From star abyss

Chapter 473 178. The terrible second dimension


Lucite raised his paw and slammed the head of the colonial soldier on the table. The magic circle lit up in his palm and he quickly modified the parameters in his eyes.

[Set collision model - maximum mass - element coupling - jet speed: 520 meters/second]

【Concrete polymerization】

A large amount of concrete was quickly generated and poured into the flesh and blood of the military commander in an instant. As the quick-drying agent took effect, the smoke escaped, and the brain of the military commander was firmly fixed on the table by the concrete.

[Palm model rubbing - Gravity release - Model acceleration impact - Initial velocity: 900 meters/second]

【Mage Protective Palm】

The magic power quickly generated a huge handprint, causing a sonic boom, which crashed onto the concrete. The ferocious kinetic energy completely shattered the concrete and flesh in an instant. The brains of the colonial soldiers were completely destroyed and completely eliminated.

"Huh... I was shocked. Fortunately, the gun was only a kinetic attack, and the armor directly blocked it."

Lucite raised his head, and the bone mask instantly popped open and shrank, revealing his original honest face. He looked at Hobbes who was wiping his face aside:

"Hobbes, are you okay?"

"Nothing's wrong with me, but this smelly blood is disgusting."

Hobbes wiped the stain from his face. Now whenever he breathed, his nose was filled with the disgusting smell of rust.

He shook his head and looked at Lucit: This big guy was at least one meter wider than usual. The armor that originally looked scary was now undisguised, showing a completely ferocious attitude. The sharp dorsal fin spines are like a row of devil's teeth. The armor on its body is propped up by bulging muscles, and its height has grown to more than three meters.

Lucite stood there like a tank, but this tank was also a top student.

"What on earth is this thing?"

"I don't know, let me check."

Lucite squatted down and gradually returned to his previous normal height of about two meters. He lowered his head and began to disassemble the body of the colonial soldier. He took out his equipment from his schoolbag and began to conduct tests.

Hobbes stood aside and looked around at the surrounding environment. He turned on the information rune and tried to contact Leoz, but he couldn't receive any signal.

After a while, Lucite made a surprised sound.

" could this be this thing?"

"How about it?"

Lucite looked at the data on the display and said complicatedly:

"It's a colonial outfit, and it's the vanguard of the colonial outfit that dominates the path."

"——Fucking colonial clothes!"

Hobbes clenched his fists instantly, and Lucite noticed that the ring on his hand seemed to be covered with a layer of black for a short moment.

But just for a moment, after Hobbes' mood stabilized, the ring became dim again.

Out of concern, Lucite asked:

"Hobbes, your ring - it just flashed."

Hobbes was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and looked at the ring, his eyes suddenly softened. He gently stroked the ring and asked:

"My ring, are you curious about its origin?"

"It's okay if you don't want to say it."

"We'll talk about it together when Leoz meets us later."

Hobbes shrugged and looked at the colonial clothes on the ground with disgust:

"Compared to Lian-Ring, how did this piece of shit get in?"

Lucite said matter-of-factly: "The school is not closed to the outside world. During normal times, colonial clothing can blend into the crowd. It is easy to disguise yourself as a tourist and sneak into the university."

"No, I'm not that - White Candle Interstellar University has introduced the Higgs field generator. If it is a top soldier, it will be exposed as soon as it starts."

Hobbes' mind was very clear. He squatted down, took out a mask and gloves from his bag, and started to dissect the colonial uniformed soldier together with Lucite.

"Laiyuan's definition of reproductive clothing is divided into two categories: one is that [Biochemists] use to make flesh-and-blood reproductive clothing to replace the body. For the safety of their own lives, [Biochemists] generally only use their own genetic seeds to make reproductive clothing. , and only for use by myself and customized customers.”

Hobbes knew a lot about colonial clothing and explained in detail while using the knife:

"The other type of armor specifically refers to the armored vanguard of the [Dominator] path. The extraordinary beings on the [Dominator] path use arcana as their core. Their bodies are generally armored, and their souls are entrusted in the arcana. , so he can change his body unscrupulously, use arcane marks and gene seeds to contaminate others, and turn living people into his slaves."

"It's so terrifying... can every [Dominator] path do it?" Lucite was shocked.

"I can't say that everyone...but basically anyone with a body in colonial clothing can do it."

Hobbes made no secret of his malice toward the [Master] system:

"The [Master] system is the most evil and bestial path in the universe. They fanatically pursue efficiency and practicality without any regard for the feelings of others. No wonder their main god Mephidria and agent Leoz have been wiped out! "

Lucite reminded: "Leozi is still a good person."

"We're not talking about Leos. Well, to be honest, this name is too popular."

"One thing to say, one thing to say, indeed."

The physical strength of the colonial armored soldiers is very high. Although their class is Gamma, their combat effectiveness is completely at the Delta level. It took them a long time to dismantle it, and it took them a long time to study and understand the principle of this thing.

"Although the thinking program is in the brain, the location of the heart has been transformed into a bomb. Once the body suffers a serious injury and becomes disabled, the heart bomb will detonate."

Lucite turned his heart around, revealing the blue waning moon mark on it.

"Damn it! Waning Moon!" Hobbes said with blazing eyes and gritted teeth: "The felon in the abyss, the interstellar pirate, the culprit who attacked Trivera three years ago - he actually dares to come back!"

"You seem to have some personal grudge with him...but since even the strength of the reproductive equipment is so high, he himself won't be any worse." Lucite reminded.

Hobbes shook his head and tried to calm down:

"I know... I'm not stupid. The Zeta-level Zangetsu can only be saved by official strong men."

Seeing that he couldn't calm down, Lucite simply changed the topic:

"To deal with this thing, you can't directly destroy the heart, otherwise it will directly detonate the bomb - there is what you said - eh."

"The waning moon."

"Yes, there is Zangyue's arcane energy storage," Lucite thought for a while: "Do you understand his arcane energy mechanism?"

"He is the holder of the sequence arcana [Crane Moon] and can control dimensional changes to a certain extent."

Hobbes described it in detail and demonstrated it himself:

"No matter what you and I say, we are only creatures in the three-dimensional space. The waning moon can knock down any object it comes into contact with that is weaker than itself into the two-dimensional space - such as a piece of paper, a blackboard, a piece of paper, etc. Walls, on any flat surface.”

"This is too..." Lucite twitched his eyes.

"Yes, it's very scary." Hobbes drew a stick figure on a piece of paper: "When you are knocked down into a two-dimensional space, you have no perception. There is no time and no space here. In fact, you It looks like I'm in two dimensions, but I'm actually just on this layer of paper - I just have to stroke this layer."


The tip of the pen ripped open the stickman's head, splitting it in two.

"The real you is finished. You have no power to resist - I think that once the arcane mark in the bomb is detonated, it will have a similar effect - considering the characteristics of the two-dimensional space, when the bomb explodes It should only create a plane vertically, isolating the surrounding barriers, and the height and depth are limited. It is impossible to spread infinitely."

Lucite raised his head and looked out the window - a big tree in the forest was cut off directly, and the missing half was leafy on the ground.

"...Those dimensional barriers have spread a lot."

Hobbes exhaled a breath, his eyes were extremely deep:

"Although the power of the dimension is extremely terrifying, Zangyue is not invincible... This arcane power will only have an effect on beings who are weaker than him."

"That's great. As long as we contact the leaders of the school and the senior officials of the Ministry of Education, we can win the waning moon!" Lucite said excitedly.

"But... [Wan Yue] has been at large for three years. Even the Minister of Education at the Kapa level can't find him."

Hobbes is not optimistic:

"I think that although [Wan Yue] can't do anything to strong people, by escaping into the second dimension and hiding his body, no one will be able to catch him - this may be his power."

"The second dimension, is it so disgusting?" Lucite said in disgust: "This ability is too outrageous. Doesn't this mean that people below the Zeta level will have no resistance in the face of the waning moon?"

"That's what Sequence Arcana is."

Hobbes said coldly:

"These people who hold sequence arcana are the scourge of the world. They wantonly tamper with the laws of the universe and do whatever they want with their privileges."

He clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth:

"They only need to please the world and increase their goodwill with Xingyuan to achieve the power we have worked so hard to learn and practice."

Hobbes' tone was quite unwilling. He lowered his head and kissed the ring, seeming to be able to draw strength and belief from it:

"Why is the world like this? I hate these arcane people. They never work or work hard, but they get a lot of favor and privileges. Just relying on their excellent appearance, they can make the world favor them..."

"Hobbes..." Lucite said with concern: "You are too upset. Even if there are no arcane masters, those with outstanding appearance and outstanding charm will be favored. This is a law of nature."

"We are already civilized creatures, why should we abide by the laws of nature - Lucite, a good person like you, strong, kind, enthusiastic, and good at learning - but just because you are an armored species, no one pays attention to you, everyone They pay much more attention to Leos than you. Those girls are even more exaggerated. They see you and discriminate against you because of your appearance. But Leos, now, is communicating passionately with a beauty like Di Yalan. "

"Leoz is a good guy, as he should be," Lucitor said dissatisfiedly.

Hobbes said coldly:

"But not every charismatic person is as good as Leos. They're just selfish. To be honest, if Leos wasn't our friend, I wouldn't want to be around someone like that - he's been able to If you rely on your charm to enjoy the favor of the world, why can’t you stop and stop competing with the unlucky guys like us who study hard, immerse themselves in the sea of ​​questions all year round, and dedicate our years and youth to exams!?”

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