From star abyss

Chapter 551 255. Foreign exchange harvesting

Li Ozi did not expect that the appearance of the Crystal Tower would be so ugly. He knew that White Candle Star no longer had any important magic workshops. Two of the most critical 'Recognition Eye Fragments' were taken away by the Night Butterfly Federation, and the only remaining one was It has also been secretly transferred.

Anyone who spends 80 million ammonium money to identify eye fragments is the ultimate villain, and Li Ozi will laugh at him severely.

"It looks like there will be a lot of bleeding, but it doesn't matter. The price is slightly higher. After my operation, the cost can be recovered soon."

But it's a pity that online auctions are now popular. Li Aozhi looked around and there was no scene where the sellers were greeting each other or making harsh remarks. It was a pity.

The popular auction price hikes are only indifferent here, and it's hard to even tell whether the ones being auctioned with you are human beings or digital beings.

Knock knock knock——

There was a knock on the office door.

"Come in." Li Ozi said casually. The next moment, the door opened, and Nikita walked in with a pile of documents in his arms. He clattered and landed on Li Ozi's desk.

"What made you think that you suddenly decided to ask me to collect information on 'Qi Xiang'?"

Nikita muttered.

"It's just a personal hobby." Li Aozi picked up a document, and the translation software automatically converted it into a language he could understand: ""Plasma: A Mysterious Monster of Power", "Xingyuan Strange Objects: Entropy" "Jun, Zhixiang, Origin Beast, and Law Ghost"... I knew that the magical civilization's interest in such magical creatures far exceeds other civilizations."

"In the ancient legend of Star Abyss, the Entropy Lord 'Itopia', the Zhixiang 'Enrique', the Origin Beast 'Oligen', and the Law Ghost 'Leru' are four types that are older than the gods. As a race, they are neither living creatures nor have the concept of death. Even if the Destroyers come in, they will still look on coldly at the existence of the Star Abyss. After all, for them, whether the Star Abyss is destroyed or not does not affect their lives."

Li Ozi flipped it casually:

"Among them, Entropy Lord is a harmful beast that will cause serious disasters to the material universe. As soon as its larvae are found, it must be eliminated immediately. Source Beast is more mysterious. It is said to be an ancient existence that existed at the beginning of the universe. As for the Ritsu Ghost, it is probably the safest. The original race, whose initial form was born from spiritual maggots, can now be used by the "Annihilation Temple" as a prop for planting Star Gods. "


This part of the content was no different from what he remembered. Even in the previous life, with the cognitive filter, the information of the original race was not hidden.

On the other hand, KitKat Network is more about preventing players from understanding the contents of the "Secret Society", preventing players from learning the extraordinary powers in the game, and preventing players from climbing the road in reality.

……what is this? Awareness warfare? Or does the Federation of Terra want to maintain its own rule and prevent players from gaining power from the game? But in reality there is no contradiction at all. Is this necessary?

"Zhixiang is a strange thing. It's not dangerous, but whether it can be used on living people - no one knows."

Nikita rubbed her hands and said:

"Anyway, I have some connections and I have collected all this information for you, Mr. Mayor."

"Thank you for your hard work, Nikita." Li Aozi nodded: "This information is very useful to me. If you want any reward, just ask."

"You're out of touch, Leoz. You spent five years turning us, a group of foreign refugees, into decent citizens. With safety and financial security, there's nothing more I want."

Nikita shook his head and reminded him:

"Are you participating in the planet auction?"

"Well, it's already started, but my goal is the last big axis, so there's no rush." ​​Li Ozi turned the screen over: "These are the first few planets."

"Let me help you see. It would be great if we could get a few enclaves or satellites. If we get a resource planet, we can start transfer payments."

Nikita immediately cheered up. When he was young, he was also a strong man at the Zeta level (6th level). He followed Van Renkov's army and traveled north and south, and he was well-informed:

"Robbie-2, Aqua Planet - I am familiar with these two planets. The civilizations on them are stupid and warlike. They have obviously entered the capitalist era and cannot even go up to the universe. They are waste among wastes, supported by mud. It’s not on the wall. It’s not like we don’t have enough resources, but we’re fighting all day long, and the key is that we can’t build a unified empire. Whoever buys it will be stupid!”

"Planet Valekor? You can consider this. It is suitable for atmospheric organisms to survive. The land area is too small and the atmosphere is too thick. If you have dragons, griffons, elemental creatures, etc., you can cultivate them here. The advantage is that it can accommodate up to the maximum number of creatures of Kappa level (10). But the price is a bit expensive - holy shit, 40 million ammonium gold! Give me so much money, I can save 400,000 Zeta level (6 ) The mercenaries knocked down this planet!"

"Eh? Flame Demon Star! This kind of precious planet is sold. Let me tell you, even though this planet is on the edge of the Milky Way, the residents on it are descendants of the demonic civilization from the age of gods. The volcanic environment zone With fertile soil, the ocean area is not small, and the production of expensive rare elements is very high. The key is that the regeneration ability of minerals is first-class, and a batch of minerals can be regenerated every 300,000 years on average. The ecological upper limit can even accommodate the Jotta stage. (9) - You ask about the disadvantages? There are no disadvantages! Its disadvantage is that it is expensive! 200 million ammonium gold! It has no disadvantages. The disadvantage is that I am not rich enough!"

Nikita took a look at the auction list, commented, and helped Li Ozi avoid the lightning.

The auction continued, and tens of millions and hundreds of millions of ammonium gold were collected at every turn. At first, Nikita was quite stunned, but after gradually getting used to it, he only disliked that Li Ozi's wallet was not big enough.

"Hey, Leos, can't you contribute some more money?"

"Many of my assets are from trust funds, and some are investments and cannot be touched."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"My budget this time is only 120 million. If I mortgage some assets, they can still be worth 37 million at most. The total is only 157 million. White Candle Star may have a premium of tens of millions, so I have to prepare for the war with all my strength."

"Indeed, White Candle Star is the highlight."

Nikita nodded. At this time, catching up with the new auction items, he focused his eyes and immediately said in surprise:

"This is... the East Star! Damn, it's only 8 million ammonium gold, buy it quickly!"

"What planet is that?"

"It looks like a simple rocky planet, but few people know that there is an ancient star gate worth 50 million yuan on this planet, which may lead to the station of the divine warriors from a certain era of gods. Even if nothing is found, Bai Bai Picking up a star gate means extra lives. You can tell me if it’s a good deal or not for eight million dollars to buy a life!”

Li Ozi perked up and quickly followed the auction: "No. 077, 8.2 million——"

"No. 016, bid 8.9 million."

"No. 190, bid 12 million"

"No. 122, bid 38 million."

After a while, the planet was auctioned for 56.09 million.

Li Ozi choked and looked at Nikita:

"It seems that everyone knows about the star gate on this planet."

"Tch! What a pity." Nikita clicked his tongue: "A star gate represents a retreat, especially a star gate left over from the age of gods. The surrounding environment has been explored by the original gods, and there will be no extremes. Weather, if you pick up a few artifacts, the historical value alone will exceed the amount at auction..."

"Maybe they have their own information channels." Li Ozi was not discouraged, "Keep looking."

"Sotere Star, the price tag is only two million! Buy, buy, buy! There is a robot race on it that can transform, and you can earn it with your blood!"

Nikita shouted hastily.

Before Li Ozi could raise his sign, the price had already increased tenfold.

"Glacier Star has a very rich magic crystal fuel, only nine million. This must be captured..."

"Feng Yue Star, the civilization above has almost left its home planet, and yet it only has a price tag of 1.2 million. My God, it would be a great injustice if I didn't buy it!"

"Dalya Ring - this planet comes with a super powerful geomagnetic shield. If you buy it, orbital bombing will become a joke. It only sells for 10 million. Haha, officials with no eyesight, let's take it!"


As the auction passed in the morning, the expressions of Li Ozi and Nikita became more and more solemn.

"Nikita," Li Ozi said in a deep voice, "There is something wrong with this situation."

"The planets that seemed so cheap turned out to be snatched away." Nikita rubbed his head, puzzled: "These people... can't possibly have a wider journey than me, an old mercenary, in a lifetime, right? ?”

Several times they saw the treasure planet with low prices and prepared to pick it up, but found that everyone knew the benefits.

"It's okay once or twice. In one morning, more than two hundred items were auctioned, but not a single purchase was successful. This is not a matter of luck."

Li Ozi narrowed his eyes.

"That being said, you don't have any evidence."

“I recorded it a little bit.”

Li Ozi cut the screen and brought up a form:

"There are a total of 360 people participating in this auction. We are No. 077. Since it is an online auction, we do not know the identities of the others."

Li Ozi looked at the number of bids and his eyes flashed:

"Every time we bid, numbers 016, 190, and 122 will definitely be bid. But usually they don't participate in the bidding at all and only buy these 'missed' planets."

"No. 014 is a good actor, and he also knows how to shout a few words occasionally. No. 262 is half-acting and half-real, and he really bought a few normal planets. No. 355 is really stupid. He doesn't even know how to make up the numbers. Every time he pays the highest price. Buy it with a tone of voice.”

"Looking at it this way, it's not that we are being targeted, but that those planets that have been picked up and have high cost performance have been booked away."

"But whether others know about's hard to say."

"Do you suspect that the official colluded with others to reveal the identity of the buyer?"

Nikita was surprised:

"After all, it's an interstellar civilization, so it wouldn't do such a thing, right?"

"The philosopher king of the empire once said: Don't underestimate the upper limit of civilization, and don't overestimate the lower limit of civilization."

Li Ozi did a simple calculation:

"The total value of the goods in this auction is about 12.2 billion ammonium gold. For non-interstellar alliance members like the Crystal Tower, which is only a third-rate civilization in the universe, it is already 16.8% of the foreign exchange held. If I were the Crystal Tower, for I will do the same thing if I take foreign exchange away from my own people."

"No important planet like Flame Demon Star is being sold. Does the Crystal Tower Civilization want to enhance its credibility in the interstellar market by holding a large amount of ammonium gold, an interstellar foreign currency?"

“Given the ongoing war, perhaps it’s more about stabilizing the economic situation within civilization by accumulating currency.”

Li Ozi crossed his hands and legs, resting them on the desk, and his thoughts became clearer.

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