From star abyss

Chapter 420 125. Primitive Punk 7702

[Arcana has been extracted from the target]: [Sequence fifty-six·Crescent Moon]

[Rating]: Omega Sequence (Ω, the final Greek letter)

[Crescent Moon·Perception]: Double benefits of [Dexterity] and [Charm].

"A waning moon is rising slowly, and its beauty will shine on the sky that no one cares about. What it lacks is just toying with and ridiculing this ignorant world."

"You are like several long echoes in the distance, kneaded into a dark and deep unified tone, as narrow as the night, and like the glow, the fragrance, color and sound, reflecting and intersecting."

"My friends, open your hands and offer the jester to this ugly world."

——[Yuanyuan Tianzun] Sorao.

Olympian performance:

Active activation - your hands can perform certain dimensional operations on the space and existence they come into contact with, just like treating the world as a modeling and drawing software. However, no matter what operations you perform, 'Crane Moon' will Must be released with both hands.

Passive state - your identity information has been reduced to a reduced dimension. As long as you are willing, no mechanical equipment or magic can detect your true information;

"Let's play a game where the prize is the whole world."

[Range]: Contact with both hands only.

Current development level: Perception level, the consumption rate of arcane energy at this development level is - 110%;


"Got it."

Li Ozi raised his feet and shook his neck. Two groups of cold silver moonlight flashed in his empty head.

When he extracted the arcane energy, he also took away the boy's racial talent. There was also a [Benign Mutation] on the panel, which could enhance the effect of the mutation project by 5%.

[As expected of a family of extraordinary people, extraordinary talents are innate, tsk tsk tsk. 】

Although it is a bit unkind to say this, colleagues are really enemies.


Mo Zilan was struggling to stand up on the ground. He opened his hand, pressed it on the ground, and looked at Li Ozi with hatred:

"Du Zexin! You bastard, my father will never let you go!"

"Really?" Li Ozi shrugged: "Then just take your time to find him. I, Du Zexin, will not change my name or my surname. It's up to you."

After that, he skillfully waved his hand, causing a mosaic to appear all over his body, disrupting the traces of dimensions, and left gracefully.

Compared to the unfamiliar arcane energy [Disaster], [Crescent Moon] was too familiar to him. This arcane energy itself does not have a particularly powerful direct output ability. Although it is not suitable for single combat due to its short range, it is an extremely powerful control skill in the early and mid-term and is extremely versatile.

At the same time, it can also provide the 'invincible' effect of [Spiritual World Walking] in all professions, second only to the [Strange] system.

Another point is that the dimensional operation effect of [Waning Moon] can be combined with the power of echo to set off ripples in dimensional space and time. Although the range is short, it is still quite impressive when combined with the sputtering AOE.

No matter what, it is better than [Bloodline].

After obtaining [Crane Moon], Li Ozi ran away decisively, without delaying a second, tearing apart the ripples of time and space and teleporting to Xinshou Village on the spot.

"Miss Yawen, I'm back."

Li Ozi took off his hood, revealing his undulating head, and walked into the boundary of the Faithful Village. His mental power immediately swept over the entire place.

[Tsk, ran away again. 】

Li Ozi shook his head. Yawen was still worried about him revealing her identity and had been worried about meeting him.

Maybe if you don't break the window paper, it will be less embarrassing? .

But it's not Li Ozi's style to be so secretive.

Li Ozi shouted a few times, but when Yawen didn't respond, he simply shook his head and ignored her.

He walked around and inspected his small territory. With the 007-style efforts of the players, Xinshuo Village has opened up hundreds of acres of fertile land, with beautiful houses. Two large guilds have also established their own villages here. At the base, a two-story building is being prepared. Although it is still in the foundation stage, the players have already begun to plan their future lives in an orderly manner.

Soon some players discovered that Li Ozi had returned, but the number was too small and did not cause a commotion.

"Damn it! Li Ozi is back!"

"Ah, it's tragic. Everyone in our guild has gone to kill the goblins."

"I happen to want to rent a [natural fire], but the temperature of the furnace is not high enough."

Li Aozi would not mind his lack of experience, as he could make some money, and by the way, he could take stock of the environment of the Faithful Village.

Compared with the previous wilderness, this month's large-scale construction work has achieved remarkable results, and it can now be called a simple village.

Brick kilns, coal kilns, blacksmith shops, leather manufacturing fields, and craft equipment workshops are also all available. At this moment, there are also [Biochemist] players controlling the biochemical pool left by Li Ozi, preparing to improve their biochemical weapons, and chose life Professional players also concentrate on staying in the village and doing their jobs.

The [Chef] is responsible for cooking and drying the food, making it into compressed dry food, and sending it to the frontline combatants, ensuring that it is as delicious as possible while providing sufficient benefits.

The [Blacksmith] is the busiest, working almost day and night repairing weapons retreated from the front line.

[Mechanic] Players are more unlucky. Since their weapon output basically relies on firearms, after the ammunition on the front line is used up, they have to go up and pick up the shells and warheads, and then return to the camp to transform the fertilizer themselves. , rub bullets and load powder by hand, and then have to work part-time as a "gunsmith", responsible for adding and modifying accessories to weapons.

To be honest, this is somewhat difficult for [Mechanic] players. They are suitable for making great efforts in industrial civilization, but for this remote country, these mechanical dogs may not be as meaningful as civil engineering siege lions.

But I have to say that the imagination and creativity of players are quite amazing.

Under limited conditions, players classified and organized the materials collected through hunting and gathering, and used local materials to reproduce weapons.

The crossbow was the first product to be considered. Players gave full play to the spirit of "take it from the enemy and use it to the enemy", using monster materials and the industrial thinking of Azure Star to create a modern bone composite bow and High-pound crossbow.

As for the explosives, after joint research by the [Biochemist] and the [Chef], they decided to use a locally collected crystal ore as a substitute, which contains extremely powerful energy. After grinding the shapes, simple grenades and explosives were made - the activation method was simple and crude, just put a detonator and white sugar inside.

This kind of crystal bomb can also be transformed into landmines and traps. The more common trigger trap is to dig a hole underground, put some bombs in it, and activate the fuse upon impact.

For those who are more advanced, put a goblin head on it and throw it into the group of goblins. These monsters are curious to eat and gather together. Then they just need to wait quietly for 'BOOM' ' and you can enjoy the fruits of a hard day's work.

In order to destroy the goblin nest, players have resorted to ruthless measures. Flooding, burning, burying, poisoning, various weapons taken from the mountains and forests were used to kill the creatures in the mountains and forests, which can be said to be the original food.

This kind of primitive punk operation can be found everywhere, allowing Li Ozi to fully feel the creativity of the players.

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