From star abyss

Chapter 292 149.Cross Fire

Crossing the war zone was not a good choice, but Li Ozi knew very well that this was definitely the most reliable choice at the moment.

It's just that he has slowed down, and it is already impossible to accelerate back to the previous peak.

Li Ozi calmed down and observed the battle situation while shuttled between the gaps where the lasers intertwined.

According to his memory, during the Battle of the Galaxy Eye, the Crystal Tower and the Night Butterfly Federation fought over the ownership of a planet "Corina". The war lasted for several centuries, which was actually not a long time in the universe. , but it is indeed rare for this kind of thing to happen between two independent civilizations.

The Crystal Tower believes that Corinna is the holy land of its own civilization. It has very rich magic resources and natural environment, which is very suitable for their magic technology. It can be said that it is directly related to their future development, so they spent a lot of money on development and excavation, and they have been concentrating on business and immigration since four hundred years ago.

The Night Butterfly Federation believes that Corina is the planet where they originated. Although they have left their homeland and developed away from home for 20,000 years, Corina is the cradle of the Night Butterfly tribe's civilization and a holy place in thought.

Twenty thousand years later, the descendants of the Night Butterfly Federation returned to this star field after returning to their hometowns. In fact, because so much time has passed, people's nostalgia for their homeland has faded a lot. They only saw the Crystal Tower governing Corinna. Everything was so orderly, and the scene of vitality and competition among all things was still before my eyes, so I immediately started thinking about it again.

The Night Butterfly Federation first carried out a large number of population migrations, purchased a large amount of real estate resources, set up some development companies on Corinna, and gradually eroded the local foundation. Later, it drove away the local people through force expulsion and suppression. Citizens of the Crystal Tower.

Since neither civilization has joined any narrative-level civilization or interstellar political organization, and both are unrecognized political powers in the universe, neither of them thought highly of anyone, nor did they think of swaying anyone, and started filming on the spot.

Attacking each other's civilian fleets is a daily routine, poisoning each other's water sources and supply points is a courtesy, sending high-level powerhouses to carry out terrorist attacks in the other's capital is countless, and even using orbital main guns to bomb gathering areas on the planet's surface. .

In the constant conflict, the hatred between the two sides gradually penetrated into the hearts of every people and became deep-rooted, even though both sides have committed countless crimes.

Whenever two civilizations join a legal interstellar organization, the leaders of both parties must be tried in military courts.

It's a pity that history cannot tolerate the ordinary. Because there is no third-party force to intervene in mediation, no one in the entire universe cares about the hatred between these two illegal civilizations. Everyone will only talk about this disgraceful battle after dinner.

However, precisely because of the special identities of these two civilizations, Li Ozi knew that both sides held some unregistered transmission nodes.

Most of these teleportation nodes were built in the ancient times by the main gods of the Star Abyss to fight against the external Destroyers. Nowadays, there are only a few that can be used. If they continue to be used, it is easy for some uncontrollable threats to appear. Normally Said, it is absolutely prohibited to use.

In the Battle of the Eye of the Galaxy, the Night Butterfly Federation and the Crystal Tower used a large number of such transmission nodes, which caused the collapse of many nodes that had been in disrepair and attracted the erosion of the power of the void. In the end, a large number of civilians suffered.

Li Ozi happened to know two nodes. He carefully reviewed the surrounding battle situation, turned his body and constantly shuttled through the battle zone.

At this time, the fatal problem of [Leoz's Armor] was exposed: although it has strong radiation protection and pressure resistance, and can provide good cosmic adaptability - but in terms of defensive performance of physical armor, it is far inferior to But a normal space ship.

Especially in a battlefield of this intensity, if a spark of dragon breath came down from the Golden Dragon Monk, he would probably send it directly.

As for turning on optical invisibility - for two interstellar civilizations, the reconnaissance of anti-optical camouflage is too much.

Therefore, Li Ozi increased his speed and rushed directly towards the golden dragon.

The Golden Dragon is the most lawful dragon among the dragons. The Night Butterfly Federation is cold and rigorous and took the lead in opening fire on him, an unknown target. However, there is a high probability that the Golden Dragon will not take action against such a small and non-dangerous individual.

The neutron torpedo behind him was chasing after him. Even if Li Ozi maneuvered through dozens of sharp angles in the air, it would have basically no effect in front of the torpedo propelled by optical radiation. The opponent would cling to his position, especially from behind. There is also a conspicuous biochemical pool, which is like a beacon in the dark night in the opponent's tracking system, clearly identifying one's own direction.

"Tsk! It's really endless—"

Li Ozi couldn't help but turn around in the air, manipulate the gravity, directly grab the wreckage of the two battleships, and fly beside him, guarding him like satellites.

【Dead link】

He acted quickly and tied the two warships together with him to share the damage and revolve around him at high speed. A fast-flying neutron torpedo was instantly intercepted by the wreckage and exploded, emitting a radiation plume like a torrential rain. But fortunately, the two warships revolved at high speed, and the centripetal force generated distorted the first batch of scattered neutron flows.

Cooperating with [Death Link] to share the damage, most of the damage was absorbed, and most of the remaining radiation was absorbed by [Leoz's Armor].

【warn! You have suffered strong radiation damage and will gain the negative status ‘Gene Damage’]

[Gene damage]:

Effect ①——While in this state, you will lose the ability to use one arcane power every 20 minutes, starting with dominating arcana, and finally temporarily suspending the use of core arcana until you get rid of this state.

Effect ②——Conduct a [Physique] test every ten minutes. If the test fails, 10% of the maximum health will be deducted. Within 20 natural years, your reproductive function will be damaged and you will be unable to give birth to normal offspring.

Effect ③——Reduce the current maximum health by 1.5% every second.

【warn! In a strong radiation field! 】

Li Ozi quickly got rid of the two satellites that were full of neutron radiation, and the use of the [Eternal Blood] in the superpower pod was prohibited.

"Damn it! You actually banned Nomi's arcana right from the start!"

The kinetic energy of the explosion knocked down Li Ozi's speed. Li Ozi completely gave up on fighting the remaining neutron torpedo, because there were still magic beams scattered around him, and the hit rate of magic was lower than that of weapons on the technological side. Too much, he didn't want to become a victim and flew in the direction of the golden dragon.

The Golden Dragon Monk immediately noticed another movement around him. He slapped away a swordsman who was approaching him and glanced up at Li Ozi.

[You are subject to [Dragon Gaze]. Since your race is not a dragon-born creature, a test against [Will] will be made next. 】

[[Feat·Arbitrary] Activate! The judgment item this time will be changed to [Charm]]

[Verification passed! Your [Charm] is higher than the minimum requirement (100 points)]

[Tip: Due to the opponent's specialty [Guardian of Four Spirits], when you accept the judgment, the test will be repeated four times. 】

[Tip: Due to the opponent's specialty [Transcendental Incarnation], you have to make another [Physique] test. 】

[[Feat·Arbitrary] Activate! The judgment item this time will be changed to [Charm]]

[Verification passed! Your [Charm] is higher than the minimum requirement (100 points)]

[Tip: Due to the opponent's specialty [Guardian of Four Spirits], when you withstand the judgment, the test will be repeated four times. 】

——At that moment, more than 20 will determinations popped up in front of Li Aozi. Each attribute was tested once, followed by height, race, good and evil, faith, and nationality.

In just a short moment, the cells in Li Aozi's body almost overheated and shut down due to the repeated tests. A large amount of information poured into the nerves.

For this kind of thing, Li Aozi is not surprised. With [Arbitrary] and his insistence on specializing and adding points, when encountering a judgment project, as long as it is not an extremely rare case like the hidden society, there is basically no need to worry about the judgment failing. .

The Golden Dragon Monk hesitated for a moment, as if he was considering whether Li Ozi was a threat. After all, we are on the battlefield at this moment, and everyone has only one life. No one wants to lose his or her comrades' lives because of a moment of negligence or a woman's kindness.

[Tip: Your skill [Halo of Goodwill] has taken effect]

[Before you show an attacking posture, ‘Archie Duken Monser’ will not take the initiative to attack you]

Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of the Golden Dragon Monk, Li Ozi quickly accelerated. No sound could be transmitted in a vacuum, and he did not have psychic powers. Instead of communicating, it was better to take the opportunity to leave.

【King's Car Castling】

Li Ozi separated from the phantom and immediately threw out a phantom, deceiving the neutron torpedo. The phantom fled in the opposite direction with him, but it did not inherit Li Ozi's initial speed. The judgment system on board saw through it at a glance, and he chased him for only a few hundred kilometers, immediately turned around and chased him.

But it was enough to get rid of on its own.

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