From star abyss

Chapter 413 118. The waning moon has not yet arrived

College of Natural Ecology, student woodland dormitory.

Although they had been told that the situation was different from previous student fights, when members of the Student Union of the School of Magic Applications arrived at the scene with testing equipment, the sight in front of them still made everyone frown and look ugly.

The head of the picket department, Modot Husserl, lowered his head and picked up Delafis's mechanical skull. Even though he was wearing strict protection, the residual elemental radiation on it still slightly eroded his mental power, and his mind was a little bit... Dizziness.

He maintained a strictly professional attitude and ordered his magic assistant - a magic coffin shaped like an inverted pyramid to fly over and release the [Dissociation Technique] light. Under the precise cutting of the emerald green beam, the skull was broken into small pieces. .

The person next to him mobilized [Mage's Hand], held the fragment in the void, and put it into the set detection box.

Taking advantage of the inspection time, he placed the mechanical skeleton in front of him and scanned it with the [Advanced Detection Technique] in the exoskeleton for a moment. The magic brain quickly processed the information. The next moment, a large amount of information popped up in the crystal lens.

"This is not a golem, nor is it like a robot from a technologically advanced civilization - the [Mechanic] will not use such a backward method as steam to create a robot."

As he spoke, his face was rendered azure by the spiritual light.

Mordot turned his head sideways - it was the fire brigade that was casting spells to extinguish the fire, extracting elements from the atmosphere and summoning carbon dioxide to combine into dry ice.

The regional elements here were too strong and exciting. Although this also increased the effect of their elemental spells, it also made their work more difficult. Modot immediately heard the students of the fire brigade curse:

"The last time I saw an elemental riot of this intensity was when I was an intern in the demiplane of [Nia Hell]!"

It's not just fires, overly excited elemental bodies will pop up in the air from time to time. Generally, small elements at the gamma level are running around, bringing cold winds, raging fires and rock outcrops everywhere.

Even the originally peaceful trees were affected by the fluctuations of the elements and began to grow unscrupulously - Modote even saw a girl entangled by tree roots and half of her body dragged into the ground. Fortunately, her cry was loud enough. , the students from the fire brigade immediately came over with magic chainsaws and brought down the evil tree.

Everything around him seemed extremely magical - perhaps in the eyes of the mages, this should be called 'science fiction' - Mordot's face became more serious.

"Father of the Crystal, who did it?"

Silya Ruth held the riot rifle and, in shock, spoke out what Mordot was thinking.

As a newly joined picket committee member, she felt unprecedented horror when faced with this shocking destruction. The originally peaceful campus life seemed to have suddenly become the front line of the Galaxy Eye battlefield.

Being in such an environment, watching the danger value on the auxiliary panel rising steadily, the radiation counter making a 'gada gada' noise, the trees, air, fire, rocks, and water sources may all turn into a twisted little monster at any time. , rushing towards you.

"How amazing...this level of destructive power - it should be impossible for a minister or a student to possess it, right? Minister Modote?"

Her eyes were soft and rippling, and she looked towards Modote, the most powerful third-year student present.

The latter is currently wearing magic power armor as thick as the plate armor of astronauts and knights. Whether it is the riot suppressor bolt-action rifle held in his left hand or the steel-framed magic book on his waist, it can give people a strong sense of security. feel.

As a popular person in front of the president, this minister is not only about to break through Epsilon and reach the Zeta Stage, but he has also worked hard for many years to keep the campus in order and there has never been any major trouble.


However, towards the pitiful and lovely newcomer, Mordot shook his head and stood up straight from the ground. The burly and powerful Epsilon body seemed extremely small in this carnival of natural power.

"I have no idea."

Modote replied.

"This power...may be caused by some kind of weapon or forbidden spell."

"Could it be that a [Dominator]-type colonizer has sneaked in?" Sylya grasped the butt of the gun and asked softly: "Hasn't it happened before that the holders of high-risk arcane powers were able to communicate with each other? The traitors cooperated internally and externally and sent top colonial soldiers into the school, causing a serious crisis in Trivilla——"

"——The Higgs field has not changed, indicating that this is not the work of the evil Arcanist."

Modote interrupted the other party's unfounded conjecture:

"It's best not to mention the arcane matters, especially the elite colonial soldiers..."

Sylya was stunned for a moment, then realized that she had made a mistake and nodded quickly:

"Ah, I forgot that the student union prohibited mention of the 'waning moon'..."

"The student union doesn't matter, there are no taboos," Modote said calmly: "But the relatives and friends of the victims caused by the 'Waning Moon' two years ago, as well as President Corena, may be 'more' concerned."

Silya nodded, understanding Modote's kindness.

Two years ago, a holder of a high-risk arcana nicknamed 'Crane Moon' used some unknown method to coordinate internally and externally, and sent twelve leading colonial soldiers to invade Trivilla.

At that time, no one knew how he broke through the tight spell network interception, and how he avoided biochemical inspections, allowing these Zeta-level colonial armored soldiers to carry his arcane energy all the way through invisibly. He broke into the deepest parts of major campuses and stole a large amount of precious research materials and extraordinary knowledge.

That day, the patrol department of Baizhu Interstellar University decided to make a surprise inspection at once, and happened to run into the top soldiers of Canyue. Fortunately, the team members who were patrolling that day happened to be top students who were about to graduate.

More than a dozen students, relying on their excellent strength and tactical coordination, as well as the home field advantage, subdued the top soldiers.

However, that was also an unfortunate beginning.

After the incident was revealed, Cangyue decided to destroy the vanguard. The extraordinary genes in each of the colonial vanguard were aberrated, triggering an unprecedented arcane disaster.

People who experienced it described it as a nuclear explosion without smoke or flames. 20 of the 21 teachers, students and 5 faculty members died on the spot.

Those who were lucky enough to survive later either died of cancer caused by genetic mutations, or were turned into cripples by terminal illnesses.

This kind of scandal and destruction, the loss of knowledge and information cannot be measured in terms of money.

Seeing this kind of disaster again now... it's hard not to recall the terrorist attack that shook the entire Crystal Tower civilization.

"Zangyue escaped in the end, and no one could catch him. It was precisely in order to counter the emergence of such scum that the Ministry of Education spent a lot of money to install the Higgs field."

Modote reminds:

"He will not sneak in again, and there will not be an arcane person who can leave Trivilla's campus alive. Now the White Candle Star is not what it used to be. Now there is Minister Balcomon sitting in charge, a strong man from the Kapa level. , he is a god-like existence in Layer don’t have to worry.”

"Well, thank you for comforting me." Sylya's face turned slightly red, and she felt much better when she felt the simple and straightforward care of this rough man like Modote.

‘That’s right, I know clearly that Arcana will be severely suppressed by the Higgs field, but I’m still worried about the elite colonial soldiers sneaking in... Ha, it’s really unfounded. ’

She was thinking:

'Senior Mordot is really handsome... I must seize this opportunity and perform well in front of him...'

A straight man like Modote couldn't be bothered to pay attention to the girl's thoughts.

He is more concerned about the outcome of this disaster... How long will it take to return to normal?

In Modote's view, this was entirely the work of a Zeta-level warrior.

"The test results will be out soon. Maybe this is just an ordinary natural disaster."

As Modot said, the inverted pyramid coffin beside him suddenly lit up with a red flash, reminding him that someone was approaching. He immediately looked towards the indicated direction and shouted:

"Who's there? Come out."


A row of riot rifles immediately pointed forward. The pickets pulled the bolts of the guns and injected magic power. The energy-gathering rings of the barrels immediately turned the entire barrel into a dazzling blue as a warning.

There were many figures in the forest, and after a while, a freshman with a stiff face slowly walked out.

"It's me, don't shoot! We're one of our own!"

When the freshmen saw this formation, they quickly raised their hands:

"I am Leoz, a first-year freshman at the Academy of Magic Applications. I came here to discuss potions with my senior sister. There is my information rune here, take it and check it!"

He said, waving the student ID card and information runes in his hand.

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