From star abyss

Chapter 477 182.

Di Yalan's hair is so long that she even chokes herself when breathing.

" are such a person."

Li Ozi scratched his head and had no choice but to cut off her hair with a sword, leaving her with short hair that reached her ears. The baby Di Yalan was so petite that he could hold it in one hand.


Di Yalan's voice was small, soft and waxy, which was far different from her usual image of an iceberg that refused to allow people to stay thousands of miles away. She tried her best to open her big eyes, looked at Li Ozi, and said:

"I might turn into a baby. To make it easier for you to move, just find me in a corner with water and throw me down."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Li Ozi frowned. He immediately pulled down the curtains, made a swaddling bag, wrapped Di Yalan, and carried it behind his back:

"If you become a baby, remember to cry and remind me that the baby cannot be carried on your back. It must be held in front of your chest to prevent it from falling off."

Di Yalan's eyelids were trembling, and while exhaling hot breath, he said with difficulty:

"But, Leos, wouldn't it be very inconvenient for you to move around...cries may even attract enemies."

"Don't worry. It doesn't matter how many times they come."

As long as the Higgs force field is not triggered and he is just a top soldier, Li Ozi will not have to reveal his identity at all, and Zang Yue will not notice him.

Out of instinct, he patted Di Yalan's head behind him and said comfortingly:

"No one can take anything from my arms anymore."

Di Yalan lowered her head drowsily, and the hair on the top of her head was touched by Li Aozi's gentle brush. The warm hand made her unconscious from the high fever, and she couldn't distinguish between virtuality and reality for a while.


Di Yalan said softly:

"I want to hear a lullaby... just this once, okay?"

Her little hand gently pulled Li Aozi's collar, and Li Aozi shrugged helplessly: "I can't sing."

"I want to... listen." Di Yalan's voice was unclear, and her figure seemed to be shrinking.

"I, I really can't."

Faced with the child's request, Li Ozi was at a loss for a while.

‘Let me go, fool Leoz, why are you so unkind? ’

At this moment, a ripple opened in the void. Zhannia stood next to him obediently. She signaled Li Ozi to pick up the sword and set off with Di Yalan. At the same time, she put her hands behind her back and used a method she had never heard before. Language, humming softly:


(lyrics to the general idea)

The mountains and rivers are long and the moonlight is like forging.

Listen to the wind singing late, and the stream gauze flowing.

Falicia, the land of heroes.

Children in distress, alien stars reshape their hometown.

Haines, we can only meet in dreams.

The long mountains and rivers are filled with blood.

The evening wind no longer blows, and mourning is everywhere.

Falicia, the home of the soul.

The new civilization was poisoned by wolves before it could grow.

I want to go home, my home, my Falicia.

It died on Gaia's teeth.

It drowned in the poisonous blood of ether.

It died tragically under covert trampling.

Falicia, my homeland,

When can I return to my home?


Jania was rarely so well-behaved.

With a clear voice and a sad melody, for some reason, even though he didn't understand the lyrics, Li Ozi felt an indescribable throbbing in his chest.

Di Yalan fell into a deep sleep, and the tears from the corners of her eyes wet Li Ozi's shoulders.

After the song was sung, Zhannia looked at Li Ozi and said calmly:

"In the ancient times, one of the main gods of the Star Abyss, the [Master Will] Mephidria, used the 'Dream Planet' Haines as a base to launch an invasion against the Destroyer and [Society]. This was the last battle of the war beyond the Abyss. .”

"His agent is the source of your name - [God of Reality] Leoz."

Li Ozi was surprised and didn’t know why Zhannia mentioned this matter.

She glanced at Di Yalan, her eyes gentle, as if looking at her compatriots. This is reason enough.

Then she said seriously:

"Leoz, the main god with the same name as you, did not escape and fought against the invaders with fearlessness and ruthlessness."

“After Haines, there’s Layer Abyss.”

"The Falician civilization I live in is made up of refugees. Its predecessor was actually a country on the planet Haines - the Falician Republic. When Leoz died in the battle, we clearly remembered The face of an invader.”

"I can't forget it, and every refugee left behind in Haines can't forget that horrible and terrifying monster, the [society] that killed Leoz, swallowed up our civilization, and hunts us to this day."

She looked at Leoz and said the name with all her strength and hatred:

"[Hidden Society] - Gaia."

"It and its three speakers broke through the Pantheon and trampled on our homeland."

"You have to be careful, Leoz. I feel the aura on that child. It's very familiar. It's the aura of the Falicians... The secrets haven't gone far, they are still trying to kill us all and devour us completely."

Li Ozi was silent for a moment and asked:

"Why are you talking about this now? Yawen is also a secret councilor, but you didn't react at the time."

"I don't know, Leoz." Zhannia shook her head and said worriedly: "I suddenly felt a strong omen... Sharptooth Peak, my master, before he left me, I also appeared. Such a feeling.”

"What does that mean, Jania?"

Li Ozi became serious.

The perception of artifacts is more powerful than that of mortals. They can sense certain imperceptible signals through the divine power in their bodies.

"you will die."

Jania said numbly:

"This planet will be swallowed up by [society]."


"Lucite, do you believe me?"

Hobbes drank all the water and knocked the cup heavily on the table. His eyes were dull and his tone was heavy:

"This planet will be swallowed up by [society]."


Lucite was a little unbelievable about what he heard. He stood up and sat down again. After thinking for a long time, he still felt that his brain could not slow down.

In the end, he could only say:

"I'm going to tell Leoz about this when he comes. Others, you have to keep it a secret, absolutely! Hobbes, you are my good brother, these things will destroy you."

Hobbes shook his head and said nothing.

They were sitting across from each other, and on the table lay the armored elite soldier whose heart had been ripped out, and the dimensional bomb was placed in Lucite's hand.

Lucite looked at his good friend and brother.

Now, as long as he hits this heart hard, Hobbes will be buried in two-dimensional space, and no one can save him.

"Reason and law tell me that I should kill you immediately."

Lucite said:

"But I can't,'re not hurting anyone, there's still a chance."

"Lucite, thank you." Hobbes said gratefully: "I want to kill Zangyue, and after that, I will let you do whatever you want."

"Hey..." Lucite put away the dimensional bomb with a complex expression: "I feel like I'm on a pirate ship. Should I tell Leoz?"

"What did you mean to tell him?"

"Everything, we are friends, we should talk about everything." Lucite said: "Even [society]... Leos will understand and forgive you."

"I don't know." Hobbes sighed, but his eyes were extremely firm: "But I have to do it, I have no choice. Wait... Lucit, I will confess everything to Leoz. "

"Then let's survive first—"


Lucite wanted to say something else, but the door of the library was suddenly knocked open. The two of them quickly retreated into the bunker, and then they heard the voice of a mature and reliable man:

"Are there any survivors inside? We are the student union pickets of the Academy of Magic Applications!"

The two looked at each other, poked their heads out of the bunker, walked to the railing, and looked downstairs: a group of senior students wearing heavy armor and holding riot rifles, covered in blood. The leader was tall and strong, wearing a It was filled with the flesh, flesh, and organ fragments of the elite colonial soldiers.

He raised his head and looked towards the second floor. He immediately took off his helmet and showed a gentle smile:

"It turns out it's you - 'Jack of All Trades' Hobbes, and you, the rookie at the Alchemy Workshop, Lucite."

The two looked at each other, and the man introduced himself:

"I am third-year Modot, captain of the picket. The colonial soldiers are approaching and besieging us. It is no longer safe here. Come with me."

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