From star abyss

Chapter 457 162. Who in the family understands? I’m just speechless. I don’t know what to title it.

Snowflakes are dendritic hexagonal crystals that are as light as nothing. A stack of 10,000 snowflakes would only weigh one gram.

My heart weighs 250 grams. To fill each atrium, I need 2.5 million snowflakes.

Or, one of your tears.

When my heart is filled with ice and snow, it will push four kilograms of blood and shoot it heavily into every inch of muscle and bone, giving me the strength to hold you up, hug you, and love you.

Di Yalan, I'm sorry. I gave you the best qualifications and the supreme bloodline, but without your consent, I placed a cruel mission on one of your children. What you should have enjoyed is a life of luxury and luxury. life.

But I want to turn you into a warrior, a lonely and cold Crusader. You must hold noble ideals and fight to the end against the most serious thug in the world - the "Secret Society".

I will take away your emotions and love, and arm your mind with steel and fire.

I will transform your flesh and bones, and let magic and violence adorn your makeup.

I will destroy your personality and thoughts, and fill your life with revenge and fighting.

You are a noble victim, sacrificing yourself on behalf of the people of the world. Without your destruction, there would be no survival of the universe.

I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I have saved countless lives, but you are the only one I love the most. If I could replace you, I would be willing to go to hell for you.

But there is nothing I can do to save you. All I can do is wish you complete this mission as soon as possible before I die.


The autumn wind gently opened the window, slightly lifting Di Yalan's long golden hair. The bright hair was as delicate and bright as silk and metal, filled with dazzling light.

She sat alone leaning against the bedside, her slender legs crossed together, textbooks scattered around her hands, and she was staring at the projection of the pendant with indifferent eyes.

"...Before I die, I wish you to complete this mission as soon as possible."

When the recording ended, she closed the lid of the pendant, put it back around her neck, lowered her head, and settled her emotions.

four years ago.

After the doctor died, his independent and wandering life continued to this day, and he was almost used to this lonely life.

Four years have passed since he first entered the big city with an innocent attitude and was almost kidnapped and deceived. Then he gradually realized the heavy mission and danger brought by this bloodline and gradually grew up.

"I must complete the mission left to me by the doctor."

[Secret Society] Gaia is the most powerful predator society that is unknown to everyone. It will bring harm to the entire universe, a real natural disaster, and eternal catastrophe.

Only you have this responsibility, and only you have the ability to fight against it.

"Concentrate on growing up, don't think about anything, Dialan, don't think about anything, my existence is to defeat Gaia. Other than that, there is no meaning."

Cheer yourself up every day, just like a believer praying regularly, and use the doctor's last words to strengthen your fighting spirit and faith.

It doesn't matter what other things are like, as long as he can become stronger and have more power, he can destroy Gaia in the future.

"I am a chosen one like Leoz, the last hero of the Star Abyss. It can be said that I am the transmitter of God's will. The entire universe is facing catastrophe, and I am the only one who must stand up."

The corruption of [society] is based on the weaknesses of human nature: laziness, greed, selfishness, jealousy, desire, vanity, etc.

‘As long as you join [society], you don’t have to think about anything, everything will be done by the will of [society]. ’

No need to worry, no anxiety, no dissent, no injustice.

In this increasingly bad world, the original intention of [society] seems so noble and full of temptation.

The [Doctor] did not take away her ability to feel, just to make her feel the harm of [Society] better. This is also a trial to test her determination in her mission.

By continuously strengthening this belief, she can fight against the corruption of society.

Even though she has never encountered [society] since the day she was born, she has always implemented this.

After a brief wash, Di Yalan changed into her school uniform - Baizhu Interstellar University does have uniforms. Boys wear dark formal jackets, knitted vests, light blue shirts, and formal pants.

Girls wear dark blue jackets with orange trim, plaid skirts, light-colored shirts, and white stockings. Usually they also wear a bow, but Di Yalan doesn't like the feeling of being constrained. She is used to taking off her shirts. Button up the collar and roll up the sleeves to expose your fair and tight forearms, which is cooler and easier to move around.

Because the school spirit is open and loose, and the students all come from good family backgrounds, students who generally wear their own clothes and school uniforms can be regarded as unsociable 'nerds' in a sense.

But Di Aram is an exception.

"Hey, Di Yalan is here."

"Hurry up! That guy is too cool."

"Help, she just looked at me and I'm suffocating!"

When she walked on campus, no one would regard her as a nerd. Whether it was the pressure of her bloodline like a sharp cold wind, like a rescue alarm, which could make people cower from a distance, or whether she had nothing to do with it. The human gaze swept across her wantonly, and almost no one could hold up her aura.

It doesn't matter.

She put her hands in her jacket pockets and walked casually through the campus streets like a boy.

The school was already very busy in the early morning. Many students were racing to get seats in the study room or on their way to the workshop for internship. But as soon as everyone saw her passing by the intersection, they would immediately stop and wait and watch. She crossed the road, as if it were some shocking horror scene.

As soon as she passed by, the students immediately ran out as if they had been granted amnesty.

It doesn't matter.

Di Yalan stared at the passing students indifferently. Her senses were extremely developed, and her bloodline from the dragon clan gave her excellent information capture capabilities. She could clearly steal the sounds of other people's conversations from the surrounding environment and bring them back to her ears.

"That Di Yalan beat two classmates at the beginning of school just because someone blocked the road."

Did you mean that he beat up those two catfish men on the first day of school?

Di Yalan frowned slightly.

If we don't fight each other, the entire road traffic will be jammed, and everyone will be watching the show. I don't know how many people will be late.

It doesn't matter.

After all, it's not a big deal, but other people's opinions don't seem to be limited to that.

"It's not just that, the elemental riot in the school was related to her."

"Eh? I remember that people from the student union's picket department followed up and investigated for a while, but they didn't say it was her problem, right?"

"Oh, who else but her? The descendant of a dragon and a titan has nothing to do with humans. He might even eat humans."

Elemental riot?

Di Yalan became slightly concerned.

That incident was completely untrue, she just happened to not be in the dormitory at the same time, and she didn't have classes.

What's more, judging from the results, the seniors in the picket department not only failed to find the real culprit, but also tracked and monitored him for a full month, and still did not apologize to himself.

Under normal circumstances, you should also consider yourself a victim.

It doesn't matter.

"Speaking of this, she signed up to go to Guiye Workshop before, but was kicked out by the professor."

Finally something normal.

Even Di Yalan would feel dissatisfied if he heard such purely prejudiced words many times.

"Haha, I've heard about that too. Professor Quiltana was too tactful. She specifically said: She only accepts one pair of partners, working in pairs. It was really hilarious."

"Well, I don't understand Professor Queltana very well. Does this person have anything to say?"

"Professor Quiltana, although she is a notoriously tricky person in the school and almost uses the workshop as her own property, but even so, she has never made such an unreasonable request - you know, workers The workshop is a place for collaboration, how could such a thorny person be allowed to enter?"

"You mean, the professor clearly wants to refuse Di Yalan's entry?"

"Isn't that right? She went to find several students of the same level to form a partner, but they were all rejected. The result? These students were all announced to be hired by Professor Queltana today."

"Well, anyone who can enter Professor Queltana's workshop must be at least Delta level, and their talent and family background will not be much different - but who would partner with such a thing, not afraid of the Dragon Titan's mood one day? If it’s not good, just eat yourself!”

"Yes, that's what I said."

"If you ask me, this kind of dangerous person should be thrown on the battlefield. If the people in the recruitment office have nothing to eat, just send this woman over and that's the end of it, right?"

"That's true. It's a pity that such a beautiful person has such a bad character."



Di Yalan exhaled deeply.

It doesn't matter.

Calm down, Di'Aran, be calm, you shouldn't be fighting here.

Even if Professor Quiltana was targeting her, it wouldn't be a big deal. Since she wanted to find her own partner, she had already found first-year Leos.

She had carefully observed the student. When she first entered the school, the news about Leoz's five-minute magic test had not been officially hidden. From then on, she paid a little attention to this potential competitor.

Leoz is, without a doubt, a very unique person.

He neither felt awe or disgust because his bloodline was too strong, nor was he biased against himself because of the influence of rumors.

Subsequently, Leoz's plummeting plummeted, which was seriously inconsistent with the rumors and attracted controversy. However, as the person involved, Leoz didn't care about the opinions of the people around him. He lived his life calmly and freely, never being affected by external things.

To Dialan, Leoz's image has always been clear.

Maintain your will, nourish your Qi, and move your heart and patience. He did not flatter himself because of his inferior position. Even though his credits were deducted from the historical record, Leoz did not sink or give up on himself. Instead, he actively faced the problems, acted around, found the problems, took a break in time, and solved the problems.

Others saw that Leos only caught up with the progress after three months of enrollment, but no one noticed that it took Leos a month to go from a negative score of more than 500 points, all the way up like a rocket, to make up for it. The progress has even reached the Delta level.

Leos is a man with a unique talent. Even Professor Queltana should have nothing to say when partnered with him.

"As long as Leos is paired with me, everything will work out."

Di Yalan thought secretly.

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