From star abyss

Chapter 278 135. Flesh Mill

Not long after the samurai began to massacre the green base, they were attacked by players.

"These idiots," Li Ozi glanced at the battlefield and sneered: "Does Tianhuan really think that I care about the life and death of the green base?"

Of the three major organizations in the outside world, the most terrifying one is the green base. If players now go to dig up the tree roots in the green room, they will immediately find flesh and blood and internal organs.

Maybe, it's still fresh.

The Greening Base is a group of beasts who are no worse than Professor Mingji. They regard restoring greenness as a doctrine and spread it to the outside world. In order to protect the environment and restore the ecology of nature, in version 2.5, they directly surrendered to Lord Entropy and were willing to be Corrupted into monsters, they turned around and attacked humans.

As for the civilians - those people basically have bacteria studied by the Greening Base in their bodies. Later, in order to 'save the forest', they will frequently detonate themselves in residential areas and transportation ports in the city, causing terrorist attacks.

The human traitors fight against the Tianhuan devils, and Li Aozi enjoys watching the two groups of humans and dogs biting dogs.

Rockets, grenades, swords, guns, swords and halberds collided repeatedly. Players rushed out from every corner of the room and launched frequent attacks at the corners of the alley.

Originally, with the adaptability of the Sky Ring warriors, they would not be at a disadvantage even in a sudden attack. However, they soon discovered that something was wrong.

These people... their tactical awareness, positioning and marksmanship are not at the level of the outside world.

Except for Caramel Snail, a newbie who is a pure vegetarian, this batch of closed beta players all have long-term game experience and studio support behind them. Their training is quite good, plus the in-game voice function added by KitKat Network in the closed beta version. , which allows wild teams to communicate and cooperate, greatly improving their mobilization and organizational capabilities.

Ye Zhanjian relied on the rented [Eye of Truth] to lock his target.

He activated [Gravity] to distort the light, concealed himself from the corner, and slowly rushed into the supporting medical staff of the Sky Ring Warrior.


While they were rescuing the wounded, Ye Zhan's sword suddenly burst out, and the long sword was unsheathed. Gravity accelerated the long sword several times, briskly and neatly. While running, he swung the sword quickly. He skillfully turned his body and used the acceleration amplified by gravity. He amputated and beheaded the lightly armored medical staff. Finally, he flicked the long knife, shook off the blood on the sharp blade, and disappeared again.

[Explosion reloading]

[Vigor increase]

Cumin's pink eyes were filled with blue arrogance. He held up a 12.7mm caliber heavy machine gun in each hand, holding a stimulant needle in his mouth. He pushed forward without expression and pulled the trigger at the same time, providing peace of mind to the players. fire coverage. The rest of the infantry players didn't care at all about the risk of being injured by friendly forces. They rushed forward with screams and fought with Tianhuan's regular troops.

Yu Tianxiao is a thief - thanks to the raid on the green base, no one cared about managing network security. He simply quickly cracked the electrical equipment in the building under the cover of firepower from his teammates, causing flickering by creating a short circuit. In such a visual environment, the Sky Ring Warrior had to take off the night vision goggles on his head and rely on his own eyesight to fight players indoors.

They all rented Li Ozi's [Eye of Truth] and fought without any scruples in the flickering vision.

As a professional player, although he is a substitute, Garyton is not inferior to others in the slightest. However, due to his not high enough level, he can only play the role of an ordinary infantryman - but he is quite lucky. This time he joined the Li Ozi Death Squadron. Among the 800 players, there were two main players of their 'Lao Ganye' team. Both of them had reached the version limit of level 15. Garridon simply gave all the equipment he bought to the two big guys.

After receiving the blessing of equipment, the two main professional players immediately burst out with terrifying strength. They took Garridon and fought guerrilla warfare with the Sky Ring warriors in the narrow and complex ruins. Using tactics like flying kites, they killed four Sky Ring warriors in a row.

The gap in hard power cannot be completely made up by technology and consciousness, but the machinery bought from Du Zexin can, the equipment bought from the Lord of Auckland can, and the various arcane energies rented from Li Ozi can.

In addition to one [Eye of Truth], Li Ozi has completely opened up the concession market and temporarily put all his arcana on loan.

But it seems a bit counterintuitive. Except for a few professional players, almost no one rents out the highest-level [Gravity].

Most people don't understand the use of [Gravity] at all. On the contrary, [Mechanics] like to use [Gravity], turning their fixed turrets into floating cannons, flying all over the sky, chasing and beating the enemy.

However, players obviously have no interest in such flashy things. Most of the [Redemption] players choose [Armor of the Mountains], [Severance of Life] and [Eternal Blood] because they are responsible for healing and resisting damage.

Originally, the player's near-death mechanism allowed them to stay on the battlefield and even use self-destruction tactics, holding 40 kilograms of explosives and dying with the enemy. If you replace one, you will make a profit. Now that I have received the blessing of [Eternal Blood], I exchange my life for my life one by one and fight more actively.

Players of the [Destruction] system have more options to choose from. Advanced players will like to use [Gravity] with [Pegasus Power]. What they need is the ultimate operating space and output ability. Although their [Charisma] is not high, arcane ones The amplification effect is not as terrifying as Li Ozi's, but the advantage is that the appearance of [Gravity] allows them to liberate their movement skills at once.

Originally they could only roll on the ground, slide and jump off walls, but now they began to perform strange maneuvers in the air like mosquitoes. The ceiling became a new foothold. They could change directions and accelerate dives multiple times in the air. The gravitational pull of The existence frees up the time of vibration and rebound when they land and collide, directly turning CS into the fall of Titan.

More players chose [Natural Fire] to improve their output. In the early stage, players did not have many magic damage professions, and the armor of the Sky Ring soldiers was too resistant to bullets. Therefore, [Natural Fire]'s high magic damage and real damage have become the first choice of most footmen.

Players in the [Elite] department all rented [Eye of Truth] to increase their accuracy and vision. Their energy in the early stage is very precious, so use a little less, and they can basically use guns but not cast spells.

Li Ozi did not lie to them. As long as the arcane thing is chosen correctly, it can really increase the combat effectiveness greatly.

The best example is the caramel snail. As a newbie with excellent talent in martial arts, his biggest problem is not poor equipment, but insufficient experience. On the one hand, he cannot keep up with the operation. It is easy to lose consciousness when fighting. and lack of experience.

But after Li Ozi loaned him the [Sword Master of the Immortal Soul], he directly transformed into a swordsman of a generation, and the number of enemies he killed in melee kept rising, and he was almost catching up with the professional player Ye Zhanjian.

The most puzzling ones are the [Mutant] players. They see others using arcane energy to coordinate with their professional skills, and they are fighting back and forth with the Sky Ring Warriors. They can only silently use arcane energy and gun output, without any People look at them.

However, this does not hinder the fact that after purchasing jewelry equipment from Li Ozi, the [Mutant] players whose arcane power increased rapidly gradually became the main output on the battlefield.

They are originally a profession that specializes in arcane energy. The main attributes of other professions have almost no bonus to arcane energy. What's more, after [Mutants] wore Li Ozi's jewelry and equipment, the average person accumulated [Charm] to 20 points. above.

Gravity pressure - 15 times!

The originally light and strong armor of the Sky Ring warriors immediately became a heavy burden, making it almost impossible for them to move forward. The [Mutant] players formed a human wall, golden haloes bloomed in their eyes, and they imposed an insurmountable wall of gravity forward.

In order to quickly massacre civilians, the warriors of Tianhuan were too spread out inside the green base. The fire support that was supposed to arrive was now being snatched by various squads and groups.

Many commanders of the Sky Ring warriors watched helplessly as enemies that could be eliminated by a single artillery strike were unable to keep up with the fire coverage behind them, resulting in their comrades and subordinates being massacred by the weak and miscellaneous troops.

What a shame! Who can swallow this breath!

The frontline officers immediately started yelling at each other on the communication channel, and the various squads even fought over the priority of fire support.

"What the hell did you do? How did it become like this?!"

Kano cursed loudly and asked the Great Onmyoji to apply hypnosis several times before the troops returned to normal.

"Commander Kano! We were attacked by an unknown target. The opponent did not have uniform uniforms and identification codes, but they had tactical coordination and command."

The existence of [Eye of Truth] is a fatal blow to the Tianhuan people in street fighting. Since their own people have already penetrated deep into the floors, the fighter jets can hardly attack - they cannot eliminate their own people together with those enemies. Bar?

The mobile armor also has to look at the captured green base [Biochemists]. Although these old guys are not as complete as the Gamma level of Tianhuan, they are still Gamma level after all. Without these most elite Beta level vehicle crews If you suppress them, they will cause big trouble in minutes.

When things got to this point, Kano Chaoichi naturally woke up:

"This is a trap. Li Ozi deliberately used the green base as a battlefield."

In just thirty minutes, the war platform showed that more than 74 units were offline. As for the number of people killed, based on the consumption of weapons and screening of battlefield videos, the command headquarters calculated a terrifying number:

"With so many weapons, theoretically we should have defeated 1,300 people."

Are you kidding me? 1,300 people, which is almost twice the number of people in the convoy that was first discovered.

The ground-penetrating missile killed a group of people, and the escape route was blocked. Without support, the number of survivors could not exceed 200.

And 1,300 people... Haha, do you think he has never been to school? Can people fight more and more? Do you think the opponent is an undead monster? Can you be resurrected after death?

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