From star abyss

Chapter 343 48.

The medicine entered the mouth and was quickly digested by the body. Li Ozi's eyes flashed blue light for a few times and then stopped completely.

Li Ozi breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that his brain felt much better.

"There's one more thing I have to remind you."

Grandma Atamashi took out a pipe, stuffed fine tobacco into it, lit it, and said leisurely:

"Leozy is Leos, and Leos is Leos."

"Does it make any difference?"

"Yes, there is no difference. Although the pronunciation is different, the result is the same."

"You want to say that I am actually the reincarnation of 'The God who dominates the reality of the universe! The legendary warrior among the stars! Leoz!', this cliché plot? Or "Rebirth I am Leoz", "About the fact that I was the savior of the universe in my previous life, but now I am an unemployed vagrant who relies on my reputation to make a living"?"

Li Ozi couldn't help but complained:

"Haven't you seen my fate? Then you should also know that I come from-"

"Time travel is not a rare thing." Grandma Atamashi took a puff of cigarette and said calmly: "What do you think is diving into the star abyss? You know my identity in your heart, but you still worry and question me. Judgment, you know clearly that I swore to Xingyuan that I will always keep secrets, but you are still worried...or is it that you just don't want to accept my suggestion?"

"Okay." Leos shrugged and complained: "But I still said that if it was really Leos, then wouldn't I be able to directly borrow troops from the narrative-level civilization and say that I want to regain control of the universe? Glory? After all, Leoz is also a famous main god in the star abyss."

"I said it." Grandma Atamashi looked into Li Ozi's eyes and said firmly: "Leozi is Li Ozi, and Li Ozi is Leozi."

"Why don't you leave it here?" Li Ozi couldn't understand the meaning of the other party's repetition. He shook his head, and suddenly an idea came to his mind: "Maybe I can really use this trick to deceive others." ?”

"Leozy is Leos, and Leos is Leos."

Grandma Atamashi repeated again:

"You should understand that doing what you should do is more important than doing what you want to do. Go back now. Don't bother me again in two hundred years."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Ozi blinked and lay on the bed again.

A strange yet familiar ceiling.

He turned his head and looked out the window. The artificial sun was rising slightly. Reminders for today's action also came from the communicator.

Last night, it just passed.

It's like a dream.

"Atamasch Coffin is theoretically a powerful person close to the Omega level."

Li Ozi spread out the [Truth Medicine] in his hand and couldn't help but murmured.

KitKat Network blocks too many things.

It was okay in the early stage, but after he entered the universe, he felt more and more strongly that the KitKat network was tricky.

He glanced at the system and checked the forum.

In the early days of KitKat Network, there were often some minor bugs, but there were also some urban rumors that after someone died in the game, they also died in real life.

Li Ozi once thought this was a conspiracy theory, but now, he dare not be so sure.

If his previous judgment that "reality and "Star Abyss" share the same physical rules" is correct.

This shows that the early KitKat network technology capabilities were immature, and the recognition filter did not filter out all the information. As a result, in reality, players also synchronized the game information.

I am afraid that my own time travel is a bug in itself. I took KitKat Network's latest template and traveled back to before the internal beta.

Sure enough, he quickly found similar posts.

"It's amazing, Xingyuan's knowledge seems to be true"

'A friend of the original poster chose [Biochemist] after entering the game, and memorized formulas every day to clean test tubes. Today, I suddenly had a whim and tried to make chemicals according to the game's drawings. It turned out that it actually worked. Could it be that [Biochemist] directly Did you use real-life knowledge...'

‘Front row, in this post, the poster claims that he can achieve it by releasing magic (the link has expired)’

‘That post has been deleted by super administrators. ’


"—that's ridiculous."

Li Ozi clenched his fists and couldn't help laughing.

"KitKat Network and "Star Abyss" are not simple. They use the skin of the game to attract players to explore the world for themselves."

So what is electronic immigration for? Do you want to colonize through games?

All kinds of information were mixed together, giving Li Aozi a huge headache.

His intelligence was able to analyze that these things were connected, but the information was too little.

After Li Ozi’s observation on the forum, players will enter the public beta in another week. When the time comes, let’s observe again.

Li Ozi really couldn't figure it out. He kept this in mind, then put on his clothes, gathered his emotions, and set off immediately to the star port.

First follow Atamasch's method, improve your strength, and be promoted to [Bishop] as soon as possible, and then take back your initiative step by step.

"Hey, bro."

'Idiot Elf' Flora waved hello to him from afar. Although she was destined to work in vain this time, she immediately felt good when she saw such an upright little beauty like Li Ozi.

"I have installed my assault module on the special plane. The special plane will not enter low-Earth orbit. If you encounter problems, call me immediately and I will arrive at your side in 160 seconds. Everything is ready."

"Well, let's go."

Li Ozi immediately boarded the expensive special plane without saying anything. Olafur made an extraordinary move and directly booked the most advanced package in one go. The food and services between the round trip were all arranged properly.

Flora sat across from Li Ozi's dining table, staring intently at Li Ozi's beautiful face while eating.

Look at his nonchalant and serious attitude while cutting the steak.

From time to time, her eyes crossed in the air, and she felt almost fainting from happiness.

Great, how could such a perfect man exist. What? White labor? Have you seen any kind of wasted work that is so valuable?

——Just treat it as a date.

Thinking of this, Flora suddenly felt as if she had made a lot of money.

After all, with his status, he is not a nobleman, but at least a poor and poor person with no background, and he has to live with his head tucked into his belt every day.

What about Li Ozi? At first glance, this kind of beauty is destined to become the rich and upper-class elite. She can make a fortune as an idol and an actor. At the very least, she is the kind of social butterfly who hangs out in the upper class.

How could she be able to go out with such a beauty or be alone.

"Think about it, it's really not obscene. Although it is possible, there is still a scientific basis for it."

Flora was thinking about it in her heart:

"A man and a woman are alone in the same room, and if something unexpected happens, due to the suspension bridge effect, the other person will definitely be impressed by his heroic appearance, and then become blushing, shy, and completely smitten..."

She had already thought about it. Her son's name was Di Fanggang and her daughter's name was LS Lilu. With their good looks, having a child on the football team wouldn't be a benefit to society.

When the time comes, she won't have to do anything to be respected by countless people, who will rush to give her money.

‘Why do you think I have to give Leoz money? ’

Flora couldn't help but fell into thought.

Ten thousand words today.

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