From star abyss

Chapter 352 57. Sequence Seventy-seven·[Disaster]

The kid didn't do his homework, so I beat him up.

The child who was beaten felt bad and went to beat the cat.

The cat howled after being beaten and knocked the flower pot off the balcony.

The flowerpot hit me as I was leaving for work.

After my death, my child had no one to take care of him. His waist and retina were cut, and he died tragically.

In this series of events, some people attribute these behaviors to the continuous accumulation of malignant negative emotions, which eventually in turn harms the initiator of the negative source.

In reality, it was pure bad luck.

There are only a few cases where so many factors can be gathered at the same time and problems can break out at the same time.

It's like most places in the universe are uninhabited territory, but there are always people who think that the emergence of civilization in the universe is the norm.

As long as all errors are possible, they will always occur as long as they are repeated enough times.

All luck is probability. As long as there are probabilistic events, these things can be solved through mathematics.

But Arcana is different.

Arcana, especially sequence arcana, has been the authority left by the Creator from the beginning, like the source code of programming, fundamentally tampering with rules and laws.

Li Ozi raised his hand and swiped, and what appeared in front of him was a completely different world.

It is different from the hemispherical field that can be felt when manipulating gravity. It is also different from the fact that when manipulating flames, combustibles can be seen igniting and exploding at high speed due to the thermal motion of molecules.

Through [Disaster], what he saw was everything that was inextricably linked.

[This arcana... is so difficult to operate! 】

The energy was consumed rapidly, and Li Aozi's mental strength also dropped rapidly. If he had a head at this moment, his face must be extremely pale.

In just a few seconds, [Disaster] took away 40% of his mana. Thanks to the passives of [Magician] and [Armor of the Mountains], he could recover in time in the universe, otherwise he would He probably had to kneel on the ground on the spot.

But the effect is also obvious.

He raised his hand and touched Liu'e's body a little, and the bad luck accumulated in her body exploded one after another.

Liu'e's body was flying when suddenly, a super-speeding particle was thrown from the sun in the distance and hit the radius bone of her left forearm.

The moment she was hit, her arm instantly became necrotic. The proton radiation destroyed her double-stranded DNA. While the old cells could not replicate, the new biochemical cells became cancerous. Several of the auxiliary arcane powers she held were immediately ineffective due to the disordered pairing of extraordinary genes.

"What the hell!"

Liu E quickly amputated her arm and took out the spare armor arm from the space ripples.

But just as she was activating her private space, something incredible happened.

Poisonous fog.

Green poisonous mist was released one after another from the private space-time fault zone. Liu E's arm was slightly touched, and it was filled with a layer of green, and the link to the costume was immediately offline.

"Damn it, the high-pressure tank leaked!"


As Liu'e kept restarting the suit, Liu'e, who was trying to establish contact, suddenly became like a rag and was knocked over by a meteorite. She flew hundreds of kilometers away. After rearranging the programming of the suit, the warning on the suit's body Only then did the lights come back on.

Liu E made a 'tsk' sound and turned over.

As soon as she straightened up, the feeling of being shrouded in uncertainty immediately disappeared.

At this point, the distance between her and Li Ozi had far exceeded the visual limit. The two communicated with each other using gravitational waves. Liu E asked bluntly:

"Do you hold the arcana of probability?"

"Maybe it's fate." Li Ozi replied calmly.

“The Creator throws the dice, fate cannot be determined.”

Liu E waved her hands, and the backs of her hands lit up with echoing light blades one after another;

"I underestimated you, child. You can try to control these two powers... but I don't think that such a responsibility should be borne by young people."


Li Ozi raised his hand and slowly pulled out Zhannia from the ripples in the void.

【Sword Master of Imprinted Soul】

The vicious ghost's shadow instantly expanded to a height of fifty meters. The warrior's armor and the purple flame sword he held appeared more lifelike. Even the scars and gaps on the armor could be clearly seen.

The substantial improvement of the main attributes and the advancement of the class also strengthened Li Ozi's use of arcane energy.

Liu'e raised her weapon.

"I don't want young people to have to endure this suffering and torture again."

Li Ozi also raised his weapon.

"Don't be so arrogant, Mr. Liu'e. You have no right to define young people's choices."

The next moment, the two of them spontaneously launched a time and space jump.

Liu E was the first to break out of the ripples of time and space. She pressed down with both blades at the same time, but they were cut in the air.

"Huh? The predicted location is obviously correct——"

Immediately, Liu E realized something. She suddenly turned around, and Li Aozi's long sword had already struck her shoulder neatly.


Liu E raised the light blade of her left hand to block the long sword, and then thrust forward with her right hand.


Li Ozi stepped on the back of the opponent's hand, spun up, raised his knee and hit Liu E hard on the chest.


Liu E was slightly injured and retreated. Li Aozi raised his long sword, burning with a faint resentment, like a purple flame, and stabbed straight forward.

The moment the sword blade was about to pierce, Liu E's figure disappeared instantly.

Without thinking, Li Ozi turned the sword with one hand and stood confidently with the sword behind his back, blocking the cutting light blade just right.


"Is this also a probability?"

Liu E's voice came from behind.

"No, it's muscle memory."

Li Ozi suddenly swung the sword blade, tearing apart the ripples of time and space, and jumped. This time Liu E had obviously gained more experience and was deliberately stuck in time.

The two completed the jump almost at the same time and landed on an asteroid 40,000 kilometers away.

Li Ozi wiped his sword and strode forward.

Liu E lit up her light blade and strode forward to meet him.

No need to say more.

For this pure battle of ideas, fists and swords are more powerful than all arguments.

The long sword dragged on the ground, and Li Aozi accelerated the friction and slashing, creating a storm in the gap between the meteorites, and threw it straight towards Liu'e.

Liu E neatly raised the knife and brought it down. The light blade accurately cut through each meteorite accelerated by gravity under the restraint of gravity.

There was no gunpowder on their battlefield, but explosions and roars were more intense than any artillery battle. The destructive power of pure cold weapons was more intuitive and terrifying than any technological weapons.

"I really look down on those literary and artistic works that have reached the interstellar age and are still fighting at close quarters."

Liu'e used both blades at the same time, but it was a feint move. She stepped forward with her left foot and broke Li Aozi's blocking posture with her shoulder. She immediately rushed forward and pierced Li Aozi's heart and heart with both blades. The blazing light blades The flesh and blood are evaporated, making it look particularly ferocious and terrifying.


Li Ozi tilted his head, and the empty space ripples on his neck immediately lit up purple.

【Eternal Blood】

"For science fiction, at least it has to use guns."

"Haha, it sounds like using a laser gun is science fiction."

"What I'm talking about is - to go into space, of course you have to use a matchlock gun."

Li Ozi replied as if he was swallowing water:

"Using swords in space seems to be a lack of imagination among literary and artistic workers, but using a matchlock gun suddenly becomes advanced."


"Because the audience has never been exposed to matchlocks."

"It turns out to be this kind of science fiction."

The two headless [Resounders] were communicating with each other. Their sword blades collided, arcane energy surged, and gravitational waves continuously intertwined and transmitted each other's information.

Liu'e's intelligence level is a bit scary. At the beginning of the fight, she was still an old scholar who had no strength to control the chicken. But the more she fought, the more she learned and explored. Constantly optimize your own tactics, further learn Li Ozi's fighting habits, and delve into his weaknesses.

For Li Ozi, it has been a long time since he played so happily.

With the advantage of the 'Blood Demon Flow', he lived up to his endurance. Liu'e was at a higher level than him, so hitting the opponent was equivalent to scraping.

Both sides are deliberately conserving their own mana to prevent them from running out of arcane energy and becoming garbage in the universe.

So after fighting, the two of them chose the most primitive violence.


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