From star abyss

Chapter 489 194. Disaster

Li Ozi was preparing with both hands, while Waning Yue, who was in the atmospheric element demiplane, frowned.

"It's been so long, hasn't Leoz made any move yet?"

He didn't think Leoz would die so easily, but with his ability, he couldn't jump out across dimensions, and he couldn't make observations to see if time and space had been restored.

Contrary to what Li Ozi thought, Can Yue could naturally continue to stay like this until the other party was seriously injured and died.

Not every time he makes a dimensional jump, he is so lucky to jump to such a safe demiplane. Before the Kapa stage, any dimensional transfer and dimension jump are very risky.

If you enter a demiplane that is about to be destroyed, there will really be no bones left.

If it weren't for the reverberation caused by the other party's gravitational waves, he wouldn't have used this move.

However, his son is still outside, in that high tower, and is now also affected by the freezing of time and space, unable to evacuate.

If Leos noticed this and took action...

For Cangyue, he actually had no choice, he had to go out no matter what.

Zangetsu waited quietly for a while, then stopped to attack across dimensions.

"Wait another five minutes...Leoz shouldn't be able to discover the truth about the teleportation tower."

He couldn't figure out how much energy was stored in Leoz. He was also a Zeta-level sequence arcana holder, which greatly affected his judgment.

If you wait a little longer, with any luck, Leoz will probably be finished.

The plan and tactics were sound, but Cangyue did not notice that the previous equipment failure was not purely an internal factor.

Literary works often refer to fate as silk threads. Each silk thread is intertwined, connected in series, or knotted. This is why there is a world in which people come into contact with each other and communicate with each other.

While the waning moon was waiting, the threads intertwined between him and Leos began to vibrate. This vibration also affected the fates of other people intertwined with him. Some were calm without any ripples, and some were too far away and their energy could not be Reach.

Disasters are accumulating, and they are looking for those who will be affected.

It tried to interfere with the operation of arcane authority, but its meager power could not touch the higher level [Waning Moon].

So it took a step back and started from the body, making the wind noisy, trying to interfere with and destroy Can Yue's plan. However, Can Yue was determined and clear-minded, and was not affected by the outside world at all.

It constantly exerted the power of disaster, making Zangyue feel toothache, slipping on his feet, making his luck worse, and destroying his image in the eyes of the storm djinn - but Zangyue remained motionless like a mountain.

Disaster felt troubled. It was obvious that Cangyue was an existence far beyond it and the authority holder, but Li Ozi's order still allowed it to persevere, with a steady stream of energy injected into it, allowing Disaster to radiate power to all levels. It keeps accumulating disasters and finally finds a way to solve the problem.

Its energy extends outward like tentacles, exerting a negative influence on the real world.

Dry air will make people impetuous, which will make them more anxious, distracted, sensitive and fragile.

Li Ozi's power continued to pour in, accumulating more disasters for it. Its tentacles moved gently, extending to the White Candle Star's low-Earth orbit hundreds of thousands of meters above the ground, going deep into it, and silently intervening in the fate of the planet.

Amaryllis Fortress, the auditorium where the training class is located.

Minister of Education Balcomon wore plain glasses and continued to teach seriously:

"...Everyone working in education needs to be aware of the limits of their own abilities. Don't be salesmen who only focus on performance. What you are training are future soldiers, skilled workshop workers, scholars, and business managers. You must work more with students. Communication. Secondly, I would like to say that there are academic bureaucracy problems in some universities. This year, there have been more than one vicious incidents of workshop owners stealing students’ research works. In our civilization, this kind of thing is unforgivable. The person involved has already If he is severely dealt with, if he is found again, his immediate family members will not be accepted by any educational institutions in Bai Zhuxing for the next three generations. I hope everyone will take this as a warning and prevent similar problems from happening again."

This kind of official language really makes people sleepy, even for extraordinary people.

The training has been going on for a day, and the educators in the audience are very tired. Although they are all extraordinary, no one can withstand the intimidation of a super strong person of the Kappa level. They listened to the content with fear throughout the whole process and had to be alert at all times. Tighten, bear the curse of the abyss on Balcomon.

The twisted aura coming from the lower star abyss will only make people feel physiological discomfort. Even the strong ones at the Omega level are not immune. If you stay in this environment for a period of time, people will go crazy.

"I think it's getting late. In that case, let's call it a day - everyone tidy up, go back and think about it, and let the meeting end."

Balcomon took off his glasses, looked at the people in the audience who seemed to be amnesty, and sighed.

In fact, he doesn't like this kind of ideological inspection, but now the situation is forcing him to do it as a last resort.

After Yedie suffered heavy losses on the battlefield, he began to infiltrate from other aspects, especially from the perspective of religious beliefs. He used some small favors to win people over, and then held many rallies to let you participate in various activities. Finally, under the influence of the crowd, he quickly It is easy to have ideological vacillation.

This kind of thing cannot be tolerated by the Supreme Council of the Crystal Tower.

In addition to this incident, there is also that guy Leoz. After enrolling, I saw that he had regressed for a long time, and his credits were negative. I originally doubted his test scores, but in less than a month, he earned his credits back.

This weird phenomenon makes him, even a person who has been to the Star Abyss, scratch his head. He can only attribute it to his personal expertise. He will pay more attention to it in the future to find out what is going on.

"There have been so many troubles recently, and the front line is asking for people. What do the adults above think? Even the students of White Candle Star are not spared. Will the next step be to recruit soldiers from among mortals?"

For some reason, he was particularly upset today and had a bad temper. He had just scolded some professors and scholars who had neglected their duties on the podium - logically speaking, as a strong man of the Kapa Order, he should not be like this.

Balcomon was slightly confused.

In realms he cannot see, evil is constantly at work.

‘Go look out the window, look at the planet, and relax. ’

Suddenly, Balcomon came up with this idea.

Indeed, he had not landed on the ground for a long time. The fragile environment of White Candle Star could not support his powerful body. The entire planet was extremely afraid of him. If he was not careful, he might accidentally destroy the entire planet.

For White Candle Star, he is the most terrible disaster.

The scourge takes effect gradually, leading to the disaster.

Take a look, take a look at this planet, and you will definitely find something strange.

Balcomon stood up slowly.

That's it, hurry up and take a look, just turn your head, take a few steps forward, and keep your attention outside the panoramic sunroof.

Balcomon turned his head and looked at the window of the auditorium.

"I wonder what the planet is like now?"

The power of the disaster is accumulating, like streams gathering together to form rivers, seas and lakes. The disaster is ready to move and is about to reveal its ferocious fangs——


A stack of documents fell on Balcomon's desk, and the secretary said regretfully:

"I'm sorry, Minister, this is a document that is urgently needed by the Ministry of Commerce. Please process it as soon as possible."

The disaster was like a deflated balloon all of a sudden, and all the strength of the body hit the air. The pool of disaster is filling up, almost overflowing.

Balcomon had no choice but to sit back and start reviewing the documents again, but his words were heard by Ms. Nastisa, the dean of the School of Magic Applications in the audience.

She packed up her belongings and asked her colleague with whom she had a good relationship:

"Ye Wangnan, you've been sitting here all day, why don't you go hang out in the corridor?"

The tentacles of disaster are stirring again.

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