From star abyss

Chapter 378 83. Dark Zone Stalker: Escape from Van Lenkov

A bolide fell from the dome, and Frana piloted the spaceship to fall rapidly, followed by interlaced anti-aircraft firepower. It just passed by the Medlow Building, and Li Oz grabbed Nikita's shoulder. He directly activated the ripples of time and space and jumped onto the spaceship.


As soon as Nikita's feet landed on the aisle of the spacecraft, he was instantly pulled to the ground by the overload. Li Ozi grabbed it and the gravitational field opened, leaving him in a state of suspension and weightlessness. Only then did he recover.

"Take the Aldu Star Gate and go directly to Fire Wolf Star. They can't catch up with you."

"I said employer, this is beyond the scope of service!"

Flora pulled up the nose of the plane to the extreme and rushed straight towards the atmosphere. The lasers and missiles behind her were chasing each other, making her unable to help but complain.

"I'll give you more money."

"Okay boss."

Without further ado, Li Ozi asked Nikita to put down the hostage, and immediately jumped out with him. The high-end aircraft driven by Flana was not something that this group of mercenaries could catch up with, so he didn't need to worry.

Before Nikita could recover, he was dragged into the ripples of time and space by Li Ozi. In a blink of an eye, he faced the entire city and began to free fall.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Nikita shouted hurriedly:

"Look where you are teleporting!?"

"Don't panic, you won't die if you fall."

As soon as Li Ozi finished speaking, a fighter plane flew over their heads. Thanks to Flana's hatred, the pilot didn't notice them at all.

Wrapped by gravity, Li Ozi brought the trembling Nikita to the ground smoothly from an altitude of several thousand meters without even splashing a speck of dust. As soon as Nikita's feet touched the earth, he almost collapsed. Because his body had just escaped from the weightless environment, all the blood in his body seemed to be squeezed out from the soles of his feet.

Fortunately, he was also a Zeta-level warrior when he was young. Although poverty and aging have broken down his body, his quality is still much stronger than ordinary people, and he will not fall down directly.

"Thank you for running with me, Nikita."

Li Ozi patted the veteran on the shoulder and transferred 3,000 ammonium gold to him.

Nikita wanted to scold this guy for his deadly operation, but the news of the transfer made him shut up.

"I'll go find Julian. It won't be peaceful for a while, so be careful."

After Li Ozi finished speaking, he thought about it and then said:

"Do you want to leave here? I'm afraid Van Lenkov will become very 'lively' in the future..."

"I won't leave."

Nikita smiled bitterly:

"You have also seen my daughter's condition. In her current state, she cannot withstand the torment of space travel. Thank you for your kindness, Leoz."

This is just rhetoric.

Li Ozi knew that Nikita was very attached to his motherland and was reluctant to leave. Old people all over the universe are like this. The older they get, the more they want to return to the place of their birth. This may be some kind of innate rural complexion in life.

Of course, the more important fact is that Nikita cannot afford to live in a narrative-level civilization and receive medical treatment.

Three thousand ammonium gold was not much, but Nikita's eyes suddenly lit up with hope.

Although he knew that Van Renkov's ending could not be changed, for some reason, Li Ozi had some ideas of his own.

Perhaps, it is because of the ending of "The White Wolf" of "Remember It" that was settled not long ago, which has always made Li Ozi a little confused.

He would not say what he would do if he could start over again. This is unrealistic.

There is no regret medicine in the world. For Li Ozi, this is not a game and there is no chance to start over.

Now, I have almost finished the task, and I have taken away the most important reward, so I should be able to leave.

Li Ozi stood in a tree, under the purple sky, and his headless body didn't know where he was looking.

He killed the leader of this group of people and wanted to throw dirty water on him again to smear his image.

However, unless Kalmetz dies, the country will only get worse.

Even the best angel ending can only save 300,000 people.

Frankly speaking, Li Ozi is not related to this group of people, and he has no acquaintances or friends here.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a strong doubt.

【Should I go? 】

If he wants to leave, no one can stop him. He can be promoted to the Delta level immediately. As a [Star Echoer], he holds two sequence arcane powers and has a great blood demon flow. Even the Zeta level cannot kill him. he.

"Nikita, I want to ask you a question." Li Ozi suddenly said.

"Do you have the money?" Nikita quickly stretched out his hand and rubbed his fingers, hinting at something wildly.

"see your performance."

"As long as you are willing to give me ammonium gold, I can do anything."

Nikita said:

"What do you want to ask?"

"If, I mean, if." Li Ozi prepared the words for a while and continued: "If you have better power and vision than others, and there is exactly one thing, you have the ability to make its ending change. Better, but you can’t quite fix it – would you still do it?”

"Uh, let me think about this question - does this matter have something to do with your family?"

"No. I'm afraid the people here will still hate me."

"Do you need to accomplish this to gain some kind of achievement? Like fame, status, money, something like that?"

"Probably lose money."

"Then are you a person with conscience and morality?"

"It can't be considered that. My bottom line is relatively low and I'm relatively flexible."

"Then I'm curious, why do you still think so?"

"I have no idea."

Li Ozi gently hammered his chest and replied:

"But I always feel bad. It makes me feel bad that I have the power to change something and don't do it."

He didn't know where his head was, but a strong sense of impulsiveness burst into his heart.

【Um? Did you forget to take your truth pill today? No wonder it feels so strange. 】

Li Ozi suddenly realized.

He moved so fast that the interstellar jet lag didn't reverse, and he forgot to take his medicine.

Nikita looked at Li Ozi, thought for a moment, seemed to understand something, and patted the headless man on the shoulder:

"You look a little confused. Let's do this. I'll take you somewhere."

Li Ozi was just about to take the medicine and feed it to his head in the distorted time and space. When he saw Nikita saying this, he hesitated slightly.


Half an hour later, Li Ozi and Nikita climbed a hill. They walked the whole way, climbing up through the soft soil and grass. The lavender sky gradually fell, and a series of fragmented clouds appeared in the distant east. The gray sky temporarily covered the stars.

Li Ozi lowered his head and looked around:

"It looks like just an ordinary hilltop."

"Of course, this is just an ordinary hilltop."

Nikita walked to the edge of the cliff, lowered himself and sat down, facing the cold wind. He invited Li Ozi to sit down side by side, then took out the kettle from his arms, took a sip, and looked at the distant horizon.

Afterwards, neither of them spoke. They just sat quietly for a while, not knowing where they were looking at the evening breeze.

"Van Lenkov is a fighting nation, or in other words, he was forced to become a fighting nation."

Nikita was the first to break the silence:

"I was born in a military camp. My mother was a chaplain in the army. When I was a child, I had never seen my father. They said he was an excellent soldier and a great hero. I have never understood how a man could treat his mother so well. What kind of hero is a stinky man who doesn't care about anything?"

"Then when I was six years old, his body came back wrapped in Van Renkov's trident and skull flag. Also brought back were two children of different races."

"Those two children were orphans of his comrades. Both their parents were killed on the front line. During the most difficult period of the battle, he insisted on using his salary to feed the children of his comrades and brought them back to their hometown."

"When people ask dad, 'You still have children of your own, why don't you send more money to your family and have to support these two idiots yourself? You shouldn't waste money on children who are not your biological children. body.', at this time, my father would always say to others: "

"'It's not whether I should or should not, I can do it, so I do it.'"

"My father has won many wars, but most of the time he appeared as an invader and a butcher. Only this time they did not make any military exploits, but they brought back an honor more precious than a medal - life."

Nikita lit a cigarette and subconsciously handed one to Li Aozi. Li Aozi waved his hand:

"I quit smoking a long time ago, let alone can't smoke anymore."

"Tobacco and alcohol are not good things, but people have to find some spiritual sustenance and narcotics."

Nikita took a puff of cigarette, blew out the smoke ring, and continued:

"Like other Van Renkov aliens, I have been trained in combat, weapon operation, and tactical coordination since I was a child. Because of my father's deeds, I have also attracted much attention, so I have trained harder than anyone else since I was a child."

"I am the first among my peers to complete a low-orbit assault, the first to have biochemical limbs implanted, the first to become a transcendent, and the first to become a fleet commander - I am good enough to be selected by the principal. After taking a fancy to her, he betrothed his daughter to me, what a blessing - we were in love and happy, and we soon had the fruit of love."

When Nikita recalled the past days, especially when talking about his wife and marriage, he suddenly became decades younger, as if he had suddenly become a young and strong young man.

"Actually, I don't like fighting, and I don't like being the first. But it's not about whether I should do it, but whether I can do it. My father's motto always inspires me to move forward. "

"It's not that I want to be the first, but that I can be the first, so I do it."

Li Ozi laughed.

"You do have a very special father."

Nikita flicked the sparks from the cigarette butt and continued:

"I have a very good friend who asked me to give up his place in training because it was really important to him and he needed that place to become a commando so that he could get three times the salary to support him. mother’s surgery.”

"He was tearful and emotional, which made me feel extremely soft - so I simply rejected him."

"I know that the mission of the commando is very dangerous and the mortality rate is extremely high. He does not have the ability to last until the day of paycheck. In the end, his mother can only get a death notice with a pension."

"So, I lost my best friend."

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