From star abyss

Chapter 591 295 Gold Coins Exploded

Chapter 591 295. Explode gold coins~

Li Ozi glanced at the time. After an afternoon of tossing and thinking, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

get off work!

Li Ozi turned off the terminal, pressed a button, and called the maid to deliver the food. He lay leisurely on the presidential chair, opened the forum, and observed the recent developments.

Since the version is about to be updated, players who have reached the upper limit of the level are all running around. Resources and ammunition that are usually reluctant to use are now being used freely.

The most obvious change is Tianhuan’s ‘Red and White Battle’.

Thanks to the help and support of Li Ozi, Gretel's Red Army government, a large number of Tianhuan players obtained the mysterious power of the Red Arrow, beating the royalist White Army waste into doubt.

They never imagined that the Sky Ring, which had always lacked spellcasters, was now full of traces of arcane energy on the battlefield, and the Azure Star was not like the White Candle Star. As a technological civilization, there was almost no magic resistance equipment in the country.

Under the path planning of Li Ozi, many of the [Mutants] who have upgraded to Gamma level (3) have embarked on the path of the Blood Demon Flow, and [Gravity] is used as an output control method. In the eyes of the royalists, Here, these arcane users are all clingy dogs who can't be beaten to death.

In layman's terms: a batch of meat at the same time, the damage is still high.

Li Ozi has worked hard to manage the path. Nowadays, the blood demon flow is rampant, which has changed the team ecology of players.

In the past, everyone had to build a team. In a six-person team, there should be at least two [Redemption] players, one [Judge] to resist damage, and one [Doctor]/[Priest] responsible for establishing resurrection and milking.

But now, [Inquisitor]'s mentor Gretwal is busy with military and politics every day, and has no time to pay attention to the players. The [Inquisitor] players who can be trained are not very high in combat power. The only few eldest brothers are still They were all trained by the Grand Guild.

At this time, the Blood Demon Flow quietly emerged.

Everyone was surprised to find that: the Blood Demon Flow [Mutant] not only provides high spell damage, but can also part-time detect information positions. The most important thing is that although the Blood Demon Flow has low armor, it is quite durable!

[Death Link] shares damage while also providing extremely high output.

[Severing Life] Strengthens blood-stealing and percentage spell damage. The more blood you draw, the more blood you get.

This immediately filled up the problem of insufficient number of [Inquisitors]. If [Mutants] were not able to establish resurrection points, they almost occupied the ecological niche of [Inquisitors].

The dazzling performance of Blood Demon Flow suddenly attracted the attention of a large number of players. In a highly intense battlefield like the Tianhuan Civil War, high tankiness means a greater possibility of survival.

You know, Tianhuan is a big country with a population of 600 million. Covering an area of ​​approximately 42.6 million square kilometers, conventional weapons cannot achieve blockade in this vast territory.

Therefore, the Tianhuan people chose the simplest and crudest way of fighting: throwing nuclear bombs everywhere, using the wind and snow in the outside world to lay out a large amount of radioactive wasteland, forcing the enemy to enter the designated encirclement area, and engage in brutal urban street fighting.

pollute? The outside world is inherently uninhabitable, and blizzards and deserts are raging. Do you still care about this nuclear pollution?

Although it is a bit cruel to say this, in fact, when players fight, they have to take 200,000 rounds of artillery shells every day, and even occasionally hit hydrogen bombs, and they gradually get used to it.

In this environment, the highly survivable Blood Demon Flow has become one of the most important units.

[Mutant] suddenly changed from an ordinary passer-by profession in T3 to T1, and even directly reached the absolute dominance of T0 in the nuclear radiation war zone!

If anything, this news has no obvious benefits.

Well, in just half a month, the number of people on the path of the [Dominator] system recorded by the [White Obelisk] continued to soar crazily, and a large number of players chose to team up with [Mutant] players to cope with the cruel war.

Li Ozi watched as the number continued to increase.

Today, there are 400,000 registered followers of the Guangshengbei Sect.

And what about the gamma-level [Mutant] players?

"1.712 million."

Li Ozi clenched his fists.

This is a player who has reached gamma level!

In fact, the number of players who have stepped into [Mutants], including mortals who have not yet entered Alpha level, is more than 10 times that of Gamma level.

This doesn't even count NPCs.

According to rough statistics, there are more than 300,000 native people of the Blue Star who have reached the gamma level.

The outrageous explosion of this number made Li Ozi even more determined: Mr. Entropy's awakening was imminent, forcing the will of Azure Star to seek self-rescue.

There is nothing that can be done about this. As for the will of the planet, most of the time they lack the ability to operate with precision. If they please the strong residents, they will not lose their stars.

This is how Li Ozi's title of Charmer came about.

At the Gamma level, there are more than 2 million [Dominator]-type people who are on the road to becoming gods. The actual number of members of the Dominion family definitely exceeds tens of millions.

As for Li Ozi's profession [Star Echoer], as a path profession, it has unique and exclusive talents.


[Path Professional Talent·Astral Rhythm]:

"You are the guide to the starry sky and the listener of the song of the universe. Those who follow you will surely be bathed in the same starlight as you."

As you guide more people to join the path of [Responder], you will gain attribute bonuses.

Azure Star: Every time the number of [Responders] increases by 100,000, you will get 1 random attribute value.


"The 2 million gamma-level [Dominator] system, as soon as the version is updated, they will only have one inheritance path to choose from - [Echoer]!"

Li Ozi is the only [Master]... system instructor on Azure Star.

And all he left to the path was the inheritance of the [Echoer].

This is monopoly.

For every 100,000 players provided with 1 random attribute point, Light Blue Star can give him 20 attribute points for free.

What about another version? When those 10 million domination system ascendants are also promoted, they will have at least 100 attributes.

Don’t forget, the population will increase. After solving the problems of Esha and Lord Entropy, the Blue Star will definitely experience a population explosion. By then, it is possible for the entire planet to have a population of 10 billion.

By then, with Li Ozi’s nearly dominant influence on the Blue Star and the huge [Dominator] system group, even the most conservative calculation... In the future, the number of [Dominator] system aspirants on the Blue Star will reach 1 More than 100 million.

Connecting with the interstellar, the population becomes gamma... How many attributes can these 100 million gamma-order [Dominator] systems provide?

1000 points.

This is the path profession...the path to godhood.

Li Ozi is even considered conservative.

After all, the scale of Azure Star is too small at present, and he only occupies the path of [Echoer].

Those narrative-level civilizations directly occupy an entire road!

Once you step onto the road, you will be greeted by extreme numerical expansion.

"This is the core benefit of a narrative-level civilization. With trillions of people worshiping the road, even a pig can be raised as a numerical monster. Not to mention that a narrative-level civilization carefully selects, takes care of and cultivates it seriously. The ascendants who came out, and the members of the Qianyuan team who returned from the lower star abyss..."

Li Ozi felt suffocated for a moment.

For the first time, he felt the absolute crushing of narrative-level civilization from the underlying level.

Under the monopoly control of narrative civilization on the road, the strong will naturally gather under one narrative hand. As time goes by, their thoughts will gradually identify with the grand narrative of the civilization.

Even if they don't succeed in becoming gods in the end, they still provide a high-end population for the grand narrative. They continue to increase, improve, and inherit excellent genes, and the success rate is getting higher and higher...

It's outrageous, it's simply outrageous. Open the door for outrageousness. It's outrageous.

"In the future, it is inevitable that the Azure Star and the White Candle Star will be closely united and bound into a civilization."

Li Ozi immediately opened his hand, and two invitations popped out of the arbitrary time zone.

"Invitation to Hunter Rally"

"Teleki Exhibition Hall Admission Ticket"

"The information about the interrogation has not been found yet. To solve the problem at hand, I have to dive into the star abyss as soon as possible."

Li Ozi didn't think much about it:

"My fortune has just started to improve. I don't have any foreign exchange on hand right now. In that case, let's try my luck at the Predator Gathering first."

The hunter-killer gathering itself is also an opportunity for information exchange. In addition to the fact that the information about the "Secret Society" must be made public, Li Ozi also plans to ask questions about questioning.

Speaking of which, there are a few of the hunters in Layer Abyss who are stubborn and have a lot of money cheating players in previous games.


Li Ozi opened the [mall] and showed an evil smile when facing the dazzling array of products.

As the 14.0 version of the [Mall], Li Aozi’s resources are rich and diverse. You can buy in at a low price and sell at a high price. If Lao Deng happens to encounter it this time.

Then Li Ozi can only make a fortune with tears and blood.

Old guy, it’s time to get some gold coins this time!

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