From star abyss

Chapter 494 199. Surrounding and killing Zangyue!

"hurry up!"

"Get the supplies and jump off the cliff. Someone from us will pull you up."

"Where is the teleportation circle you contacted? If we take a flying carpet from here to Trivira, it will take a full four hours!"

Players quickly came online and started getting busy.

Cumin powder has good appeal, and although her connections are not extensive, she comes at just the right time.

Ye Zhanjian and others also went online urgently to meet up with Caramel Snail.

They did not transport supplies. As the best-equipped team, they had more serious tasks.

"The weapon that Li Ozi wants us to find is in the hidden snow area of ​​[Falicia Heroes]. Please report that there is an Epsilon dragon-level BOSS here, but it can be avoided through parkour and map running."

PVE expert Yu Tianxiao took the intelligence information given by Li Aozi and analyzed it clearly:

"Obviously, there are at least level 100 enemies in the Epsilon Dragon Stage. These are not enemies we should be in contact with at this stage. The information given by Li Ozi should be for the plot. We only need to run the map to be safe. pass."

"Fall from the cave above, land directly in the ruins of the ruins, and then roll immediately to avoid the attack of 'Heroic Warlord' Lee Devedens, but be careful, you will receive three mandatory [Physique] checks in an instant , with our attributes, the blood volume will continue to decrease, so we must seize the time. There is a shortcut here. You need to turn over and push on the wall, change direction in the air, jump behind a statue, and then follow the path to walk Into a garden.”

"This level of difficulty is so high..." Garridon complained: "Don't the level designers of "Star Abyss" look at our levels at all? They don't think that every player is a professional player, right?"

"Is it possible that only we professional players will receive this kind of mission?"

Yu Tianxiao couldn’t laugh or cry:

"Anyway, we only have one chance. Lao Ye and Cumin Fen have high [Dexterity] attributes. Take off your weapons and run fast. Just jump into the garden and pick up Li Ozi's weapons."

"No problem." Ye Zhanjian nodded: "I rented [Gravity], which allows me to change directions in the air without landing hard."

"Wrap it around us." Cumin powder patted his chest, then looked at the caramel snail: "Thank you for being a bait for us."

"It's nothing." The caramel snail shrugged.

"Obviously I am also a bait." Garyton muttered in a low voice: "It's too biased..."

Cumin powder kicked him and immediately changed the subject:

"Do you have any idea about condition B?"

"I don't know, where do we know any Zeta-level powerful people?"

Yu Tianxiao shook his head:

"Let's take it one step at a time. I didn't expect this mission to be released so late. We all missed the best time."

After that, he looked at the villagers of the Faithful Village who were also mobilized. They were even working harder than the players.

"If we fail to complete the task, we will lose the Novice Village, and they will be homeless..."

Yu Tianxiao sighed:

"The refugees who were originally living here have to suffer the same thing again. The screenwriter of "Star Abyss" should be a human being."

The caramel snail nodded, a flash of green in his eyes.


Caramel snail suddenly said:

"I have some ideas about the Zeta Stage."


"One minute left..."

Cangyue lowered her head and waited quietly.

He is calm and cautious, and he is also of the [Dominator] type. According to his idea, if he wants to eliminate Leoz, he must kill him completely, or wait for this guy to change into a colonial costume.

As for appreciating the other person, I will show mercy...

Do you believe it?

Those who believed it are now turned into small cards, which are still carried in Zangyue's pocket.

Now that they are at odds with each other, how could Leoz, an eyewitness and insider, still let him live?

Infinite Dimension Slash, with his ability, can tear the opponent into pieces, and the entire city was bombed by him. Even if he has a colonial body, he should be separated by the dimension.

No matter how you look at it, the waning moon has the upper hand.

But I don’t know why, but it’s clear that I have a chance to win. However, Canyue's heart could never be at peace.

Years of experience in the battlefield and a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife have allowed him to develop a unique instinct. The more arrogant and arrogant he is on the surface, the more cautious and cautious he is in his heart. This split personality has not turned Zang Yue into a schizophrenic. , but instead allowed him to repeatedly use this method to deliberately sell his weaknesses, turn around in adversity, and defeat the strong with the weak.

At this moment, Cangyue's cautious instinct began to arouse again.

‘My mind is restless, my spirit is restless, I must be doing something wrong. What's wrong? ’

He carefully reviewed his combat experience and the action plan he had negotiated with Governor Babluska.

Even though Leoz's response was very loud - but it was nothing in front of Governor Babluska of the Kappa Order. As an ascendant who had entered the path of [Holy Arms Monk], he could do it with just a few clicks of his fingers. Block it out.

Virtual base stations placed throughout White Candle Star can also deceive Amaryllis Fortress's communications.

Coupled with the obstruction of the dimensional barrier, the top level of confidentiality is directly achieved physically.

There is no problem with this.

But he just felt uneasy, and there was a strong throbbing in his chest, which seemed to be calling him to repeatedly review himself and reflect on his mistakes.

‘I must have made a mistake somewhere, or maybe I didn’t notice! ’

If the plan is correct, it's a matter of execution.

Buzz buzz...

A slight turmoil was gently generated in the demiplane, but this subtle movement was like a needle falling to the ground in the elemental demiplane where thunder danced wildly and the storm roared.

So, the problem at the execution stage——

He looked at his replacement arm.


The storm whipped up heavy rain and poured it down.

Cangyue's eyes narrowed.

——Not long ago, when I was fighting Leoz, the interactive nerves of the costumed body were delayed for a moment.

It was that moment of delay that caused him to be grabbed by Leoz and punched in the face.

He has just performed troubleshooting maintenance and there should be no problems.

But looking back now, it was from that failure that his entire strategy was disrupted.

Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

The surrounding elemental spirits suddenly lost their minds and went crazy, flying around and screaming in the sky.

"what happened?!"

Canyue was shocked and glanced around. The elemental djinn were all going crazy. They didn't even see this charismatic existence like him. The storm djinn tore open their own cores, wrapped in electricity all over their bodies, and rushed towards him. .


With a wave of his hand, Zangyue used arcane energy to tear open the dimension and cut all these elemental giants into pieces. However, it was clearly a cut at the purest dimensional level. There was no thermal reaction or kinetic energy - the bodies of these elements were misaligned with the space. At that moment, the explosion still occurred.

The body of the storm djinn expanded to four to five hundred times its original size, releasing all its energy in an instant. The djinn gathered together screamed, as if it had caused some kind of resonance, and quickly expanded their bodies and died immediately. burst!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Cangyue quickly retreated and was caught off guard by the elemental explosion.

His arcane energy can cross dimensions, but it cannot distort them to form defenses, and this is the home of the elemental giants. There is no warning or reaction space for the explosion. Zangyue, who tried to activate his arcane energy many times, was directly bombed. The arcane operation was forcibly stopped.

After several rounds of bombings, Cangyue continued to retreat, and his muscles all over his body were paralyzed. The lightning burned eye-catching scars on his body, and the burning injuries were so painful that he thought for a moment that his soul had been blown out of his body.

"Mephidria is on top - what the hell is going on?!"

Cangyue spat, then suddenly turned her head, her eyes falling on the saliva she spat out.

The demiplane composed of atmospheric elements has no earth, extremely low gravity, and all matter is suspended in the air. It stands to reason that in such an environment, the spit he just spit should quickly gather into a small ball and float in the air.

However, the spit fell straight towards his feet, as if sinking into an endless abyss!


Zangyue's body trembled unconsciously, and the gravity traveled across time and space and traced back to him.

No, it's not Leoz's gravity.

"This is the gravity of the abyss! The demiplane is falling towards the real plane!"

Zangyue's first reaction was impossible.

Because the development level of Leoz's arcane energy is very low, it will not exceed the level of contact at most. This level of arcana energy cannot directly drag a half-bit to fall into the real world.

In addition to Leoz's arcane effect, there is another possibility.

During the three years that Cangyue was studying and lurking at Baizhu Interstellar University, he learned some extremely terrifying high-level magic. Controlled by high-ranking mages who specialize in magic arts, that is, the magic industry, they use exquisite chain reactions to directly communicate with large and small demiplanes from the universe, and use formulas and mathematics to remotely extract energy from them.

And when the energy falls to the bottom, the mages will not waste it. They will reserve these demiplanes as weapons and fill them with various special magic bombs, which can be dropped towards the enemy at any time.

‘This method requires too much mathematical calculation power—it can only be used by a strong person beyond the Zeta level! ’

Damn Leoz, didn't he freeze time and space not to deal with himself, but to shake people?

But Babluska clearly promised to blockade the planet.

Cangyue was puzzled. He didn't know why he was so unlucky.

As of now, there is no chance for him to think.

Rumble, rumble——

The atmosphere was quickly drained, and Zang Yue tried hard to stabilize his body. Hundreds of millions of tons of gas were attracted and evacuated by the Abyss Universe. The speed was so terrifying that the force falling on him was simply irresistible.

There is no choice.

Cangyue stretched her hands forward with difficulty to support her body.

Jump out!

The next moment, Zangyue's figure instantly appeared in Trivira City in the real world.

The moment he landed, the normal streets and humid air around him immediately made him feel something was wrong.


As the moon fell to the ground, he immediately felt a terrifying aura lingering between heaven and earth.

The elements, this planet...are afraid of something.

Rumble, rumble......

The thunder was rolling and the wind was howling in the sky. The dense atmospheric elements in the air made Cangyue think that she had not jumped out.

Cangyue raised his head, and before he could recover, a hand suddenly fell on his shoulder.

"Hi, Thief Sun."

He turned his head, and a cruel smile appeared on Li Ozi's face covered with bloodstains and cracks:

"Is another world fun?"

An empty wine bottle rolled beside his feet.


[Name]: ‘Wrath of the Wind’ wine

[Category]: Consumables/Paid Limited

[Effect]: Obtain 99% physical damage immunity and 50% movement speed bonus, lasting 350 seconds.

[Price]: 30,000 points


Cangyue's pupils shrank and she immediately jumped.

However, this time, [Waning Moon] did not take effect.

His arcane energy seemed to hit an invisible wall!

"Activation failed? No, the space is fixed and jumping is prohibited - it's [Dimensional Anchor]!"

Cangyue's brain was running rapidly, but Li Ozi was so close that he immediately used time and space ripples to create a deceleration time and space zone.

His body couldn't keep up.

"Where are you going? Senior Zangetsu!"

Li Ozi grabbed the opponent's shoulder, and stretched out blue nerve tentacles from his palm, immediately piercing the opponent's neck.

——General effects of "Gene Editing Engineering" ① "Robbing God's Gift" - You can randomly obtain one of the other person's talents by copying their genes.

[You have invaded the opponent's body, and the effect of "Robbing God's Gift" takes effect. 】

Canyue was suppressed, aware of Li Ozi's intention, and sneered:

"You want to take away my genetic code? It's useless. My genetic information has been dimensionally reduced by [Crane Moon] for a long time. There is nothing you can do against me!"

[[Crane Moon] Arcana activates - you can search for dimensionality reduction targets. 】

[Talent plundering...]

[You will choose one of the following talents as your loot:]

A——[Racial Talent·Self-Output]

B——[Professional talent·Superpower potential]

C——[Professional talent·wanton plunder]

D——[Personal Talent·Object Resonance]

"Choose D."

Li Ozi grabbed Canyue's neck and shouted:

"Object resonance!"

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