From star abyss

Chapter 280 137. Li—Ao—hereby—!

The Tianhuan people have a proverb: By the time you see the figure of the attacker, the attack is often over.

This sentence originally said that the battlefield is changing rapidly, and life and death are only on a thin line.

But now, the Tianhuan people obviously have a new understanding of this proverb.

【Power of Pegasus】

The wings of stars swept across the earth like a rainbow current, and the blazing wave instantly evaporated countless warriors who stepped forward.

"Don't let him pass!"

The commander on the front line had just shouted, and the next moment, half of his body, along with his solid full-suit exoskeleton, were torn apart by the jet's stardust wings.

The body of the pioneer colonial suit is strong, but it seems to be unaffected by any resistance during flight. Coupled with Li Ozi's gravitational acceleration, it can easily increase the speed to the current limit - Mach 10.

That is 3400 meters per second, 3.4 kilometers.

The fighter jets still cruising in the sky couldn't react at all. The rainbow-colored vortex had already set off an aurora storm on the ground. Without any skills, Li Ozi was like a knight in armor, rushing straight towards the warriors who were waiting for him.

The warriors who showed off their power just now were instantly disintegrated under these fiery wings, and all defense and tactical cooperation became a joke in the face of violence.

"What happened!" Kano Chaoichi looked stunned as he watched the soldiers on the war platform quickly go offline in ranked units.

——This is definitely not as 'offline' as it seems. The electronic equipment is functioning normally and has not been attacked electronically.

Then there is only one possibility.

"My troops suffered heavy losses, two companies were outright defeated."

"Damn it - there's no way to fight back like this."

"It's Li Ozi! These wings of Stardust are definitely him!"

When the fighter jets in the sky finally came to their senses, the ground troops had been damaged countless times by Li Ozi's double-wing attack. Countless barrages focused their firepower on Li Ozi, venting their anger, but no bullets could catch up to ten times the speed of sound.

The two fighter planes were close to their abdomens, flying and intertwining quickly like spirals, dragging their ferocious arrogance towards Li Aozi. They released hypersonic missiles and drones, forming a huge legion in the air to surround and suppress him overwhelmingly.

"That guy is the target. This raid is the result of Li Ozi's careful planning. Don't let him get away!"

The leader wears a mask with a mixture of oxygen and ammonia, not only to ensure sustenance. In this fierce battle at high altitude, their physical strength is too much, especially the continuous supply of strength to the body to maintain the stability, strength and stability of the body. speed.

Just chasing Li Ozi's weird sharp-angle maneuvers caused the two pilots to pull the overload to 40G from time to time. Their internal organs felt violent convulsions, and blood flowed like a waterfall to the soles of their feet. They all relied on the anti-German suits to provide pressure in time. , to push the blood back to the head.

Li Ozi had no worries about battery life. The iron stomach suddenly changed direction, and coupled with the passive energy absorption effect of [Armor of the Mountains], he rushed to the high altitude without any scruples. Then he suddenly stopped and spun around. Only then did people See his true form:

His burly figure was like that of a mythical giant. The lava covered his thick armor, making him look like a medieval knight. His huge shining wings instantly dispersed, turning into a rainbow-colored gauze cloak that slowly fluttered in the wind.

He did not carry any weapons, and folded his arms. Red and black crystals proliferated from the gaps in the armor, and countless tiny tentacles wandered and intertwined on the surface of the armor. The tentacles intertwine to form a crown of flesh and blood thorns on the top of the head.

The body of the colonial suit became taller in the master form, no less than a small mobile armor. The full-covering face armor covered the ferocious jaw, and the original cruelty and savagery like a tyrannosaurus suddenly faded away. Amidst the mist of stardust, Li Ozi is alone in the sky, even adding a bit of divinity.

When the radar locked onto this giant, Li Ozi's six compound eyes also locked onto all the machines in front of him.

【Eye of Truth】——Superposition

The red-black pupils lit up with runes, and in an instant, countless rapidly flying aircraft and floating missiles seemed to slow down countless times. The whole world seemed to be injected with mercury, slow and heavy.

He clearly saw the friction marks on each body, as well as the frost on the high-altitude flight. The alloy wings were shaking uneasily, as if he had already predicted the fate that would follow.



He locked the position of each machine one by one, then opened his claws, and the palms split open, revealing a hot red hollow.

【Natural Fire】——Superposition

"Two in one - Heavenly Fire!"

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Countless flaming fires exploded and exploded, quickly shaping in the air, turning into bright and blazing fireballs, and rushed towards the aircraft autonomously. They inherited Li Ozi's weird sharp-angle maneuvers, and flew in the high altitude where evil spirits were everywhere. Free shuttle, bombing explosion, before the two fighter jets had time to accelerate, the fuselage was blown up by the strong flames.


The two pilots screamed and hurriedly ejected from the cabin. They were instantly disconnected from the aircraft. Before their brains could recover, Li Ozi watched their bodies fly into the evil clouds, bit by bit, and quickly fester. Aging, gradually withering and decaying, finally turning into an invisible molecule and disappearing.

"Although international treaties prohibit attacking pilots - but they committed suicide, what can I do?"

Li Ozi shrugged

call out--

A laser beam passed by Li Ozi's shoulder, was deflected and bent by the gravitational field, and turned around Li Ozi. He turned back in time:

I saw that the mobile armor on the ground was directly replaced with air combat components, and they chased him. The three mobile armors formed a triangular formation, and the laser rifles in their hands kept firing. They used smart computers to predict Li Ozi's movement and forced him to do so. Lower height.

If the battle continues like this, it will definitely be unbeatable. Three of the most advanced mobile armors, paired with an ace crew, attacking at the same time, and coordinated with the guidance of the air command post, can completely destroy the combat power of an ordinary small country.

"The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and there is no need to continue fighting."

Li Ozi took a look at the kill data and saw that the most serious threat had been eliminated. Before the Sky Ring warriors had time to form a tactical formation, he took away two-thirds of them. He also killed two more mobile armors. The victory was already impressive. It was enough to drag them until Du Zexin completed the assembly and took them to heaven.

If he doesn’t leave today, when Tianhuan recovers, it’s time to mobilize national power and continue to block, embargo and sanction him. Li Ozi has no ability to deal with an angry superpower, especially Tianhuan, who is the most proficient in war. .

The pioneer's body is almost familiar. It is very smooth to use, and there is no sense of rejection in his consciousness. He can also feel that his No. 1 reproductive equipment is placed in the biochemical tank, soaked in medicine and culture fluid, and his body is filled with electrodes to monitor his physiological state.

Three mobile armors were chasing after them. Although they were slow, the laser weapons were guided and struck by the command center. Li Ozi's route was seen through, and he could only stay close to the ground. Once he fell, the firepower on the ground would Focus on him.

——This is not the way to go.

Therefore, Li Aozi decisively turned around and rushed towards the ground troops again - but this time, the Tianhuan people had already assembled their troops, and what greeted him were three consecutive waves of slashes that resonated with the collective strength.


The instantaneous vacuum creates suction. Fortunately, Li Ozi's flight relies on gravity and is not affected.


The fire wave that followed covered a very wide area and engulfed Li Aozi. However, the coverage of [Armor of the Mountains] and the pioneer's depleted uranium armor allowed Li Aozi to withstand this round of attacks and almost escaped unscathed. No harm.


But the high-voltage arc caused by the third round of strikes, in the hot and high temperature environment, the lightning instantly stretched thousands of kilometers, hitting Li Ozi directly.

- But the damage was minimal.

[Severing Life] and [Death Link] are operated at the same time. The [Intelligence] bonus increased by the colonial equipment gives Li Ozi powerful complex logic processing capabilities. The increase in [Dexterity] is more intuitive. His fingers intertwined quickly in the air. Put the prohibition recovery of [severing life] on a person, and connect each other's lives with a hook of the tail finger.

Under the lock of [Eye of Truth], Li Ozi hooked his hand and directly connected 204 targets to himself before the three waves of attacks arrived.


This lightning strike directly knocked out three-quarters of Li Ozi's generous health, but as soon as he activated [Eternal Blood], his health quickly returned to full.

At the same time, Li Ozi took one look at the injury and immediately became happy.

"Purple lightning will inflict magic damage of 40% of the maximum health - oh, what is the health of my reproductive suit?"

Li Ozi looked at his blood volume:

The main body of the colonial equipment is 640+1,500, plus Li Ozi's 2,000 mimic health bar and 88 real health points.

Total: 4428 health points. This is equivalent to a gamma-level [Warrior].

The maximum is 40%, which is 1772.1 points of spell damage.

This is the damage that the Sky Ring soldiers on the ground will endure through the damage link!

They only withstood the damage from the lightning strike. Their health volume was not as thick as Li Ozi's, and they were even disabled by Li Ozi's prohibition of recovery.

And when a weak person is killed by the transferred damage, it will be the beginning of bad news for the entire team.

One person dies - the 'effect' of death is transferred to other links and forced judgment is made.

And since [Death Link] is an arcane energy, the attribute it is judged on is... [Charm].

Judging from the environment in Tianhuan that discriminates against arcana and despises spellcasters, the vast majority of soldiers probably cannot pass the [Charm] attribute.


Groups of soldiers were injured by lightning strikes and died of sudden cardiac death on the spot. When one person died suddenly, his death effect was transferred to others. Li Ozi continued to connect until the three mobile armors behind him caught up. Had to give up.

The Tianhuan soldiers on the ground instantly fell into a commotion. A group of them died inexplicably without being attacked. They even actively caused a counterattack, killing themselves instead.

Tianhuan soldiers are not afraid of death, but this "I kill myself" behavior is too weird and abstract. In addition, Li Aozi's entire spellcasting process is carried out in a hypersonic combat environment, so no one can analyze and identify it.

Suddenly, the Tianhuan soldiers, who had always been proud of their strong willpower, actually started to riot.

They huddled in the bunker hesitantly, or fled in all directions, disobeying orders. Kano looked embarrassed:

"The morale of the army is weakened, which is more difficult to deal with than facing a strong enemy!"

His face turned pale, and then he turned to the analyst and asked:

"What's the situation now? Why can't we catch up with Li Ozi after all the mobile armors have been sent out? Wasn't that guy defeated by the capital's troops when he was in Qiong'anjing?"

"No, the situation is different. Qiong Anjing has five gamma-level personnel, which is equivalent to at least 15 mobile armors. At the same time, there are intelligence brains provided by the Hojo Group. The city's 300,000 military police cooperate with the search. Various cameras throughout the city. The big data of electronic equipment has only been able to screen out the traces of Li Aozi bit by bit. But now we only have our own army’s electronic warfare equipment and intelligent brains.”

The analyst smiled bitterly:

"Commander, you misunderstood. It seems now that Li Ozi was definitely not shot down at that time. After he landed, he took the opportunity to sneak attack the mobile armor that Gamma was riding on, and even took advantage of the lack of crew members to directly attack Kill the opponent, including the person and the mecha."

"What do you mean, the soldiers in the capital actually didn't catch up with Li Ozi at all? They didn't even put any pressure on them?" Kano asked coldly.

"...You can't say that." Cold sweat broke out on the analyst's forehead. He did not dare to offend this iron-blooded soldier: "The capital soldiers expelled Li Aozi and were not ready to capture him alive at that time, so it can be said that he The assigned tasks were successfully completed.”

"You idiot, what I want is not flattery and flattery, that is the garbage that politicians pursue, but what soldiers need is real information!"

Kano was so angry that he blew his beard, glared, and cursed:

"We deployed the best tactical arrangements, took action in advance to secure the green base, and even drove away the undead troops. Now facing the real owner Li Ozi, don't we have anything we can do? The fighter jets were shot down, and a large number of samurai were killed. , the lives of soldiers are thrown away like garbage - while our enemy, the shame of Tianhuan, is flying in the air with arrogance? "

"Mobile armor really can't catch up with this guy. No fighter in the world can catch up with him - maybe there is really no one on this planet who can deal with him."

Analysts gave extremely pessimistic results.

In fact, Tianhuan's main force has not been exhausted yet, but the shocking performances of the Undead Troops and Li Ozi have appeared one after another, which has caused a serious blow to morale.

"Calm down! Look, what are you doing? Why don't you fight back!"

Onmyoji anxiously ran around the battlefield, even stepping into the spirit world, risking being attacked by Li Ozi, and loudly admonishing these confused and confused warriors.

"If you do this now, you will only die in vain. There is no point in fighting back!"

The warrior cried sadly and pointed to the sky:

"That guy can't die at all. Our courage and bond as soldiers are useless in front of that guy's absolute strength."

"What are you talking about! You are the hope of Tianhuan and a warrior of His Majesty the King of Rings."

"Perhaps the warrior cannot defeat the enemy. Only the legendary hero, the son of God with dragon blood, can deal with him."

The Onmyoji's face turned ugly after hearing this.

Idealism can inspire people, but it can also increase people's dependence on myths.

Some warriors knelt down in groups, praying for the gods to come down to earth and kill this bastard Li Aozi. They called Li Aozi the 'immortal, blood demon king'. Their terrifying dominance and sense of oppression made the Sky Ring warriors no longer dare to do so. Face him.

This is also the truly terrifying part of the Blood Demon Flow. One person may not be able to defeat him in a one-on-one fight, but if a group of people attacks him, the Blood Demon Flow can kill them all.

Seeing that his morale had collapsed, Li Ozi no longer hesitated and frequently used arcane energy. The genes of the breeding equipment were almost overloaded, and he had to go back and adjust quickly.

After all, this breeding suit had just left the factory, and it wasn't enough for his genetic adaptation.

He was about to turn around and fly away when a narrow white flash suddenly ripped through the sky.

"You guy! Where else do you want to run!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Ozi saw a blade-edged shark, which suddenly changed direction in mid-air and rushed towards him at high speed.

Uhelai pulled out the sharp blade from his back, his cross-shaped pupils tightened violently, and he gritted his teeth and roared:


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