From star abyss

Chapter 5 005. Actionists

Leaving the Frost-plated Republic and entering the outside world seems like seeking death. This is not a rigorous statement.

It should be said that it is from one hell to another hell.

Li Aozi works as a night patrol security guard at the Village Savings Bank in Jianlin County. He heard people say that the bank makes money, but in fact he misunderstood two things.

First, banks make money, but being a security guard does not. Tellers work five days off and have two days off, while security guards only have one day off a year during the National Day, and their monthly salary is only 2,300 to 2,400 derby, which is not much more than an ordinary supermarket cashier.

Not only that, but working as a security guard in a place like the Frost-plated Border, the probability of robbery by the Marauder Legion, crimes by extraordinary people, and killing by monsters such as spirit monsters is very high. And banks are not government agencies, and they don't have the ability to hire extraordinary people. If you can kick the alarm in a crisis, you are worthy of the president.

Second, in the Four Kingdoms era, it was not ordinary financial institutions and banks that really made money, but the special armed monopoly organization "Global Commerce Bank", referred to as GTB.

With the bank key held by the security guard, Li Ozi opened the anti-riot equipment warehouse and took out the fire ax and body armor. He controlled the time very well and kept counting the time in his mind.

Next, he held a fire ax and smashed it on the counter, quickly looting the cash. A rough calculation was that it was about 40,000 Derby. Li Ozi spread the cash banknotes into a fan and counted the money quickly with dexterous fingers—— This is not because he is proficient in banking business, but because he has learned skills from playing cards in the past.

"142,300 yuan is not a lot. But it is enough to start the mission."

Li Ozi was very satisfied. He had no idea of ​​robbing the bank vault. On the one hand, as a night patrol security guard, he did not have the electronic key to open the vault. As for the bank safe - it can only be said that without a professional cutter, it would be basically useless. Don't even think about opening it.

By comparison, it's easiest to loot the cash from the counter.

"Anyway, the four laws are to arrest people indiscriminately and kill good people while taking credit. It's better to just guard and steal."

"Furthermore, if I do something big, robbing a bank is a serious crime, there might be Law Four agents chasing me all the way. The early Law Four agents are only level 15. If you kill them, you can provide me with a sum of money." Quite an experience.”

Li Ozi deleted the surveillance video and struck Lenny Johns' body several times, destroying the scene and creating a situation where he was seeking wealth and murder.

Ordinary people will feel instinctive fear of law enforcement agencies, but Li Ozi does not. Not only that, he also wanted to use it as bait to catch fish

As a pragmatist, Li Ozi has no psychological burden for various crimes. In his previous life, players caused a lot of harm in the universe, so this is nothing.

He quickly changed out of his security uniform, and in order to prevent Law Four's biological information from being tracked, he simply set a fire and burned his biological information. He also pulled out the phone card from his personal terminal and threw it into the garbage truck that came to collect garbage in the morning to prevent it from being tracked.

Li Ozi was a man of action, and he was ready to set the fire in less than ten minutes. He did not bring any extra items, lit a cigarette with the lighter found on Lanny, and took a deep breath.


The complex aroma of tobacco lingered between his teeth, and Li Ozi's mood completely calmed down. He was not a long-term smoker, and the calming effect of tobacco on him might last for a long time.

Before six o'clock arrived, he threw the half-lit cigarette onto the pile of combustibles and turned around to leave.


The next moment, fire broke out, smoke billowed, and the glass door shattered and exploded. As the screaming fire truck drove into the scene to put out the fire, Li Aozi blended into the crowd of onlookers and left the Jianlin County Village Savings Center calmly and skillfully. bank.

The surrounding residents had been alarmed by the fire and gathered here. They stared at the burning bank in the sea of ​​​​fire and marveled. The boring and repetitive work life on weekdays became a little interesting because of this sudden fire.

Artificial light fell on his shoulders. Li Ozi in the crowd raised his eyes to the sky. The cold and dim hemispherical generator was still emitting light radiation continuously and slowly.

This is not a real sun.

There is no alternation of day and night, no sunrise at dusk, no moon rise, only the same daylight illumination for decades.

Li Ozi did not choose to take transportation. He had the map of Jianlin County in his mind. He turned left and right several times and entered the public toilet. His makeup skills were very good. When he came out, he changed into a blue shirt and an old jacket. By then, he had turned into a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion and a sad face.

He glanced again at the hemispheric barrier generator, which was still emitting dim sunlight steadily, and shook his head:

"Those who have been deprived of even the sunshine dare not look up to the sky."

After putting on makeup, he simply tore off his ID card and threw it into the garbage truck. He wouldn't need it next.

Players who chose to be born in the Frost-plated Federation in their previous lives will basically try their best to immigrate or go abroad later on, which is not conducive to development. The most important thing is that if they are not female players, they will not even receive a few missions.

Even players who control virtual characters feel deeply disgusted by frost plating.

However, it's not that easy in this day and age.

What's more, he is currently absconding with money, and various public transportation methods are not available. Fortunately, Jianlin County is not far from the border, and the straight-line distance is only 20 kilometers. However, crossing the border is not a trivial matter. The outpost , GTB security personnel will pay close attention.

"Normal people have to find a smuggler to cross the border illegally. But my goal is not to go to the other three countries, but to enter the outside world. This is very easy."

Li Aozi is quite lucky. Jianlin County where he is located is not a heavily populated town, nor is it a city with concentrated industries. In layman's terms, this place belongs to the urban-rural fringe.

The composition of the county is very complex. There are stateless refugees who have just entered the civilized world, local residents of the county, migrant workers, long-distance truck teams, both farmers and workers, and some urban residents from Yaoguang City. people.

Such a complex group of people can easily form a clique. People from all over the world will divide themselves into circles according to their hometown and occupation, help and take care of each other, and eventually form a gang force.

Gangsters belong to lawless places, filling in the order, and their essence is defined as an economic criminal organization. Fighting and killing are at best a means of calculation, and the fundamental purpose is to make profits.

So, under such a wonderful background given by Shuang Ping, engaging in human head trade and smuggling is obviously a hugely profitable thing. This model of front shop and back factory, coupled with the unique external environment of the county with complex personnel and difficult law enforcement, Under the conditions, the stowaway business quickly underwent industrial upgrading, using a short-term and fast sales model to achieve industrial empowerment, technology-driven innovation, and made outstanding contributions to the active construction of frost plating.

Simply put, there are too many ads about smuggling. Advertisements for smuggling are everywhere on the curbs and telephone poles. It’s just that people call it more euphemistically, implicitly calling it ‘quick entry and solving household registration issues’.

Li Ozi didn't know much about frost plating, but... the people who posted small advertisements and threw cards on the street told him a lot.

Picking up a few small advertisements from the ground, he was not surprised to find a smuggler who could take people out.

Following the address, he found the other party in an alley.

"Where are you going?"

The smuggler was a young woman, chewing gum, with an impatient face. Her voice was hoarse and her facial features were a little crooked. She was accompanied by four middle-aged and elderly men, who were dull and taciturn. They should be the men responsible for smuggling.

When she saw that Li Ozi was a male and had pale skin, just like those without a country, she immediately felt contempt for him.

The sunshine resources of the Blue Star are completely monopolized by the four countries. Therefore, people with healthy and beautiful wheat complexions are said to have sufficient exposure to the sun. Not only do they often bask in natural sunlight, but they also seldom engage in repetitive labor and often take vacations. They are characteristics of high-ranking officials. .

On the contrary, a person with pale skin indicates a serious lack of sunlight exposure, and even if it is congenital, it indicates that there is a countryless person in the family within three generations.

Li Ozi's family situation is obviously not very good, otherwise his skin would not be as white as a countryless person.

He didn't mind at all. People from the four countries had this kind of discrimination. He just threw a wad of banknotes over and said:

"This is 14,000, which is more than enough to take to the P-205 shelter."

The smuggler flipped the money around, her eyes wandering. She glanced at Li Ozi and asked, "Deserter?"

The shelter is not a civilized place. Without sunlight, it is almost impossible to survive. Frost Plate is a civilized world no matter how you say it. With GTB issuing energy loans, life is miserable, but at least you can survive.

This man is willing to escape into the outside world. Basically, there are almost no other possibilities except deserters, serious criminals and smugglers. The county is so big, and people in this industry have frequent business transactions. There are only a few smugglers coming and going, and there are famous ones. Everyone with the last name is familiar.

The smuggler could basically tell that the man in front of him was either a serious criminal or a deserter, so he asked.

"You don't have to worry about it."

Li Aozi snorted coldly and deliberately flickered his words, which made the snakehead convinced of his guess.

"Haha, don't be nervous. There are many men who desert military service every year." The smuggler smiled, counted the cash, and was a little surprised: "This banknote is really new."

Li Aozi wanted to laugh in his heart, this was just taken out from the bank, how could it be new?

"When can I leave?" Li Ozi looked anxious and urged: "I'm in a hurry. There are people outside to pick me up. They may not last long..."

"Don't worry, there are not enough people in this batch. We will set off when there are enough people." The snake head curled his lips.

There are not many opportunities to smuggle people into the country. In order to make a good profit, they always fill up the smuggling containers in one go before setting off.

Is there anyone else available? Only a ghost can believe it.

In an environment like the outside world, a normal person without protective clothing would not be able to survive for three days. If you want to pick up a person, you need at least seven or eight logistical supplies to keep up with him.

Is there anyone else available? Who do you think you are? Such a big pomp.

Li Ozi saw that the other party was deliberately dilly-dallying, and he knew it in his heart. He immediately lowered his face, grabbed the other party's collar, and whispered:

"Who do you think you are? I am from the Rose Army! Do you dare to delay my time?!"

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