From star abyss

Chapter 304 010. Villager: This guy wasn’t so bad before, was he?

Li Ozi was quite satisfied with the results of his trip. He spent less than 40 minutes in total, even close to 35 minutes. This level, coupled with his current level, would have broken the world record in his previous life.

For players, speedrunning on the evil path will cause them to lose a lot of game experience and miss important plot points. However, Li Ozi has experienced enough complex and monotonous ring running tasks in his previous life and does not want to waste time.

He has a lot of seemingly useless but valuable things in his hands. As long as he reaches the narrative level civilization, he can immediately turn waste into treasure, his wealth will skyrocket, and his status will be guaranteed.

Without fame and fortune, no problem can be solved.

For Li Ozi, who has been in more than a dozen versions of Xingyuan, he is very familiar with Layer Abyss.

To solve the problem of the Blue Star, Li Ozi’s first consideration was not the Galexi civilization—most of the civilizations that joined the [Empire of Heroes] had an arrogant and easy-going mentality. If they were to be invited over, Li Ozi estimated that the empire would Bang can also blow up the Blue Star once.

In fact, [Annihilation Temple] is a good helper. The temple has a strong religious atmosphere and the people are more sensitive. As long as their reputation is better, they should be happy to help. But the problem is that Azure Star is not at all within the influence circle of the temple. On the contrary, it is very close to the Empire.

On the one hand, the two places are too far apart. Li Aozi probably sold himself and it was not enough for his travel expenses.

On the other hand, a narrative-level civilization goes near another narrative-level civilization with military weapons - what do you want to do? What is your purpose for doing this? Who told you to do this?

As for the [United Group], the price will be more expensive, but the service is the most reliable. The people in the group have no sense of honor or reason at all. They only care about benefits.

If you want to safely eradicate the problem of Lord Entropy, you must transcend galactic civilization and directly contact the top narrative level. Otherwise, the people below will only think about blowing up the planet. The narrative level has a great cause and has room for thinking and maneuvering.

What's more, when it comes to secret society and fake society, narrative-level civilization will pay more attention to it.

However, two conditions are essential for contacting the three narrative-level civilizations:

First of all, he must be an interstellar citizen before he can enter the narrative-level civilization.

Then, he must have money, a lot of money, and it cannot be the currency of ordinary civilization, it must be the cosmic currency ‘ammonium gold’.

Li Ozi has mastered a large number of transmission nodes. Taken together, smuggling is the easiest way for him to make money quickly. It is low-cost and efficient. He does not pay taxes and can earn as much as he does. The silver bracelet is just right and the punishment is very high.

Li Ozi thought about his future trade network and raised his [Elemental Warlock] to level 60, and his [Intelligence] increased to 84 points.

According to the Tanasian's talent [Spell Qualification] and [Intelligence] every 50 points, he can designate any series of magic as his 'specialization project'.

Li Ozi opened the specialization project panel. Currently, there are not many spell systems for him to choose from. There are only three, namely: [Elemental Magic], [Primitive Magic] and [Universal Magic].

Elemental magic is in the popular sense those fireballs, ice cones, wind blades, ground stabs, etc., which are very lethal. However, for Li Ozi, choosing [Elemental Magic] to specialize is of little significance. The damage of elemental magic in the early stage is very high. It's enough, but it's too weak in the later stage. Sooner or later, he will remove the [Elemental Warlock] profession.

[Primitive Magic] is some older or rough magic. They are simple to cast, and some can even produce magic reactions by using casting materials to replace their own magic power consumption. They are more like physical chemistry than magic.

Regarding [Primitive Magic], Li Ozi is quite familiar with it. After the [Super Dimension Law] is activated in the later stage of this spell, it is a classic one-man army, and a steady stream of armies are summoned from various timelines, which is extremely rogue.

But Li Ozi doesn't need this. Most of the knowledge in [Primitive Magic] has no bonus to [Starfall Master].

This body was something Li Ozi planned to continue cultivating and obtain a sub-profession, so he directly assigned the specialization project to [General Magic].

At first glance, [Universal Magic] does not sound very powerful. In fact, its status and research direction are more similar to "Applied Mathematics", which is a very basic theoretical subject. Not only [Magicians], but also [Fine Arts] and even all spell casters must continue to study and study general magic for a long time.

[Item: [Universal Magic]——Specialized]

[When learning [general] magic knowledge, you will gain 180% learning speed, and when releasing spells of this type, mana loss will be reduced by 8%. 】

After the distribution was completed, Li Ozi immediately walked towards the small elemental tree. He lowered his head, pulled out a white wax stone from the corner, and skillfully carved a line of runes on the ground.

The small elemental tree trembled its branches and leaves slightly, and then ripples appeared in the space in front of Li Aozi.

Li Ozi stepped into the ripples of space, and the next moment, the cold moonlight fell on him.

Lowering his head, Li Ozi saw the cave he had dug before. The overturned soil piled up into a mountain and slowly collapsed.

He returned to the entrance to the ruins.

The teleportation spell was also in the control of the small elemental tree. Li Ozi put away the ash stone. It was a very important prop. Without the runes written on it, the teleportation ripples to the small tree could not be opened.

"To a certain extent, does this count as having a space ring?"

Li Ozi muttered, turned around and started filling in the holes.

He had to fill up these mud caves completely, otherwise sooner or later someone from White Candle Star would notice his actions.

They may not care about the matter of taking the body, but if Li Ozi excavates the ruins, even if he hides in the ends of the earth, White Candle Star's magic police will come after him.

Since he didn't have any handy tools, Li Aozi had to use brute force to fill in the hole with his bare hands. He waited until dawn before filling up the big hole. He also spread thick bark on the ground and transplanted weeds to make sure it was solid. , Li Ozi breathed a sigh of relief.

Digging a hole is fun for a while, but filling it is a crematorium.

Li Ozi sighed deeply in his heart.

——I’ll dig it next time!

"Phew! It's getting late. The sun is about to come out. It's time to go back to the village."

Li Ozi hurried back to the village, hitting a small fox-like beast on the way to explain the dirt and injuries on his body after he stayed out all night.

When he returned to the village, people were already working on the field ridge. A fat dog passed by the street, wandering leisurely and shaking, feeling very proud.

The pale golden sunshine falls on the fields, dispersing the morning fog and rendering everything slightly red and white. The morning dew drops fall on the soil, and the moist air brings the unique smell of the soil, making people feel Feeling relaxed and happy.

If it weren't for those magical facilities and the birds flying around and spraying pesticides in the sky, this scene would be no different from the farmland in Li Ozi's impression.

Li Ozi stared at this peaceful pastoral scenery for a long time, and then realized that he had not seen the sun for half a year, and had not felt the warmth of spring and summer.

"It's so peaceful..."

He was used to seeing the evil red and black sky of the Azure Star, as well as the precise and rigorous greenhouse farm, the real sun and rain, which made his heart waver slightly. For a moment, he seemed to have an indescribable throbbing.

——I have traveled through time for half a year.

He couldn't help but be reminded of this fact.

Sometimes he still maintains the same style as when he was a player. After all, thinking and habits are so easy to change, but such a beautiful and clear world is really touching.

He stopped quietly on the hill, looking up at this strange but friendly land, where young and old men worked at sunrise and rested at sunset. That simple image reminded Li Ozi of many people, many people he had met in the game and outside the game.

Li Ozi is a little unclear whether this is the world of the game or the game of the world. It was because of an accident that his body was digitized and he entered the game, and even went back to before version 1.0.

Or is this all just a dream? When he wakes up from the dream, he will turn back into the powerful [Starfall Master] in the game and the unique talent of the Star Abyss. In reality, he is busy with life and sacrifices all his leisure life. Internet anchor.

However, whether it is true or false, maybe these are not important.

He stretched out his hand and felt the abundant magic in the air. His elemental pool was completely filled with various elements, and his body felt extremely light and comfortable.

The beauty of this moment is so real.

He likes this new life.

Just when Li Ozi was slightly shocked by the pastoral scenery, he suddenly remembered his previous bully character.

So he walked forward. When the plump dog saw Li Aozi, he was immediately attracted by his powerful [charm]. It swayed its little tail, stuck out its tongue, and raised its head cutely, as if looking for Li Aozi. Oz touched it.


Li Ozi flew up and kicked the puppy into the ditch next to him.

"Where did the dog come from? Fuck you!"

Ouch! Wuwuwu——

The whining of a fat dog came from the ditch. Li Aozi didn't take it seriously and headed straight to the village market with the fox he had hunted casually.

The population of Lanju Village is not large, but the morning market is still very lively. The aunt shouts, "Jinggao costs 12 dinahs per catty, and 30 dinas for three catties." She pushes her trolley past every house, selling a kind of hot steam everywhere. A steaming rice cake of some kind.

The bard in the tavern seemed to have overslept, so he asked the vendor for a pot of hot milk wine, and casually showed his information rune without negotiating the price. He transferred the money directly, took a bite of the apple pie, and took a sip from the kettle. Hot milk, hurry and hurry to the pub, it seems that you will be late.

Li Aozi arrived late, and the indoor stalls were already full. Those selling breakfast, killing fish, selling ores and selling weapons were all crowded together. This vividly explained what it meant to rub shoulders and rub shoulders. Li Aozi subconsciously wanted to go out. But then I immediately realized my character.

[Playing the role of a bully is also part of the plan. 】

Li Ozi warned himself carefully and swaggered into the crowd. After scanning around, he immediately saw a familiar black-haired young man - Luther Kling, who had been bullied by Leo before.

This young man, Li Ozi, has also paid attention to him. He has bright eyes, bright eyes, rich emotions, not bad intelligence, articulate, obviously good potential, and very handsome appearance. He is a good prospect.

However, because both his parents were still alive, Li Ozi finally gave up the fight for his body.

Early in the morning, Luther ran out to set up a stall to make money. His stall was not big and he sold some simple herbs and materials. Lanju Village was not very modern and did not have an alchemy workshop. Basically, household medicines were Use local materials and prepare them according to local customs.

However, Luther's business today was unexpectedly good. He came early and quickly sold two Solma legion, purple orchid parasitism, snakeweed, and several bottles of nutmeg powder, which he put on display for a while. , he can earn back the money he spent on studying in the city.

Luther's knowledge level is good. Some people don't want to buy medicine, but just come to ask questions, which also touches his personal aura. Because he makes good money, Luther's service attitude is also very good.

"Aunt Zolica, if you want to treat a headache, you can't sell Rowell grass. It will cause insomnia. I'm telling you, don't take herbal medicine. Go directly to the pharmacy to buy pills. You can buy them for only 40 dinas. A hundred pieces."

"Oh, Uncle Kurit, the cold is different from the cold. How can you buy this? You'd better buy hemp roots and drink them together with wine."

"Jenny, what are you doing here? I don't want to fall in love now, I just want to concentrate on reading and studying."

Luther was talking and laughing, treating every customer who came here with gentleness and enthusiasm. Although his stall was small, there were quite a few people gathered there. People asked him questions and some were affectionate towards him. The girl took the initiative to come over to show her courtesy, which made him a little distressed.

For example, the healthy girl with flaxen hair and wheat-colored skin in front of her brought a basket of freshly baked bread, eggs and milk. When Luther said this to her, she immediately looked embarrassed.

"Yes, it's not the right time for me to come... I'll come back later?"

"Okay, see you later." Luther nodded.


Who knew that Jenny's face immediately changed, she stamped her feet, pouted her little mouth, looked at Luther pitifully with her eyes, and said aggrievedly:

"Do you hate me so much? I was afraid that you would be hungry and would not be energetic when you went to study later, and you didn't even wash your face, so I came to bring you breakfast, but you thought I was troublesome and wanted to drive me away."

"No, Jenny, I know you are good to me, but we should think clearly. Our most important task now is to study..."

"Study, study can't accompany you for the rest of your life. If you find a wife and have a few children, they can accompany you through your old age."

A straight man like Luther is not good at dealing with girls at all. He keeps stepping on minefields, making the surrounding villagers laugh. In a place where entertainment methods are scarce, watching this kind of rural love story is the perfect entertainment. .

"Look, don't be like Luther and always reason with the girl above. At this time, you have to coax and put yourself in the other person's shoes and think more about what the other person thinks."

"That's right, Luther, can you do that? The same goes for Jenny. Can you play? When my grandma was in love, she pressed my grandpa against the wall and pouted for several hours, and she convinced him to kiss him. .”

Under the ridicule of everyone, the young couple here quickly started to argue and explain themselves, when a tall figure slowly squeezed in.


When the tall man came to the stall, Luther turned his head and his expression froze:



"Get up! Who allowed you to look directly at me?"

Li Ozi rolled up his stall and threw it out. He also picked up Luther and threw him out.

Then, he generously placed the fox on the ground and sat down cross-legged:

"This place belongs to me. It's 250 dinas for the fox. If you're interested, come and buy it. No bargaining."

After that, he glared at the people around him and said kindly:

"Why are you still dazed? It's my first time doing business. I hope you won't be disrespectful, hand over your money and risk your life to buy it. Thank you."

After saying that, Li Aozi showed a cruel smile, and the aura cultivated by the long-term killing and fighting unconsciously spread a little.

The villagers quietly took a few steps back and whispered among themselves:

‘Leo… this kid hasn’t been so bad before, has he? ’

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