From star abyss

Chapter 44 044. Arrogance is a common problem among most pilots

Li Ozi was angry.

Personal talent, object resonance - this cannot actually be said to be a very rare talent.

It should be said that this may be the case among billions of people on the entire planet.

This is a talent that is very, very, very suitable for the prerequisite profession of [Star Master] - [Bishop]!

From the description, it seems very ordinary. With more concentrated attention, it is easier to observe the changing patterns of things - but the actual performance is very scary.

To put it simply, this talent can directly cancel the forward movement caused by chanting, gestures, movements, and formations for the caster!

What is the concept?

This means that ultimate killing moves such as [Dragon's Breath], [Taixu Demonic Flash], and [Purgatory Gate], which have a casting time of several minutes, do not need to wait in place, and can move freely and release displacement at will. Skills will not interrupt reading.

You can even make a jump, rush directly from the safe area into the penalty area and use a big move, and still have time to recover.

It is useless for professions such as [Martial Artist], [Psychic User], [Biochemist], [Mechanic], and [Architect] that hardly require skills. Because they have a short CD, they don't need any forward movement to activate their abilities. Their output relies on other means other than skills, or even flat A.

However, for those professions that have a long casting point, this is a magical skill!

For example, [Summoner], [Soul Ferryman], [Messenger of the Underworld], [Apostle], and [Bishop], these professions all have high output capabilities, but if you want to deal full damage, you must completely sacrifice mobility.


"You have such a great talent. Why don't you become a master and become famous? After graduating from college, you come to Law 4 and become a small agent?!"

Do you still play the [Weird] system? Still playing [Psychic Medium]?

The skills of the [Weird] system basically have no forward movement, strong spell penetration, and various weird props. They cannot be used in the C position, but they can also be used as a very good support and information position.

And [Psychic Medium] is a profession famous for its short CD and high mobility. This profession is a rare spell assassin in the early stage. In the later stage, it can also be converted into [Spellcaster], [Apostle], [Condemned One], and [Path Guide]. .

Each one has great potential and is a must-choose profession in the professional arena.

Then, look at what you learned?

You actually work part-time as an [agent]?

Li Ozi is going crazy.

This is a profession with a strength attribute!

You are a psychic medium. Your main attribute is [spiritual medium] [will].

You are committing a crime, go to hell!

Li Ozi boasted that he had few pursuits, but he was extremely jealous of this talent.

For a moment, all he could think about was: The talent I don’t have, no one else is allowed to have it, it’s such a childish mentality.

Especially Agent Yawen's standard agent fighting skills made Li Ozi's blood pressure rise.

What a waste.

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to puke!"

Li Ozi was jealous, whether it was because of his career or his inner arrogance, he couldn't help but storm out when he saw this scene.

Too small, the layout is too small!

Begging for food with a golden rice bowl is nothing more than that!

This is no longer just a competition between rookies and newcomers, we must give her a hard blow to let her know her mistake!

Li Ozi gritted his teeth angrily. He punched out both fists and hit a combination of punches without reservation.

During the punch, he hit Yawen on the chest. He stepped forward with his left foot and bent his knees to seize the center line. The left swing punch hit Yawen's arm with her elbow bent to block. The impact on Yawen's already dislocated wrist was unbearable. She lowered her head. It rang out:


Before she could be intruded by the pain, Li Ozi punched her in the throat. Yawen gritted her teeth and endured the pain, lowered her head and held her chest, and used a shoulder bump, impacting Li Ozi's arms, and pressing her elbow against Li Ozi's diaphragm. , stifling his forward momentum.


cannot. Lose here, lose here, and everything is over.

"Yarwen! Think about your purpose in coming to Law Four... If I fall, everything in the family will be over."

Can't die, can't lose.

Yawen reminded herself in her heart.

With her eyes focused, she caught the opponent's flaw, raised her foot and stepped down on Li Ozi's instep.


This woman did not learn [Soul Erosion] and [Evil Soul Stab] from [Psychic Medium]. With her small body, Li Ozi's gravitational arcana passively weakened the damage by 8%, and she became even less lethal.

In a sense, without the use of arcana and spiritual power, the physical attacks of the two are basically equivalent to scraping each other, but considering the health bars of both sides are not very strong, the attack is still considerable.

Li Ozi didn't care. He grabbed the back of her neck and used gravity to float her weightlessly. Then he held her head down and stuffed her into the car along the sunroof.


Yawen fell into the passenger seat in pain, and Qiu Ran and Nomi next to her were shocked.

Qiu Ran looked at a beautiful sister sitting in and waved subconsciously:


"Haha!" Nomi raised his hand and hit it with a wrench.

【Driving in the Spiritual World】

Yawen once again entered that unnatural ghost state and moved quickly against the laws of physics. She initially tried to open the car door and jump out of the car. However, the car lock can only be controlled from the driver's seat.

So she planned to get out from the skylight above, but Li Ozi's whole body was stuck here. He was full of confidence. According to his understanding, even in the ghost state, he could not go through directly.

This is called closing the door to fight ghosts. Players' favorite time to fight with the [Psychic Medium] is that as soon as the opponent opens the spirit world, they close the door, then throw gas bombs inside, and enjoy the paradise-like scene inside.

If conditions permit, it is best to pair it with a cup of coffee and the piano music of "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence". It is very elegant and very happy.

Li Ozi's condescending attitude made Yawen dissatisfied.

“Since I can’t get out—you come down too!”

Yawen reacted quickly. To see if her spiritual power had reached the bottom, she immediately released the ghost state of [Spirit Realm Driving], raised her hand and directly grabbed Li Ozi, using her whole body weight to drag him down.


Li Ozi paid the price for his arrogance. He was entangled at such a close range and could not use his arcane powers at all, so he was dragged in by Yawen.

But even so, his skills were superior to his opponent's, and the two immediately struggled in the car. Yawen didn't struggle for long, but he still gained the upper hand.

"Holy crap! Are you crazy? What are you fighting in the car?"

Nomi raised a hand to push away Li Ozi's bumping shoulder. The steering wheel in his hand slipped, and the entire car crashed into the Law 4 off-road vehicle on the right.


The driver of the off-road vehicle was hit so hard by Nomi that the airbag almost exploded. He was so angry that he turned the steering wheel with his backhand, stepped on the accelerator, and collided with Nomi again!

Bang-dang——! ! !

"Wow! Ahhhhh——"

Qiu Ran held her head and screamed loudly.

Yawen's big-brimmed hat flew out during the fight, and she was pinned down by Li Ozi. Li Ozi held the chain and was about to smash it down on her throat!

"Uh... Wu..."

Yawen was suppressed and could hardly breathe. Her golden-green eyes met Li Ozi's gray eyes with golden halo.

It's that arrogant look that doesn't take others seriously.

"do not use……"

Her eyes were stained with blue, she gritted her teeth, and the last of her spiritual power was stimulated, and [Spirit World Drive] gave her a ghost-like state, although this could only last for a short second.


Yawen raised her hand and hit him under the armpit with the barrel of the gun, causing Li Aozi to knock him sideways. Even so, the chain blessed by gravity also made a dent in the sofa.

One second is enough.

Her five fingers turned white due to excessive exertion, and the overdraft of her spiritual power gave Yawen a splitting headache. She muttered to herself, as if to remind herself:

"Don't look at me with...that arrogant look."

She turned over and got out from the left side of Li Ozi, grabbed the seat belt, wrapped it around Li Ozi's neck, reached over her shoulders, and used both hands to strangle him unconscious.


Being cheated.

Who knew the next moment, the driver on the right side hit her hard. The violent impact caused her wrist to loosen, and she was thrown into Nomi's arms.

"Holy shit! Get out!"

Suddenly a woman lay on Nomi's lap. She was startled and hit her leg with a wrench. Before Yawen could react, Li Ozi grabbed her thigh and pulled her backwards into the back space.


Nomi's wrench hit her knee, which was very red and swollen. She let out a low cry, slowed down the car, and fell half a body behind the off-road vehicle that was about to hit her again.

As a result, the rear of the latter's car directly hit the front of their car.

Bang -

Li Ozi was grabbing Yawen's collar and pressing her on the back seat. When he was about to punch her out, the front of the car suddenly hit the car in front. There was a loud noise and Li Ozi was thrown away. Flying over the front windshield.

Li Ozi subconsciously activated the gravitational arcana, and settled down smoothly, leaning sideways against the glass. A golden halo lit up in her eyes. Thanks to the sudden light, he could clearly see Yawen from the waist down. Suddenly the dagger popped out, holding it with one hand, and stabbed him with the force of the impact.

Li Ozi didn't take it seriously. He tilted his head slightly and plunged the dagger into the windshield. At the same time, he canceled the gravity, swung away the chains on his arms, and pressed his whole body towards the opponent!

Seeing the chain close to her neck, Agent Yawen's wrist was dislocated, and her other hand was pressed by Li Ozi. She suddenly calmed down, faced Li Ozi, and opened her lips, revealing her white teeth.

The gun is out of bullets, the blade is stuck, and my fists are weak, but I still have teeth that can be used!

"There's no end, we'll kill them all, right! I'll beat you to death!"

Nomi suddenly got violent and hit a big bump on his head. With tears in the corners of his eyes, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator, turned the steering wheel, and accelerated forward.


The violent shock caused the passengers in the car to be thrown to the ground. Nomi laughed wildly and kept accelerating until the car in front of him was completely overturned, exposing the chassis, and all four wheels were upside down. Smiling, turned the steering wheel and walked away.


Not long after they passed by, the vehicle behind them burst into flames, but this was not surprising. Nomi stepped on the accelerator, and the fire disappeared into the wind, snow and red and black sky outside.

"Destroy hahahahaha! Ahhahahahaha! You're dumbfounded! Did you hit Nomi's car? Oh, yoyo, it overturned! Hahahahaha!"

Nomi knocked on the steering wheel triumphantly, turned her head and shouted to Li Aozhi as if taking credit:

"How is it? Nomi's driving skills are shocking...Li Zi?"

It's a bit eerily quiet in the back.


She paused, her expression changed drastically, and she suddenly turned her head to look behind her.

The moment the scene in the back row came into view, Nomi felt her head buzzing, and her fingers unconsciously made deep dents on the steering wheel.

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