From star abyss

Chapter 485 190.Tear apart reality


Zangyue's figure was captured by gravity, his spine instantly bent, and every cell in his body became as heavy as iron.

However, the duration of action is too short.

[Sequence Fifty-Six: Waning Moon]——Activate!

"Superpower Deconstruction·Dimension Jump!"

Zangyue's body was instantly transferred to another dimension.

Zangyue's body stood still in the world of card illustrations. There was no wind, no air, no water, and no matter collided or intertwined. Everything was combined together roughly and simply, and the particles of color seemed extremely abrupt.

Protected by the arcana, his body did not unfold, but moved frame by frame on the paper. In Li Ozi's view, his body spread out instantly, and countless cards poured down like rain. fall.

"I didn't expect that you are also the holder of sequence arcana..."

Zangyue was slightly surprised, but that was all.

The opponent's arcane power can be seen at a glance. It is the famous Sequence Nine: Gravity. It is ranked within the top ten. Both in terms of potential and destructive power, it is above him.

However, gravity is no threat to him.

At least that's what it seems from the extent of Li Ozi's development of Aoneng.

His understanding was spot on.

It is true that in physics, even without introducing superstring theory, we can clearly know that gravity can span time and space, but gravity as arcane energy can only be limited to a fixed area.

Or to put it more bluntly, Li Ozi's authority like a king can only be over the country.

Judging from his status as a Zeta-level [Superpower User], authority is insurmountable, just as a king cannot enforce laws across borders.

"What's wrong? Leos, do you think you can travel through dimensions just by relying on yourself now?"

Zangetsu spread his hands.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party insisted on being against him, he didn't want to be an enemy of this junior. The [Dominator] system was declining day by day, and there were a few geniuses. It was best to cherish them, lest no one would follow him when he dived into the star abyss. .

However, Li Ozi's replies are always straightforward.

Gravity · Space-time ripples · Speed ​​bumps

Li Ozi raised his hand and quickly opened the gravitational wave. Under the control of his will, the gravity instantly expanded and spread in an indescribable pattern. What was originally stable became slow under his great power.

"Time and space are always slaves of gravity."

Li Ozi snapped his fingers lightly, and the golden halo in his eyes completely filled his pupils. His voice spread in an instant, transcending the barriers of dimensions, and issued an order to the entire universe:

"Kneel down!"

Kneel down! ! !

His voice swept all directions in an instant and continued to spread towards the sky of the universe. Just when his voice was about to pass through the white candle star, a figure suddenly appeared and framed the white candle star with his thumb and index finger.


"I can't let you spread it."

From the gap in the meteor belt, the night butterfly battleship with gorgeous decoration and strong religious atmosphere slowly emerged. Admiral Babluska stood on the bridge, bowed slightly, and continued to watch the show:

"Civil war between arcans? How interesting."

The staff next to him reminded: "Sir, we can't waste too much time. Bai Zhuxing's senior management will react sooner or later. Will it affect our purpose if we allow Zangyue to compete with others in this way?"

"Don't worry, his spaceship has switched to teleportation tower mode, and our team can quickly rush in and withdraw at any time."

Babluska crossed her fingers and crossed her legs, confident of winning:

"Zangetsu himself also has selfish motives. We can't help too much. This guy will be promoted to the Kapa level sooner or later. With his ability, it will not be difficult to become a force in Layer Abyss."

"Then don't worry, he will steal the knowledge of discerning eyes..."

"It is precisely because Zangyue wants to have his own power that he dare not take it for himself." Babluska nodded: "He knows very well that his action this time is completely a ballet on the tip of a knife. Once the narrative-level civilization knows that he Having the whereabouts of the taboo knowledge of the Discrimination Eye in your hand... That would be even more terrifying than being hated and cared about by dozens of civilizations."

"Oh? Sir, you are really good at calculating. It seems that you are planning to pass the blame to Zangyue."

"There are ready-made scapegoats, why not use them?"

Babluska smiled:

"As a Kappa, I am not the opponent of Balkomon's embryo-killer, but the waning moon will definitely make it difficult for him. In comparison, I am more curious about the newcomer who has emerged. It is really a strange path... I still This is the first time I’ve seen it, and the momentum caused by the Zeta Stage is greater than that of the Kappa Stage. I almost couldn’t hold it back.”

"It may be a new path of domination. Narrative-level civilizations have been developing new paths to expand their strength."

"Maybe." Babluska became even more excited: "Let's see how miraculous the path of this boy with endless echoes is!"

His gaze passed through the universe and atmosphere, and instantly landed on the surface of the earth.


Within the scope of the gravitational arcana, the slower and slower time instantly solidified under his control.

The air stopped flowing, the heat stopped transmitting, all movements of particles stagnated and stopped, even the light could not escape, and the figure that was scattering freely in the air was frozen.

At the Zeta level, Li Ozi's control over the arcana of gravity has finally taken a step further. Although he cannot be as meticulous as the arcana of telekinesis, using his spiritual will to modify people's common sense and distort real matter, he has more power than telepathy. Terrible effect.

Regional time stasis!

"The essence of gravity is the distortion of space and time."

Zangyue understands arcane energy very well, and he also understands gravity very well, but in this era, no one understands [Sequence 9: Gravity] arcane energy better than Li Ozi.

Just as the waning moon opened its arms and waited for the gravitational field to dissipate in the two-dimensional world, Li Ozi had already relied on the effect of stopping time to quickly browse through the screening and found him among the thousands of cards floating in the sky. The presence.


Li Ozi did not directly launch a brutal attack, but carefully set the nodes for gravitational fluctuations.

Arcane energy cannot directly travel through dimensional space, but the reverberation caused by the power of reverberation is completely transmitted in the form of gravitational waves.

"That's it!"

Li Aozi's eyes were focused, his hands were gathered together, and the heels of his palms were quickly clapped together.

Round after round of gravitational waves are sweeping across like a tidal wave. Even if the surrounding space and time are stagnant, gravity can still shuttle through it. The powerful energy it carries is like infrasonic bombs, sweeping towards the dimension where the waning moon is.

When the surrounding pigment particles quickly collapsed and collided with each other, Waning Yue immediately realized that something was wrong.

"How is this possible? With his level of arcana development, it is impossible to develop such a usage."

He thought so in his heart, but his instinct was too fast. He immediately switched dimensions and jumped to the surface of another card. However, he suffered the same fate, and the gravitational waves still swept over him.

Dimension jump!

He stood on the surface of a gas molecule, but then he regretted it - due to the stagnation of time and space in the outside world, molecules that stopped moving had no temperature at all.

This is absolute zero in the usual sense.

The biting cold instantly took away all the heat from his body, and his body was almost completely stiff due to the effects of the time stop.

Fortunately, the suit's body is designed to cope with the environment of space warfare. He can still resist this low temperature for a few seconds.

Zangyue opened her hand.

"Dimension jump!"

This time, what he jumped was not the existence of real matter, but directly crossed to another dimension.

In the Abyss, there are too many such simple and unfinished demiplanes.

With his affinity, he was instantly attracted to the elemental demiplane. He landed on the air mass of the storm with his feet and scanned the surroundings - thunder entangled, plasma flowing freely like water, all kinds of wild elemental giants and natives. He raised his head curiously and even took the initiative to get close to him.

Fortunately, he came to the demiplane of the Atmospheric Elements, rather than the Plane of Burning or Darkness.

"That guy--he's really got his wits about him."

Cangyue promptly replaced the parts of his body armor. Fortunately, in the abyss, the transfer of heat takes time. His left arm was only briefly exposed to absolute zero, which was not enough to eliminate him.

In fact, absolute zero cannot eliminate anyone. Leoz can only make time and space temporarily pause, rather than completely destroying particles. Whether it is the vacuum fluctuation of the electromagnetic field or the surge of spiritual energy, it will continue the existence of matter. , that moment of stagnation is too fast and will not damage any molecular structure.

Even the destruction of his arm was actually just the result of his manipulation of arcane energy and the re-activation of his organs when the seal was unsealed.

Should I say fortunate? Or is it unfortunate?

If that guy develops arcane energy to a higher level and develops more time and space skills, then [Crane Moon] will definitely not be his opponent.

There is a relationship between restraint and assistance between arcane powers. Leoz's [Gravity] affects time and space at a macro level, while [Waning Moon] only focuses on the control of dimensions and dimensions.

No matter what, the opponent's upper limit is higher than his own. For the master of gravity, it is only a matter of time before he completely learns to control time.


No matter how strong Leoz's gravity is, he can never catch himself, and it is impossible to completely stop time. He cannot change the time and space he experiences. This is a manifestation of the insufficient development of arcana.

Cangyue's colonial brain is spinning rapidly. He is smarter, more powerful, and more favored by Xingyuan than Oz. Even if the arcane power is restrained, it will not hinder his advantage.

Soon, he analyzed Leoz's flaws based on the battle records.

His reverberation power is terrifying, but he won't chase people down at all.

"Leoz, you may be the rising star, the light of tomorrow."

Cangyue raised his hand and lightly touched it in front of his face. He took away all the storm djinn who were close to him:

"But now, you are still just a junior!"

Let me, as a senior, give you some first-come-first-served lessons!

Zangyue's hands released arcane energy, tearing open the cracks:

"Interpretation of supernatural powers·Infinite Dimension Slash!"

Then, like a landslide and a tsunami, the continuous slashes crossed the dimension and fell crazily towards Leoz!

I am the storm that is approaching!

(I am the approaching storm)

Provoking black clouds in isolation

(Awakening the dark clouds in the cage)

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