From star abyss

Chapter 374 79. Flying over the dome

Affected by the centrifugal force generated by the self-rotation of the fortress, the thin atmosphere in the upper floors rubbed against the 'dome' of the charged particle defense force field system, producing a lavender halo. To the people on the surface of Van Lenkov, this looked more like a rendering of the sky. became purple.

This is the night of Van Lenkov. The purple sky is a little crimson. If you look carefully, you can also notice the laser rainstorm bursting out from the Voroshitovo front two light years away. Their defeat two years ago has not changed until now. Only then was it returned to people’s eyes.

Li Ozi and Nikita walked side by side on the road, heading straight to the main entrance.

The icy wind stirred up the dust on the ground, and even close to the most prosperous area of ​​​​Medlow Building in Van Renkov, there was a desolate scene that was almost impoverished. Even the placards used for demonstrations were looted, and scrapped police cars and automatic turrets were looted.

"You just walked in like that?" Li Ozi asked curiously.

"The Medlow Building is divided into two parts, the inside and the outside. The inside part is where the leadership of the Supreme Legion lives, and the outside part is the office space that is open to the public, but..."

Nikita explained, and immediately took Li Ozi into the watch building. The hall was already filled with tents of various protest groups. The air was filled with the smell of excrement, food and sweat. In short, it was the smell of poverty. .

Women and children were crowded together. In order to seize public warmth and electricity, power strips and wires were connected randomly. Li Ozi and Nikita had almost nowhere to go, even in the damp trenches and battlefields covered with barbed wire. It's so difficult to move forward.

"If a fire breaks out here, both of them will be destroyed." Li Ozi commented.

"It's unbelievable? Isn't it?" Nikita said mockingly: "Kalmetz adopted a patient and weak attitude towards the people and refused to send out military police and security to maintain order. He thought that by doing so, he could gain the support of civilians. After all, he is the child of a doctor and a lawyer, and some things are too idealistic."

"If morality is useful, then why do we need law?" Li Aozi sneered: "Order has always been maintained by violence. Citizens' rights come from collective mutual help. Laissez-faire freedom will only cultivate a bunch of gangsters. .”

While they were talking, another robbery and fight broke out.

"Kalmetz is trying to make the country better, and we all know that."

Nikita's tone was complicated:

“But if relying on kindness can override the law and reason, is this in itself a violation of human nature?”

"Who knows, at least you should be lucky that I have seen planets with the same disorder and chaos - at least, you still have a sun."

Li Ozi joked, but Nikita was not relaxed.

They took a detour, and Nikita took him to the power distribution room and secretly modified a certain part of the circuit layout. Then the two took the elevator and went down to the sewage treatment tank on the ground floor. The previously closed circuit caused static electricity in the pipes here. The leakage net stopped operating, and they passed through the pipe smoothly. After twists and turns, they officially arrived at the inner building.

What surprised Nikita was that Li Ozi didn't complain at all about such a detour, and actively cooperated, using time and space ripples to help him take out some items and props separated from the wall and door panels.

Li Ozi's skillful gesture made Nikita couldn't help but complain:

"Why do I feel like you are more familiar with this place than me? Do you really need me?"

"My own speed is too slow, and the ripples in space-time are quite noisy, and there is a chance that they will be detected by gravitational wave detection equipment. With your help, I can reduce the risk by half."

"I understand, insurance, right?"

Nikita laughed:

"You're not that boring, Leos."

"I used to think that relying on my own ability and experience, I could ignore some objective factual flaws, but in the end, my teammates died in battle."

Li Ozi did not answer directly.

"Who hasn't made mistakes?" Nikita replied while controlling the elevator: "Only gods don't make mistakes. Even if gods make mistakes, it is definitely because of lack of strength, so people want to be gods."

"There are only so many places on the path. Among the hundreds of thousands and trillions of civilized creatures, there are only a few hundred million people who are qualified to become gods. If you believe in the probability of becoming a god, you might as well buy a lottery ticket."

Li Ozi and Nikita chatted all the time. Their actions were impeccable and they quickly penetrated into the inner building.

The scene here is not much better than that on the ground floor. The damaged walls were not even bothered to repair. The guards on duty did not look good. Nikita even saw the administrative staff who were forced to work overtime quietly wiping away tears.

They sneaked all the way, with Nikita leading the way. All surveillance cameras were avoided and bypassed without any conflict.

"It's not easy for them either." Nikita said softly: "Try not to conflict with them."

"You and I will look for it separately." Li Ozi handed the program written by the hacker to Nikita: "You go and bring out the second daughter Mellie Shield. We will meet on the top floor. The evacuation spaceship is above."

"Wait a moment!"

Nikita took the chip, glanced behind him, and turned to Li Ozi and said, "If you want to take action against Kalmetz, it's best to collect some bad words and deeds and let hackers edit them together with malicious intent."

"What's the point?"

"People outside don't understand anything. They only know that an unscrupulous mercenary killed a good man." Nikita said complicatedly: "It will be easier for the people of Van Lenkov to accept it if we smear the image."

Li Ozi was speechless.

"Even if he accomplishes nothing, he still drags the country into the abyss?"

"There is a difference between a mediocre king and a foolish king."

[The mission has been updated: additional branch - "Hospice Care\

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