From star abyss

Chapter 448 153. Nomi Anderson Guessett

Klavizzi shook his head:

"A few years ago, when David Lin didn't come up, people from the Rose Army came here. They were of high quality. Not only did they not exploit the locals, they also gave away a lot of food and supplies, trying to build a good relationship with the local residents in order to win over them. To resist with the support of the Rose Army—the result? The daughter of the leader of the Rose Army guerrillas was abducted by the locals."

"Then what?" the passenger asked.

"What else?"

Kravizzi shrugged:

"The mutants discovered that her body could regenerate, and immediately regarded it as a treasure given to them by the gods. They cut it up regularly and used it as needed. They kept her for more than half a year before she was discovered by the guerrillas of the Rose Army."

"It's quite ironic. The guerrilla came to deliver food to the mutants, but he found that a girl's legs were boiling in the pot. He was immediately frightened and hurried back to report the matter. The top brass of the Rose Army guessed what was going on. I deliberately didn’t let the boss of the guerrillas know the truth about it, and replaced me with an internal affairs officer to negotiate.”

The passenger said nothing, and Kravitzy continued:

"As a result, the internal affairs officer came back and said that the girl was dead. The Rose Army needed mutants to provide soldiers, so they concealed the truth of the matter and deliberately sent the guerrillas to remote places. After waiting for several years, David Lin came to power. , the Rose Army took over the recruitment, and this matter spread."

He took another puff of cigarette and suddenly laughed:

"Dongyueling is such a bullshit place, full of human-eating monsters."

"Where's the kidnapped girl?"

"Who knows, maybe he died a long time ago, or maybe he's not dead and is still suffering."

The train gradually slowed down. Kravitzi put out his cigarette butts and went to operate the train. After a while, the train stopped steadily.

"Hey, little brother, we're here."

Kravizzi turned his head and shouted to the passengers.

The passenger stood up slowly and was about to get off the car. Suddenly, he noticed a chain hanging on the wall to fix fire equipment.

He raised his hand, pointed at the chain, and asked:

"Can I borrow this?"

Kravitzy scratched his head: "It's not a valuable item, just take it and use it."


The passenger wrapped the chain around his wrist and nodded, his purple eyes showing gratitude.

When he stepped off the train, the cold wind that came on him instantly frosted his body. The strong wind rolled up his hood, revealing Isaac Maxim's chiseled, angular face.

Li Ozi stood in the hall of Dongyueling subway station. There were thin rustling sounds all around. Mutated monsters gnawing at bones were secretly spying on this stranger who had come from afar, and seemed to be planning to turn him into a bastard. A delicious meal, but as long as he is slightly affected by his momentum, he will immediately give up this unrealistic idea.

Click, click, click...

Li Ozi was alone, wearing a neat formal suit covered with a protective cotton coat. He stepped on the cold ground step by step, and the biting cold wind seemed weak and ridiculous in front of him.

He walked out of the subway and walked in the wasteland of Dongyueling. The white sand under his feet was frozen into solid rubble. Every time he kicked, he felt like the tip of a knife was stabbing his sole. Li Aozi moved forward indifferently, using his strength to protect himself and hold on. Opening the blood-colored barrier seemed too ostentatious in the outside world where there was no light and the sky was full of wind and snow.

The things lurking in the darkness could no longer be suppressed. They were overwhelming in an instant and rushed over madly. A group of mutants opened their mouths and ejected their tongues like bullets, hitting the energy shield without causing a ripple.

They raised the rifles presented by the Rose Army high, their eyes protruding from their sockets, trying hard to focus and aim, then pulled the triggers and accurately fired the bullets at one location, but they were unable to break through Li Aozi's shield.

Ouch! Ouch!

The domesticated mutant beast lit explosives on its body and rushed towards Li Ozi crazily.

Jingle Bell--

Silver-gray light and shadow flashed, and the chain instantly hit the ground, splashing up a cloud of frost, snow and dust, extinguishing the bomb fuse and confusing the field of view.

Li Ozi coldly swung the chains, whipped them, whipped them, smashed them into pieces, and the blood condensed into solid ice on the ground.


The mutated people yelled in vague language. Although they looked similar to humans, in a sense, even the pseudo-humans were more human-like than them.

Slaughterhouse employees don't feel guilty about livestock.

Li Ozi waved down the chain, and the mutants fell one after another.

Swinging, smashing, throwing, chopping, splitting, hammering, twisting, and twisting.

It sounds just like cooking.

He calmly tramples on their corpses, treats every mutant equally, and engages in an ordinary career with a normal state of mind.

When he stepped his boots into the skull of a young mutant, there were no more mutants in the entire Dongyue Ridge.

Li Ozi took off his protective coat, which was stained with blood and minced meat.

He slowly walked towards the location detected by his main body. At this point, Li Ozi felt surprisingly calm. He was neither excited about seeing Nomi nor felt guilty for being so late.

Li Ozi just walked calmly through the broken ridge of Dongyue Ridge and stepped to the top of the mountain - there is an ancient mutated giant tree growing here. Its crown is not growing branches and leaves, but is full of muscles and bones. The branches The head was covered with fleshy balls of fireflies, emitting a faint blue glow in the dark night. Rows of human spines were surrounded by the damaged gum bark.

This is exactly the god worshiped by the mutants - the mutated tree of flesh and blood.

But it is not an evil creature, it is just one of the many living beings struggling to survive on this harsh planet. Its ugly appearance and bloody posture are just evolutions made for survival.

The night remains dark and snowy.

Under the big tree of flesh and blood, a deformed and ugly monster sat on her knees: she was about three meters tall, with a thin body, and her silver-white hair fell to the ground like the tentacles of a sea anemone, dancing in the wind, and her rotting body was covered with growth. Maggots full of fireflies.

Her nearly skeletal head also had deformed moose-like tentacles growing on it. Although her lower body maintained a human shape, it also looked extremely skinny. The intestines spilled from her belly were like the hem of a skirt, covering her private parts, as if they were just There are some places where female characteristics can be seen.

As if she sensed someone approaching whom she hadn't seen for a long time, the rotten monster slowly raised its head. When her hollow slanted single eye reflected the figure of Li Ozi, she seemed to hesitate for a moment.

Then, she threw herself on all fours and grabbed a huge engineering wrench from the remains of bones on the ground. She used it to lean on the ground and stood up with difficulty.


The monster straightened up, raised the wrench in his hand with its skinny aspen-like arms, just like a knight raising a spear in a duel, and pointed it at Li Ozi.

Li Ozi took a deep breath.

【Eye of Truth】

[You got a glimpse of the truth and obtained the following information:]


[Name]: ‘The Daughter of Waiting for Corruption’ Nomi Anderson Guessett

[Race]: Esha Corrosive Body

【Gender】: Female (before death)


[Template]: None

[Faction]: Lord Entropy - Apostle of Entropy Destruction - Erosion of Evil

[Total level]: lv.60 [Erotic body of evil spirits]

[Health]: (cannot be calculated, the target is dead)

[Arcana Energy Value]: (Erosion body arcana energy value and health value are merged)


Strength - 25

Dexterity - 24

Constitution - does not exist

Charm - 0



The Will of Entropy Destruction - The supreme Lord of Entropy has prohibited your death. You will not be able to obtain true liberation until you are freed from the evil evil.


[Violent Street] - When using crude weapons, the damage caused is increased by 10%

[Happy Wild Cat] - When the mood is above 'Happy', the melee dodge rate increases, and the probability of being hit by random projectiles (shrapnel, stray bullets, curses, etc.) is reduced.

[Well-trained] - You have considerable experience in operating military weapons and are very good at driving vehicles. Even if it is your first time coming into contact with an unfamiliar vehicle, you can quickly get started and become proficient.

[Entropy destroys arcane energy]:

[Proliferation and Alienation] - The will of Lord Entropy gives your cells powerful power, and their proliferation and division rate reaches dozens of times that of ordinary people.

The bad news is that with this rate of breakdown, the longer you recover, the shorter the lifespan is, in theory.

The good news is, you're dead.

Even after returning to health, proliferation continues, whether it's teeth or bone spurs, or tumors and calcification crystals growing in the brain - this is all good.

However, it actually makes no difference to you whether this ability is good or bad. Even if it is a curse given to you by Lord Entropy, you must praise it and sing it.

Don't try to control the proliferation of cells. It has already left you with a whole corpse. You should be grateful and always admire the supreme entropy Lord Mian.

[Possessing skills]:

[Professional fighting], [Expert wilderness survival], [Breaking roads and clearing obstacles], [Bullying the weak], [Extreme dodge]

[Class]: Alpha level



Li Ozi looked at the monster confronting him.

No wonder the main body cannot be found at all.

It turns out that Nomi’s body is here.

That half of the soul is still here, lodged in this dilapidated body.

Indeed, I should have thought of it earlier. If you die in the outside world, you will most likely be transformed into an evil corroded body, or simply degenerate into an apostle of entropy destruction.


The monster let out a low roar, or maybe it was not a roar, but the sound of wind passing through her rotting lungs.

She is dead, but not dead either.

The erosion of Lord Entropy caused her life to fall into a state of never-ending counter-entropy, but she was unable to truly return to life. She died and resurrected at the same time, and eventually turned into an corrosive body that was worse than even the undead.

This is also the ultimate fate of most outsiders.

"Don't be afraid, Nomi."

The chains hung on the ground, and Li Ozi seemed to have returned to the day he first entered the Star Abyss.

It's just that he was the only passerby who walked side by side at the beginning. Now he is the only one left.

"I'm here to take you home."

Just before that——

Li Ozi suddenly flew up, with energy all over his body, and a demonic red aura swirling in the corners of his eyes.

——I must kill you again.

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