From star abyss

Chapter 290 147. Do you believe me when I say I am a soy sauce person?

The biggest feature of the empire is tolerance: there are no racial restrictions, no religious restrictions, and no identity restrictions. You can freely change your identity and residence in the civilization you join. As long as you identify with the empire and swear allegiance to the emperor, you can always enjoy it. to this freedom.

In his previous life, Li Ozi was a member of the "Star Falling Division" affiliated with the "Emperor of Heroes". He changed to 34 civilizations and 28 nationalities at least. This thing is quite justified by faith. If you say you are trustworthy and pass the exam, the emperor Bang will issue you an ID card.

It is through this method that the empire becomes extremely attractive to immigrants, gradually eroding the basic power of "Annihilation Temple" and "United Group".

Although Li Ozi's final destination is the "Emperor of Heroes", he is going to the Empire now - although the Empire welcomes all comers, but for space wanderers who have no civilized place of origin, forget it, go there. I was discriminated against, looked down upon everywhere, and could not use public facilities.

However, he has something like spirit maggots in his hand. The "Annihilation Temple" desires all the spirit maggots and must get them at all costs, so Li Ozi plans to go straight to the nearest "Annihilation Temple" property. The planet below.

Of course, if he kept flying like this, he would have to fly for more than ten years to reach his destination. In order to save time and avoid unnecessary trouble, Li Ozi decided to fly to a certain distance and directly teleport there via the star gate.

——The little blue star alone has attracted the secret society and the counterfeit society. Li Ozi is afraid that another society in the universe will be attracted by these two things.

Spaceflight is too dangerous, so get wet!

After landing in the universe for the first time, Li Ozi also unlocked a title of [Opening Up the Future]. The effect is to increase the [Intelligence] income by 20%. The effect of this title is a 'must hit' type, which directly overshadows [Arbitrary]. 】Effect.

Apart from allowing Li Ozi's [Intelligence] to reach 7 points, which has since increased to a terrifying 8.4 points, it is of no use to Li Ozi.

Judging by the standards of Blue Star, that is, after being promoted from undergraduate level to postgraduate level, he is still a super master with 40% of the papers being checked for plagiarism.

The attribute [Intelligence] is really useless to Li Ozi. On the one hand, he has an [arbitrary] existence, which not only increases the risk of being corrupted by society, but on the other hand, the [Intelligence] attribute does not exceed 15 points, which is almost useless for combat. Nothing helps.

If you desire deep wisdom and quick thinking, you don’t have to directly improve [Intelligence]. Sequence 59·【Profound Knowledge】and Sequence·40【Sage】, these two arcane powers can perfectly fulfill Li Ozi’s needs. .

The former can search through keywords, cross time and space, and directly view the past memories of one's own bloodline, ethnic group, and even the entire civilization.

The latter is relatively simple and can make a correct decision immediately no matter what the situation.

For Li Ozi, with [Arbitrary Action] in hand, there is basically no need to consider intelligence until he changes his job to [Pope].

Flying in the universe is very boring, boring and dangerous. Li Ozi's body keeps accelerating, and more than ten days have passed in a flash. For the players in the biochemical pool, it may only take as long as they finish a hamburger.

During this period, Li Ozi had increased his speed to 40% of the speed of light. He used the gravity of two huge stars to increase his speed to 80%, but in any case, relying on his current The body will definitely not be able to reach more than 90%.

Fortunately, this speed is enough.

Li Ozi's spirit was highly tense, and flying at sublight speed was not an easy task. As soon as he escaped from gravity, he turned on the 'abstinence' mode, allowing himself to slowly accumulate some experience.

Now his main career level is already level 60. Since the sub-career [Biochemist] is covered by personality deduction, it has no impact on his actual total level... at all.

So no matter what, he must upgrade [Mutant] to the maximum level every time before he can advance.

"It seems that we need to find a serious sub-professional [Architect] to inherit."

Having a sub-profession can still reduce a lot of promotion pressure, and at least it can provide a lot of attribute gains, and with the [arbitrary] specialty, most of the attribute gains will still be converted into [charm].

He is now on the verge of getting ready to advance to the Gamma level, but now he has another troublesome problem - he cannot complete his Gamma level mission.

The gamma-level mission of [Mutant] is simple: complete the job change.

It seems simple, but Li Ozi is still flying in the air now, and he knows where to look for the [Echoer] inheritance - turn around and go back to the Feinisi Federation to go through the extremely long procedure.

But Li Aozi really can't afford to put off that effort. The life span of the race in the Fernie Si Federation can easily be three to four hundred years. Dealing with government affairs is more time-consuming than a snail's race. They still have persecution delusions and always think of something. A very outrageous and incredible combination of things.

For example, there was once a big enemy. He returned to Feinisi from the "Empire of Heroes", but was banned from entering. The reason was that the customs suspected that he was a murder suspect in the "Empire of Heroes" and wanted to escape capture, so he came from the country. He came back from the prosperous empire, so he was refused entry and detained for a whole week.

At first glance, it seems okay, right?

——This person is the president of the Fenes Federation. He took a civilian flight back because the spaceship broke down.

The Fernies Federation often does all sorts of outrageous things, and Li Aozi estimates that given his situation, they can drag it out for two or three years.

By then, it is estimated that Devlin from Shuangzhi's side will be able to take the stage.

What's more, judging from the current situation, I have always turned on the [Master Form]. I will not be able to transform for a long time in the future, and my strength will be greatly weakened. Doing that job transfer mission is very risky.

After studying for several days, Li Ozi finally made up his mind - take the Star Gate first, and settle the identity issues of himself and the players first. The black household will not have any protection in the Star Abyss, no matter which planet the Star Gate will transmit to. Let’s settle down first.

Li Ozi was already familiar with Layer Yuan's star map by heart. After leaving the Morey galaxy where the Azure Star was located, Li Ozi immediately found a familiar route. Now he no longer had to worry about the danger of collision, just Empty your mind and fly towards your target planet with all your strength.

Li Ozi was very lucky. He was not discovered by the ships of Fei Nisi Federation along the way. This route was originally a popular route with frequent trade, and it would be blocked from time to time.

But he had been flying for so long, and no one was trying to compete with him for airspace. Li Ozi was so happy that he was so happy in the universe that he treated civilian routes as highways and crashed into them at will. The Interstellar Traffic Control Association did not even control him.

Unfortunately, Li Ozi soon discovered that his luck had run out.

After flying continuously for three months, Li Ozi discovered a problem: he was too far ahead of the version.

At this point in time, that route may not have been truly tested.

"Li Ozi, Li Ozi, guess why no one controls it?"

Li Ozi stared silently at the criss-crossed laser network in front of him. The neutron torpedoes silently erupted into deadly plumes. The fusion rays roughly tore through the starry sky, vaporizing asteroids along the way until they broke through several unmanned asteroids. The planet was deflected away by the force field shield of the opponent's fleet.

Among the thousands of missiles, small assault ships were mixed in, carrying the extraordinary people to quickly rush to the flagship of the fleet. The extraordinary people brought nuclear rifles and magic swords and forcibly landed on the flagship deck, bursting out with majestic power. , even though it was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, Li Aozi could clearly see a huge outline.

It was obvious that the probing attack spanning several light-years was over. The cold wreckage showed that the war had entered the final intense stage. The two sides began to fight in close combat. The fighting distance did not exceed 3 million kilometers. It was almost a face-to-face battle in the universe. .

Everything here shows that Li Ozi is in a battlefield between interstellar civilizations.

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