From star abyss

Chapter 285 142. Green grass beside the house

"Speaking of which, I want to show you something."

Alexia said, taking out a thick book from her luggage and handing it to Li Ozi:

"President Sislon said that when the workers were counting the grand duke's inheritance in Surut Palace, they found it in the office, and it might be useful to you."

"What's this?"

Li Ozi took the book curiously. The cover had lost its color and pattern due to time, but the gilt title was still vaguely identifiable. It was written in Amilioco:

"Gene Editing Engineering"

"It seems that the Grand Duke spent a lot of effort to save his life back then." Li Ozi joked: "It's just a pity that this planet is not worthy of the gamma level yet."

"Sisron said that according to the diary, Grand Duke Gurante was an independent at first, a war hero of the country, and brought a wonderful era to his countrymen. It was only when his life became more painful and dying that he turned to Frost Plating." Lixia sighed with emotion: "We never thought that something like this would happen. The hero who originally fought against the oppressors became the oppressor. Where did his faith go?"

"It's nothing. In this era, he is just a traitorous comprador."

Li Ozi was about to put the books away. In his opinion, this thing was of little significance. Armilioko's technology was far from the level that could study extraordinary systems.

But then, the system popped up a message.

[Hint: You have come into contact with a piece of ‘advanced’ knowledge—“Gene Editing Engineering”]

[People who can learn: [Biochemist], [Mutant], [Architect], [Magician]]

[If you want to learn this knowledge, you need to consume 12,000 experience points]

【Whether to accept? 】

————I am super?

Alexia's gift gave Li Ozi a huge shock.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure that he had read it correctly. It was really cutting-edge knowledge.

Among the 10 levels of knowledge, knowledge above the professional level is prohibited from being taught to non-extraordinary people.

The main reasons are divided into two:

First, the existence of knowledge above the professional level is brought about by the [God of Insight], one of the three great destroyers - the 'eye of discernment'. Every piece of knowledge above the sophisticated level is equivalent to discernment. The eye is part of the body. The process of learning it is itself the process of accepting the existence of the discerning eye, strengthening and identifying with the discerning eye.

In the ancient cosmic era, knowledge at the elite level and above was strictly controlled. Only the gods blessed by Xingyuan can be qualified to learn.

However, with the defeat of the discerning eye, the three major destroyers have disappeared, and no one cares about these things now. The number one public enemy of civilization is now a difficult society, not a failed invader. Unless it's a particularly rigid civilization, it generally won't take control.

The second point is that knowledge above professional level is unbearable for ordinary people's brains. Once you start reading, your brain cannot bear the amount of weird and complex information. It is extremely common for you to become obsessed during the reading process.

Even extraordinary beings with mature minds and sound bodies, many low-level people can easily slip into the trap of learning and gradually turn into terrorists with dark personalities and paranoid understanding of the world, and delusional attempts to use their own knowledge to change the world.

At the same time, starting from the sophisticated knowledge, all the above knowledge belongs to the strategic level resources, especially the ultimate knowledge - as far as Li Aozi knows, that is the qualification that must be possessed to ascend to the gods.

Li Ozi's goal is to ascend to the divine position of the [Star Master] path, preferably to become the main god of the [Dominator] system.

At least these two seats he knew were empty.

[The Amilionko Federation has knowledge above professional level... contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, Lord Entropy, fake society, secret society... so many things gathered together, don't you think it's too coincidental? 】

Li Ozi frowned slightly. After recovering from the surprise, he immediately noticed the strangeness of this matter.

After flipping through a few pages, Li Ozi discovered that these words and writing habits did not look like the grammar of the Armilioko Federation.

After briefly flipping through it, Li Ozi was certain that this book was not local knowledge of Azure Star at all.

There were other civilizations that deliberately poured sophisticated knowledge into Amieloko.

But is there any purpose in doing so?

Li Ozi took a look at the time when the book was written: it was not long before the Esha crisis, but the Armilioko Federation itself had received knowledge assistance from the Feinisi Federation.

Based on Li Ozi's own understanding of the Ferenes Federation, the Ferenes Federation has a total of 210 civilized planets. Therefore, it has a strict knowledge control system in order to prevent civilized and unruly students from ruining their families - this This is something that happens from time to time, but other civilizations don’t value the life and death of their own people as much as the Feinisi Federation.

Therefore, this book cannot be the aid knowledge provided by Feinisi Federation.

[Esha is the mind of Lord Entropy. As soon as Amiryoko obtained the advanced knowledge, Lord Entropy broke out a thought storm and blocked the world with Esha - is this a coincidence? 】

Li Ozi narrowed his eyes.

Many people, even professionals, may not understand the strategic significance of advanced knowledge, because the learning threshold of players is too low, and even after learning it, they will not feel how difficult the knowledge is.

But as a level 300 [Star Master] with unique skills, Li Ozi happened to know an interesting thing.

[Star Master] has a school called the Black Hole School. Every skill that needs to be learned requires at least the elite level and above, and a series of knowledge can be unlocked.

Among them, the signature skill of the Black Hole School, [Doomsday Singularity], can generate several micro black holes with a mass of 400 suns, and project them out like missiles, automatically locking onto the enemy.

With this move alone, Li Ozi killed an underage Entropy Lord in his previous life - although that thing couldn't be killed, it was more akin to banishment.

Therefore, sophisticated knowledge does have the possibility of threatening Mr. Entropy.

He vaguely felt something, and thought of a possibility in his heart:

[Azure Star may have been deliberately framed. 】

This is not a horrifying thing to hear. If you use advanced knowledge properly, it is not difficult to destroy the planet. It is a real threat to the underage Entropy Lord.

[Perhaps Mr. Entropy would not wake up originally, but some sophisticated knowledge was mixed into it, which made Mr. Entropy feel threatened. 】

Li Ozi was wary, maybe the destruction of the Blue Star was not just a one-sided factor.

Alexia's unintentional act made Li Ozi realize that there is a hidden task line, which may become more difficult in the future.

Are all people in the universe necessarily kind?

Absolutely not.

There is no such thing as hatred and love without reason in this world. The principle of many civilizations is: If you are not my enemy, you may not be my friend. If you are not my friend, you may not be my enemy. Even if we were enemies before, It doesn't necessarily mean that we can't be friends now.

The universe is too big and time and space are too long, which gives civilization the opportunity to reshuffle the cards. Conflict and development are the main tone of the universe.

Who would take action against the civilization chosen by the Fernes Federation?

You must know that the Fenes Federation is not a galaxy-level civilization hanging alone in the universe. The backer behind it is the Galexi Civilization, which is a serious narrative-level civilization-Narrative No. 13 [Empire of the Heroes] Who among the franchise members dares to touch him?

Narrative-level civilization has only two enemies, one is other narrative-level civilizations, and the other is [society].

However, this scope is too broad. There are so many people who hate the civilization of Narrative No. 13 [Empire of Heroes]. Some of them hate you today, seek help from you tomorrow, and nothing will happen the day after tomorrow.

Due to the destruction of the Blue Star in their previous life, players from the Blue Star were not affected by any dark forces in the universe. They were just discriminated against because they became wandering civilizations. Most of them ended up finding a place in a galaxy-level civilization.

The collapse of civilization is like the fall of a whale. When one whale dies, all things survive. There are too many vested interest groups, and it is difficult to find them.

Li Ozi didn't want to think about the intricacies. This was not something he could consider at his level, but it did sound a warning.

He went to space ahead of schedule, which was both an opportunity and a challenge. There were many people who were secretly staring at the Blue Star with their fangs exposed under the banner of justice.

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