From star abyss

Chapter 56 056. Good news, the doctor said I don’t need treatment and will be fine after I die.

"I don't care if you flirt, but at least don't disturb the patient's rest here."

The woman was wearing a shabby and clean white coat. Half of her hair was short, and the other half was coated with stainless steel alloy. It was obvious that the original bionic scalp had fallen off, and even the integrated circuit and brain-computer interface of the right prosthetic eye could be clearly seen.

She was holding a laboratory beaker, which contained an unknown blue-green liquid with fluorescence. She was yelling dissatisfied while tasting the creepy solvent.

The doctor's appearance was not good-looking. A large amount of the bionic skin had fallen off, exposing the electronic circuits inside, which made him look particularly ferocious. She wore smoky makeup and looked a bit charming. If it weren't for the smell of various medicines on her body, it would be hard to imagine that she was a doctor.

"No, it's not!" Qiu Ran waved her hands quickly: "We are just companions -"

"Sorry, doctor." Li Ozi bowed his head and apologized: "We didn't notice that we had arrived at the clinic. It was my fault."

As he spoke, he took off his mask, revealing his handsome lines and regular features, and his gray eyes were full of sincerity.

"Well, you are quite handsome. Seeing your little native face full of collagen, I won't care." The doctor raised his eyebrows and curled his lips: "Go where you need to, and remember not to make any noise. , I still have patients here who are resting."

"We will leave soon, but before that, I would like to ask if you have any suitable medicines for sale." Li Aozi asked: "I have a friend who needs this rare medicine."

"A garbage man actually goes to a doctor to buy medicine? Don't you all just trust what you synthesize?" The doctor was quite surprised: "Tell me, I'm curious about what kind of medicine can make a garbage man come to your door as an exception."

She became interested, picked up the beaker, raised her head and poured the fluorescent solvent into her mouth.

Li Aozi said: "ZX-102, Dr. Chen Siqi."


The beaker fell to the ground and cracked into pieces. Li Aozi tilted his head slightly to avoid the sharp blade that popped out from the back of the opponent's hand. The light green core in the middle looked particularly deadly. He said lightly:

"Jade Dream's Teeth - a military-grade prosthesis produced by Leif Light Industry. The lethal dose of synthetic neurotoxin for adults is 0.2 mg. A scratch on an ordinary person is equal to death."

A conductive line popped up on Chen Siqi's neck and was immediately attached to the back of Li Aozi's ear. She closed her mouth and asked Li Aozi with her voice through bone conduction:

"Close your mouth, it can detect the vibration of the throat and make sounds - who sent you?"

Li Ozi raised his hands slightly, indicating that he was harmless: "Dimitri introduced it, don't worry, I am a short-lived person. I don't care about your origin, and I won't make it public."

Chen Siqi's face was expressionless, but her voice went straight into Li Aozi's mind:

"Hahaha, that old craftsman, you are indeed a guy who is about to die soon - what is the purpose of ZX-102, you ask?"

"I'm very curious about what happened to Mingji two years ago. I heard that they have been doing some human research, and they have achieved some results. I think maybe they can treat me." Li Aozi's tone was frivolous, It fits the character of a trash guy very well.


Chen Siqi raised her left hand, popped out a probe from her fingertips, and stabbed Li Aozi on the neck. A large amount of data flowed through her eyes, and then she sneered:

"You don't need any treatment, your genes will collapse and you will die."

"Your analysis is quite fast, even better than Mingji's doctor."

"Come on, spicy Gobi. You must have a high-risk arcane power - what level? I just glanced at your telomeres and gene chain, and I got trypophobia."

Doctor Chen Siqi sneered.

"Sigma? Upsilon? It can't be Pushi, right?"

Li Ozi gently moved her blade away and said calmly:



Doctor Chen Siqi took back the sharp blade in his hand and looked like he had seen a ghost:

"Omega-level arcane power is not a power that mortals can control at all. Your genetic chain has been shattered by the power of arcana, and your telomeres are seriously damaged. If you continue to use it like this, you will definitely live for less than two years."

"Isn't this what Mingji Humanity is studying? Arcane energy and human genes, as well as the influence of evil spirits on the activation of extraordinary power..."

Li Ozi said calmly:

"I heard about the ZX-102 accident. It seems that the world of Mingji Humanity is not monolithic. Since Dr. Chen chose to defect, he should know something about the accident, right?"

"Who did you hear that from?"

"A woman named Zexi."

"Huh... Erdao dealer, right? It seems that you have already been to the underworld - no, maybe, they helped you awaken this arcana, right?"

Li Ozi was noncommittal.

"Omega-level arcane energy, I'm sorry you can bear it. This is not a power that humans should control at all. Are they completely crazy in the Mingji Humanity Way?"

Doctor Chen held his forehead and talked to himself for a moment. Immediately, she knocked on the door, retracted the transmission line, turned around and entered the room, waving her hand:

"Come in and close the door."

Li Ozi did not come in immediately. He glanced at the indoor environment and noticed three suspected traps. He raised his hand and pointed.

"If you don't have anything wrong with you, just pretend you didn't see it." Dr. Chen Siqi lay down on the chair and put his feet on the desk, looking nonchalant.

Only then did Li Ozi step into the room and sit opposite the consultation table. Qiu Ran followed closely behind. She closed the door and suddenly noticed something. She turned her head and immediately met a vigilant gaze - it was a boy lying on the bed, covered with a thin quilt, his black The big eyes watched the two outsiders cautiously, without moving for a moment.

"Don't be afraid, Most." Dr. Chen Siqi comforted him: "These two are not like your bastard boss. They are still people with conscience."

After hearing this, the child regained his suspicion, tucked up his quilt and covered his head.

Qiu Ran glanced at the lower part of the quilt. The rise and fall there were obviously not in line with the body structure of a normal person.

"This child is..."

"His boss forced the child, who was less than 10 years old, to carry heavy objects as he wandered with the merchant team. He fell in the snow and his legs were frozen to death soon after."

Chen Siqi said, throwing a skull to Li Aozi:

"This is the boss's skull. You can hand it over to Dimitri later and ask him to make a ball for me. The old man saw my water reservoir and won't let me use it for free if I don't get it."

"It's a convenient move." Li Ozi shook his head: "You cleaned it quite well."

"It's for children, can you be more serious?" Chen Siqi disagreed.

Qiu Ran was about to speak but stopped.

The folk customs in the outside world are too tough and barbaric...

"Let's talk about ZX-102." Li Ozi knocked on the table and returned to the topic. "Dr. Chen Siqi, I heard that Nurse Nodley Crowe was responsible for the ward care of ZX-102... What exactly is ZX-102?"


"……What did you say?"

"A child, a baby less than one year old."

Chen Siqi rubbed her temples and said:

"ZX-102, that was a baby adopted by the professor. We named it 'Snow'. Nodley was still very young at that time, and she and Assistant Physician Anna were working together. At that time, the professor A project started for 'Snow'."

"Project," Qiu Ran's pupils narrowed: "Did you conduct experiments on that child?"

"Yes." Chen Siqi said solemnly: "The rumors about the underworld's human nature are true."


Li Ozi's tone became colder unconsciously:

"What is Mingji Humanity's project?"

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