From star abyss

Chapter 511 216. Oz era, boiling expectations

"Five thousand years ago, [Secret Society] Gaia broke through Haines, killed Leoz, and devoured Mephidria, which was still in its infant stage. I remember that, and every citizen of the machine world remembers that shock. scene."

"Gaia... ate Mephidria? The [Master] God is actually a baby?"

Li Aozi's pupils shrank, feeling surprised in his heart.

——The [Machine Society] in the previous life did not reveal these key information until death.

[It’s a cognitive filter—KitKat Network has been blocking news related to ‘Gaia’ and ‘Hidden Society’! 】

KitKat Network, you know about Gaia early on, right?

From the beginning, they knew that the [Secret Society] was the murderer who killed Murphydria and destroyed the extra-abyssal universe where the main god of the [Lord] system is located.

If it hadn't been for the name Leoz... I wouldn't have known this information at all.

"You don't know? After all, you are just a fake."

Coulomb Torque:

"The timeline outside the Abyss is not consistent with that of the Star Abyss, which has resulted in extremely chaotic history. You ignorant Star Abyss people have been so well protected that you don't know the truth at all?!"

Li Ozi's movements stopped. How could Coulomb Torque miss the opportunity to delay and take the initiative to explain:

"Looking at your surprised look - it might as well tell you."

"The six main gods of your Xingyuan, in fact, the time node for the birth of each main god is different."

"The three main gods of Destruction, Jingyi, and Weirdness were born first. They directly confronted the three Destroyers, but they were no match for the Destroyers in their heyday, and were destroyed and defeated one after another."

"The second is the Lord God of the Star Abyss who redeems and plunders - in their battlefield outside the abyss, there is already the prototype of our [society]: the civilized mimicry. But no one cared about it at the time."

"At that time, Mephidria was not yet completed! It was entrusted with the will and power of the Yuanyuan, but the environment outside the Abyss could not support the immediate development of the creator. It must be allowed to develop from a baby posture and continue to grow. The ground is brewing strength, and the final complete form of Mephidria - he will be the most terrifying Lord God of the Abyss, possessing the power and authority to dominate all existence, sweeping away all Destroyers and [Society]."

"No one can be his opponent, and no existence dares to despise Murphydria. If he can complete his evolution, he will be the absolute master of the six-layer star abyss!"

Coulomb Torque suddenly said proudly:

"Until, [Secret Society] Gaia, it appeared in the universe of [Master Will] Mephidria!"

"Gaia, she is the first [society] in the Mephidrian universe, and also the most powerful [society], bar none! It is it that leads all of our [society] and launches a rebellion against the rule of the Star Abyss. banner!"

"Civilized people in the abyss, your knowledge is too shallow. Do you think that just because Leoz killed 84 [Society], he is already very powerful? No, no, no, no! It's just that you are too weak. You are just So fragile that individuals are incapable of taking on [society] alone.”

"The universe outside the abyss, hehe, they are much stronger than you. I can just name a few divine warriors who have challenged [Society]: Gio Skua, Howling Wing Yibing, Nate... Sword Master, Yakou, Yuwen Haotuo, Cangya Huangwei... too many, too many. There are tens of thousands of warriors under the Lord God of [Destruction] in the memory bank. It was not them who took Leviathan Dar The power has been greatly weakened, and all you people in the abyss can do is kowtow before the Dragon King!"

"Why do you think there are so many vacant god positions in those paths? Why are there so many people on the [Destruction] path? Because the main god of the Destruction system can fight the Destroyer head-on. Do you think he is some kind of bastard? That's right. It’s because He is too strong, and the more power He has left behind on the road, the more power he has left!”

"Those who follow the path to ascend to the gods, we once fought against the noble gods from your source, but you couldn't even ascend to the throne of God."

Coulomb Torque sarcastically said:

"Without narrative-level civilization, you are as fragile as a screw."

"According to the scale of the Mephidrian universe: Leoz struggled with Gaia for a billion years, and was eventually killed by Gaia."

"Gaia will continue to evolve, [society] will evolve, and you have reached the limit! The path to godhood that you are so proud of can only reach the limit of the Omega level - and we have just begun!"

Coulomb Torque's body has a large number of newly manufactured parts and configurations. The armor on its body is thicker and stronger, but its movements are lighter.

"There is absolutely no way that you are the reincarnation of Leoz. The real Leoz fell under the claws of Gaia. As an enemy who can fight against Gaia, do you think Gaia will let him go!?"

Coulomb Torque sarcastically said:

"Leoz can't scare me, you better think carefully about who you are facing!"

Coulomb Torque exuded strong Zeta-level fluctuations, and waves of machinery from all directions continued, heavily surrounding the top colonial soldiers.

"Look! No matter what you do, the fact is already doomed! No matter Leos or Li Ozi, you are just a swindler—"

"The ninth time."

Li Ozi calmly raised his sword.

In such a short time, his mana had returned to more than 40%.

Coulomb Torque's words were interrupted, and the logic program was stuck for a moment, and he subconsciously replied:

"You stupid carbon-"

"I killed you nine times."

"Don't you understand? You can lie to others, but don't fool yourself. You are not the reincarnation of Leos, you are the holder of authority. Behind me is the Holy Mother of Mashiggegang!"

"I killed you nine times."

"That's enough! You waste of carbon, no matter what you say, you will never be my opponent. I can lose countless times, but you can only die once! You stood up for the Crystal Tower Civilization, very good, you Love your civilization, does your civilization love you? When you get to know the people on this land deeply, you will find that the thoughts of these mages are worthy of the suffering they have suffered. They deserve to be devoured by us, and they can only Deserve to be devoured by us.”

"Isn't it [society] behind you? You know that civilization is rubbish, but you still feed your own mother rubbish? Is this too filial?"

Li Ozi asked back:

"As a congressman, why do you sound like a loser who has been ostracized and abandoned by civilization?"

"Mind yourself, little Rose Quartz."

Coulomb Torque's heart skipped a beat and he snorted coldly:

"You and your civilization are meaningless. Only in [society] will you be respected and educated as human beings. Because of this, our devouring cannot be called simply 'devouring', but to liberate you!"

"Then you are quite proud. It seems that being a traitor is really glorious. I hope your wife will say the same when she cuckolds you: 'She is not betraying me, she is here to liberate me to love freely. I have to thank her!' .”

"Damn it, is it interesting for you to pester me like this?!"

"Oh, I forgot, you don't have a wife, and you don't have a wife."

"That's enough, that's enough! I'm going to crush you, lubricating your nuts! I'll banish your soul to the void! You'll never be reincarnated!"

"I have to mention this - you were killed by me nine times."

Li Ozi held the sword blade with the back of his hand and said calmly:

"Next, it's time for the tenth time."

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