From star abyss

Chapter 381 86. Fresh Demonic Iron King (Part 2)

Andrew's arrogant speech did not anger Andrew. He stared coldly at the ferocious figure in the smoke and suddenly said:

"How much?"

"Ha, what is he talking about?"

Zhaniya's voice came from the sword blade, and it asked Li Ozi doubtfully.

But before Li Ozi could explain, Andrew continued:

"With an annual salary of one million ammonium monies, how about letting you take a temporary job in Velazi?"

His words made the Verazzi employees beside him look askance.

"How is this okay?!"

"How is he worth so much money?"

"Master Andrew! He is just a gamma-"

Zhannia in the sword clicked her tongue.

Despite the dissuasion from this group of people, no one questioned the inappropriateness of the method of 'bribing on the spot'.

"Shallow, if you can hurt me, no matter what method you use, it's far better than you guys!"

Andrew scolded the person next to him, and then looked at Li Ozi:

"Your biological frequency band shows that your body is still very young. Haha, young, powerful, and promising - listen, kid, I don't care what your reasons are, as long as you are willing to stop attacking and serve me, I am willing to pay the corresponding reward to entertain you."

"Master Andrew——"

"Shut up." Andrew glared at his men.

This bunch of stupid idiots are so used to bullying the natives of Van Renkov that even their IQ has been assimilated.

They didn't bother to think about it. The company building's defense system had been broken through so easily, and they themselves, who were protected by extraordinary divine power, would be injured as a result - they still thought this was just a Gamma level?

The biological frequency band is the only evidence for identifying the path level. As long as an extraordinary person feels it for a while, he can detect it, and it is almost impossible to forge.

But just because it is almost impossible to forge does not mean that there is no possibility of forgery.

As long as these idiots have some reverse thinking, they should know that a guy with such a powerful destructive power will have no shortage of technical means and treasures in his hands. Not to mention anything else, just the weird magic sword he holds. This is the best proof.

Look at Carlyle and Martin's faces, how ridiculous they are.

As a capitalist, why should we take action when things can be settled with money?

As he spoke, he straightened his collar and said calmly:


The Steel Elf stepped forward, arrogantly, with his nostrils turned upward when facing Li Ozi, and said arrogantly:

"Let me introduce it to you. Maybe you don't understand it yet, and you are still a little dissatisfied in your heart. Standing in front of you is the young master of Velazi Company, the heir to the lord of Iosist Star Ring, and the young man of "United Group" Talent, the blessed owner of [Plundered Soul] Red King, Andrew Verazzi——"


The smoke screen dissipated, and the cold blade lit up with magic light, slashing straight at Andrew.

"Protect Young Master Andrew!"

Carlyle stepped forward in an instant, and the company uniform on his body instantly unfolded, transforming into a tight-fitting nano battle armor. He summoned his strength, and his muscles instantly swelled up like a balloon. As a [Destruction] Department-[Warrior] Crane Sect His advanced profession - [Fighter], his body has been tempered for thousands of times, and he can perfectly and accurately control the movement and tension of every large and small muscle group.


The sword blade wrapped with red lightning was kicked away. Carlyle clenched his fist and stepped forward. The acupuncture points all over his body were automatically pressed, activating the hegemonic body.

He tore through the smoke brutishly, raised his big arms, and smashed the enemy's head with two winds on both sides.

"Quz'o sava (elvish: barbarian)!"

The steel elf Martin Chambler grunted and raised his hands at the same time. The mana converted into magnetism and surged at an angle. Compressed metal spheres were immediately ejected from all over his body. These metal spheres were guided by mechanical magnetism like liquids and floated in mid-air. A dark vortex formed in the air, which immediately transformed into dozens of willow-leaf-shaped floating flying blades.

"Oh, [Mechanical User]?"

Li Ozi was slightly surprised. This was a rare profession with high mobility in the [Mechanic] ranks.

However, I can understand it when I think that the other party is a steel elf who is known for his affinity with machinery and industry.

The next moment, [Fighter]'s two fists directly hit Li Ozi's temples on both sides. His body was instantly thrown out. While he was still soaring in the air, countless floating flying blades fell violently like a rainstorm. It collided and cut at high speed along the gaps in his armor, sparking eye-catching sparks.

At this point, everyone including Director Velazi next to him breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Fortunately these two took action. ’

The two Zeta-level attacks were instantaneous, creating an absolute suppressive force. With just one more stab, they could eliminate the opponent.


Li Ozi reluctantly raised the sharp blade to block the floating flying blade, but his fists were no match for the four hands. Under Chandler's precise control, his body was cut, chopped, and nailed to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Carlyle accelerated instantly, ramming straight towards Li Ozi like a cruiser, and punched him.


Li Ozi's head was crushed instantly. Under Carlyle's terrifying power as a [Fighter], his head was squeezed and shrunk almost at the speed of light. High-speed friction and workmanship generated a lot of heat.

Under high pressure and high temperature, Li Ozi's head was twisted into a diamond the size of a thumb.

"This is what will happen if you provoke the company!"


Carlyle pulled up his head, turned around, and showed the diamond that Li Ozi had turned into to everyone with an expressionless face.

What a shocking killing - Li Ozi couldn't help but admire.

The Zeta-level warrior was indeed terrifying. Not only did he break through the gravity protection, but he also shattered the armor he had stacked up for so long. Even the remaining strength alone wiped out his 17,400 health points. Cleared and beaten into a near-death state.

He also pulled his head off and shaped it into a diamond.

Just one move.

This is [Fighter]! This is [Destruction System]!

Pure violence, violent and domineering power, punches to the flesh, a powerful path that makes people's blood boil.

Happy, majestic, and exciting!

This is why so many people like [Warrior] and subsequent professions.

But it's a pity that Li Ozi has no brain.

【Dead link】

Li Ozi gently hooked his fingers. Carlyle's body was stunned for a moment, and he clearly felt a strong chill coming over him.


Chandler gave a timely reminder. Carlyle quickly summoned up his energy on the spot and activated the Gang Qi to protect himself.

However, no matter how fast his energy is, it is not as fast as the instantaneous triggering of arcana.

[No profession can compare with Arcane in terms of triggering speed! 】

Li Ozi's blue nerve tentacles took the lead and pierced into Carlyle's body before the Gang Qi rose.

【Cut off vitality】

The curse that prohibits recovery was instantly applied, and Li Ozi pulled hard, ruthlessly extracting a part of the opponent's life.

His body instantly regenerated at a high speed, and Chandler took action in time. The floating flying blade instantly cut down with mechanical magnetic force, cutting off Li Ozi's left and right arms.


At the same moment, Carlyle felt pain in his arms, and clear blue blood immediately appeared on his shoulders.

"Carlyle!" Chandler was startled, "How? Where did the attack come from!?"

【Eternal Blood】

The headless and armless Li Ozi suddenly lifted up his body and levitated into the sky. In front of everyone's eyes, his bones instantly rebuilt their structure, nerves and blood vessels were intertwined, and they were covered with layers of flesh and skin. He was resurrected in an instant.

"Haven't you seen it? I am immortal."

Li Ozi touched his neck, and the purple meaning in his golden eyes gradually faded. He made a casual move, and Zhannia, who had fallen to the ground, immediately fell into his palm again. He just raised his head, and before he could say another word, Carlyle and Chandler shot at the same time, hitting him head-on.

At the same time, outside the broken window, the rescue troops arrived in time, raised the plasma cannon, and aimed it at Li Ozi.

【Dead link】

Li Ozi crocheted with both hands, instantly linking everyone present.

Andrew snorted coldly, and a supreme will burst out from his body, shattering the mark of the link.


Carlyle punched Li Ozi in the chest and immediately took three steps back. A company executive with a link next to him suddenly died and fell to the ground.


Andrew was slightly surprised:

"Does it have the ability to deflect damage? - Get out quickly to avoid being affected."

After receiving Andrew's confirmation, the company's executives immediately began to evacuate in an orderly manner under the protection of security forces.

"You have angered the company, don't even think about leaving today!"

Chandler's flying blade continued to cut and tear Li Ozi's tattered body into pieces, but every time the sharp blade struck Li Ozi's body, fine blood marks would appear on Chandler's skin.

"Damn it!" Chandler lowered his shoulders, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. He glanced at his colleague with knife marks all over his body in horror, and yelled: "What the hell is this?"


Sensing that his own side was damaged, the suspended fighter outside the window immediately aimed at Li Ozi and pulled the trigger.

Seeing this, Carlyle and Chandler shouted in unison:


Da da da da da da!

The plasma light group was almost compressed into a fine laser line, and each shell hit Li Aozi's body accurately. Under such fierce firepower, even if most of it was distorted and dispersed by gravity, Li Aozi's body was still intact. He was hit one after another in the indiscriminate bombardment.

And Li Ozi, after noticing the protection of the gravitational turbulence, immediately removed the gravity.

Bang bang bang bang!

His body was engulfed in the blue flames of the plasma cannon.

Thump, thump, thump!

"Director Mel!?"

"Mr. Raven is down! What happened?!"

"Ms. Nulia has lost her physical condition! We have not found the source of the attack! VIPs suffered heavy losses!"


Andrew raised his hand and signaled the attack aircraft to cease fire.

"I see, by rejecting my recruitment offer and voluntarily giving up on defense, did you come here with the intention of 'destroying Verazzi Company' from the beginning?"

Carlyle and Chandler did not dare to attack again.

They really couldn't understand that every time they attacked, they could knock this bastard down to pieces, but he could still stand up again.

In the end, only their colleagues and friends are hurt.

However, they are afraid of hurting others, but Li Ozi does not have this fear.

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