From star abyss

Chapter 313 019. Recognize the reality

Snap, snap, snap—

Li Aozi stepped into the examination room step by step, sat down in his seat, and entered the candidate number without saying a word.

Luther couldn't help but laugh when he saw 'Leo' arriving so late. Realizing that he was losing his temper, he quickly covered his face. When he found that 'Leo' didn't look this way at all, he breathed a sigh of relief.

‘This guy, I heard from others, found out that he had not awakened his spiritual power during the test, and he was so uncomfortable that he cried. Right, it's really embarrassing to awaken your spiritual power for the first time at such an old age. ’

But this is normal. After all, not everyone is qualified to be a magician.

Luther glanced at his newly issued qualification certificate:

First Class Magic Sense—Excellent

Mental fluctuation - good

Imagination – good

Spatial awareness - good

Logical thinking ability - good

Elemental Affinity - Good

"One is excellent, five is good - it is stronger than last time. The magic vein cultivating solution I spent a lot of money to buy is really effective. With such a talent, even if the written test score is a little worse, there will be universities willing to lower the score for admission. .”

On the other hand, looking at 'Leo', that guy is sitting there with an expressionless expression, and his expression is indifferent. It is obvious that he was mentally disturbed due to the awakening of his spiritual power.

Seeing the taciturn and tortured look of 'Leo', Luther felt much more comfortable now:

"Ugh! Leo, that guy is indeed a King Kong gorilla with well-developed limbs and a simple mind."

Luther was full of confidence. He had made complete preparations for this exam. With his qualifications, the score he expected to achieve could be lower.

Then came the long certification process. He sat in his seat the whole time, and the candidates around him took their seats one after another, and each was placed under strict physical and magical double shielding.

A full five minutes passed before the screen in front of Li Aozi showed that the certification was completed, and a page of candidate information appeared.

【Name】: Leoz

【Sex: Male

[Candidate Number]: ZX120094

[Elective courses]: "Magic Knowledge", "Basic World View";

[Remaining time today]: 7 hours, 59 minutes and 56 seconds

[Do you want to start answering the question? 】

"Today's exam is about to begin. Candidates please check whether their personal information is correct."

He raised his hand and tapped the screen.

[Start answering the questions: Please answer the questions in the specified area of ​​​​the exam, and the remaining parts will be considered invalid]

His blue-green eyes reflected the densely packed course topics. Apart from a calculator and acting paper, there was no other help at hand.

All the candidates began to immerse themselves in answering the questions. Although the answering screens between each other were isolated by physical and magical means, you could still catch a glimpse of people lowering their heads and concentrating on calculations and thinking.

Luther writes quickly, and he calculates very quickly. From the very beginning, it is what he is best at.

This is the moment that determines the fate of his life. No matter how good his talent and qualifications are, he cannot meet the requirements of the written examination, and there is no way to truly achieve a leap.

"I want to win, I must win! As long as I become a mage, no one will bully me anymore. A bastard like Leo only deserves to stay in the country and be an idle pauper all his life."

In his eyes, he has high fighting spirit, the bullying from 'Leo' in the past, his parents' aging bodies, and the girls who support him, who have deep expectations for him.

‘I can’t lose! ’

Luther's will is strong, he has become more alert and cautious, and every question must be carefully calculated and checked.

‘Huh, my hands are feeling hot today. By the end of the day, I will be able to finish at least 400 questions. ’

He took a moment to glance at 'Leo' and immediately sneered.

Leo, this guy is staring at the screen in a daze.

It is neither calculation nor reasoning, but turning over page by page and reading all the questions.

‘Are you dumbfounded? This is the magic qualification exam! The biggest exam in all civilizations. Want to take the test naked? It's damn good to die. It's not your turn to go ashore! ’

Luther felt happy in his heart, and then began to concentrate on solving the questions.


His fingers swept across the screen, presenting the contents of the last page to Leoz.

At this point, all questions have been entered.

Leoz said nothing. He raised his hand, pushed the paper and calculator away, then raised his hand and clicked on the screen.

Black and white spirals lit up in his eyes, and the topics in front of him changed rapidly.

[Sequence 3·Paradox]

Give the question answer properties: hidden and public.

The ABCD options of objective questions automatically turn red, and the key information of reading comprehension becomes highlighted. Experimental questions automatically display standard steps, and subjective essay questions display score points and standard template text.

The teacher who invigilated the exam walked past Leoz and glanced at Leoz's filled-in, red-colored paper, but he wasn't surprised at all.

In the eyes of the invigilator, there was nothing wrong with Leoz's screen. There was absolutely no eye-catching red mark in the picture reflected in his eyes.

Leos said nothing and scratched his finger on the exam paper again.

Give the fill-in-the-blank area properties: blank and filled.

The next moment, the words on the examination paper appeared neatly.

There are 3,500 objective questions. The answers originally highlighted in red are like cold iron after quenching, dim and solid. Every correct answer has been selected.

The 600 subjective questions are completely based on the most standard answer templates and standard answers, and are automatically displayed in cold and concise text.

There are 12 experimental questions, and each procedural step is carried out strictly according to the actual operation, and there is no area beyond conventional understanding.

As for the 10,000-word essay, he will follow the basic answer template. He only needs to combine his language habits and writing style, add a few strokes at will, throw out a violent argument at the beginning to attract attention, and slowly support it in the middle. Repeatedly mention the topic, point out the main idea of ​​the article, and finally fill in the words of the article by talking back and forth with some famous quotes.

The roll was cold and impersonal, but there was nothing wrong with it either.

Even if it is a machine, it will incorporate and mix human habits and emotions in the learning process. The words of mechanical intelligence are not perfect, but they are also learned by combining human thoughts and emotions.

However, Leoz's paper did not.

The coldness makes the dead numb, and the simplicity puts machines to shame.

Even the articles with the highest repetition rate do not have a trace of human concern. Those fiery words, mottos that look forward to the future, and words that suggest beautiful things, under Leoz's combination, are like codes, without any lively atmosphere. .

But he knew that such a paper would be absolutely correct.

It perfectly caters to the intelligent magic spirit judgment mechanism, without writing a single superfluous word.

[You have completed all the test content. Do you want to submit the test paper? 】

[Submission is successful, please wait where you are, the results will be released soon. 】

Luther wrote hard. If he had divine help today, he could solve sixteen questions in just five minutes!

If this continues, he is very likely to be able to complete 700 or even 800 objective questions today!

"That's great. I'm the only one who got kissed by Lady Luck today!"

Luther's eyes were blazing, and as he entered the state, he clearly felt that this test was not too difficult.

"The level of these questions is much lower. I can do it. I will definitely be able to reach 380 points this time. No, as long as I get 375 points, I can pass the exam and go to college!"

On the other hand, that guy 'Leo' must be facing an extremely difficult question right now and is about to burst into tears, right?

Luther thought about this and glanced at 'Leo' casually.

From his perspective, he could just see 'Leo' staying in front of the screen, waiting quietly.

"Ha, as expected, Leo, Leo, now you understand what kind of pressure I have endured after persisting for so long, right? The exam is not that easy. The five-day exam marathon is a fierce battle of will and physical strength. .”

Luther looked at Leo's dull back and felt quite proud.

Leo, this guy, definitely couldn't stand this feeling. Everyone around him was answering questions seriously, and he was immersed in this atmosphere, but he was out of place. He just felt on pins and needles and wanted to stop answering questions and leave.


'Leo' suddenly stood up, grabbed a piece of paper, turned around and left.

"Humph, I can't help it anymore." Luther chuckled. He was in a good mood and worked harder on the questions.

The eight-hour exam was very difficult, and it would last for five more days. By the afternoon, Luther felt dizzy. Using his brain for a long time made him feel a little dizzy, and he was obviously suffering from hypoglycemia.

"Oops, I got up too late today and didn't even bother to eat."

He quickly stopped answering questions, ran outside the venue, and began to eat and rest. The corridor was crowded with candidates from all over the world. Everyone took this opportunity to bite the bread while thinking hard about the questions and recalling whether they had done anything wrong before.

There was some noise in the distance. When Luther raised his eyes, he saw the group of people from the Student Aid Association gathered together. They were eating and exchanging questions about the exam. This was within the scope allowed by the exam rules. If there is a question that others have done before and got it through off-site communication, it does not count as cheating.

After all, the questions here are randomly generated, and the probability of encountering such an event is no lower than the probability of winning 5 million in the lottery, having an asteroid hit the planet, and having six girls confess their love at the same time without asking for a gift.

But Luther knew in his heart: these people in the Helping Society have alleviated great psychological pressure through collective mutual help. They will at least be the ones with the highest completion rate among this group of people.

The vast majority of candidates will collapse due to stress and overuse of their brains on the third day of the exam, especially those who are alone in the field. They can easily be defeated by difficult questions and high concentration for a long time.

The emergence of the assistant association has solved this problem to a certain extent. Not only that, but the practice of taking turns to provide logistical support also saves candidates from physical difficulties.

Luther suddenly felt a little conflicted. He now wanted to join the Aid Society, but when he thought about Leo being there, he felt sick again.

However, he then thought about it: Leo has already left, and his status must have plummeted. If he comes in now, with his excellent qualifications and mind, he can completely replace him, and even become the leader of the assistant society.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Luther stepped forward and was about to ask about the assistant association. Kadelfi, who was chatting, suddenly said:

"By the way, you guys just came out and you didn't know, right? Leos has already left."

"Hey. Isn't Leos going to take the exam?"

"What, there is such a good thing?" Luther was overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Don't be nervous, everyone. It doesn't matter that Leo guy is gone. There is always a leader in the assistant society. I am willing to take on this responsibility." ——”

Before he finished speaking, he received disdainful looks from everyone.

"you shut up."

Mitty said angrily:

"Leozi left us only after being admitted as a special admissions student by the Magic University directly under the Crystal Tower. Who are you? Are you qualified to call Leos 'that guy'?"

"...Admitted? But didn't he just leave the examination room?"

"Yeah. So we're discussing this."

Kadelfi clicked his tongue and said in wonder:

"Because, he has already finished it."

Happy New Year!

There is no need to read the previous chapters in the next few chapters. Although it is a linkage, the story of Xingyuan will not be affected. Even if you don’t watch it, you can understand the plot by reading it slowly.

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