From star abyss

Chapter 452 157. The backbone of the mouse (Part 2)

"We can deploy it on the moon now, or we can let them search for interstellar civilization."

"Very good, let's not calculate the living costs of these 1.7 billion people for the time being. We will treat immigration to the moon as a strategic mission. There is plenty of helium on the moon, and we are not short of energy. Let me give you an account: every time a spacecraft is launched to the moon, We don’t calculate the cost of round-trip transportation, but it requires at least two hydrogen bombs with an explosive yield of 160 million tons, and how many people can be sent to the moon at most on this trip?”

Rudolph looked at the other person and said:

"240 people."

"The thermonuclear weapons reserves of the four countries will not exceed 2,000. Such a space program can last up to 1,000 times. Without a single mistake, a maximum of 240,000 people can be sent to the moon."

"There are 240,000 people, and we have 1.7 billion needed laborers trapped on the earth."

Rudolf put the calculator aside and looked at President Devlin:

"Do you understand, Your Excellency? This is an impossible mission. Even if we blow up all the nuclear bombs, we can only send 240,000 people to the moon at most. Even if we send in mechanical troops to modularize production, the last thing we can do is Leave a little fire for mankind on the moon.”

"Instead of this, we should let go, enjoy our time in the real world for the last time, and then welcome our demise calmly."

"Scientists in our country have been studying chemical hormones. When the end comes, everyone can get the chemical hormones distributed by the government to stimulate the body and die happily without pain."

Rudolf did not shy away from the news because he knew that the four countries had similar plans.

David Lin was silent for a moment. He held the cigarette between his fingers and remained silent. His eyes were focused on the map in the distance.

A full half minute passed before Davidlin said:

"Your Highness Rudolph, are the Red Arrows afraid of death?"

This question was asked like a provocation. Rudolph raised his eyebrows and said:

"If the Red Arrows were afraid of death, they would have given up revenge long ago."

"You are not even afraid of death, so why do you still have such a pessimistic attitude when facing Lord Entropy?"

Davidlin took a puff of cigarette and slowly blew out the smoke ring. Before Rudolph could answer, he continued:

"The Shuangplating people have lived in fear or poverty for the past hundreds of years. We are more afraid of death than anyone else, but now, we have finally lived a good life."

"We have ended the chaotic and corrupt history of the Medway government, and we have embarked on the path of technological advancement, with rich countries, strong military, and diplomatic allies - in my opinion, human beings are no longer worthy of being our enemies."

Davidlin leaned back in his chair, dusted his cigarette in the ashtray, and continued:

"The Red Arrow nation's obsession with revenge can be understood by the Frost-plated nation. Please also understand the Frost-plated nation's obsession with life. If we want to live, we must get out of this planet."

"Then how to deal with Lord Entropy? With our abilities, we can't deal with it anyway." Rudolph questioned: "In front of Lord Entropy, we are just a group of rats in the sewer."

"Fight to the death."

David Lin said:

"Even if he is destined to be shattered into pieces, the frost-plated man will still chew off a piece of Mr. Entropy's body. A mouse also has the backbone of a mouse."

When Rudolph heard this, he knew that there was something in Davidlin's words. He thought for a moment, but still couldn't figure out what Davidlin was thinking, so he had to ask:

"What exactly is your plan?"

"The Azure Star of the old era once planned to open up the center of the earth and create a tunnel directly running through the eastern and western hemispheres. In this way, they could travel to and from the other side at will in just two hours, greatly strengthening cultural exchanges and the integration of people around the world."

"You mean...the road to the stars?!" Rudolf narrowed his eyes: "One end of that railway is in the Frost Plate territory, but the other end has now fallen into the hands of Tianhuan. And in fact, the road to the stars, It hasn’t really gotten through yet.”

"Of course that road is not open. But the super artificial intelligence systems left over from the old era all have their main bodies deployed underground."

Davidlin said calmly:

"Because deep in the center of the earth is the abandoned mist of Lord Entropy. The evil evil spread from there in the first place."

"What are you going to do with that road to the stars?"

David Lin glanced at Crown Prince Rudolf and said:

"Frost Plating has a super-large hadron collider, which is a relic from the old era."

"We can set it up near the center of the earth to create a small black hole. If we are lucky, the black hole that collapses due to fusion will not be too big and can just wipe out the entire center of the earth. The radiant heat generated by the black hole can also sustain us. geothermal temperature.”

"You overestimate the technology of the old era. With just those tiny black holes, one is simply not enough."

Rudolf shook his head:

"Yes, this sounds much more reliable than the Moon Spark Project, but even I, a liberal arts student, know that the man-made black holes produced by the Hadron Collider alone cannot swallow the molten iron in the earth's core, and their The mass is not enough to maintain the gravity of the blue star. The most likely thing is that they will be like the mini sushi in the sky ring, one bite at a time, and they will be gone after a while. In the end, except for affecting the gravity, there will be no change."

"Of course one is not enough."

Devlin looked at Rudolph:

"But if two hadron colliders are placed from the east and west sides, the two black holes will devour each other. They will move around each other, and the matter in the center of the earth will be continuously devoured by the huge energy generated between them. In this way, Come on, that’s almost it.”

"But where did the second machine come from?" Rudolf questioned: "This is not only the technology of the old era, but also a system created with the help of alien civilization. No country has the ability to create a second machine." tower."

"No, the second channel is already available."

Devlin pointed to the other side of the blue star:

"On the day when Li Ozi made a big fuss in Tianhuan, agents from Law Three had already sneaked in to find out. There was a hadron collider underground in Tianhuan's Hojo Building."

Rudolph lowered his head slightly.

——Shuang Plating's secret service is unexpectedly powerful.

Although the three villains of the law are famous, the performance of the past two years, whether it is the failure in the Li Ozi incident or the shrinking of the staff after David Lin came to power, is not good-looking.

This made Rudolf feel a little elated, thinking that Shuang Ping's days of domination in the intelligence community were over.

But looking at it now, Law Three is still the most powerful spy agency in the world. The weakening of Rule 3 does not mean that the intelligence agencies of other countries have become stronger.

‘Red Arrow’s intelligence capabilities are still not good enough, and it is necessary to raise the confidentiality level. ’

When David Lin said this, he was also deliberately showing off his strength.

Nowadays, the Frost-plated Federation is still undergoing reform and development. Everyone knows that the national power of the Federation is unstable at this moment. The purpose of deliberately displaying the business capabilities of Rule 3 is to show the Red Arrows a hand and prevent them from underestimating themselves.

At the same time, this also means that David Lin also believes that Tianhuan is threatening, and the two countries can reach a consensus on this aspect.

"Actually, Your Highness Rudolph, I have always had an idea."

"Oh? Tell me."

"We have reached this era. In the future, we will all step into the universe. One day, we oldies will be eliminated."

David Lin said:

"I think maybe humans should form a true unity to truly and completely rule the entire planet. Only in this way can we have the confidence to attack the universe."

Since the oceans on the Azure Star have evaporated, the actual area of ​​each country is relatively large, including the seabed area.

Among the four countries, even Zhengxu, the smallest country, is as big as South America plus Australia.

Frost Plate is about the same size as Tianhuan. Counting colonies, the total area is equivalent to the size of Eurasia.

The actual area of ​​the largest Red Arrow is equivalent to starting from Denmark and encircling the entire Arctic Circle, Northern Europe, Russia, the Pacific and North America.

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