From star abyss

Chapter 540 244. The Bell Ringer


[White Knight] kicked open the hydraulic door, swept the sharp blade, tore open the space, and cut the entire mobile armor in the distance. The nuclear power engine instantly triggered a martyrdom explosion, shooting out blazing heat rays, and The radiation dust fell down and filled the entire tunnel.

"Is he here? It looks like an ordinary gathering place for the outside world, but it turns out that there is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and so many weapons and equipment."

[White Knight] muttered, and with a flick of his fingertips, the poisonous blood of the ether quickly spread out. He dragged the blade of the sword and stepped forward leisurely. Those mortals were poisoned by the ether before they could escape, and the land was filled with darkness. One piece fell down.

"No one can fight, Tsk."

"Don't be careless, White Shark."

[Bell Ringer] Horst followed closely behind, appearing out of nowhere. He lowered his head and glanced at the pocket watch in his hand. The hands on it kept changing, showing cipher text that only he could read. He flicked the chain, put away the pocket watch, pointed to a large lathe in the distance, and ordered:

"Tear it down."

Without saying a word, Bai Shark raised his sword and wiped it on the back of his hand.

【Grinding teeth】

【Grinding teeth】

【Grinding teeth】


The sword light burst out, and the huge lathe was instantly swallowed up and flattened by the blazing sword light. The strong radiation wind blew eagerly, instantly pulling out the human figure hidden in the lathe, and smashing it to the ground.


The blond man with blue eyes who was pulled out lay on the ground, coughing violently. A large amount of water seeped out of his mouth and nose, quickly expelling the radiation dust inhaled from his body.

"Damn it, this body is too weak..."

When he struggled to get his weak body up, the white knight's sword was stabbed into the ground in front of him.

"Yeah~ Yeah~ Yeah~, it's been a long time. Dear old man, I heard that five thousand years ago, you fought with the [Scholar] Speaker, and you are the secret of the older generation who saw the fall of Leos. Jury members."

White Shark stepped on his shoulder and said sarcastically with unabashed disdain:

"What's wrong? Senior Igole Matthew."

He picked up the sharp blade and used the back of the blade to part the hair on the side of Igor Matthew, revealing the other person's tired and weak face, and said sarcastically:

"The dignified [Sailor] has been reforged seven times... By calculation, he is almost a Sigma level (18) strong man in the Star Abyss, but he was stepped on by me who was reforged once - this is The consequences of betraying [society], your crime is irreparable and unforgivable!”


Igolay Matthew grinned and said with a smile:

"To allow a despicable person like you to board the [White Knight]... the [Secret Society] is truly hopeless."

"You can only be tough with your words - look at your body."

White Shark pretended to be pitiful and mocked:

"Entering the Star Abyss, even the most superficial [Abyss], will cast a curse on the citizens of our [society]: no matter how powerful you are, as long as you are an objective existence, you cannot surpass the power of the planet and the universe. Limit. Creatures that exceed the limit will only be gradually eroded by the abyss and become degraded if they do not dive."

"Your personality, which is equivalent to Sigma level (18), has been placed on a blue star that can only allow Gamma level (3). You have lived for more than forty years, and you have already degraded to a level higher than Gamma level (3). ) are worse than weaklings.”

"Look, you have made so many sacrifices to integrate into this world, but Layyuan doesn't welcome you."

Igolay Matthew did not respond to White Shark's ridicule. He looked at [Bell Ringer] Horst and asked calmly:

"I'm just a jury. You two were sent here by Gaia, maybe just to find me, right?"

"You are still very valuable to us, don't say that, comrade veteran."

"Who the hell is gay with you!"

"Then let me change my name - compatriot."

Horst said calmly:

"The [Secret Society] has been divided internally for a long time. The [Collector] ran away and lived in seclusion and did not care about the world. The [Scholar] believes that the curse of the Star Abyss has disrupted our traditional devouring plan. He hopes to coexist with narrative-level civilization. And we , represents the [Emperor] faction, the most core, most orthodox, and most loyal to Mother Gaia.”

Igolay Matthew said quickly without blinking:

"You want to...reorganize the Secret Council? Establish contact with Gaia."

"That's right. At this point, only Mother Gaia's reappearance can integrate [society's] will to unite."

[Bell Ringer] Horst said calmly:

"You also know, my [Sailor] brother, without [Society] as the mother body, we separated cells have no room for survival at all. The entire Galaxy Universe refuses to accept us, and we must make a decision."

"Either we become enemies of the entire Star Abyss, launch an unprecedented decisive battle, and devour all civilization;"

"Either continue to coexist, break them into parts, and gradually eat away at them step by step through lasting means."

"Let me tell you," Igolay Matthew said coldly: "[Society] is a cancer in the universe, and it should not exist in this world. Gaia and other [society] have swallowed up tens of millions of innocent civilizations , the number of casualties caused is simply shocking. We are the cancer of this universe!"

"Looking at what you said, wouldn't there be peace in Xingyuan without [society]?"

[Bell Ringer] Horst cleverly said:

"Long before the Destroyer stepped into the six-layered star abyss, civilizations were fighting, involving, and killing each other. The difference between civilizations is greater than the difference between [society] and civilization."

"Why do you think that colonists must be worse than rulers? The civilized people who were eaten by us enjoyed equality, justice, kindness, food, clothing, and comfort that civilization could not provide."

"In my opinion, being eaten up by [society] is not a bad thing. They need labor and dedication to live, and they may not be able to develop their value if they work hard. But we can let them fully develop their value."

"But they lost their freedom and their lives."

Igolay Matthew clenched his fists and said in a deep voice:

"The price of being swallowed up by [society]... is that if you leave [society], you are nothing."

"But you are nothing if you leave civilization." White Shark carried the sword and laughed wildly: "Old guy, you are really old-fashioned to the extreme. It seems that it is really necessary to capture you back. , merged into society..."

"Young man, I used to be like you. I thought that by welcoming the advent of [society], everything bad could be destroyed. I thought that as long as we destroyed the world where I was born, we would be completely liberated and completely free."

Igolay Matthew took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"But it didn't."

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