From star abyss

Chapter 579 283 Desire for Change

Chapter 579 283. Desire for change

Caramel Snail's eyes glowed green, but after flashing for a few seconds, they returned to their original color. His will seemed to have defeated some kind of existence, and he asked insistently:

"Why, when they are clearly protecting people, are they making them suffer more?"


Li Ozi put down the camera and while waiting for the film to come out, he raised his head and looked back at the caramel snails.

He saw the confusion in the other person's eyes, and he knew very well where the doubts in the other person's heart came from.

"Actually, you should know it yourself."

Li Ozi said:

"Such a world is not a world that people can live in."


Long distance travel is a bit too strenuous for a used bike, and problems arise along the way.

Fortunately, with Igor's ability, she earned a lot of travel expenses along the way and learned the ability to maintain.

"You said the church's idea is a good one? Hmm, maybe, but that's not the life a mortal should live."

Xia Beiluo was repairing the spokes of his bicycle. When he heard what Igor said, he immediately raised his head and asked in confusion:

"Huh? What does this mean?"

Igor Cui leaned against the fence of the road, looked up at the sky, and said lazily:

"Mortals have seven emotions and six desires, they have warmth, they can grow old and ugly, they can be kind and gentle, and they can also be cruel and uninhibited. But the church does not recognize these."

"You have to understand that you live on a planet where you control souls and master the skills of spiritual bodies. If this is the case, then the dead themselves are a resource."

"The church hopes that people will be as clean and blank as ghosts, and will obediently follow their plans. In this way, although the world is very boring, the number of people and spirits must strictly match, not too much, not too little, and at the same time, the technology of psychic energy We must also make progress slowly.”

"So..." Xia Beiluo seemed to understand something: "So the church is deliberately controlling the population and spiritual bodies?"

"You're not too stupid."

Igor put his hands behind his head:

"Guess, why does the church do this?"

“…because they want to make things better for people?”

"What's wrong is that they think people can live better in this environment. They are like a superior parent who refuses to communicate with you. They hope to use their absolutely correct experience to erase your personality and undermine your independent will. , stifle your imagination, and turn you into a so-called happy child who is upright and live a peaceful life - this is the church."

Igor explained:

"They don't want you to have emotions, they want to turn you into a pure life machine, used to build their kingdom of God on earth to please the three weird gods they believe in. But why does the God in heaven care about this? For God, Even if our creations are completely destroyed, I’m afraid we won’t be too sad.”

"But doesn't the church say... God loves the world?" Xia Beiluo said hesitantly: "If God doesn't love us, why did he create us?"

"Would you love cans, or the meat in cans? Will you carefully love every can that comes out of the assembly line?"

Igor asked back:

"You love the delicious taste of the can at the moment, but you definitely don't love the existence of the can itself."

Xia Beiluo opened her mouth. Igor could always use these magical metaphors to destroy her traditional thinking.

"Igor, since you also know that the existence of the church is necessary," Xia Beiluo asked, "then why are you spreading rock music?"

"For what? To liberate people from this oppressive world, so that they can truly live by their own strength instead of God's charity."

Igor stood up, walked to the bicycle, was silent for a moment, and said:

"You should understand the fact that children will only grow up if they are separated from their parents."

"But I have never heard that children need to kill their parents to grow up." Xia Beiluo retorted: "You are too extreme, Cui, your idea is too ideal."

Igor glanced at her and said:

"Isn't that what you are? Without your parents, you suddenly become a mature and sensible girl."

"This is different!" Xia Beiluo bit his lip: "If I have to lose something important to grow, then I would rather stay in my infancy forever."

"It's because of cowardly thinking like yours that people are stuck in the church's birdcage, damn it!"

Igor confronted her tit for tat:

"You pedantic hapless people always give away your power little by little and are used to relying on the power of the church. You have never thought about how wonderful the outside world is! How romantic the starry sky is! The church said In short, the universe outside is very dangerous, so you don’t dare to raise your head.”

"Then how do you know that the sky must be beautiful?" Xia Beiluo said bluntly: "The church has various cases, history, and ancient relics that tell us that there are dangers everywhere in the universe. A corner, isn’t it enough?”

"Of course I know."

Igor Cui took off his sunglasses, pointed to the guitar case beside him, and said:

"Because it comes from that star abyss."

"...What?" Xia Beiluo was confused. "what does that mean?"

"The name of this guitar is 'Soul Casino', and it is a social institution. It is a handicraft made from the body fragments of those monsters and beasts that fought with the gods."

Igor Cui guided Xia Beiluo forward and touched the guitar case:

"This guitar comes from a being named [Outland Society] Percarais. It can not only play exciting music, but most importantly, it can bring wealth and good luck."

"What? This, this is impossible, right?" Xia Beiluo said in surprise.

"There is a price." Igor said calmly: "Every time you play, your soul will be consumed, and the way to bring wealth is to take out part of your soul and use it as a bargaining chip for gambling."

"The better the gambling results, the more prosperous your financial luck will be. On the other hand, the worse the gambling results, the worse your financial luck will be."

"But even so, this is a creation beyond the imagination of the church. This is the power of [society], and the power of every [society] is different."

"...If according to the church, the gods and [society] are still fighting in the star world." trace……"

"Well, it's pretty much what you think." Igor nodded: "You can guess it with your toes - there are many wonderful places in the universe. If you just stay on this planet, because you are afraid of those gods If you stagnate with society, you are destined to be abandoned."

"Igor, I seem to understand your purpose..."

Xia Beiluo stood up and said in a deep voice:

"I'm afraid there are many aliens with such power. If we don't work hard to step into the star realm, then one day we will be conquered by powerful star realm beings."

"But what if, what if we step out into the universe and find ourselves surrounded by enemies on all sides?"

"I have no idea."

Igor said calmly:

"I can only say: What I am pursuing is not war. What will happen in the future? Only God knows."

"But even you still want to rebel against the church?"

"No, you are wrong. What I am resisting is not the church. This is a world that uses divinity to kidnap humanity."

Igor said:

"I have witnessed the soldiers of the church blocking the desert sea, and their corpses piled into mountains - and I have also crawled out of those graves. I understand their ideals, and then the church uses this name to expand their power everywhere. .”

"After a while, I retired from the Redemption Army and was assigned to boil water in the boiler room. The work was repetitive and monotonous, just like in this world, where everyone performs their duties, is assigned a fixed position, and has a predetermined destiny - —I couldn’t help but start thinking, what’s the point of living like this all your life?”

"So I went to the Diocese again. It was orderly, peaceful and peaceful, but even in such a clearly planned church city, you can see penniless homeless people and pets eating steaks. Dog - God loves the world, but some people are favored more. In this world, there is no such thing as equality. If you want to rise, you can only follow the path they give you and fight and fight monotonously."

Xia Beiluo calmed down and listened to Igor's story. But when Igor said this, he suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"Do you know where the church's rules come from?"

Before Xia Beiluo spoke, Igor explained:

"Let me give you an example - in the beginning, the church prohibited you from drinking raw water because of people's low education level. The reason may be to prevent parasites, but later it became a religious taboo. .”

"Then hundreds of years later, they viewed drinking raw water as a sign of demonic possession."

"Later, they even denounced and even launched a fight against anyone who drank raw water! Calling them demons and bad seeds? Is this what the gods want to see? Is this the goal of the church at the beginning of its existence? "

"From the spiritual realm to the secular world. The church always abides by the bottom line, but it is only the bottom line - if it always stagnates, how will people resist when disaster strikes from the sky one day? By then, they will have been tamed by the church and become submissive. The people who post this can only be reduced to a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

"Let me tell you why I want to fight - the church has changed from an organization that educates the people to a tool that serves a few people. It absorbs blood nutrients from the bodies of the Violet people and uses it to feed a few top churches. personnel."

"They betrayed their original noble ideals and became slaves to desire and pleasure. This is not the church. I want to liberate people from such a church and let them return to their original path."

"Xia Beiluo, what I am resisting is not the church itself. I am declaring war on rigidity and backwardness. The world must be very big, and more than just our planet exists alone - yes, we need the spirit of resistance."

"That's what fucking rock and roll is for - if you can, I hope you never need rock and roll one day."

"When I plucked the strings, a fire ignited in my chest. Wherever the song reached, people shouted the same thing - 'Change.' I clearly remember that was the voice they told me. "

"Remember, girl, never give in to the world."

Crimson Queen lv.5 (Survive)

“If you don’t code, you can’t survive.”

I, Deep Crimson, reproduce!

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