From star abyss

Chapter 295 001. Magical Movement

Crystal Tower Civilization, White Candle Star, a ruin somewhere.

Li Ozi took out a dose of healing potion from the biochemical pool, which stopped the blood deduction effect of genetic damage. Then he dragged the biochemical pool into the forest with ease and used branches to camouflage it and hide it.

This ruins will become his outpost to connect with the stars in the future. There is still a war going on at the moment. This node can be used for smuggling and dumping goods.

As we all know, all methods of making money are written in the criminal law. Li Ozi has already planned his own plan. The Crystal Tower and the Night Butterfly Federation are civilizations that have not connected with the interstellar. This means that other narrative-level products can It becomes an expensive existence here. On the contrary, the unique local products of these two civilizations can also be sold at high prices in the universe.

Being a second-rate dealer makes money from the price difference, and you can avoid paying expensive tariffs to the two civilizations. It is difficult not to make money.

The problem of making money is easy to talk about, but Li Aozzi's real problem now is his identity.

Players were told by Li Ozi in advance that interstellar travel would be very long and it would take a long time to go online. Before then, no one would be able to solve the problems facing Li Ozi.

Yawen's situation is not stable, and her strength is not strong. Li Ozi does not intend to use her, so he will let her be a mascot by his side, as if she is on vacation on an alien planet.

Li Ozi built a tent for her, and Yawen stayed here without saying a word.

Next, it’s time for Li Ozi to consider his own problems.

The first thing to solve is your own black account problem.

If players are online, it can be said that White Candle Star is a teaching planet, which means that almost all resources are used to invest in teaching and serving teaching.

If Li Ozi has dozens of people under him, he can directly find a labor dispatch company and say that he is a country bumpkin who comes to work for the teaching staff of the magic academy. After working for three months, he can rent a cheap house and get a job. Visas and proof of identity.

In this way, with the proof of origin of the interstellar civilization, if you go to the narrative-level civilization, your origin can be easily explained, and there will no longer be the risk of the Feinisi Federation discovering that you were smuggled out of the Blue Star. According to Li Ozi’s experience , it only takes one year to obtain the first-level citizenship of [Qunying Empire].

However, this body is genetically damaged and all arcane powers have been banned, making it even more difficult to find a suitable identity and job.

The Crystal Tower is a civilization that attaches great importance to bloodline. To be precise, they do not value national bloodline, but your personal magical aptitude brought by bloodline. If you want to work in a magic academy, you must at least be a person with magic qualifications.

Players have powerful player templates and can transfer to any profession, but it is very unfriendly to Li Aozi - his genes have been modified in a messy way, and when the time comes for the entrance test, his identity will be directly changed. Exposed and then disposed of as biological weapons.

Therefore, Li Ozi must find a body with suitable magical qualifications. If the qualifications are better, he might be able to enter a higher education institution.

If you can't get the [Architect], you should first get the [Magician] profession. It will also have a very powerful bonus when you are promoted to [Starfall Master] in the future.

As the saying goes: How can a living person die of thirst?

Li Ozi initially planned to assemble a magic breeding suit for himself by hunting and collecting magic materials, but he soon discovered that his idea was too naive. Even Ms. N4 faced the problem of never understanding the nature and structure of the equipment. I don't dare to say that I can definitely use the magic materials.

After several failures, Li Ozi did not dare to try again. Enough time had been wasted. He was alone and did not dare to run around without arcana.

When he was picking materials, he had already felt the pressure of powerful beasts several times. Some of the footprints and feces with strong elemental aura were enough to show how terrifying the predators were.

However, Li Ozi knew very well that there were divine creations from the ancient times here at the ruins, and the local beasts were inherently afraid of those ancient miracles.

After all, this is a planet of interstellar civilization. Not to mention that there must be strong men of Kappa level (Κ, the tenth Greek letter) sitting here. I am not at the level of Gamma level, so I can only be regarded as a person here. cheap labor. It's really inappropriate to join in the fun.

It is estimated that it will take another two months for the players to go online. They will have to work hard for a long time before they can get some sleep. Li Ozi does not want to wait. Although he can receive the experience and proficiency of renting arcana every month, But he doesn't want to live on subsistence allowances.

Li Ozi recalled the map and mission plot of White Candle Star, and suddenly had an idea.

"My location should be Ruin No. 10-98-1 of White Candle Star. There are some local creatures around level 120 nearby, and there are some villages close to this ruins."

White Candle Star is a purely educational planet, so there must be a gathering place for the service workforce. Those migrant workers who have built villages and cities in the local area have been influenced by magic for a long time. There may not be some workers who just meet the standards of spell casters. Descendants.

After tossing around the ruins for a few days, Li Ozi decided to go out and try his luck.

"Are you leaving me?"

Yawen sat on the fallen tree, with her head hanging down, but her tone was matter-of-fact:

"Yeah, after all, I can't do anything, I'm not lovable, and now my appearance has become very strange..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Li Ozi quickly stopped: "If this continues, I'm afraid it's not you who's depressed, but me - Miss Yawen, I didn't leave you because I hated you - if I had gone to college. , you are here to take care of the arrivals I have brought, I will be of great use when I return."

"You mean, I'm useful to you?"

Yawen raised her head, and her eyes full of cobwebs suddenly lit up:

"I mean something...right?"

"Yes." Li Ozi said smoothly, "You mean a lot to me."

Yawen's pale cheeks turned slightly red. She turned her head, tightly held her cloak to cover her face, turned around and walked away quickly:

"I'm going to build a house and make it nice. I will take care of them when the time comes."

"Then thank you for your hard work."

Li Ozi breathed a sigh of relief. Yawen denied her own personality to such an extreme, I'm afraid her mental illness was already very serious.

The more severely psychologically traumatized a person is, the less likely she is to be left idle, otherwise she will think wildly, and the more she thinks about it, the sadder she becomes, and the vicious cycle will only hurt herself in the end.

"Lee Oz."

Yawen just picked up a piece of wood, and suddenly turned her head and looked at herself.

"Hmm?" Li Ozi looked into her cobweb-covered eyes: "What's wrong?"

"...Will you come back to see me during school time?"

Yawen lowered her head and looked at her toes:

"It's not just to see me come back, that's okay... I'm afraid something will happen to you, if you get hurt, or if you're alone in a foreign country, you feel lonely..."


Li Ozi raised his hand and flicked her head


Yawen subconsciously covered her forehead and looked at Li Ozi in confusion:

"Why hit-"

"What are you worried about me doing? I am immortal." Li Ozi joked: "Just take good care of yourself and don't cause any problems with yourself - no matter what, you must ensure the safety of your life. Live well and don't die in some obscure place where I can't find you."

Li Ozi repeated what he said to her last time and emphasized:

"The fact that you can live well is the best blessing you can give me."

"I..." Yawen lowered her head and twisted her feet: "I have done something very sorry for the world, and I am hated by the whole world, but you don't hate me, Li Ozi... Whatever you want me to do, I will do it. listen."

"What you said is wrong. You not only live for me, you live for yourself and your mission."

Li Ozi stretched out his hands and held her cheeks. His gray eyes met each other's strange cobweb-covered eyes. At this moment, they only had each other in their eyes:

"Yarwen, I don't know why you became like this. Maybe, during this period, you experienced pain that I can't understand - I am not a person who has experienced this personally, and I am not qualified to point fingers, but I want to say The most important thing is: your existence is not meaningless, nor does it mean that you have to die just because others hate you."


"There are many things in this world that make people doubt their significance as soon as they are born. For example, speaker crickets, alpacas, and sunfish—such weak things, their existence will only make people doubt their meaning. I wonder if the Creator has a brain convulsion. People have clearly invented language, but they still use expressions to express themselves. They know that novels are fake and so are video games, but they are willing to accept those fictional storylines. .”

Li Ozi pulled Yawen's thin face and said:

"Speak of 'As long as you say what you say, I will do it' - you look down on yourself too much. You are an independent woman. Don't think about selling your innate freedom. Even if you don't mean anything to the whole world With a little contribution, you will be unique as 'Yarwen' and the only miracle in the world."

Li Ozi said:

"And you, Yawen, your existence is like a miracle to the world. You are a comet that streaked across the night sky tens of thousands of years ago. There are billions of stars in the universe, but there are only a few. A civilization. When you travel across the universe, most people can’t see you.”


Yawen couldn't help laughing. She covered her lips with the back of her hand and whispered:

"That makes me feel even more pitiful... Most people can't see the existence of comets."

"Yes, just because most people can't see it, those civilizations who saw the comet felt that it was very extraordinary. They made wishes to you and recorded your description, even if there were only a few cases. But it also became a remembrance. The view of a lifetime.”

Li Ozi patted her shoulder gently:

"Fortunately, I have witnessed you, your parents, relatives and friends. They will remember you. How can you say that you are meaningless? As long as you keep moving forward, more people will remember you and know you. , get to know you - maybe life has no meaning in the first place, but as you walk, you will find the meaning of existence."

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