From star abyss

Chapter 376 81. Take quotes out of context - excerpt from

The Vanrenkov Autonomous State is not a region, but an autonomous country. It is an entire artificial planet three-quarters of the size of Azure Star. This makes it easy for various regions to form divisions and crowd gatherings.

Later, after a large number of players poured into it, there was no way to rectify it. Instead, they were assimilated by the locals and became rich by scavenging for scraps and collecting the blood of Narcissus.

What’s ridiculous is that this situation eventually became an ecology. Members of high-level civilizations came here to make appointments and mine. The garbage left behind was like a whale falling, and was robbed and fought by everyone. This kind of fighting brought great trouble to the bottom class. The wealth brought by civilization is even more effective than direct aid.

With the continuous exchange of fire, the Vanrenkov Fortress was damaged, the output power dropped, and Vanrenkov's fragile ecological environment gradually deteriorated. In order to compete for the market for the blood of Narkiss, warlords and mercenaries even took the initiative to pay for maintenance, allowing The Van Renkov Autonomous State has long maintained an environment between autumn and winter.

Yesterday of autumn is summer, yesterday of summer is spring.

Mrs. Vanrenco walked forward, and it was neither winter nor spring that greeted them.

When they are in the Van Lenkov war zone on Neverwinter Night, lying in the ruins of the bunker, gnawing on protein and vitamin C energy bars, holding tightly the laser rifle without dust cover, they will think of Kalmetz's love for the old man and the fallen. Orders for the distribution of benefits to family members.

Who would have thought that it would be their last spring.

For players, no matter which choice they make, it will eventually lead to this direction.

In a sense, this is a good ending.

At least due to the interference of the Interstellar Alliance and the constraints of the three-party game of the narrative-level civilization, Van Lenkov was not directly bombed and blocked, allowing the narrative level to monopolize resources, and even Van Lenkov was not extinct as a result.

But is this how it should be? Who knows.

It can only be said that the magical world view of "Star Abyss" should be matched with a magical realism plot.

Li Ao went through the plot and planned his own route.

He stood up, stepped into the ripples of time and space, and walked directly through the door of the office. Even though it was late at night, Van Renkov's supreme leader, Kalmec Shield, was still working overtime.

In order to save money, he even moved his security to other places, making it very easy for Li Ozi to sneak in.

Li Ozi looked around the inside of the room and could see that Kalmez's finances had completely collapsed. He couldn't even get the money to repair the office. The ceiling was full of cracks. As the leader's office, in addition to a handful of old-fashioned self-defense The laser pistol has no decorations and is extremely shabby.

Such an environment gave Li Ozi room to perform.

He stood quietly aside and looked at Kalmetz.

This tall alien looked like a half-dragon with gorilla arms. It had red scales and handsome coral horns, and its muscles swelled and exploded like a mountain.

However, his pale hair and wrinkles on his face were quite conspicuous, and even his aura had declined to the point where it was not much stronger than a mortal's gamma level. But his stern eyes were telling visitors that although his strength had declined with age, his body and spirit were still strong.

However, such a big man with a height of nearly three meters was huddled behind his office chair at this moment, groveling and begging to a certain head of state on the other end of the communication:

"...This loan is really important. We can't live without it. A large number of children will starve to death - what? You said debt? Don't worry, our debt situation is not hopeless. Narrative-level civilization They all say so, as long as there is scientific teaching. Please look at our past friendship..."

The frown on Kalmetz's face can be felt even by people of different races. There is a bitter and sad smell in the air in the office.

Li Ozi was not in a hurry to take action. He turned on the recording function of the forum and began to adjust the lens.

The communicator lit up the projection, and a purple-skinned fungal creature was looking at Kalmetz helplessly. He persuaded:

"Leader Kalmec, for the sake of our friendship, I tell the truth: you are a good soldier who can fight well, but you know nothing about economics and politics. Your country is about to collapse. Such a huge debt crisis, You can only ask the Interstellar Alliance to help you with bankruptcy liquidation and reorganize the credit system."

"Your Majesty King Golet, you are right. But you don't know that Verazi will definitely take advantage of the situation and my people will be treated like slaves at the mercy of companies and plutocrats!"

"Slaves have enough to eat." King Golet advised earnestly: "What you should do is apply for narrative-level civilization intervention as soon as possible, declare bankruptcy, and revive the economy."

"You clearly know." Kalmetz said seriously: "Our assets are only military services and soldiers."

"Yes." Golet said: "You can mortgage soldiers to foreign countries for their use and pay debts with work. This is considered a service. If necessary, I suggest that you allow their personal rights and rights to life and health to be mortgaged as well. go out……"

"But isn't that equivalent to slave trading?"

Kalmetz said angrily:

"The Van Renkov Autonomous State is a group of slave warriors who broke away from the Narcissus aliens. Our warriors will never lose their freedom under any circumstances, never!"

[Video has been recorded]

"Freedom is not as important as survival. Kalmetz, what I said is a bit vulgar, but you have to understand that you do not have the strength and ability to run a huge free city-state. Slavery is the most suitable for your social culture and production level. Yes, your blind pursuit of equality will only make your citizens unable to become slaves."

King Golet was a fungal creature. He could not lie and was straightforward. Kalmetz was speechless and his already red skin became even redder.

"You're a nice guy, Kalmetz. I can find a way to get you out of Vanrenkov and be with your family -"

"I will not lend money to you anymore, thank you for your kindness!" Kalmetz's tone was angry and cold. "No one can separate me from my people and I will always stand with them."

"Not everyone is as arrogant as you, a saint who can fill his belly with willpower and faith alone."

Gorrett sighed;

"You think you are with them, but are they with you? The power and wealth you enjoy will not disappear because of your frugality. It will only make those around you feel that they can't enjoy it even if they struggle. You If you are not a good ruler, take a good rest and think about it. If you retreat from the rapids now, you can still have a good reputation."

Go ahead and log out of the communication.

Kalmetz slumped in his chair, covering his face as the intense frustration knocked him to the ground.

"Am I really wrong?"

"I just want everyone to live a free life. Our ancestors paid a great price to get rid of slavery. Are we going to go back now?"

"Although life is a bit tough now, as long as the new ship returns, bringing back the seven million ammonium gold, and then importing some cheap food from Golet, I can stabilize prices."

"Trading slaves? This choice is too difficult and I cannot accept it."

[Recording completed]

Li Ozi recorded enough material, adjusted his posture, and took out Zhannia from the space-time gap.

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