From star abyss

Chapter 491 196. Grasp of the Broken Star

If you know it's the waning moon, it will be easier to deal with.

Nastisa still remembers the crimes he committed in our school three years ago. She has already tailor-made a set of countermeasures for this guy.

[Dimensional Anchor] - Locks time and space and prohibits movement in space.

[Arcane Trajectory Tracking] - The trajectory coordinates of Waning Yue's jump were clearly revealed, but he himself didn't know it yet.


Nastisa sneered:

"I actually hid in a demiplane filled with storm elements. It seems that even fate is favoring me."

As a person on the path to becoming a god in the [Fine Art] department - [Magician] - [Magister] - [Storm Bringer], Nastisa is best at controlling the atmosphere, water and lightning.

And these energies are the cornerstone of the storm demiplane.

Nastisa grasped the void, and her eyes turned into silver-gray that could see everything. Her vision penetrated the star world and dimensions, and under the guidance of dozens of magics, she locked the storm demiplane where the waning moon was.

"Are you still waiting inside? Then let's destroy the entire plane together!"

[Ancient Magic·Elemental Explosion]

The evil has arrived, the disaster has arrived.

Nastisa would not know, and Zangyue would not realize how such a result happened.

She would not have walked in the corridor if she had not heard Balcomon muttering to himself;

If she had not accepted the suggestion to take photos with Ye Wangnan, she would not have discovered the change in Bai Zhuxing;

If she hadn't asked Ye Wangnan to call each one to confirm, she wouldn't have discovered that Trivera was blocked.

If... too many ifs, too many coincidences.

However, at the moment Nastisa rushed into the White Candle Star, the real disaster had arrived.

The Night Butterfly fleet hiding in the meteorite belt in the distance immediately became unable to sit still.

"Are you kidding? How could something like this happen?! How could that woman suddenly decide to break in!"

Babluska looked at his men, all of whom had blank expressions on their faces.

"This is impossible...the information cannot be wrong."

"We have no information leaked, and Trivera has been blocked, and the virtual base station is also running. It stands to reason that no one can communicate with the outside world."

"No matter what I do, there is a problem with the plan now - that woman, Nastisa, is a ruthless person who killed the social council members back then. Once she takes action, the Zeta-level Zangetsu is no match at all."

Babluska looked gloomy:

"Call Alpha, Bravo, and Team Charlie, and have them immediately teleport to Trivilla to recover the forbidden knowledge, and start taking action in advance! - You, hurry up and send a signal to Zangyue, don't let him make trouble again, hurry up and take the fragments with you run!"

"Sir, the waning moon is not in this dimension, and we can't contact it. With the liberation of Trivilla, our virtual base station was also destroyed, and the White Candle Star has restored contact with the Amaryllis Fortress."

Staff reminded.

"You mean, the operation failed?" Babluska frowned: "No, we can at least get back two pieces of forbidden knowledge. Although the fragments cannot be synthesized, they are of great significance and the Mother of Darkness will be very satisfied."

"No, my lord, have you forgotten?"

The staff member said seriously:

"The Capa Stage of White Candle Star, Balcomon, is in the Amaryllis Fortress, and now that the situation of Trivela has been reported, and there is Nastisa on the ground to suppress it, then Balcomon, wouldn't it that is--"

Before he finished speaking, Babluska's expression changed instantly.

The next moment, without any warning, a mental storm reverberated throughout the galaxy, just like the moment a supernova exploded, carrying huge psychic energy and sweeping through every corner.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The fleet's anti-reconnaissance equipment instantly burst into flames, the brain on the bridge screamed, and the observers were even immediately swallowed up by psychic energy.

"Damn it, it's "Shocking"! Damn it!"

Babluska cursed:

"Balkomon, in order to find us, this embryo killer actually directly released the spell of Jingyuan! Isn't he afraid of the curse backlash?"

Before he finished speaking, a powerful and deep voice suddenly echoed in the galaxy:

"So it's you, Governor Babluska!"

Babluska looked gloomy and stood up slowly. The next moment, his body teleported to a position 20,000 kilometers in front of the fleet group.

The void was roughly torn apart by psychic spells. Balcomon, who had a big bald head and a twisted aura all over his body, grinned and showed a gentle and elegant smile, and slowly walked through the void.

"Your Majesty, the Governor, is here to welcome you. I am a stinky teacher. Please forgive me for not being able to welcome you from afar."

Balcomon laughed loudly, folding his arms, and the twisted curse all over his body caused the light to circle around him. His face completely collapsed in the shadows, like a small black hole. Even the voice he transmitted through his mind spells Full of extremely uncomfortable curses, it seemed extremely abominable.

Even though he had been deprived of nearly half of his power by the floating curse... this guy could still exert such momentum.

"Minister Balcomon, nice to meet you."

There was a flash of embarrassment in Babluska's eyes, but he did not lose. He opened his arms and said with the same smile:

"For you to come out to greet me is a sign of your respect for me."

"Hey, it's nothing. I'm just an ordinary person who teaches and educates people."

Balcomon laughed.

If it weren't for his twisted aura that crushed the passing comets and meteorites, and the light twisted and rubbed against the outline of his figure at high speed, forming a dazzling orange-red light band, his demeanor would really look amiable.

"Don't belittle yourself - one of the famous Kappa-level divines in the abyss, a spellcaster who can be praised by narrative-level civilization. It is my honor for you to approach me."

Babluska said lukewarmly.

"Yo? Am I famous? I don't even know it."

Balcomon spread his hands and then narrowed his eyes:

"Knowing that I'm so famous, you still want to die?! Babluska, I think you are tired of living."

The next moment, Balcomon didn't follow the rules at all, threw out a psychic blast, and attacked openly.


Babluska cursed loudly, activated the position shield on his body, and with a wave of his hand, a large number of mechanical legions jumped out of the space:

"A powerful Kappa-level man, a decisive unit on the battlefield, and you actually made a sneak attack!"

"You, an idealistic loser, are you worthy of a fair duel with me?"

Balcomon smiled cruelly, his spiritual magic tore apart reality, and his twisted aura filled the magic with unknown and cursed power, paralyzing and scrapping the vast mechanical army:

"Come on, Babluska, since we both have the last name 'Ba', let me see who is the real father!"

"You mad dog, do you want to break the Galaxy Eye ceasefire agreement?" Babluska was overwhelmed and could only curse: "Stop now, or you will have to enter the battlefield by then!"

"That's better, after all, you were the ones who destroyed it first!"

Balcomon showed an evil smile:

"As for the battlefield."

"Haha - if that Golden Dragon Monk hadn't stopped me, I would have been the one fighting you with Galaxy Eyes!"


Balcomon tore open the Education Bureau uniform, revealing his strong muscles:

"Let me show you the secret of magic!"

Balcomon raised a finger.

【Super Wish Technique】

"Let me retrieve things from afar."

The wish came true immediately, Balcomon smiled cruelly, and his evil voice sounded like a devil to Babluska:

"Arcane amplification - a million times greater power!"

"Double cast - Repeat the previous spell."

"Triple cast - Repeat the previous spell."

After six consecutive cycles, the exponentially increasing power allowed Balcomon to twist his neck to great effect. At this moment, Balcomon's magic power was extremely condensed, and it was already shining outward in the form of radiation.

The magic light was so bright that even the sun on the side looked a little dim.

Babluska was extremely nervous and panicked in her heart.

This kind of courage and strength... are you telling me that this is a new Kapa level that has just emerged from the abyss carrying a curse?

If the Battle of Galaxy Eye was really caused by Balcomon, the Night Butterfly Federation's losses might be 30% worse than they are now.

With such a character, it is no wonder that he was sent to take charge of White Candle Star. If Zan Yue's plan had not been deployed for a long time, even if two Kapas came to support him, they would not be able to execute it.

"Welcome Governor Night Butterfly to our planet for a friendly visit!"

He raised his hand, pinched it casually, and pulled a gaseous planet out of the star system out of thin air, and smashed it straight towards Babluska's mechanical army.

"It's such an insignificant gift, please accept it!"

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