From star abyss

Chapter 54 054. Beware of scams

After some negotiation and haggling, Li Ozi purchased two pieces of ordinary jewelry from Dimitri.

"Medium and low-quality equipment will always be the biggest market." Li Aozi put on a tungsten steel ring and a bone china pendant, and his mind became active.

The quality of equipment in "Star Abyss" is divided into:

Simple and inferior quality - high failure rate, poor comfort, ugly appearance, and extremely low ergonomics.

Ordinary durability - a tolerable failure rate, which can still be used normally after withstanding the wear and tear of the normal environment, and has low ergonomics and ergonomics.

Exquisite craftsmanship - extremely low failure rate, can still be used normally in the face of harsh environments, has high ergonomics and aesthetics.

Flawless - there is no use failure, it can still maintain excellent and stable performance in various harsh environments, the ergonomics are perfect, it is exquisite and beautiful, and there are no shortcomings.

Extraordinary - it can continuously optimize itself according to the environment during use. As long as it is not completely damaged, it can always exert its full effect, matching and adapting to the user's habits.

A work handed down from generation to generation - it can accumulate memories of past experiences, continuously strengthen itself, is difficult to be completely destroyed, and can pass on the experience and style accumulated in the past to the next user.

Mythical creatures - possessing autonomous consciousness and powerful intelligence, are almost indestructible, and will independently choose a host that adapts to them. They can instantly transfer their abilities and experience to each other to promote each other.

But in fact, due to the different types of equipment, it is not a cost-effective move to pursue quality excessively.

A mythical screw may not be as effective as a crude and inferior double-barreled shotgun.

When it comes to fighting, players find that durable and durable equipment is the most cost-effective.

The duel environment is different. Basically, you can pile up divine equipment as much as you can. I wish I could replace my brains with mythical creations.

In fact, there are some special equipment levels, such as Miracle Arms and Social Institutions, but according to Li Ozi's experience, only the four precision families of the "Magic Frame" will pursue this special equipment.

The dominance system has very low dependence on equipment. On the one hand, the attributes other than the [Charm] attribute are low, and on the other hand, it is also determined by the convenience of arcana.

Therefore, jewelry equipment without equipment conditions can easily form a monopoly in Li Aozi's view. For [Domination System] players, the price of jewelry, which is inherently "luxury" equipment, is not as expected. will be low.

Li Aozi only needs to observe the market conditions and public opinions through observing forums, and then use small profits but quick turnover to quickly squeeze out the market.

Speaking of the player forum - Li Ozi took the time to take a look, trying to blend in and pretend that the players followed suit.

As a result, as soon as he tried to speak, the forum showed that his account status was abnormal - Li Ozi clicked on his account homepage, and there was a line of bold red characters on it:

[Due to violation of laws and regulations, your account has been permanently banned]

"What did I do wrong that got me permanently banned? What's the matter, is it still illegal to travel through time?"

Li Ozi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He also wanted to see what was going on with his official account.

Okay, now there is no need to check, this person has not been found.

However, it was not all without gain. Li Ozi found that although his account was banned, the files attached to the forum posts could be downloaded and various video links could also be opened.

Although he could not speak, his ability to obtain information did not weaken, and soon Li Ozi discovered something strange.

"How come the time in the two worlds is not synchronized?"

Judging from the frequency and time of the players' speeches, one day has passed on the Blue Star side, but not much time has passed on the players' side.

Almost, in the past 30 natural days in the game world, only one day has passed in the player forum.

This is obviously different from the experience as a player in the past.

"As a player, my impression is that basically all events happen at the same time."

Li Ozi thought for a moment, and for a moment, he also thought of the conspiracy theory that "Star Abyss is to develop an electronic colony."

Did he travel through the game and become a ball of data, or was this originally a living world?

Could it be that the governments of various countries really discovered an electronic world and used game ports to trick players into invading and occupying it... This is a bit too damn fantasy!

Regarding this conjecture, Li Aozi was really a little bit embarrassed.

After all, after the advent of the optical brain, most of the contradictions in the real world have been reconciled. Although the gap between rich and poor has not been resolved, people can also live and work in peace and contentment in the virtual world.

There are no longer any conflicts in the real world. Technology is so advanced that it is impossible for a war to break out, let alone mobilizing the power and population of most of society to invade an electronic world - it makes no sense, and they have no shortage of resources.

Li Ozi shook his head. He would not consider this issue for the time being.

Now that I am an NPC template, I only have one life, so I must cherish it.

"Isn't it a little late to realize that life is a little precious now..."

Li Ozi laughed at himself, then turned around and continued chatting with the Dimitri family.

There are not many craftsmen in the outside world who master the spirit-injection manufacturing process, and there are even fewer people who can read.

With a talent like Dimitri sitting in a corner, it's hard not to make people wonder if he has provoked a big shot and is worried about something like an enemy seeking revenge.

Li Ozi did not ask these topics because he knew Dimitri's true identity: this old man was an immortal species.

The main intelligent race on the Blue Star is the new generation of Homo sapiens, but if you can see Dimitri's panel, you will find that his race is [A1 Colton-type cosmic human race].

A1 Colton, B2 Maya, C3 Luca, these are the three most common carbon-based human evolutionary trends in the universe.

The A1 Colton race is famous for its longevity and innate awakening of the arcana. It is not a problem to live an average of seven to eight hundred years;

The B2 Mayans are particularly good at trade and mathematics, and their number is smaller than the other two. They are known as the second-order dealers in the universe;

C3 Lucca type humans are special, they have strong combat potential and adaptability.

Dimitri successfully evolved and became an A1 Colton-type cosmic human.

Regardless of his low level, he is really a veteran who has lived for more than 200 years.

There is no point in pursuing the idea of ​​​​such a long-lived species. For people, it may be more honorable to think about how to die all day long.

After chatting with the old man, Li Ozi suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"Old Dimitri, do you know Chen Siqi?"

"Are you talking about Dr. Chen? It is said that she came out of Mingji before - I don't believe it. Mingji is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones. I personally think she should have escaped from Shuangping." Dimitri babbled.

Qiu Ran asked with some embarrassment; "Mingji Humanity...does it have such a bad reputation?"

"No one in the entire northern outside world knows how ferocious and terrifying the underworld is."

Katsina hugged the child and said to them seriously:

"You have to be careful. The Underworld will transform living people into killing machines. They capture people with arcane potential everywhere, saying that they are sick and infected people, and then capture them and conduct various experiments."

"The doctors will draw blood and bone marrow from the infected people, cut their brains into slices, install them between glass plates, and repeatedly compare and observe the differences between them and ordinary people." Dimitri said solemnly.

"This is not the worst part. People say that the four countries have been cooperating with Mingji. The purpose is to develop super soldiers and clones that can adapt to the external environment. In the end, the war will still be burned on us."

Katsina’s words were full of anger and hatred:

"The Four Kingdoms have taken away everything from us and enjoyed the sunshine that none of us have ever seen. Why are we still not satisfied? The Four Kingdoms are all beasts, bastards and vampires. Xiao, if it weren't for the persecution of the Four Kingdoms, especially the hounds of Law Four. He would , I was originally a very happy person in Shuangping..."

"In Frost Plate?" Li Ozi was surprised.

Memories and sadness came over Katsina's face. She whispered:

"Xiao, my husband. He was doing an ordinary business in Shuangplating during his lifetime. He was an honest and honest man. One day, he was falsely accused by his employees, saying that he violated a female employee."

She paused and said;

"This is a scam. Because Xiao is a devout believer and clean, and he was a virgin before he met me. It was just a deliberate blackmail by the female employee who was greedy for property."

"Xiao very gentlemanly forgave the other party first, and then hired a lawyer to collect evidence. He tried to maintain his image and prove his innocence."

"But, it's no use."

"No matter how he tried to prove his innocence, his shop was sealed and closed before he could go to court. Agents from Law Four severely injured him and tortured him repeatedly with cold water and electric shock. He was ready to be prosecuted, but the prosecutor's office has not yet After the evidence was submitted, the judge sentenced him to life imprisonment and confiscated his property.”

"He is a tough guy. Faced with an unfair trial, he found the black market, implanted a combat prosthesis, killed seven agents and a judge, and then drove across the border and fled into the outside world."

Katsina hugged Cilic and her words were full of pride.

"This is my husband, Cilic Xiao's father"

Li Ozi nodded and sighed;

“No one is born great, but he undoubtedly dies a legend.”

"Xiao is our eternal love, but let's get back to the topic first - I think Dr. Chen has a lot of dislike for the Four Kingdoms. She should have nothing to do with Mingji."

Dimitri thought for a while:

"I don't know much about her. She only came to the Sikkim settlement in the past two years. She has good medical skills, but she is a bit difficult to get along with. I bought penicillin from her, and she threw the prosthetic body on my face. I'll get out."

"Dad, you saw her changing her underwear." Katsina said dissatisfied: "Mrs. Chen is very good. She cured Cilic's diphtheria."

"Maybe..." Dimitri hesitated: "She is changing her underwear? Why do I remember that I only saw an alloy device..."

Two years ago.

Li Aozi nodded slightly.

Black marketeer Ze Qian told him that this happened to be the time when the ZX-102 incident broke out and Nurse Nodley changed.

Sure enough, after he got the news, the task "Not to Be Remembered" advanced to 34% of the progress.

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