From star abyss

Chapter 354 59. Why do some people always have to be beaten before they can communicate properly?

The edge breaks out from the ripples of time and space!

Li Ozi's sharp blade struck first. Liu'e raised her hand to block it, but was severely burned by the electromagnetic energy. The dictator's armor was completely defenseless under the pure electromagnetic dissociation attack.


The sword blade scratched his right wrist, and Li Ozi immediately swung the sword and slammed it. Liu E tilted her head, dodged the sweep of the sword blade, tore open the space, jumped behind Li Ozi, and stabbed with the remaining blade of her left hand. To Li Ozi's back.


The gorgeous stardust wings exploded, and the [Pegasus Power] released a violent fiery vortex, forcing Liu'e back, raising her hands to cover her face to block.

It was this subconscious action that completely disrupted her offensive rhythm.

Li Ozi quickly turned around, and his brilliant stardust wings were like two laser blades, instantly vaporizing a large number of meteorites and metal debris. He accelerated directly and rushed forward, holding the sword in both hands, mustering up all his strength, and slashed fiercely in front of Liu E.

Dang, Dang——

After two consecutive heavy cuts, Liu E raised her hand to block and parry. Li Aozi struck again, raising his long sword high. Liu E followed subconsciously and raised her arm in a blocking posture.

However, Li Ozi suddenly turned around, flicked Xingchen's Pegasus wings, and swept Liu E out.

"It's actually a fake move——"

Liu E was shocked, but it was too late for the next battle.

[Physical Strengthening]

Strong muscles and wrists, iron bones and steel bars.

After accumulating for a long time, Li Aozi's offensives rushed forward one after another, and the long swords danced. Liu'e, who had only one arm left, was unable to parry at all.

Compared to professional warriors, scholars like Liu E, no matter how terrible their learning ability is, cannot catch up in a short time.

The situation is reversed.

Li Ozi stepped forward, turning the tide with the blade of his sword. Under pressure every step of the way, Liu'e was overwhelmed, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet, turn her head and dive into the intricate space garbage area, leaving behind a series of discontinuous space-time zones.

Liu'e knew that she no longer had the original fighting power, so she prepared to change the battlefield and give full play to the advantage of short weapons.

Her current state is very poor. If she can force Li Ozi into an area where he cannot move quickly, he can regain the front line.

However, for Li Ozi, terrain is what he says.

"The ending is decided."

The nerves in Li Ozi's body suddenly accumulated energy, and a ring of yellow light lit up. His left hand sank into the void, slowly tearing open a crack.

Leading to his personal elemental pool, elemental matter pours out crazily.

Atmosphere, liquid, combustion, earth, darkness.

【Elemental Community】——Structure generation!

In an instant, countless elemental units were guided by Li Aozi's spirit and instantly condensed in the space garbage group.

The dark elements guided the terrifying dark energy and created a powerful gravitational field, which assisted the earth elements to rotate and converge at high speed, forming a floating asteroid. Liu'e, who was changing her arms, was captured by the terrain before she could react.

Then the atmospheric elements were filled in, and under Li Aozi's control, a cyclone was quickly formed, bringing basic air pressure. From the vacuum, it suddenly entered the lower atmosphere. The strong air pressure difference not only interrupted Liu'e's change of clothes, because the air pressure The sudden increase caused the blood to be tightly suppressed in the lower body, almost bursting Liu'e's blood vessels.

That is to say, her head exists in name only, otherwise the blood in her brain could be drained with just this one blow.

The liquid elements were introduced into the asteroid, and the originally barren land immediately turned into a forest farm with rich water and grass. Li Ozi slowly stepped into it, and the liquid elements immediately swarmed him, intimately adjusting his physiological state and eliminating the problems caused by his long growth. The electrolyte imbalance caused by time-consuming high-intensity fighting presents an elemental field that is favorable to Li Ozi.

He raised the sword blade, and the burning elements gathered on the tip of his sword. He pointed the sword forward, and Li Ozi shouted loudly:

"Arm up! Everyone!"

Then thunder fell from the sky, and the manic atmosphere encircled the lightning, condensing into huge storm cyclones. They grew arms and legs and bright eyes, staring at Liu'e in front of them. As the most violent elemental spirit, the storm giant The spirits rushed forward without saying a word and launched a continuous charge towards Liu'e.


Liu'e grasped the gravitational force and immediately swept over countless giant spirits. She raised an earth wall and blocked the metal spear thrown by the rock giant spirit in front of her. When the wall lowered, the ice storm gradually progressed, and the liquid giant spirit kept coming. The air and liquid that eroded and froze her position continued to slow her down.

When she tried her best to remove the frost on her body and activate the biodynamic furnace in her body to prevent her body fluids from freezing, she looked up and saw the burning djinn and the earth djinn merged into one, facing towards He angrily launched countless magma spheres.

"You are actually an architect!"

Liu E tore up several magma balls in succession. These methods were not enough to embarrass her, but they still surprised her:

"Most people don't have the talent to be an architect... Leos, you may be an amazing person."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Li Ozi was unceremonious. The dark elemental giant behind him slowly descended and stared at Liu E with his small dark red eyes.

[Gene Grafting·Dark Source Energy Devouring] This mutation direction gives Li Ozi an additional 'dark oppression' effect when releasing gravity, and you can maintain a fixed strong gravitational field by consuming dark elements. .

Since the beginning of the war, he has never given up on the oppression of gravity. Until this moment, the effect of dark erosion has finally reached 99%!


Liu E's body instantly stiffened and froze on the spot.

"You are actually able to imprison me who is also a gravity manipulator——"

"—My understanding of gravity is better than yours, sir."

He arranged two strong gravitational fields back and forth, pulling on Liu'e's left and right sides respectively. The replacement arm in Liu'e's hand immediately flew out, was sucked into the gravitational field, and was instantly torn into pieces. Because the gravity was too strong, , the surrounding light is distorted, the material is rotated and sucked into it, and the outer layer is rubbed at high speed, shining with an orange-red color.

"This is the answer sheet you handed in? How interesting! Leoz!"

Liu E praised him greatly, and then, golden haloes lit up in her temporarily generated dictator eyes.

[Gravity is not there yet]

Remove all gravitational fields and return the bent space and time to the original universe.

In a sense, she directly 'liberated' herself from the distorted universe.

The gravitational field could no longer restrain a person who was not affected by any time and space. He released her on the spot. Liu'e did not replace her arm with a new one, but raised the light blade.

"This is an excellent battle. Even a scientist like me, who is not good at fighting, feels excited about it. Your battle proved your control over gravity, and also proved that you can control this power by yourself... You are right, my thinking is wrong."

The next moment, her body was completely submerged in the ripples of time and space:

"But - our battle is not over yet!"

Li Ozi raised the sword blade, and his whole body was swallowed by ripples of time and space.

Immediately, their bodies descended from the cracks and collided one after another in the universe.

The last moment, they were clashing with swords in the high-rise atmosphere, and she kicked Li Ozi in the neck.

The next moment, over the star port of the space station, Li Ozi grabbed her thigh and threw her towards the sun.

They kept clashing and colliding, like two comets tearing apart the sky, dragging bright red tracks and falling into the atmosphere.


Liu'e landed heavily, causing dust to fly. Her body blasted a large hole with a diameter of nearly one kilometer in the desolate plain, and even the soil near her was melted into magma.

Li Ozi folded his wings, put his feet together, and landed smoothly. The Pegasus wings behind him immediately shattered and dispersed, and the sky was filled with flashes of phantom colors.

He slowly approached Liu E, looked at the disgraced senior on the ground, and said calmly:

"Are you satisfied with the answer sheet?"


Liu'e's helmet slowly dissipated and returned to her empty space ripples. She took a long breath and said quietly:

"It's just so-so, just a little better than my tool man graduate student - the elemental structure is too rough, the body structure of the colonial suit is not streamlined enough, and even the gravitational ejection and gravitational collapse are not displayed. I suggest you go back to college. Further your education.”

"Yes." Li Aozi said calmly: "Actually, I haven't gone to college yet, my education is only at the technical secondary school level."

Liu E was speechless. She was still stubborn and refused to look at Li Aozi's empty head, which suddenly hit the ground.

"I didn't expect that after studying and being a problem solver all my life, I would be taught a lesson by a technical secondary school."

Liu E said mockingly:

"But speaking of which, you came to me to ask questions in the first place, right? What exactly did you want to ask?"

"That's it." Li Ozi squatted down and said calmly: "Actually, it can't be regarded as a problem. It should be said that I want to ask you for a favor."

"Help? Oh, okay, as long as I can do my best, don't violate my principles, and I will help if I have the chance."

Liu E waved her hands, and after being convinced, she didn't bother to say anything.

"Actually, I knew the path of [Echoer] from the beginning."

Li Ozi said:

"I want to tell you... Among the sequence arcana, there are four major arcana that can be obtained through fixed channels, and one of them is gravity."

"——So, my theory from the beginning is untenable?"

"That's not true. It will take at least two hundred years before the public realizes these things."

Li Ozi changed the topic and put forward his request:

"In the future, more and more people will master the arcana of [Gravity]. I want to get the advancement method of the [Echoer] path from you to help more [Mutants], so that They can control their own abilities, and at the same time, they can go further and expand the influence of our [Dominator] system."

"Oh, I think the latter is your goal - to expand your path. You want to ascend to the gods, dive into the abyss, break through the limits, and eventually become the main god of the [Dominator] system."

Liu E laughed, and Li Aozi did not refute, so she said:

"Leozi, although your name is a bit unflattering, you might have some of the characteristics of the original 'Leozi' back then - not many, just one or two."

"so what?"

"For Leos' sake, I promise you."

Liu E raised her hand, took out an information carrier from her space-time fault, and handed it to Li Aozi:

"Take it, it's a good thing, I hope you can help more people - just hope."

Li Aozi checked it and after confirming that it was correct, he put it away with satisfaction and complained in passing:

"You said you are serious, Mr. Liu'e, if I talked to you like this from the beginning, would there be a fight?"

"My temper is like this. A science and engineering girl will speak directly when she is unhappy. Who would act like a mother-in-law? Well, being outspoken will cause trouble...otherwise, why do you think the president arranged a guard for me?"

Liu E sat up and said disdainfully:

"It's a shame that you figured out how to burn my wheat fields and corns and draw Zhuo's attention away - were you a bandit in your previous life?"

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