From star abyss

Chapter 571 275 Sweet Life

Chapter 571 275. Sweet life

She fumbled around randomly and grabbed the plastic bag in her arms. Inside was the waterproof clip she had wrapped tightly. The double insurance made Xia Beiluo almost cry.

Her chin was dripping with blood, which had been washed away by rain or tears. The water droplets blatantly poked at her wounds, peeling away the bruised flesh. The burning sting was nothing to Xia Beiluo. What.

Money lost and found is the best anesthetic in the world.

She gritted her teeth. Under the cold rain, her body seemed to gradually grow. She stepped forward and pulled out the second-hand bicycle from the mud. The chain was broken, so she had to push the armrest and pull it up. Take off your trouser legs, take off your shoes, hang them around your neck, and walk back with water dripping.

I can't remember how much time passed.

Although it was a little slow, she soon saw her residence - a four-story apartment building with almost no lights in the darkness. The creepers on the walls were like the claws of the devil, swaying in the darkness and heavy rain, and they looked incomparable. ferocious.

A disgusting stench rose from the stinking ditch next to the apartment. It was a mixture of scraps, garbage, excrement, the remains of evil spirits and the corpses of gang fights from every household.

Simply put, it is the smell of poverty.

Xia Beiluo carefully pushed the cart into the apartment building, ignoring the body of the security guard on the wall of the corridor. The people from the church promised to clean it up tomorrow, but the management ran away immediately after knowing that there was a fire here yesterday.

She had to pay property fees for a year.

Xia Beiluo is not afraid of death, which is the cheapest sleeping pill. She is more afraid of poverty, because there is no targeted drug to solve poverty.

She locked the car, climbed up to the third floor step by step, and cleaned the wounds and stains in the public toilet before daring to return to the rental house.

The rain continued and darkness enveloped the world.

Xia Beiluo took off his clothes, hung them on the wire between the beds to dry, dried his hair and body with a towel, and then lit the gas lamp.

Afraid of getting the bed wet, she had no choice but to squat naked on the ground, take out today's income from the plastic bag, and count them one by one:

"1 spirit, 15 spirit...a total of 76 spirit."

She cheered up a little.

Now, I have saved 526 souls on hand!

"Earn some more money, pay some protection fees to the Black Snake Gang, and then you can work as a handyman in a nightclub. Then you can earn 120 ringers a month. In 20 months a year, you can earn 2,400 ringers. As long as In ten years, I can raise enough money for tuition.”

Xia Beiluo was suspended from school on April 5 last year and has been wandering in society for a year and three months.

The mother and father were undoubtedly lucky. They did not see the time when they were forced to leave school, because they died in the gang war three months in advance.

According to the church, her belief in the [Lord of Ghosts] was not devout enough, and her spirituality was too poor. She was unable to tame the weakest wandering ghost until she was in her second year of high school, and she was far away from becoming a [Psychic Medium]. .

Rather than letting her stay in a missionary school and influence other students, she might as well take a year off and find her own way.

"The implication is to find some odd jobs by yourself, and don't disturb other students from entering the seminary, which will affect the school's admission rate."

Under the unified government of Zi Luo, ordinary people who want to improve their status can only rely on the path of the [Weird] system and join the sects of the [Ghost Lord], [Void Emperor] and [Yuanyuan Tianzun] , only by serving the Lord God can we live a good life.

When her parents were still alive, they spent their life savings to send her to study in the church, hoping to change the fate of their family and become a decent person.

However, Xia Beiluo realized very early on that there was inequality among human beings.

Also from poor families, beautiful girls will get more favor. Even if they don't study much, they can get a letter of recommendation steadily by sleeping with the priest.

As for Xia Beiluo, not only was he mediocre in appearance, but his grades were not top-notch, and his psychic qualifications were extremely poor.

The forced suspension from the church school was actually to persuade her to quit and kick her out of the school.

However, even so, Xia Beiluo still has her own path: as long as she works hard and saves enough tuition, she can go to seminary at her own expense. By then, as long as she studies diligently, she can at least do a clerical job.

At that time, you can stand out on your own.

"Current deposit: 526, still short of the target..."

She squatted on the cement floor of the apartment, holding her account book and calculating carefully:

"——Not bad, only 25,474 spiritual points left!"

Soon, soon you will be decent.

She carefully put her savings into the suitcase at the bottom and placed it in the safest corner. This was her most precious treasure. Even if she lost her life, she could not lose her money.

Then, she turned on the gas lamp, lay down on the mattress that the landlord did not want, and pulled up the blanket. Exhaustion and happiness hit her, and she quickly fell into sleep.



"What's going on? What's going on!"

"The sewer is broken!"

"The toilet is blocked. Damn it, the water is coming out."

In a daze, a strong stench hit him, and Xia Beiluo woke up suddenly, and then almost vomited.

Her bed was soaked with dirty sewage, and her suitcases and folded clothes were floating on the water. The tenants of the apartment were cursing. Due to the heavy rain, the sewers were backed up by rainwater, and the entire corridor was flooded with a mixture of various filth.

Xia Beiluo was attacked by the stench, and her brain shut down for a moment. Then she suddenly reacted, and an indescribable fear instantly enveloped her body.

She screamed:


She rushed towards the suitcase and dragged it onto the bed, but it was too late. The water had already soaked the entire suitcase, and her eyes immediately turned red.

The water was still spreading, so she didn't care so much. She raised the suitcase high above her head and stood on the bed, letting her feet be covered by the dirty water. Then the printed pillow she picked up was soaked and sinking. When she got down, she stood on tiptoes, and her calves were stained with some dirt.

Xia Beiluo seemed to be dead. She was nailed to the spot, standing blankly in the sewage, like a giant standing tall, lifting the luggage in her hand above her head.


The windows were blown open by the water, and the waves rolled outward like a waterfall.

The heavy rain is still falling, but as the brave and hard-working residents curse and save themselves, the rise of sewage is gradually contained.

In the second half of the night, the reverberation of the rain had faded away, and birds stood on the telephone poles, chirping together with the wandering souls next to them.

The purple sun rose on the distant skyline, the coldness was dispelled, and the streets were washed away by floods. The [Lord of Ghosts] church made a timely visit, rowing a beautiful boat, and singing the gospel and good name of the Lord everywhere.

"He makes us brave the night and walk side by side with the dead."

"He is willing to bear all tragedies for us, and because of this, we are more diligent and frugal."

"He washes away your original sin and gives the wandering souls in heaven and earth a home."

"Praise my Lord - Godein Tellmann, you are the Lord of wandering souls, the Lord of heaven and earth, the great Lord. The Lord loves all things in the world equally. Regardless of life or death, you will return to His abyss..."

The monotonous choir sang loudly in the drizzle, and the sound of blessings reached everyone's ears.


The suitcase fell, and Xia Beiluo knelt on the ground, holding his savings that were soaked in sewage and balled up, and opened his mouth.

Then, she put down the puddle of mud, opened the notebook that had survived the accident, and wrote cheerfully:

"August 6: Heavy rain, loss 526."

"Deposit quantity - 0"

"Distance to target: 26,000 Spirits."

"Note: Light rain clearing, flooding, roads blocked, but sunshine."

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