From star abyss

Chapter 598 302 Bloodline is like a dog. Although it always sucks it, it will bite at critical times

Chapter 598 302. Bloodline is like a dog. Although it always sucks it, it will bite at critical times.

Li Ozi looked at the other party and said:

"If morality changes depending on the person, if you are polite to the rich and powerful, but harsh to the poor of the weak, then this kind of morality is worse than being fed to dogs!"

"People are born equal. People do not discriminate against each other. What people discriminate against is only behavior, not race. Only dogs can flatter the strong and kill the weak. The owner will yell and run out."

"I don't know what sense of superiority you, Galexi, have in colonizing narrative civilization. Maybe you are indeed very rich and powerful. But if this sense of superiority can become a reason for discrimination - then one day , when other stronger people, such as [society] or other narratives, come, the discriminators in your country in the past will also rush to greet them, kneel down and be dogs to the stronger ones."

As soon as this was said, the surrounding crowd immediately cheered and applauded like thunder.

The first officer was silent for a moment. He took off his hat and bowed to Li Ozi seriously to apologize:

"You are right, sir. You White Candle Star people are a nation with dignity and backbone, a kind and brave nation. Please allow me to apologize to you in place of the contempt of my compatriots."

With that said, he walked to the warehouse himself, took out a clean and warm blanket, and handed it to Li Aozi:

"This is your blanket. I'm sorry, sir. I'm very sorry for letting you go through this. Please understand that not every Galexian looks at people with colored glasses. Only those unsatisfactory losers do. Treat the collective glory as her personal glory - we Galexi have a beautiful side, and you are always welcome to come and watch."

"You are very qualified, you are like a country that joins the narrative civilization."

Li Ozi smiled. Although the image of the co-pilot was a bit unsightly with his head full of bruises, his soul was noble and clear and worthy of respect.

The first officer felt a little emotional for a moment. He turned his head, faced everyone, and said very seriously:

"I wish you a safe journey - and fellow travelers, I am very sorry. We resist all unreasonable behavior and will never tolerate racial or linguistic or cultural discrimination. But I know that it is useless to just talk."

"Discrimination is a bullet that hurts people. Once it is discharged, it will cause pain to the person being discriminated against. Even if it heals, it will leave scars."

"I hope that everyone will give us another chance to express ourselves. We will organize personnel training to correct their behavior. If they do not correct their behavior, we will fire them. Everyone is welcome to supervise."

After the first officer finished speaking, he turned around and bowed to everyone to admit his mistake.

Because of his sincerity, the Tazu passengers stopped protesting and returned to their seats.

However, just as the co-pilot was about to leave, the steel elf brother became anxious.

"ice cream!"

The steel elf brother hurriedly shouted in broken Ta language:

"Wodi ice cream, and kerosene for Wo!"

Everyone burst into laughter immediately, and the spacecraft was filled with joy again.

Li Ozi carried the blanket and came to the seat of C-198. The mother with the child witnessed all this. Her eyes were red and moist. When she saw Li Ozi coming, she immediately covered her mouth.

"Oh my God, you are like a god!"

Her voice was trembling, and her tone was full of remorse and regret.

"How could I do this? How do I deserve it..."

"Don't say that." Li Ozi unfolded the blanket and spread it on the baby: "It's not good to keep the baby warm by the window. This is a common problem in spaceships. But most spaceships are dead, and people are alive. We can't let the child freeze. , how painful it is to have a cold.”

Li Ozi said and teased the child. The baby immediately grinned and waved his little hand affectionately, wanting to touch the back of Li Ozi's hand.

However, the woman suddenly lowered her head in shame. She sobbed softly first, and then cried out in pain.

"Are you okay? It's okay."

Li Ozi squatted down and used the ability of echo:

[If you feel you have something to hide, feel free to say it. 】

"...I'm sorry, I'm really a bad guy!"

The woman clutched her heart in blame and cried:

"You are so kind and kind to me and this child, but I did something like that! How can I deserve such good treatment - I deserve to die, I really deserve to die!"

"Don't say that." Li Ozi patted the other person's shoulder and continued to use the power of echo to say in the other person's heart:

[Don’t be afraid, just say it. 】

"I'm sorry...I really don't know what to do, I'm guilty."

The woman whispered:

"Sir, I really have no choice - they found me yesterday and told me that I must change seats with the passengers on C198, otherwise they will take away my child - I have no choice, I deserve to die, but you are so good to the child, Please don’t blame her.”


Li Ozi frowned:

【Who are they? 】

"I don't know their identities - I only know that they are very powerful. They can easily lift even a spaceship. There are many people. Even President Leoz is probably no match for them."

The woman covered her face, ashamed to look at Li Ozi:

"Their target must be you. Damn it. You should find a way to leave must protect yourself."

Li Ozi wanted to say something else, but suddenly, he felt a cold and biting breath coming from behind.

He suddenly turned his head and saw a cold and beautiful woman with perfect proportions and exuding wild murderous aura, standing behind him.

【Eye of Truth】

Silver runes lit up in Li Ozi's eyes

[Authentication completed]

[The target is ‘Silver Armor’——]

"Report, Miss Nalia."

Nepheus Cleopatra took off her sunglasses, her purple jagged vertical pupils stared at Li Ozi emotionlessly, her silver hair moved automatically without any wind, and she said without any fluctuations in her mouth:

"We have arrived at the target star field."

"Got it, I'm in position here too."

The remote Naliya sat upright and said coldly:

"Operation 'Star Hunt' - begins."

The next moment, the spacecraft sounded a series of alarms.

"The enemy is locked! The enemy is locked!"

"This spacecraft has been locked by an unknown fire control radar! Suspected space pirates..."

"We have sent a distress signal to Valkyrie Fortress, please stay where you are and wait for support!"

Nefes took a step forward, and the pendant around his neck melted instantly. Countless nanomachines instantly covered his left arm like fluid, shrouding the entire arm in silver armor.

Step by step, she walked slowly towards Li Aozi, like a crocodile lurking in Repulse Bay, Li Aozi was completely locked with murderous intent.

Just as Li Ozi was about to release gravity and crush her to death, the system immediately popped up a message:

[Under the interference of the Higgs force field, the arcane output efficiency is reduced by 80%]

——It’s really an encirclement and suppression.

Li Ozi clenched his fist, and the output efficiency of gravity was reduced to less than the beta level.

Several other arcane powers are similar. Do you want to rely on this power to beat people in seconds?

I'm afraid, I can't even do gua sha.

"Don't even think about resisting."

Naifes raised his hand to hold Li Ozi's shoulder and said without emotion:

"As long as you cooperate with me, I will never hurt you."

"The Armor of Silver, Nepheus Cleopatra. The company's war weapon 'Gabros' is also a war madman who has accomplished cross-level killings."

Instead of running away, Li Ozi stood firm and allowed Naifeis to reach out and press his shoulders. He tilted his head forward and whispered softly into Naifeis' scaly ears:

"You are a very good warrior, but you made a mistake."

Nefes ignored him, but continued to press down with his hands, releasing his energy, preparing to rely on his energy to seal his body.

[Nephes Cleopatra is ‘super-imprisoning’ you...]

"You know, if you want to use power to imprison an extraordinary person, one depends on the difference in strength, and the other depends on the quality of the physical bloodline. Some bloodlines cannot be imprisoned by force."

Li Ozi said softly.

[Pedage and determination in progress...]

However, when her energy entered Li Aozi's body, it immediately disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.


Nefes raised her head and saw Li Ozi reaching out his hand frivolously and lifting her chin:

"Do you think I'm still being chased by you like I was five years ago?"

[Sequence 82: Bloodline activates! 】

[Supreme bloodline, you are above all living things! 】


Nefes's jagged pupils immediately tightened, her heart beat rapidly and she shivered.

--what happened?

[Mandatory passing of bloodline determination]

Her body stiffened for a moment, and her hands retracted back unconsciously.

To outsiders, she acted as if she stayed where she was, allowing Li Ozi's frivolous actions to succeed, but her brain seemed to be overloaded and she stopped thinking.

——Why do I feel...fear of him?

[Your bloodline is supreme, and anyone who dares to despise you will pay a price. 】

——I have obviously removed the glands that produce emotions. Shouldn’t the only people I need to be in awe of are Red King and Capital Corporation?

[You have caused bloodline suppression to 'Nefes Cleopatra' - the target output rate is reduced by 45%]

"Oh, compared to female college students, you are quite easy to bully."

Li Ozi sighed, and the tiny tentacles stretched out from his fingertips had already collected some genetic information from the other party.

[Cut off vitality], prohibit life recovery.

[Severing Life], which has reached the level of dominance development, no longer requires obvious tentacles to pierce the enemy's body before it can be activated like in the low-level stage. Now, the mini tentacle cells can be activated directly as long as they are touched.

On the other hand, this amounts to a mark. In this way, you will find the other party wherever he goes.

Unfortunately, the opponent did not have any arcane genes, so Li Ozi only drew tens of thousands of gene fragments.

[Bloodline] suppressed nearly half of Nefes's output, while it could only suppress 15% of its output against Dialan.

Looking at it this way, the Dragon Titan's bloodline is a bit too scary.


In the communicator, Nalia said dissatisfiedly:

"What are you thinking about?"

"The confinement has failed - arrest immediately!"

After receiving the master's order, Nefes suddenly woke up and immediately hit him with a fist after reacting.

Tiger Faction·Tearing Stance!

The power shattered the air, and even the space was somewhat distorted. With her strength, such a punch was enough to make the thin [Master] Path to God lose the ability to resist.


Li Ozi raised his arm to block this powerful and heavy blow.

"I even forgot that you little crocodile is a war madman."

Li Ozi's eyes turned blood red. He continued to exert force and gradually pushed Naifei's fist away, with a gentle smile on his face:

"What a coincidence, I am also a war madman."

"As Gabros, your 'Clodi Luce-True Crocodile' bloodline should have helped you a lot, that's why you confidently stretched out your hands and put them on my shoulders. You are already used to being so suppressed. Imprison others.”

"It's a shame, though."

He clenched his fist and immediately produced a harsh sonic boom, then punched Nefes on the beautiful white face:

"My bloodline is superior to yours."

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