From star abyss

Chapter 538 242. Ring of Sunny Sky

As he spoke, he took off his white armband, tied it on his head, pulled out his sword, and showed a desperate look:

"Our life itself is meaningless. His Majesty the King of the Ring gave us jobs and status, making us warriors who are completely different from civilians. Our lives exist for this. Life is just a dream, Only when I die in battle can I truly live!"

"Sa, soldiers! The time for the decisive battle has come! Don't think about the enemy. We are warriors of the gods and warriors of heaven. This country is protected by us!"

"Long live!"

He shouted loudly, finally inspiring everyone's will. The soldiers raised their heads and looked at his figure. The warrior was delighted: "Yes, that's it! Fight! You must keep fighting! If you don't fight, you can't survive." ah!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the door behind him was suddenly opened. Li Ozi threw the body of the great gamma-level Onmyoji in, clapped his hands, looked up at them, and asked curiously:


"That's Abe, Abe the Great...the Great Onmyoji?"

"You're lying, that's the Gamma level!"

"He killed Gamma without even getting his hands dirty—"

The soldier whose courage had just been boosted fell into collapse and panic again. The samurai's pupils shrank, never expecting that the Great Onmyoji, one of the most powerful people in the Tianhuan Kingdom, would be casually taken away from his life like a white mouse. , his face was purple and blue, his neck was broken and he fell here.

This is simply...simply...

"Okay, don't talk nonsense."

Li Ozi put one hand behind his back, his eyes glowed with blue arcane light, and he said lightly:

"Choose quickly."

One after another the sharp swords fell to the ground.

"You surrender to me."

Helmets and prosthetics were voluntarily removed.

"It's better to die here."

The samurai looked around. Even though countless soldiers abandoned their helmets and knelt down to surrender to the man in front of him like worshiping gods and Buddhas, he had no intention of kneeling down to beg for mercy.

What's more, there are several people like him.

He felt desolate in his heart, but also felt relieved. He raised the sword in his hand. This sword with a golden guard was called "Gozamaru", which was the highest honor that a Sky Ring warrior could achieve.

Facing the god-like man, the warrior shouted loudly:

"I want to create a future with my companions!"

"Me too! So what if we face gods? People live to kill gods!"

"Don't underestimate our bond!"

"Let him see the possibility of belonging to the Tianhuan people!"

The warriors shouted loudly, drew their swords and charged towards Li Ozi.



Li Ozi snapped his fingers.

[Sequence Nine·Gravity]

The charging warriors instantly fell to their knees, their spines digging into the floor like spikes. Li Ozi hooked his hand, and their bodies were instantly blocked together.

He walked forward slowly, being a bit more relaxed.

[Sequence fifty-six·waning moon]

The Heavenly Ring warriors who had just been piled up into a mountain of flesh were immediately flattened. From their skin to their organs, they were turned into a piece of paper cross-section. They were clearly spread out on the ground like slices in a glass dish. Every piece of flesh on their body was spread out. Every inch of detail can be seen clearly.

Li Ozi walked through the crowd, but did not take the prisoner's life. Instead, he casually dropped the business cards of the Holy Tablet Sect.

There is no need to say anything more. It won’t be long before he gains a group of new believers.

Human beings are such creatures. When faced with an existence that they cannot defeat, they either arouse the desire to challenge and regard the opponent as an old enemy, constantly becoming stronger and challenging; or they are completely conquered and turn to appreciate the charm of the opponent and become a A prisoner in every sense of the word.

At this point, Qiong Anjing was officially liberated.

The Capitol was cleared.

Li Ozi immediately dialed Gretwal's communication:

"This should be Joan Anjing's last armed force, Gretwal."

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Mr. Isaac Maxim. Please say hello to Li Ozi for me. Without your help, I am afraid that it will take great sacrifices to complete these things."

Gretwal Nightsong on the other side of the communication looked more mature and steady than two years ago. He smiled, then became serious and said:

"Although the Red Army now controls the capital Qiong'anjing, the power of the military, chaebols, and prominent families in various parts of Tianhuan is still strong. In addition to the republicans represented by the Red Army, there are many people who hope to become one of the country's rulers. one."

"Then what do you think about this?" Li Aozi asked curiously: "Given Tianhuan's current situation, if a unified government is not formed, there will definitely be fighting and separation of forces. Originally, there were many in Tianhuan If you can't make the conquered areas obey, I can help..."

"No! That's not necessary."

Gretwal quickly refused.

The Battle of Qiong'anjing had only started for 18 minutes, and it was completely liberated. To put it mildly, for people with constipation, going to the toilet would not be so fast.

Isaac didn't care about other people's countries, no matter if he was Hojo Heavy Industries or something else. He used the waning moon to create a dimensional barrier, and then raised his hand to smash it with the sequence arcana, causing economic losses that were simply astronomical.

Who dares to let Isaac, a self-propelled natural disaster, stay any longer? If Isaac continues to take action, what will be left is really a scorched earth, which is considered a developed area even compared to the outside world.

"After all, this is the Tianhuan people's own business. Even if it develops into a civil war in the end, it is something that must be experienced."

Gretel's words were very tactful. After all, relying on foreigners to win the war would be regarded as unfair to the country no matter how you think about it, and legal reasons would be difficult to pass.

"I will unify the army, and Hazama Kagami will cooperate with me to transform the Red Army into an army of the people of Tianhuan. Only in this way will the people support us and our cause can continue."

Gretel talked freely with Li Ozi about his ideas:

"Up to now, we have only broken the shackles on the necks of Tianhuan people, but the shackles in our hearts have not been lifted. If we want Tianhuan people to truly become 'Tianhuan people' instead of 'people of Tianhuan', we need financial resources. , education, and culture. Of course, not all factions support our progress. There must be people who support the monarchy, theocracy, and the plutocratic system. And our army was formed to fight against these people... "

Gretwal is not a political novice. He proposed many ways to rule the country, such as forming a republican government first and taking turns to govern between parties, which can avoid many bloody conflicts, or reorganizing the parliament according to the number of people in the region and giving each party Suitable seats.

Li Ozi listened for a while, then took a look at Gretewal's attributes and found that Gretewal did have a political profession - [Prime Minister].

It's just that the level is not high, only level 5. The main interest groups are [Intellectuals] and [Military], and the former is even more so. It may be because Gretwal himself is a doctor, and the intellectuals identify with him more.

On the other hand, citizens, landowners, capitalists, industrialists, entrepreneurs, workers, farmers...basically other classes of people do not have a high support rate for him.

After all, the leader of the Tianhuan Red Bans is Hazama Kagami, who is currently the nominal acting president, but in fact Hazama Kagami is only in charge of the military, internal affairs work and ideological guidance, and has always been Gretwal Night Song.

Gretwal Nightsong is a special person. He is different from the iron-blooded politicians like Devlin who rely on the army to control the country. He is also not as proficient in cultivating and using nationalism to serve himself as Crown Prince Rudolf. He is an idealist himself. The person who was able to sit in the position of prime minister was actually supported by Li Aozhi single-handedly. He lacked political foundation and manpower.

It is really a big test for Gretewal to completely secure his position.

Li Ozi pondered for a moment and said:

"I shouldn't ask about unnecessary things. Civilization requires everyone's struggle to find a way out for it. I have completed the tasks that Mr. Li Ozi asked me to do. The next step is up to you."

Gretel was a little surprised. When Isaac first found him, he thought Li Ozi would take the opportunity to blackmail him and prepare to turn Tianhuan into a comprador puppet government to serve Li Ozi personally.

But what is unexpected is that neither Isaac, who has the power of natural disasters, nor Li Ozi, who is far away from the stars, are interested in it.

"I would venture to ask...Mr. Isaac, what's going on with your power? You're obviously only at the Alpha level, but you're able to erupt with such terrifying destructive power. It's simply..."


Li Ozi smiled knowingly:

"Just think that Li Ozi is the god who gave me strength."


"Mr. Gretel, I have to remind you that God in the Star Abyss is not the kind of metaphysics that we understand to explain impossible phenomena and lead spiritual realms."

Li Ozi opened his hand and said:

"In the abyss of stars, God is the path for people to pursue transcendence, achieve supreme morality, or find the truth."

"The era when gods dominated the people has long since ended in the Star Abyss."

"Now, it's time to drive the gods and burn the divine fire for our grand narrative!"

"A grand narrative?"

Gretel clenched his fists, his eyes were shining, and he praised:

"Compared to country or society, I like this title very much."

"Lord Entropy has blocked us for five hundred years, but the myth of the King of Rings has dominated us for seventeen hundred years!"

"Yes, what we are telling is no longer the death of the king or the legend of the hero, but the narrative that belongs to the people of Tianhuan themselves."

The seeds of the narrative have been planted.

Li Ozi raised his lips.

The existence of the white obelisk provided prerequisites. David Lin came to power in advance to accelerate the reform of Frost Plate. If Tianhuan was successfully secularized and republicanized, he would have sufficient conditions on hand.

These things cannot be changed by his power alone, but by the joint efforts of countless people, the conscientious implementation of qualified governments, and rulers like Gretwal, Devlin, and Rudolf who cannot make a single mistake.

Human civilization will surely usher in glorious unification.

Li Ozi put away the communicator, looked at the achievement prompts that popped up on the panel, and shrugged.

"Sure enough, even though my nationality changes randomly, I still want to have a narrative of my own."

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