops. Facing these unarmed civilians, the Tianhuan people remained highly vigilant. Those who saw them saw a few A farmer and worker, who was as strong as a soldier, immediately shouted:

"Shoot them all!"

The warriors raised their rifles with one hand, and the 6.8mm bullets instantly tore open the bodies of civilians with strong kinetic energy. The initial rifle shooting was actually not very bloody. There was no large amount of blood on the people, but silence one after another. He fell to the ground.

But then, the armored personnel carrier aimed its 13.8mm heavy machine gun at them and fired three bursts.

Every heavy machine gun bullet hits the human body, instantly tearing the bones and muscles into pieces and exploding. The human brain and neck are instantly torn off, and the snow-swaying ground is immediately rendered bright red.

The greening base was furious and immediately launched a military counterattack: hundreds of military biochemical war beasts rushed out from the underground base and launched a surprise charge towards the Sky Ring warriors. Some mosquito-like monsters flew into the air and started a fierce aerial battle with the air troops. Various poisonous gases were projected on the battlefield, and a large amount of metal armor was eroded.

Countless [Biochemists] stood up angrily. They used various biochemical weapons to fight back at the Tianhuan people. They even stepped forward and used their colonial clothes to fight hand-to-hand with the Tianhuan warriors. Only then... did they slightly stop the Tianhuan people. Forward offensive.

To the outside world, these terrifying and fast-moving biochemical war beasts are simply invincible nightmares, but unfortunately, the Four Kingdoms are the gods of the outside world.

"One row! Draw your sword!"

After a round of shooting, dozens of Sky Ring warriors threw their rifles behind their backs and pulled out standard samurai swords from their waists.

Countless biochemical war beasts were like a frenzy, overwhelmingly killing them, and there were monsters in the distance spitting acid and plasma at them.

The Tianhuan people formed a formation coldly, turning a deaf ear to any attacks. They all held long swords and raised them above their shoulders.

"Prepare, infuse with energy!"

The energy amplification system links their tendons and weapons together, further enhancing the output efficiency of the weapon. The violent energy is balanced and adjusted to achieve a stable output, and a layer of white flash with a fixed frequency is attached to the blade.

The uniform and large-scale infusion of energy by the samurai resonated at this moment. Combined with the scientific and precise formation, their firepower was able to form a fan-shaped shock wave to the greatest extent.


The violent biological war beasts are constantly approaching, but the warriors are not afraid at all. Under the masks, their eyes only have a fighting spirit that is more fervent than animality, and a calmness that is more deadly than machinery.

They were getting closer and closer, and even the blood vessels on their bodies and the cold light on the tips of their claws could be seen clearly.

But none of the warriors made trouble. They watched indifferently as the sea of ​​wild beasts several times their size approached, and just stared ahead.

It wasn't until they reached the optimal attack distance that the commander roared:

"The first vacuum slash - slash!"


All the blades fell down accurately, bringing with them a strong chopping wind, and the air was torn apart instantly. In just a short moment, a fan-shaped area with a radius of 600 meters and a range of 145° in front of it was directly torn into pieces by the slashing blow. Vacuum zone.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

Countless biochemical war beasts were drained of their body fluids by the vacuum in a short period of time. White water vapor spurted out from their bodies instantly, turning into mummies and falling down. Even if there was a lucky one who survived, the massive air that poured into the vacuum turned into a violent wind. Roll them up into the air, and in the face of the strong air pressure difference, all carbon-based life forms are as fragile as a piece of white paper.

"Switch stance—Suzaku!"


The Sky Ring warriors who completed the vacuum slash sheathed their swords and pushed the scabbard up their backs. The interior of the smart scabbard was slowly sprayed with a layer of combustion-supporting powder coating. The warriors stared ahead and maintained their Iai posture. , the three-eye tactical eyepiece on the head quickly analyzed various data and reminded them to adjust their posture.

When the second wave of beasts rushed into the attack area again, the commander gave the order again. They drew their swords again and swung upwards with crescent-like waves of flames.


The resonance of the energy made the flame waves really turn into an 'ocean', constantly rolling and stacking. The most important thing is that they gave the flames a 'mass' all of a sudden, and the high-speed slashes turned these weights into powerful kinetic energy. , tearing apart and burning the biochemical war beasts that hit the flaming waves again and again.

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