From star abyss

Chapter 424 129. The Blue Star was sniped

The more Li Ozi listened, the more strange he felt.

Galexian civilization?

Fenes Federation?

The more I listen to this, the more I get a subtle sense of déjà vu.

Then, he heard Wendy say leisurely:

"Speaking of which, this can be regarded as our luck. The Fairy Planet Belt has not yet been recognized by the Interstellar Alliance, but our empire has discovered a planet with indigenous civilization. As long as we slowly cultivate contact, it will only take two hundred years. You can see them flying out of their home planet and officially becoming a 'civilization'."

"I would venture to ask," Li Ozi said: "Isn't it prohibited in the interstellar convention to support and cultivate uncivilized civilizations? I remember very clearly that you must work hard to get out of your home planet to be recognized as a 'civilization' '."

"Don't you understand this? Conventions are bound by rules-abiding civilizations. If you really want to break them, wouldn't you just drag a civilization that has not signed the convention into trouble?"

Wendy glanced at Li Ozi thoughtfully:

"The war between the Crystal Tower and the Night Butterfly Federation is meaningless in the eyes of the big shots in Layer Abyss, but it is very meaningful that an unrecognized civilization like yours can exist to this day."

"Seeing that you look upright and beautiful, I will tell you about the unspoken rules of the Abyssal Civilization."

"We all know that the narrative-level civilization has the final say, but there is more than one narrative-level civilization in the Star Abyss. In this layer of the universe, the Star Abyss has six levels, and the Narrative Level is ranked thirteenth, and the Light Level Abyss has three - —In this case, if narrative-level civilizations directly go to war with each other, it is very easy for others to take advantage of the loopholes and compete with each other. On the contrary, other inferior civilizations will take advantage of them."

In order to make it easier for Li Ozi to understand, she also made a metaphor:

"The first, second and third graders got into a fight and fought to the death, using all kinds of damaging tactics - in the end, the three of them ended up in the hospital, and the fourth, fifth and sixth grade students took over. Waiting until they When things calm down, a new order and distribution of interests have been formed, and naturally there will be no place for them."

"So, the three major narratives of Layer Abyss have actually reached a consensus by default: jointly annex and expand Layer Abyss, only competition, not war. Sit back and watch the civilizations below mingle with each other, and the narrative-level civilization will not participate in anything."

"This is different from your proxy war. War between civilizations is not good for the narrative level. Instead, it may attract the arrival of [society]. But if it really breaks out, the civilizations will feel that they are threatened and must find new backers. ——This will inevitably lead to being attracted by narrative-level civilization.”

"I roughly understand what you mean: For narrative-level civilizations, war itself is meaningless. It is better to provide the interstellar alliance to each civilization, so that they can usually abide by the game rules formulated by the three major narrative discourse powers. Once the real If there is a crisis of national subjugation and genocide - they will definitely take refuge in narrative-level civilization."

Li Ozi somewhat understood what she said.

Although this concept is a bit childish and naive, judging from Li Ozi's many years of experience, it is indeed more in line with her statement.

It's just that...narrative-level civilization is not incapable of fighting.

"It is precisely for this reason that the real work of opening up territories and conquering cities is done by the subordinate civilizations of the narrative-level civilization. The core civilized citizens will always carry out construction and development in the rear. Our Destis family, after entering the empire, , are engaged in this glorious mission."

"Aren't you afraid that I will leak the secret?"

Wendy raised her chin and said proudly:

"Leak? How many people in the Crystal Tower Civilization know the truth about the Narrative Civilization? Even if you tell it, no one will believe it. Besides, our family is powerful enough to erase all the influence you bring."

"Okay, you guys are awesome."

Li Ozi was speechless, but he was still curious:

"Since you belong to the imperial family, why do you want to come to school in our White Candle Star?"

"Convenient." Wendy didn't bother to hide it at all: "Your place is too close to the Fairy Planet Belt. The fleet of the Ferenes Federation is cruising in the nearby 30 light-year star field at any time. I think it will only take two days to go home. Kungfu, why not come over and enjoy the unique humanistic scenery of magical civilization."

Li Ozi's eyes moved.

When the other party said that the fleet of the Daofenies Federation was cruising, he had already guessed something.

The so-called Andromeda Belt is actually the unnamed supernova cluster where the Blue Star is located.

[As expected, not all the plots in the previous game were played. 】

While on the Blue Star, Alexia had searched for a book of cutting-edge knowledge, "Gene Editing Engineering". For the Blue Star, that was a product that could subvert the entire civilization.

Li Ozi has learned this knowledge and is certain that this is not a native product of Azure Star at all.

Judging from Alexia's performance, the Armilioko Federation, which was also aided by the Fenes Federation, has knowledge above professional level - the conversation with Wendy also confirmed this.

The predecessor of GTB was the organization that made contact with extraterrestrial civilizations on Blue Star.

Mr. Entropy, [Fake Society], [Secret Society]...

As early as that time, Li Ozi had already begun to suspect that the situation on Azure Star was not that simple.

[Esha is the mind of Lord Entropy. As soon as Amiryoko obtained the advanced knowledge, Lord Entropy broke out a thought storm and blocked the world with Esha. 】

This logic is not difficult to understand.

If Mr. Entropy felt that his life safety was threatened, he broke out a thought storm and asked Esha to block extraterrestrial connections, instead of directly wiping out surface civilization - this has exactly proved that Mr. Entropy acted out of self-defense. the behavior of.

So after turning around, I can immediately discover the key points.

[The Qunying Empire must be aware of the existence of Lord Entropy. 】

Precisely because I knew that Mr. Entropy existed, I deliberately controlled not to stimulate Mr. Entropy's outbreak, and tried my best to downplay the problem.

Li Ozi even had a conjecture: Mr. Entropy would become the most valued value of Azure Star.

First, Azure Star has geopolitical value and can be used as a strategic springboard to attack the Maxwell Corporation, the enemy of the Fenice Federation.

Second, the existence of Lord Entropy is equivalent to planting a time bomb here. Whoever dares to attack here will dare to anger Lord Entropy, and everyone will be finished together.

Third, the larvae of Lord Entropy are attractive to [society] and may appear as a suitable ‘fishing net’. Try to catch turtles in a urn and eliminate [society] that threatens the empire.

The more he thought about it, the more Li Aozi's scalp became numb.

Everything he could think of, the empire led by the Philosopher King must have thought through it all.

Not only did the Empire know about Lord Entropy, but they also used Lord Entropy in a planned way - this seemed to the players to be seeking skin from a tiger, but the Empire not only did it, but even supported pioneers like the Wendy family.

What does it mean? It shows that the empire is not only fine, but also making a lot of money. Even though the matter of Lord Entropy has become a scandal, the families involved in the development have still made enough benefits.

This point can basically prove that the matter of blowing up the Blue Star was originally planned by the empire.

Explode the planet - relocate the refugees - and let the Galexi civilization specifically pick up the players and train them.

This did not remove the caution of the Maxwell Company, but instead fueled the ambitions of the Maxwell Company.

After version 5.0, the Fernies Federation still started fighting with the Maxwell Corporation.

The final outcome... After the players officially joined the battle, Maxwell Corporation declared a truce after two versions and signed a peace agreement, allowing the Fenice Federation to stop its losses in time.

The Empire did not take action from the beginning to the end, but it always dominated everything. No matter how bad the situation was, it was expected by the Empire.

【Then here comes the problem. 】

Who is it that deliberately spreads sophisticated knowledge here on the Blue Star?

The answer is already obvious.

The Empire will not self-destruct its projects and take the initiative to explode mines. The Ferenes Federation does not want to lose the Blue Star. The Galexi civilization will only serve as the executor to convey the will of the Empire from beginning to end.

[Society] It is impossible to share knowledge with humans.

Then, there is only one final suspect.

Li Ozi tilted his head slightly, his eyes serious.

——Maxwell Corporation.

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