From star abyss

Chapter 455 160. Thousands of clues

"Miss Yawen, the clothes you made are so beautiful. Every time you come to deliver them, they are always snapped up by the ladies in the city."

"Where, without your marketing strategy in place, no matter how good your clothes are, you won't be able to sell them."

Yawen nodded, put her hands in front of her, and talked and laughed with the lady who owned the largest clothing store in the city for a long time before packing up and leaving.

She wore fake make-up on her face, her long gray hair was tied up, and she wore diamond pendants on her ears. She wore an exquisite dress with laminated ribbons. The gradient dark blue color made her look extremely noble, paired with the expensive jewelry in her hands. Handbags, transportation in luxury cars, she looks like a jeweled young lady.

For several months, she often left the village like this, hired a driver and a nanny, and rented a villa. Come to nearby cities to exchange trade.

At first, although she had no identification and could not stay here, with her exquisite tailoring skills and her secret agent skills trained in Rule 4, she quickly established herself as a 'simple country tailor entering the city' He gradually gained a foothold, made a fortune, and became a dazzling local star.

Although there are all kinds of disadvantages in the "hidden society", Yawen has to admit that the "tailor" position given to her by Gaia is almost unfavorable in this field.

The core ability [weaving] allows you to cut clothes that far exceed human and industrial limits. It will automatically fit the wearer's figure, not only modify the other person's body shape, but also provide certain benefits.

It's not so much a piece of clothing as it is actually a magical creation. It's not magic, it's better than magic.

Clothing with this effect was sold in limited quantities, and with the gimmick of being handmade, Yawen soon accumulated a considerable fortune.

Then, after having funds, Yawen began to use her experience as an agent. She fully investigated the relationship with local suppliers, contacted them through various methods, and gradually entered their social circles. With her youthful beauty and unique tailoring, she Fabrics quickly captured the hearts of these upper class people.

It can be said that with this ability and his own quality, Yawen can live a prosperous and prosperous life in White Candle Star, or even anywhere.

But such a life is ultimately false.

She wears gorgeous clothes, embellished with diamonds and tortoise shell jewelry, wears color-changing contact lenses made of magic craftsmanship, goes to high-end clubs and clubs, and talks and laughs with celebrities and rich ladies.

Such days are false.

Completely based on everything given to her by the [Secret Society], even her body, her life, and her soul do not belong to her.

"Welcome to society, poor bastard."

——[Sailor] Igor Matthew’s words echo in my ears all the time.

He's right.

Not only Igor Matthew, but also [Danger Saint] Verlia said the same thing.

Citizens in [society] are no longer individuals. No matter how leisurely they are outside, once they are integrated into [society] and reintegrated into their network, they will completely lose themselves and their personal will.

Outside [society], she is Arwen Huskies, an ordinary woman with low self-esteem.

In [Society], she is one of the thirteen members under the secret speaker. She holds the power of life and death, but she is no longer herself, but the container of the [Tailor] member.

Yes, containers.

He has no thoughts of his own, no knowledge of his own, and acts purely to fulfill his profession as a [Tailor] Councilor, and exists to implement the will of [Secret Society] Gaia.

She will not care about everything now, whether it is the descendants she has carefully cultivated, or the new home she has worked hard to build, the Faithful Village... or even every little thing she has with Mr. Li Ozi.

All that does not belong to you.

When Mr. Li Ozi said those words himself, revealing his identity, Yawen didn't feel much excitement, she felt more fear and worry.

‘Mr. Li Ozi will never be an opponent of the [Secret Society]. He cannot defeat the Secret Society. If he does this, he will die. I absolutely cannot accept that fact. ’

Although she was very happy to have her merits recognized by Mr. Li Ozi, she was more afraid of putting Mr. Li Ozi in danger because her identity as a secret councilor was exposed.

'Perhaps, I should not have contacted Mr. Li Ozi from the beginning. I should not have a good relationship with him. I should find a place by myself, isolate myself from the world, and be alone forever until natural death...'

However, if Mr. Li Ozi did not admit his own significance... what would a sinner like her live for?

A beastly bastard who ate his own sister and committed such a crime, if it weren't for the fact that he was of "extraordinary significance" to Mr. Li Ozi, would he really need to exist?

The [Secret Society] took away her self-confidence and confiscated it as the common property of society. However, such problems may have troubled her before that. Rather, it is precisely because of her inferiority complex that Gaia chose her. She, as the [Tailor] Councilor.

So bad...I was never a good person from the beginning.

This kind of thinking has always troubled Yawen. She has been trapped in this tangled thought for a long time, and she dare not face Li Ozi - Yawen has never doubted Li Ozi's words, and so far, he has kept his word.

If he knew that he became like this because of the secret society... he would definitely fight against the secret society.

In that case, he will die without any suspense.

Absolutely not.

It's absolutely not possible to have an ending like that.

She had no choice but to devote herself to work, hoping to numb herself with sweat and hard work and prevent herself from thinking wildly. At least in reality, she could share the other person's worries and solve their problems.

But soon, things took a turn for the better.

The descendant who looks quite similar to her sister, Asakusa Yako (player ID: cumin powder), and her annoying little boyfriend brought herself an unexpected gift.

——"Dragon Death Weapon Design Manuscript"

“The producer was one of the thirteen members of the [Secret Society], and he was a [doctor]. For some reason, this [member] defected from the [Secret Society] like me, and was determined to research and develop a secret system. arms."

[Secret Society] The requirements for selecting citizens are relatively stringent and require three main conditions:

1: Citizens must be C3 Luca-type cosmic humans. The characteristics of this cosmic human race are that they are good at fighting and destroying, and there are not many in the universe.

2: Citizens with social qualities recognized by [Hidden Society] will be assigned corresponding occupations according to occupation and status.

3: The transformation of citizens requires the infection of a substance called 'ether blood' or 'ether mixture'. This ether substance will dissipate quickly when walking in the air, but for non-C3 Luca type cosmic humans For living things, it is extremely poisonous and there is no antidote.

Because of this, the population of the secret society is not large. Yawen is sure that if a member-level citizen like herself escapes, the society will definitely send someone to arrest her.

But now, the time to fight back may have arrived.

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