From star abyss

Chapter 308 014. Going all the way

"Should I say it's because of my change of body? My mentality has become that of a young man."

Li Ozi turned his head. 'Leo' was alone, but no one came to see him off. He directly carried his backpack, boarded the flying carpet, and found a seat to sit down.

The public flying carpet was a long-distance flight, and it only passed through Lanju Village. A lot of candidates came from several nearby villages. After flying for a few stops, the flying carpet was completely crowded.

People in Lanju Village were all sitting together. Because Li Aozi was always "charity-loving and of good conduct," there was no fellow from the same village sitting next to Li Aozi.

However, the acquaintances did not come, but the candidates from other villages sat in a circle around Li Aozi and even took the initiative to chat with him.

"Hey, little brother, are you the only one in your village to take the exam?" A young man with blue hair saw Li Ozi sitting alone reading a book. He immediately came over and stretched out his hand in a friendly way: "My name is Kadelfi. Endal, I’m the only one taking the exam this time in the whole town, how about we get to know each other, and I’ll have someone to look after me more or less on the way.”

"Oh, I'm Li Ozi." Li Ozi subconsciously spoke. Then he realized that he had revealed his secret, so he explained: "'s just because I don't like to socialize with others."

"Leozi? Leoz, that's a good name." Kadelphi sat down opposite Li Ozi, took out a bag of dried fruits, and started chatting with Li Ozi:

"Do you know what the name 'Leotz' means?"

Seeing that the other party had misunderstood, Li Aozi simply ignored the mistake and continued:

"Leoz—the [God of Reality] in myths and legends, the brave man who resisted the invading monsters. My name is still very common."

"Yes, you have the same name as a god and a great man - eh, by the way, what kind of experience is this?" Kadelfi was not idle for a moment, eating and chatting at the same time, and Li Ozi also Happy leisure.

"Nothing special. Noah, Arthur, David, Caesar, Vladimir—these names are all rubbish."

Li Ozi explained:

"Everyone will rush to get a good name. When more people get it, it will naturally lose its mystery and divinity. This is disenchantment - in fact, maybe 'Leoz' doesn't have a great meaning. At first, there were some people named Leos who were not famous, but later, there was a celebrity named 'Leo's,' so people with the same name became more special."

"Well, what you said makes sense. What is great is not the name, but the person, right?"

"That's probably it." Li Ozi replied: "Leozi itself may be just a common name, but because one 'Leozi' is famous, other 'Leozi' will be thought of as theirs. With the same name, they must have similar characteristics."

"Is there actually no result?" Kadelfi asked disappointedly: "I thought there would be some connection."

"The name is just a code name, nothing more. The code name will always be repeated. What is unique is the soul and behavior." Li Ozi said easily: "I can be called any name, but what kind of person I become depends on me. Did something."

"If you can say something like this, you seem to have read a lot."

There were people nearby who were attracted by Li Ozi's speech. Perhaps it was because of Li Ozi's unique concept, or perhaps because he was attracted by his [charm], more and more people chose to join here.

Slowly, Li Ozi found that the name "Leozi" that he had predicted was completely accepted by people.

After two weeks of studying crazily day and night, the strong and bad aura of a ruffian and gangster on this body faded away, and instead it added some of the bookish atmosphere of a student.

Coupled with the love and favor of the whole world, 'Leo''s image has also changed a bit. Even the candidates who were born in the same village did not feel anything unusual - Li Ozi would go out and show his face every day when he had nothing to do, and slowly corrected and changed Next, I accepted these changes subconsciously.

Before departure, Li Ozi also specially packed his outfit, went to the barber shop, trimmed his messy blond hair, and shaved off his stubble.

Favored by the whole world, his face is constantly adapting to changes. It has changed from the brutal and ugly look that 'Leo' dealt with casually in the beginning, to a rough and tough face, and his facial features have become straight, sharp-edged, and quite handsome. Some wild beauty. With green eyes, golden hair, and a tall and strong body, it is easy to think of a lion in the wilderness.

Even though [Intelligence] has been greatly improved, [Charisma] is still his main attribute. Li Ozi's attraction to ordinary people is very strong. It didn't take long for the candidates from several neighboring villages to become familiar with him. No one treated him as an outsider, he talked and laughed, and he didn't shy away from anything.

Most of the candidates took the exam several times, while some took the exam with luck and all-or-nothing, and some even took the exam naked. They were young people who couldn't stand the nagging of their parents.

The environment of the public flying carpet is very suitable for people to gather together and chat in a circle. This is also in line with the cultural tradition of the Tanas people. Even strangers will bring out food and tea to entertain and chat together in public places. Pick up something to do and have a great time on the road.

This place is a place where the community is afraid of exploding on the spot and the community cow immediately ascends to the sky. Li Ozi's character is naturally not afraid of this. Chatting with others also facilitates him to collect information.

"I heard that the fourth-year students at White Candle Star's highest school, Crystal Magic Academy, have already gone to work in space." Someone suddenly talked about the universe, and many people joined in.

"Really? I'm so envious. My hometown only has rhinoceros and rice. I heard that in the universe they can use high-energy rays to grow special crops. There are also magicians who are lucky enough to sign a contract with the giant beast in the starry sky. In a few years Traveling between galaxies is smooth.”

"Ahaha, I won't go to the universe. As long as no one like us can find a well-matched female mage to marry and then settle down in the city, I will be a senior employee of the workshop and she will be a primary school teacher. Already contented."

"That's right. I also want to be a petty official or something. It would be great if I could help improve the environment of my hometown and build a magic tower for them, so that many unemployed people can come to work in my place."

Most people's ideas are very simple. Even if they are all at the gamma level, they still have the simple thoughts of ordinary people. When Li Ozi heard them say this, he unexpectedly discovered that their demands seemed to be similar to those of most of the blue people. The stars are not much different.

The grassroots people everywhere seem to be the same.

"I want to join the army!" Kadelfi suddenly said: "Corinna - on that planet that is fought over by the Night Butterfly Federation and the Crystal Tower, there are still our compatriots. The Night Butterfly people are against our compatriots. The bombing and killing is still going on."

When he said this, his eyes were full of fighting spirit: "War is the only thing we can do. I became a magician just to serve in the army, save our compatriots, and protect our hometown."

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