From star abyss

Chapter 516 220. Until the Abyss (Part 2)

"According to the past memory exploration of the planet's consciousness, there are fragments of the Discrimination Eye here. The reason why this place has become an important place for education is probably because of the influence of the fragments of the Discrimination Eye. Our Lady of Mashiggegang should have had this consideration when she came here. .”

Turing's eyes continued to shine, as if he was performing some complex calculations:

"Congressman Coulomb Torque, I discovered something interesting: these attackers are not people from the [Crystal Tower] civilization, but from alien planets."

"An alien planet? That's normal. After all, the top colonial soldiers are not local products."

Coulomb Torque thought of something and immediately asked:

"Speaking of which, the guy who killed you and Watt Rivetsteel called himself Leoz. Go and search to find out who he is? Where does he come from? What is the relationship between these top colonial soldiers and him?"

"It's a bit tricky... This planet attaches great importance to 'Leoz'. How do I search for keywords, and all that appears are spam messages with the same name and surname - Damn, there are 89.07 million people involved? Even the legendary brave man from beyond the abyss, named There must be too many people with this name from Yunnei!”

Turing Zhi has always been cold and rational, and he almost lost his temper at this moment.

"Don't worry about it for now. Senator Watt Rivetsteel has already suppressed the top colonial soldiers. They will be annihilated sooner or later. But... Leoz, the C3 Luca-type space human race, and the discerning eye... seem to have some relationship. .”

Coulomb Torque pondered for a moment, and the antenna on his head slowly turned. It seemed that he thought of something, but it couldn't think of it based on its programming, so he had to turn around and ask:

"These people are all aliens, but without their colonial clothing and so weak, how did they enter the White Candle Star?"

"They were smuggled in. Not only that, but there were also a large number of space refugees, but the will of the planet looked at Leoz's face and accepted them."

Turing System was surprised:

"Lioz is very popular on White Candle Star. I can't find out his origin. He is simply the biological son of this planet - but he is clearly an alien!"

"Don't worry about it for now."

Under the feet of the two congressmen, Watt Rivet Steel said in a muffled voice:

"Although there are only a few people attacking us now, when Our Lady of Mashgargon comes, it will definitely cause most of the mortal beings to transform into citizens, so we have to be more careful."

"Don't worry, when the Holy Mother comes, Speaker Megaros will personally take action."

Turing Zhi said calmly:

"Our Speaker is not the kind of fighting puppet that is at the mercy of the parliament in other [society]. He has extraordinary decision-making methods and rich experience - not to mention, Speaker Meganiobium Ross has truly experienced the 'Haines Annihilation War', 'Secret Civil War's nine-time reforging of the strong."

"The Speaker will also take action? He has been reforged nine times, and he was walking around casually before diving. Aren't he afraid of being cursed by the Star Abyss?" Watt Rivetsteel asked.

"That's not the case. First of all, this operation requires stability. In this regard, we opened the machine realm very early to block information. Even if Leoz and his top soldiers have reinforcements, they will not be able to do anything. He couldn’t send it out—but from the looks of him, I guess he knew the [Social Area] move from the beginning, so he planned to win with a surprise attack.”

Coulomb torque explanation:

"On the other hand, it is not a big problem to take action in a short time. The abyss is different from the Murphydria universe - even the abyss suppresses the speaker. The speaker who has been reforged nine times has been separated from [society] for a long time. The lifespan of the original body will still be severely compressed."

"This Leoz is really familiar with our mechanism." Turing Zhi muttered: "I can't find any information about him at all. I can't even find the origins of these elite soldiers."

"Congressman Turing Zhizhi, just to be on the safe side, please check the Western Hemisphere of White Candle Star. Are there any Zeta stages?"

Turing System immediately checked it again and then gave a reply:

"I have not detected any biological frequency bands of the Zeta stage. The eastern hemisphere where Trivilla City is located has the aura of 22 Zeta stages and above, but at most it will not reach the Kappa stage - the real strong ones who have reached the Kappa stage. , and there is only one person, Minister of Education Balcomon, and the latter is fighting with someone about twelve light seconds away from the local area."

"It seems that Leoz doesn't have any reinforcements, and the big shots in Trivilla City are still in the dark."

Coulomb Torque sneered, turned to look at Ostro Mountain, which was being bombarded by Watt Rivet Steel, and mocked:

"A man who thought he was a savior stepped forward with a meaningless sense of justice, but in the end he was afraid that mainstream society would see through his identity as a [Master] and a god. Human beings are really complex and fragile creatures. While trusting others, Shelved on the shelf, complex yet simple, sensitive yet insensitive. Haha, just because of this, they should be crushed, torn apart, devoured, and annihilated!"

Seeing its appearance, Turing Jin subconsciously took a half step back and asked cautiously: "Congressman Coulomb Torque, although I know that every citizen hates the civilization he was born in... But are you a little too excited? ?”

"... Just think of me as someone who has had a lot taken away by these mages."

Coulomb Torque did not reply.

The cold frost and snow fell on the shoulders, resting on its cold skin, not melting for a long time.

Watt Rivetsteel frantically destroyed the mountains on the ground and bombed them as much as he wanted, until he could no longer find those Delta-level elite soldiers.

"It's over." Turing Zhi said.

Coulomb Torque suddenly opened:

“When it snowed last year, I would feel cold on my skin and feel confused because I was unemployed.”

"Now I am wearing an iron skin and titanium bones, a nuclear power drive, and a 64-thread multi-core computing system."

"But why is the snow still so cold and my heart still confused?"

Coulomb Torque spread out his iron hands and tried to hold a snowflake in his palm. The wind blew by, but not a single snowflake was willing to stay here.

The air on the plateau became filthy, power pipes passed through it, and dust covered the surface with hatred.

"Congressman Coulomb," Turing Zhi said: "You feel it too, right?"

“The planet hates us, the world rejects [society].”

Coulomb Torque grabs a handful of snow, and the snow water melts immediately, like concentrated acid flowing through the fingertips, etching clear tracks.

"This world has taken away everything from us, and it won't even allow me to take revenge!"

Coulomb Torque sneered:

"Then let's watch how the end of the whole world comes!"

There is still - 1 hour and 43 minutes until [Machine Society] Mashgar Gang's true body arrives.

The whole world is about to undergo a grand destruction.

The remaining players...

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