From star abyss

Chapter 589 293 United Front

Chapter 589 293. United Front

"The one who died was Li Ozi... Of course it has nothing to do with Li Ozi."

Li Ozi sneered:

"You don't have an experience like me. Of course you are fine and don't have a god of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but I am not. Everything I have experienced is precious. You asked me to risk my life and die. Well, even if it represents Leo Your body will not be destroyed, so what about the losses I have experienced? Isn’t that important?”

"I am using the method of protecting the second and fighting for the first."

Leos said coldly:

"Gio Jaeger died very early, but he is still active in the Star Abyss in the form of an Adventer. I believe this is the choice of the Star Abyss that is unwilling to waste resources. The emotional 'Lee Oz' may be able to increase his power. The upper limit, but keeping the lower limit of 'Leoz' body will be more effective."

"Whatever you say, I'm not going to just walk up to Red King and say that."

Li Ozi said angrily:

"You know what? Because of your thinking that cares about effectiveness and efficiency, you often make decisions that are stupid to normal people - old man, you have been behind the times for too long."

"I won't refute it. Decisions are timely."

Leos was not angry. Leos even suspected that he had no such thing as emotions.

"Time will end."

Leos' figure gradually became broken and twisted, and his voice drifted away:

"You go and strengthen your soul, and we will talk again."

Before Li Ozi could respond, the next moment, the black and white world quickly collapsed.

Tick ​​tock tick…

It is raining lightly outside the window, and the smell of magic incense fills the presidential office, making people feel refreshed and relaxed.

Li Ozi's body was sitting on the seat, holding the armrests tightly with both hands. He slowly opened his eyes, a faint blue flashed through his gray pupils, and then returned to normal.

"This bastard Leoz... what kind of magical skills are left behind by other people's previous lives? Why did Leoz leave a lot of enemies for me?"

Li Ozi couldn't help but mutter.

Until now, Leoz has not only repeatedly interfered with his character decisions, but now also made some extremely outrageous decisions - if he hadn't known that this guy and he were essentially the same person, he really suspected that the other guy wanted to kill him.

He quickly took out the imitation truth pill, poured it out and swallowed it, completely blocking Leoz's influence on him.

"It cannot be said that there is no legacy...Old man Leoz has the top three sequences in his hands. Once the fusion is completed, my strength will change qualitatively. No, it will even be enough to disrupt the existing order of the Star Abyss."

When he thought of this, Li Aozi felt a little weird:

"[Chaos], [Nothingness], [Paradox]."

"The size and intensity of these three arcane powers far exceed those of the other arcana powers. They are just tools that treat the law as a ball and make scientists doubt life. Once developed to the extreme, they can easily cause cosmic catastrophes, and even be enough to create the universe. , rewrite the law constants, subvert all reality..."

"But even so, Leoz, who holds the three major powers, actually failed to defeat the [Secret Society] Gaia itself. He even hoped that I would join forces with Red King to fight against the invasion of the Earthlings."

Just how strong is Gaia...even the Destroyer is nothing more than that, right?

Thinking of this, Li Ozi found that his previous understanding of the universe was somewhat lacking.

In this case, the existing Xingyuan layout must be re-divided.

He picked up his pen and started writing and drawing on the projection screen.

"The current basic structure of Xingyuan should be classified as follows:"

"Since they have not appeared for many years, the threat of the Destroyer can be temporarily put down - therefore, according to the major camps, they can basically be divided into: the Star Abyss Faction and the [Social] Faction. These two categories."

"The Xingyuan Sect: Based on the principle of implementing the development of civilization, we jointly protect the supremacy of the local civilization in Xingyuan - represented by 13 narrative-level civilizations, as well as the majority of small and medium-sized civilizations. Even evil narratives such as "Void Garden", We will also stand in the same trench and fight against the invasion of [society]. "

"[Social] faction: There is nothing to say. All the [society] that invaded from outside the abyss are naturally in the same camp. Their common goal is to devour civilization and invade the star abyss. Therefore, [Secret Society], [Outer Territory Society] , [Media Society], [Fake Society], [Machine World Society], etc., are all the mortal enemies of the Xingyuan Sect."

With this division, the pattern immediately became clear.

Within the Xingyuan Sect, there are all kinds of civilized hegemony, factional battles, and gods' crusade. This is all normal and belongs to the quarrels of one's own family.

[Society] There is also [social] conquest within the first line, devouring each other, the big fish eats the small fish, people also naturally compete and play with each other, there is nothing wrong with it.

But Xingyuan and [Society] are no longer just a joke. They are enemies who are extremely jealous of each other. It must be a life-or-death relationship.

Even with an evil narrative like "Garden of the Void", when facing [society], they will choose to unite with other civilizations to fight against [society] invasion.

The reverse is also true. [Fake Society] is chased and beaten by various hunter [society] in the universe, but when they encounter narrative-level civilizations jointly encircling and suppressing them, they will put aside their conflicts and in turn bar their teeth and roar at narrative-level civilizations.

"If we want to bring our friends to the same front, we must understand our position. Only in this way can we clearly understand who is the target that can be fought for and who is the enemy that must be eliminated."

Although Leoz's speech was outrageous, it gave him a new way of thinking.

For an existence like Red King, both the Star Abyss and [Society] have his status - what is this concept?

There are people in both the black and white circles. The referees and athletes are all our own people. They are the audience on one side and the authors on the other. How can you fight with him?

Leos is good at anything, but when it comes to human relations, he immediately becomes a novice. This kind of one-dimensional thinking can be used for other things, but it cannot be used for this kind of work.

Li Ozi is different. His rich anchoring experience has allowed him to see too much of the ugliness of human nature, and he also knows how to maintain personal relationships.

Red King's side is too dangerous, and he doesn't have the capital to grasp it, but other small and medium-sized civilizations, as well as the narrative level.

This can lead to a united front.

In all [societies], the intensity of the secrets is too high. Even Leoz can't resist it. The people on earth are too scary and must be dealt a heavy blow.

Capture the thief first. Capture the king first. No matter when, the weak unite to kill the strongest individual, and then conquer each other to share the spoils - this is the best choice.

"Take your time, take your time...Sooner or later, drive these earthlings out of the Star Abyss."

Li Ozi saved the drafts of writing and drawing, and then began to count the gains from this trip:

"I have gained a lot this time. I have learned a lot of information. Although Caramel Snail has some mentality problems, but looking at his behavior, he has worked harder - this is enough."

Anyway, Caramel Snail has already embarked on the path arranged for him by Li Ozi, and he can't leave him no matter what.

The path determines life, this is no joke.

There are actually quite a few reasons why Li Ozi took the path of [Xingjiangshi] in the first place.

If you embark on this path, ninety-nine percent of the time, you can only go all the way to darkness.

Since the caramel snail is still active, there is no need for Li Ozi to worry.

As for the players being suspected of being reincarnated by gods - this is nothing.

The key is - who reincarnated these gods?

[Redemption of Fairies] What exactly did Lai Anding do?

The players were recovered and sent out by Star Abyss, so what is the Terra Federation in reality?

What is the essence of "Xingyuan"?

Li Ozi kept these questions in his heart, but he didn't take them too seriously.

As his strength grows, and as he fuses with Leoz and restores his original memory, there may be an answer.

The next most critical thing is to focus on changing jobs, upgrading, and diving into the Star Abyss.

"The most important thing about this trip is of course the social institutions that were captured."

He spread his hands and took out the silver guitar from the arbitrary time and space belt:

""Soul Casino". "

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