From star abyss

Chapter 556 260 You were fooled

Chapter 556 260.You were fooled

After five years of cooling down, Li Ozi began to continuously study the secret of this arcana.

Until now, Li Aozi himself cannot completely control the disaster. He can only roughly guide the disaster to occur in a relatively specific area. Moreover, the disaster is a typical "cannon to kill mosquitoes" type of arcane energy. The higher the precision, the more mana it consumes. Outrageous.

If it causes a fire or flood, the disaster basically consumes no energy, but if you have requirements on the direction of the fire and the scale of the flood, the amount of mana will be ridiculously high.

However, in Li Ozi's hands, apart from the reverberation effect of [Gravity], [Disaster] is still the only ability that can affect others across time and space for a long time. As a fate-type arcana, its special effects are unparalleled.

[Perhaps only by obtaining the real arcana of [Destiny] can I understand the mechanism of [Disaster]. 】

While Li Ozi was thinking, he continued to control the arcane energy and interfere with the auction.

There are 360 ​​buyers, and more than 170 people have been affected by the disaster, which is a considerable number.

Some people may have seen unpleasant news when browsing their mobile phones, which ruined their strategic thinking and affected the auction.

Some people may be unlucky all the time. They are upset by their children's unreasonable troubles and are spoiled by their lovers. They are confused by their peach blossoms and want to show off in front of the beauty. So with a wave of their hand, they no longer care about the premium.

These people are actually relatively innocent, they are the ones affected, and they may not be familiar with Li Ozi himself.

But Li Ozi didn't intend to make things easier for the Crystal Tower this time, and he didn't care whether he was innocent or not.

When you can't tell who is the hostage and who is the terrorist, the best option is to kill all the uncooperative targets.

As for No. 016, 190, and 122, these three have received special attention from Li Aozi.

Because Li Ozi not only cursed them, but also directly cursed the planet they auctioned off remotely.

At first, there were just some natural fires and lightning storms, but then they evolved into earthquakes and tsunamis. Along with the great changes in the earth, the racial civilization above was also affected, and then various man-made disasters broke out.

If those three buyers are not trustworthy, they are official workshops with some shameful dealings in private.

Harming such a person would not bear any psychological burden on Li Aozi.

"Anyway... the finale is coming soon, and we should prepare our methods."

Nikita was confused the whole time. In fact, his original plan was to help Li Ozi lift a few planets that were powerful and powerful, so that when these people took over and inspected them, they were so regretful.

However, Li Ozi went a step further. His actions made the entire auction buyers feel that they had lost money.

Even including Li Ozi himself.

Affected by the disaster, Li Ozi's own costume malfunctioned seven or eight times, and the most serious one was myocardial infarction. If he hadn't been in a costume, everyone in White Candle Star would have come to feast by now.

"Most people probably don't have much money in their hands. Faced with White Candle Star, a planet that actually has little significance, they probably won't compete."

Li Ozi slowly removed the effect of the disaster. Unfortunately, he is not a [Gambler] of the [Plunder] type. He cannot see his luck value, but judging from the fact that he has choked on pizza twice, , the luck value is probably a bit low at the moment.

"You still have to be prepared. After all, until now, there are still two families who have not taken action."

Nikita called up the data and pointed at the screen:

"No. 99 and No. 210."


Li Ozi touched his chin:

"These two companies have not made a single bid since the auction began."

He didn't buy anything for sale, and it was difficult for Li Ozi to track them, so he used [Disaster] to make them pay a small sum.

"Of course, it may also be because they don't care about the planet that came out this time, and just came to join in the fun - but, after all, White Candle Star appears as the last major axis, and they may also be at all costs for White Candle Star."

Nikita reminded:

"It's better to be on guard."

"Indeed." Li Aozi nodded. "I have been driving up the price, and I may have attracted the hatred of a lot of people. White Candle Star is taking the lead again, and the final bid will definitely expose my true purpose."

"When you get to that point, people will hunt you down." Nikita reminded.

"Don't worry, I know it well." Li Ozi said, "I will be more careful next time."

The bidding for a planet started, and Li Ozi immediately participated in the bidding:

"56.2 million!"

"Wait a minute, didn't you say you should be more careful? Why is the bidding started again?"

Nikita was stunned.

"Just spreading smoke bombs."

Li Ozi has prepared his assets for mortgage, and this time he must win the White Candle Star:

"Now, I have 120 million in cash, 37 million in assets, and 157 million in ammonium gold reserves, which is nearly twice the starting price of the White Candle Star. To be honest, it is still a little unstable."

"I haven't applied for notarization of these assets yet. The Crystal Tower officials don't know the news, and naturally the people participating in the auction don't know either."

"But others have been deceived by me and have no money left."

Li Ozi crossed his legs and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Since the front has become the target of public criticism..."

After hearing this, Nikita's eyes lit up:

"I see, you want to find a planet in advance, attract people to concentrate their firepower, raise the price, and then eat it forcefully, thus easing the final siege of the White Candle Star!"

"Brother Nikita," Li Ozi said, "It's not difficult for you to find such a suitable 'smoke bomb', right?"

"Hmph, do you think I am traveling at public expense after fighting in this universe for so many years?"

Nikita flipped through the catalog and quickly found a suitable partner:

"This is it!"


"Still unclear about the purpose of No. 077?"

Nalia asked coldly.

No. 077 has raised the price 26 times in a row, but its financial resources are really enough to cope with it, so the people at the auction turned a blind eye.

After all, this time the Planetary Resources Agency came here with a special political mission. It would be nice to scrape out a little more ammonium. The more foreign exchange reserves there are, the better it will be for the current situation of the Crystal Tower civilization.

Although Nalia didn't care about such a small amount of money, her fiancé's weak attitude and incompetent performance made her feel disappointed.

Although it is normal for a dragonborn to change hundreds of partners in his life, the quality requirements are still very high.

Nalia crossed her legs and stepped on the head of her fiancé Andifa Morodia. The slender heel lightly penetrated the other person's scalp, and blood flowed down the hair, dyeing Andifa red. Purple cheeks.

"Here, I'm looking for him. He's probably not just a buyer, but an official entrustment..."

Andyfa lay on the ground and struggled to operate the auction, trying to use data analysis to find out the real key information.

But no matter how he searched, he just couldn't figure out the other party's purpose.

"Could it officially installed AI account?"

"Then you will become the first workshop successor to be defrauded of 236.2 million by AI, my dear Master Morodia."

Nalia said unceremoniously, with no hint of help in her golden dragon eyes.

"The other party can't be a robot account. Check it carefully for me. Otherwise, you can find a way to fill in the 236.2 million ammonium gold yourself."

As a member of an orthodox narrative-level civilization, Naliya herself does not lack any material needs. She just works hard to fulfill the will of narrative in order to complete her contribution to the grand narrative.

Among them, it also includes the concept of guiding other civilizations, making others identify with the "United Group" narrative and willing to practice and depict this narrative with them.

The "United Group" can tolerate ugliness, stupidity, numbness, criminals and lunatics, but it can only tolerate mediocre people who cannot tolerate losses and cannot make profits.

What Nalia is doing is to help the other party practice narrative. Only by allowing Andifa Molodiya to completely change and become a profitable capitalist can she realize her pursuit of life. Her obligation as a narrative citizen will be fulfilled. It’s all done.

Even Wendy Destis, who was watching from the sidelines, was shocked when she saw this brutal scene.

"That, Master Andifa."

Out of concern for her mental health, Wendy couldn't help but remind:

"The other party has been throwing smoke bombs. I think he is demonstrating his true purpose. Maybe soon, his true auction goal will be exposed."

"——Yes! That's exactly it!"

The delirious Andifa, who had been tortured by the disaster from heaven, suddenly came to his senses. He tried to calm down his emotions and stared at the bid No. 077 carefully:

"The official information given to me shows that the other party's assets are only 120 million at most. In other words, his goal will not exceed this level, not to mention that he has been raising prices randomly before, and someone else will definitely take advantage of him."

"In this case... it will definitely be exposed. There are 12 lots left, and his target must be around 120 million."

"There are only three that meet the target: Perlis Star, Rainbow Shadow Star, and White Candle Star."

The prices of the three are 99 million, 110 million and 80 million respectively. If it exceeds 100 million ammonium gold, there is a high probability that no one will raise the price severely. From this point of view, the white candle star with the lowest price may be the target of the other party.


Andifa suddenly recalled.

Although he had no experience at the time, Bai Zhuxing was ravaged by the waning moon and was bloodbathed by the [Machine Society]. According to his internal information, Bai Zhuxing has been migrating academic resources in the past few years, and there are not that many at all. value.

The value is only 30 million at most.

No. 077 has been driving up prices, and it is definitely not for this planet.

"It's Peris!"

Andifa said excitedly:

"Pellis has 30 million high-quality soldiers suitable for training into the Zeta level. In the future, the Crystal Tower civilization will definitely need to recruit soldiers. In five years, they can almost train into qualified mercenaries. By then, from the Crystal Tower Not only can Ta earn back his cost, but he can also greatly increase his favor."

"There is no doubt that the target of No. 077 is Perlis!"

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