From star abyss

Respond to the question about the development of Aoneng (not updated text)

Some readers are dissatisfied with the setting and plot of the work, and it is extremely inconsistent with their own opinions. This issue has become more intense recently, and has even caused scoldings among readers.

So I picked some representative ones and posted the original text to explain it. If anyone finds it strange in the future, just come here and read it.

First of all, I want to say that this book has a bad habit, or my writing style.

I will dismantle the setting, crush it into pieces, and explain it using the character's dialogue or inner description. Although some characters have only appeared infrequently, I have detailed character cards and plot arrangements.

Don’t worry that I will forget a certain character, for example, Li Ozi’s sister Li Huixi. I believe many readers have forgotten this name, but I actually have her character introduction and intelligence information here, and I will bring it out again at any time.

Some people may say that grass snakes and gray lines are not a skill that a young writer like me can master. It is true, but I believe that people who like this book recognize and support my style, so I don’t I will change these and give up my basic base.

For example, I know the plot of the player line, but my writing is not excellent, so I will add some content closely related to the main plot while constantly improving the richness of the player line.

This time, the caramel snail is connected to Gio Skua, which is actually a help to the main line and setting. Fortunately, the subscription results of the caramel snail line are good, which shows that my doing so has indeed improved a lot of plot experience. .

To put it bluntly: if you skip watching the plot of "From the Star Abyss", you will definitely miss a lot of important information, and there will definitely be questions like 'Who is this character?', 'Why is the bride missing?', 'Isn't Nomi a bomb? Are these doubtful questions?

Today I am mainly dealing with the recently hotly debated issue of "protagonist's ability development".

Let’s take a look at the selected comments (I have formatted them for ease of reading)


How long is the name of the super vest king:

After reading the free chapter, the protagonist’s gravity power is very underdeveloped. At the beginning, he showed the ability to reverse the force field, but later he only became able to suppress people with gravity.

For example, if you are chased by a Law 4 vehicle, you cancel the gravity and let it fly into the sky, and then it is hit by twenty times the gravity. What kind of car and people can resist it?

Or if you give a gravity to the side, the vehicle will directly drive at 90 degrees on a smooth surface instead of rolling over on the spot?

It's really 6 to use gravity palm to fight against the horsepower.

The later fight with Yawen is even more magical. Give the chain an acceleration to play melee cutting? He was still looking arrogant like a god at every turn, but then he was tied up in a ball and kissed by a second-generation rookie official? ? Didn’t he die ten thousand times without the halo of the protagonist?

If you hit the professor later with a sudden force, you can crush the professor's organ. If you use the middle of the body as the boundary and push the upper part upward, what will happen?

(The factor of the professor’s second stage transformation is not considered for the moment).

To hit someone from behind, there are only two moves: gravity crushing, or close combat.

I thought the gravity deflection was cut off, but it was used again later to defeat the unlucky guy.

It's really pure and pure.

There are two reasons why I am considering whether to continue watching it. One is that the character of the protagonist is fragmented and is a baby with ptsd. The second is that his superpower development is to really pull the crotch. It can be said that he is the first to pull the crotch from the starting point.

I jumped to see the Battle of the Strong. A biologist directly created an anti-gravity stance. If you want to fight the protagonist, of course you can. High-power jets are set up at different locations on the body, and the protagonist is controlled through a chip to increase his size. It is completely reasonable for the jet port to release thrust against gravity when gravity is exerted.

You created an infinite gravity field with black technology? ? ? ?

Eliminate range gravity directly through electromagnetic induction? ?

What kind of Zenith star technology is this?

What's the difference between you and Dr. Chen, a talker who talks about science and is full of black technology and can achieve anything as long as I think about it? ? ?

Human beings are so awesome that they can erase the rules of physics wherever they go, so why bother trying to survive in the apocalypse?


Let’s first refute the rumors in a few places:


"Human beings are so awesome that they can erase the rules of physics in a targeted manner, so why are they trying to survive in the apocalypse?"

First of all, allow me to put my hat in the ring. I am a pure liberal arts student, majoring in law. I have never studied physics since high school. If you talk to me about parity nonconservation, vacuum decay, and the Gregorian number, I will give you one million but you will know how to do it. There are profound scientific and technological issues like whether a snail will always hunt you down and whether giving Zhuge Liang 10,000 O'Neills can conquer the Three Kingdoms - then, Scarlet Qing said matter-of-factly:

I am far inferior to chatgpt.

If you expect Scarlet Queen to guide you in scientific knowledge, it is better to ask Imperial College to exempt you from the entrance examination.

Crimson Hongqing's physics knowledge comes entirely from high school, books, and Zhihu.

Anyone who has read the first volume should know that the Blue Star is not an anarchic and unorganized environment in the apocalypse. On the contrary, due to the existence of GTB's predecessor 'Cresta', the Blue Star has a close relationship with aliens. Always maintain a high level of connection.

The representative of Azure Star’s self-developed technology had already come to an end before Amieloko. Since Lord Entropy blocked Azure Star, although the planet does not have the problem of plants competing with people for air, it is not in the so-called apocalyptic state. Azure Star has a population of more than two billion, and any one of the four countries has a population of four to five billion.

However, no matter how advanced the technology of the Blue Star is, it is not something that the earthlings who are engaged in street fighting and trench warfare in Bahmut in the 21st century can defeat.

For Azure Star, the hemispheric generator itself is an extension of the helium-III controlled nuclear fusion. The reason why Frost Plate will bring the Twin Queens to the top is because behind the Twin Queens is Frost Plate's largest nuclear power company. Similar to Areva or EDF in France.


"If you hit someone from behind, you can use two moves. You can crush them to death with gravity, or we can fight in close combat."

"I thought the gravity deflection was cut off, and then it was used again to defeat the unlucky guy."

This is pure fiction. In fact, if you read the original article, you will know that arcane energy consumes blue bars. The more precise and detailed the operation, the higher the consumption of arcana energy.

I also specifically mentioned: Arcane energy is basically not consumed very much when not entering combat mode, but once it enters combat mode, it will be consumed quickly.

This friend's speech is a typical one that ignores the constraints of conditions and believes that strong ability can determine everything. It becomes the same as the theory of weapons only and the theory that "infantry is useless."

"It's like being chased by a Law 4 vehicle. You cancel the gravity and let it fly into the sky. Then it is hit by twenty times the gravity. What kind of car and people can resist it? Or if you give a gravity to the side, the vehicle will directly become on a smooth plane. Driving at 90 degrees doesn’t it roll over all the way on the spot?”

According to his first mode: flying the car and then smashing it down, it is indeed good, the power is achieved.

So, if the car is gone, how about walking to the destination in the vast snowfield and darkness?

The second statement even more ignores the status and conditions of the original text. Li Ozi's attribute values ​​at the time did not support him to do that, and he faced the enemy with the player's state of mind.

I wrote a small plot before, in order to let everyone feel the player mentality of Li Ozi in his early days.

This is the original text:


"Speaking of which, if you are so strong, why do you want to bring me with you to form a team?"

Nomi suddenly realized this problem and asked, holding a wrench.

Li Ozi didn't bother to explain, so he picked up the pistol from the ground and shot himself in the arm.


[You suffered 24 points of damage, and your limbs were damaged - left forearm, disabled (unable to lift)]

"Holy shit!"

Nomi was startled, but Li Ozi looked calm. He skillfully took out the bullet and used the medical kit he had just collected from the vigilante to disinfect and explode it.

"That's it. I'm weak and can't bear two shots."

"Then just say no! Why do you want to give yourself a shot? It really scared me!"

"got used to."


I don’t think there’s anything else to say. I’ve mentioned the issue of arcane development many times in this article. If you can’t accept it, then there’s nothing I can do about it.

Of course, I am not writing this to make everyone need to do reading comprehension after reading an online article. On the contrary:

I'm just telling you how I wrote this story from my perspective.

I'm not a rigorous science student, and my research on gravity is very limited. I can't even understand the formulas of calculus. But if he must be omniscient and omnipotent, then who would write online articles? He should become a philosopher king and achieve a class leap for mankind.

For me, writing is an ‘emotional \u003e logical’ process. My readers are not all 985211 graduate students. Among them are high school students who are studying, junior college graduates, part-time workers with technical secondary school degrees, courier boys, assembly line workers, sales clerks, temporary workers in community street offices, Xiaohong Book lovers, TNO demons, Tieba users, Mi Weibing, Eagle Horn Blade, Chunliang Baobai, nga brother, little pink, Runren, Shenshentutu, Zhihu key people, colonial pioneers and many more People, not everyone will devote all their efforts to an online article.

Please understand this. I am writing a book, not a scientific research report on "Feasibility Practice of Socialized Frost Plating Practice".

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