From star abyss

Chapter 573 277 Lonely Rock

Chapter 573 277. Lonely Rock


Pierre shouted impatiently, looking at the other person's retreating back, and spat:

"Bah, what are you pretending to be? They are just a bunch of lackeys."

He held the cigarette between his fingers and muttered:

"I have never heard of rock music until now. Maybe the church created a new word to use it to persecute people."

"Uncle Peel?"

Xia Beiluo took the opportunity to come over, said hello, and then asked curiously:

"Are the people from the Black Snake Gang coming to make things difficult for you?"

"Oh, it's you - well, let's just say they are."

Pierre took off his hat, scratched his bald scalp, and said:

"The brains of these dogs are as smooth as glass balls, without any wrinkles. Come here and say that I have a casino here and a private collection of rock music? Hahaha, I am really convinced. Look - this is my scrap station , a total of 800 square meters of land, and when you look at it, they actually said there is a 'casino' here?"

Pierre's complaints were as continuous as a machine gun, but Xia Beiluo only noticed the unfamiliar word he mentioned.

“What is rock music?”

Xia Beiluo asked curiously.

"I don't know, it's the first time I've heard that word - maybe a kind of music that requires rolling to play?"

Peele didn’t understand either:

"I really don't know what these people want...they broke in out of nowhere and it took me a long time to clean them up."

"After all, after the Ghost Lord Church seizes power, we all have to live according to the rules of the church."

Xia Beiluo comforted:

"Otherwise, we can only rely on the power of the other two churches, or we can only wait for the new church to take office and seize power."

"Hey... the followers of [Yuanyuan Tianzun] and [Void Emperor] are not much better."

Pierre took a drag on his cigarette and complained:

"[Yuanyuan Tianzun] The church prohibits free love, and your life and marriage must be arranged uniformly by the church. [Void Emperor] strictly limits business time. If you let me go to that kind of place, why not kill me."

"But after all...only the church can bring order. They are authorized by heaven to give people the [weird] path. They are the law, the law enforcers, the witnesses of marriages, the warriors and the teachers. Without the church, you would Souls and evil spirits will cause chaos everywhere - I simply can’t imagine how terrible it would be in this world without the church!”

After hearing Xia Beiluo's words, Pierre only became more dismissive.

"The church is indeed great, but there are places in this world that the church has no control over. You and I can make arbitrary comments about the church here. If we don't speak out, they won't be able to hear us. If they can't hear our thoughts, then why? Say God is all-knowing and all-powerful? If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, why does he need people to believe in him?”

After that, he flicked the ashes from his cigarette, glanced at Xia Beiluo, and asked:

"You came early today? Got something new?"

Xia Beiluo shook his head:

"The car broke down, the luggage was rotten, and the house was flooded. I just cleaned myself up, otherwise I would still smell of sewers, and it would be really rude to come out to see people."

"Oh, it sounds like things aren't going well for you either."

Pierre said coldly.

"It's a bit." Xia Beiluo said, "How about it? Uncle Pierre, can you give me a job? I'm very hard-working and I don't have any wages. I just need food to eat and a roof to sleep on."


Pierre glanced at Xia Beiluo's thin figure, and then at the scrapyard that had been turned upside down by the Black Snake Gang.

"I didn't need help in the first place."

Pierre spat out his eyes, took out his pocket watch, looked at the time, and waved his hand:

"I'm going to be busy with business in the next few days. Just stay here and look after the door for me. You can also sort things and clean them up. You can sleep in the garage for the time being. As for food, there is some stock in the kitchen. , you can figure it out yourself.”

Xia Beiluo was overjoyed. He quickly dusted off his sleeves, made a sacred mark with his hands, and thanked him respectfully:

"Thank you! You are indeed a good person with a conscience. May the name of the Lord be with you. You will definitely be rewarded."

"Okay, you can figure it out yourself. Remember to lock the door before 10 o'clock every night."

Pierre said, explaining the precautions while leading her to the scrapyard.

The scrap yard is not big, just an old room, piled up with steel bars, rusty carriage carriages, and several bundles of cables.

Xia Beiluo walked into the garage and helped Pierre guide the broken pickup truck out. The old ghost in the engine sighed while trying to drive the motor to rotate. She saw the spiritual power converter flashing blue light several times. , for fear that the ghost would quit the strike and collapse in the garage.

Fortunately, in the end, Pierre successfully started the pickup truck, carrying the small crane, and drove away from the scrap yard.

In this way, I have a place to stay for the time being.

"You have to work hard."

Xia Beiluo was in no hurry to rest. She had to understand the whole picture of this scrap station first.

The first thing is to check the psychic power supply station. The souls of the three criminals imprisoned inside are in good condition. The souls that have been purified by the church can always maintain a stable mood without worrying about tripping.

Then she came to the machine table where she was working. There was a small devil doll here. It might have been a mascot in an amusement park, but now the bear skin on the outside has festered, exposing cotton and mechanical mechanisms. Fortunately, it possessed There is no problem with the spirit body. I can control it to flatten those steel plates.

The inspection of the kitchen was also a top priority. When Xia Beiluo opened the door, the cockroaches roaming everywhere and flying in the sky did not let her give up. She controlled the blowtorch to burn to death some of the nests that appeared blatantly in front of her, and then put the clean ingredients : Half a bag of flour, four pounds of bread, a loaf of bacon and canned beans salvaged.

She will have to use the open-air kitchen for the next few days, hoping that pigeons won't carry out air raids when they pass by.

The garage serves as her rest area and is left to be tidied up last. Although the air was filled with the strong smell of ashes and rouge, and the ghost car had been parked for a long time, causing the temperature here to be significantly lower than outside, Xia Beiluo found two thick blankets and dug one out of the garbage. A cotton coat.

The bed was easy to make. She found a wooden board, placed it on several oil drums, and then covered it with coats. She immediately no longer had to worry about cockroaches drilling her nostrils while sleeping.

"Hey, I'm pretty smart!"

Xia Beiluo wiped his nose and suddenly felt his throat itchy and his nasal cavity was a little blocked.

Maybe it's a slight cold, but it's okay. Just drink some hot water and you'll be fine.

"There's still some time before night... Let's clean up the scrap station quickly."

Pierre took her in so generously, not just to let her live and eat for free. If she wanted to have a stable income for a long time, she had to prove her abilities.

She drank two large glasses of hot water, chewed on a piece of bread that tasted like rubber, and immediately threw herself into the work of sorting out the waste.

As a woman, her strength is not great. Many times, heavy objects need to be activated by spiritual power to move the demon, but the output of spiritual power is limited. If it is overdrawn, people will faint.

Therefore, Xia Beiluo rarely uses magic dolls to transport them directly. She first cuts and folds the large waste products into several small pieces, so that she can relax. She only needs to tie the rope and drag it with her body.

Xia Beiluo can't be said to have any enthusiasm for work. She just tries her best to do everything at hand.

In order to solve problems in labor, people often use their intelligence beyond their imagination.

"The two cars collided together... If they were to be cut open directly, the spiritual electricity converter would be damaged. If the structure inside was destroyed, a lot of money would be lost."

Xia Beiluo clicked his tongue as he looked at the tragic car accident in front of him.

The two cars are almost like a mortise and tenon structure, just stuck together. The red car was like an arrow. The front of the car penetrated the body of the purple car and completely destroyed the cab.

Judging from the red rust stains and dead seaweed on it, it was probably fished out from the bottom of the sea. I don’t know how many years ago it was.

However, even cars from a hundred years ago cannot be seen to be any different from the popular models today.

After all, under the control of the church, technology has long since stagnated.

Although the body of the car owner must have been disposed of, Xia Beiluo still carefully sprinkled a handful of salt to drive away the resentful spirits of the deceased in the car accident.

Xia Beiluo had a good idea on how to deal with it.

She is small, less than 1.6 meters without her shoes, which is enough to knock off the windshield from the back row, then get inside the car, sit in the cockpit of the middle car, operate from the inside, and cut off the roof. Come, this can avoid damaging the engine of the middle car.

It's a bit risky because she needs to be squeezed into a small space for a long time to work.

Although the parts were severely aged, fortunately they did not collapse and break midway, trapping her underneath.

She then disassembled the spiritual power converter of the middle car and inspected it. Basically, there was no problem and everything went smoothly.

"Next, it's time to dismantle the chassis."

Xia Beiluo breathed a sigh of relief, she was lucky today.

She controlled the golem to slowly lift the front of the red car, and then carefully dismantled the fallen seats and chassis in the rear of the purple car.

However, it was not the car's driveshaft that appeared before her.

As she removed the rear seats, she saw a sealed storage space, in which a strange large box was kept.

"It's actually vacuum sealed? Oh my God, this car has been specially modified just to fit this box?"

Xia Beiluo was a little excited. Modifying the ghost car showed that the owner had traveled a long way in the [Weird] system during his lifetime.

Bao Buqi means a certain faculty member, and faculty members can be commonly understood as dignitaries.

You must have found a treasure now!

A smile immediately broke out on Xia Beiluo's face.

She carefully took out the box and vacuum-sealed it to survive countless decades underwater, but fortunately, it did not suffer any damage.

That's enough to illustrate its quality.

Seeing that the box was intact strengthened Xia Beiluo's understanding.

This kind of thing... might be sold for a good price, and Pier would probably give her a long-term job because she discovered something good.

Developed! Developed!

"Speaking of which, what on earth is this - eh, there are words here."

She placed it in front of her. The trademark on it was an unfamiliar word.

"Is this a guitar? What is a guitar? A weapon maybe?"

Xia Beiluo rubbed it and found a line of characters engraved with a knife underneath, and then whispered:

"...Cui is still alive."

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