From star abyss

Chapter 411 116. Cutting gold and steel

The clusters of metal blades burst out fiercely. Delafis's mechanical body twisted nimbly and made a serious ergonomic avoidance. Steam erupted from her elbows and toes, and her body moved left and right, making people dizzy.


Li Ozi swept across with his heavy sword, and Delafis stepped on the sharp blade. The hot electromagnetic energy immediately made his whole body tremble, and he was swept away in an instant.

"Weak attack——"

【Lord of Gold and Iron】


A sword swung with violent scarlet lightning, and Delafis was immediately struck. The next moment, the wooden house was shattered by the roar of the thunderstorm.


Delaphise's body fell into the forest, and all the parts in her body washed away the red arc of electricity. She flipped continuously, like an elegant ballet dancer, standing on tiptoes, holding her upper body firmly, and standing on one foot. The electronic eyeball stared directly at Li Ozi and was analyzing his identity.

[Access code: WG-190-1010]

[Student database information permission has been obtained]

[Match detected: First-year freshman, Leos - 99.99% match]


Delafis turned his body, put one hand behind his back, and his eyes were full of provocation:

"You shouldn't say anything about [society], carbon brat."

"You shouldn't disturb my peaceful life."

Li Ozi jumped off the wooden house, holding the sword in one hand. With the help of Zhannia, he recovered the blade and reassembled the armor.

[Armed Empire] consumes much less energy and makes less noise, which is just right in this forest.

The two fell into silence, facing each other and observing their opponents.

[Machine Realm Society] Mash Gegang, a small and medium-sized society at level 300, is classified as a predator.

The characteristic of Predator [Society] is that it is an extremely powerful speaker who is not very good at infiltration and concealment. They often attack the center of civilization on a large scale by sieging cities and plundering territory, causing it to fall, and ultimately summon the body of [society] to descend and devour the entire civilization.

But every [society] will face a problem: when they invade civilization, the individual's limit is completely limited by the upper limit of this civilization.

In other words, this civilization only has Gamma level at most, so the citizens of the invading society can only reach Gamma level at most, and they must also start the invasion from basic strength.

Fortunately, Li Ozi had foreseen the arrival of these monsters in advance and had been prepared.

[Social intrusion detected, as a copper hunter, you will receive the following information:]


[Name]: Mechanical Soul·Drafis

[Faction]: [Machine World·Mash Gegang]

[Professional title]: Jury

[Level]: Reforge once (11%)

[Existence value]: 109,333/110,000

[Mechanical Energy Value]: Full


‘Holy Son Core’ output: 5200 kilowatts

Thruster output: 90,000 kg

Resistances: Beam, physical impact, shear


Holy Son Core*1

self-healing liquid metal


[Class conversion]: Delta level (about to break through)


"Delta level, okay."

This level is just right and within his tolerance range.

Even if he doesn't use arcane energy, Li Ozi can still clean up with the divine sword in his hand.

[Element architecture]

The toes touched the ground, and the ground instantly tilted up the stone slabs. Li Ozi's figure was instantly ejected, and the strong wind helped and protected him. His figure in mid-air opened a series of afterimages, and quickly pulled the opponent closer, Delafy Si suddenly raised his leg, and a long and sharp blade popped out from his toe, slashing fiercely at Li Ozi.


The blades of the swords intertwined. Li Ozi raised his wrist and turned his back with the long sword. While slashing with a deflection, his feet touched one after another. His brain was running rapidly, and the communication created a dent in the opponent's other foot. Taking this opportunity, he went around directly. He slashed the opponent's back with all his strength with one sword!

【Lord of Gold and Iron】


Delafis raised her hand to block, and the remaining strength caused her shoulders and neck to tilt. Her face was eroded and melted by the splashing sparks, revealing a half-mechanical skeleton.

But the next moment, Li Ozi felt an extremely huge power coming from the opponent's body. The opponent's steam heart was instantly pressurized, increasing its power, and the sword blade was directly deflected.

"Ha! Weak and powerless!"

Delafis made a harsh electric sound and punched hard. The violent force coupled with the ejection of steam from his elbow made Li Ozi almost unable to avoid it. He crossed the sword blade and blocked the punch.


Li Ozi's body was ejected, and the tiger's mouth was in severe pain. He quickly turned off the pain of taking off his armor, and spent gene points to temporarily strengthen his tiger's mouth and add some metal elements to his bones.

If he continues to fight head-on like this, even if he has the passive of [Physical Strengthening], he won't be able to withstand it.

Delafis held her head high, with one hand behind her back and her foot stepping on the blade, ignoring half of her ferocious face, as if she were an elegant dancer.

"How many of your fellow citizens are here?" Li Ozi suddenly asked.

"I'll tell you when I get to the underworld."

After Drafis said that, he immediately kicked off and attacked suddenly!

While retreating, Li Ozi calmly swung his sword to block, trying his best to consume the opponent's attack frequency. He sensed the enemy's strength through the blade and judged the opponent's subsequent actions.

With his senses fully open, the powerful [Charm] immediately aroused the resonance of the elements between heaven and earth. Whispers were heard in the forest. The treehouse on the side suddenly rose from the ground, and its thick roots swept out towards Delafis.


Li Ozi pierced the ground with his backhand sword, and the ground immediately felt his determination and shook violently. As soon as Delafis stood up, he immediately fell into a bumpy and swaying back and forth.

Li Ozi held it in the air with his bare hands, and a wisp of breeze floated out from the palm of his hand. The whirling speed continued to accelerate and compress, turning into high-pressure slashes, cutting back and forth, tearing apart Delafis's mechanical body.

[Warning: External armor damaged]

Li Aozi tore apart the space with ease - the energy accumulated in the elemental pool was like a torrent in an instant. With only a slight guidance from him, elemental giants were generated on the spot.

As if feeling threatened by society, the local trees also responded to Li Ozi's call. One by one, the trees uprooted and accelerated their growth. They were swimming quickly on the ground like octopuses, and dozens of them were three meters tall. The elements of earth, fire, liquid, and air came to form a coalition to attack bravely.

This is not magic, just a structural skill using [Charm].

Li Ozi is very familiar with using these skills. As the unique skill of [Star Falling Master], the [Architect] who is most suitable for [Star Falling Master] will naturally not let it go, manipulate information, program the world, and use it to generate Architecture, laying out a powerful battlefield for oneself, influencing the ecology, these are the most basic linkage operations.

If he has obtained the Star Falling Technique inherited from the [Star Falling Master] at this moment, even with a Zeta and such a favorable terrain, he might be able to suppress the opponent temporarily.

Although [Architect] is more of a support person, even if he fights alone, he stands behind the structure and buffs it. However, in his genre, there is a set of 'Nature's Wrath' combination that deals with burst damage.

Just like he is now, releasing the element pool, using architectural technology to edit information, and causing resonance between elements, whether it is causing explosions and impacts, or using huge amounts.

Even machines are powerless under the wrath of nature, because machines themselves are part of nature.

The giant spirits took turns in the battle, and even launched a charge in the form of 'self-destruction'. Delafis, who was still at ease at first, was caught in the elemental torrent of Li Ozi.

Li Ozi doesn't know anything about architecture editing, but it doesn't matter.

They love themselves and can communicate directly with Li Aozi. There is no life or death for the elements. If they are destroyed, they can be reunited within a few thousand years.

But in these thousands of years, can we meet someone as beloved as Li Ozi?

It's hard.

For the elements, the most important thing is to be favored by Li Aozi.

"You're not fighting me, you're fighting the entire natural world."

Li Ozi said calmly, and at the same time commanded a group of newly assembled elemental spirits to rush forward.

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