From star abyss

Chapter 622 326

Chapter 622 326. “Thank you.”

Thinking about it——

Li Ozi suddenly remembered that when he used Isaac's body to clean up the Blue Star, he had already used [Bloodline] to avoid the poisonous blood of [White Knight].

"——This plan is really feasible."

Judging from the known information, the hidden problem is the small number of people. The number is extremely rare. There are three speakers, thirteen members, seventy-two juries, and six hundred and sixty-six citizens.

And without exception, they all require C3 Luca-type cosmic humans.

According to the Fairy in the Lake, even in their home planet Haines, where all the C3 Luca-type human races in the universe are hiding, it is difficult to gather a parliament - it can be said that the probability of transforming a hidden citizen is about one in a billion. one.

It's worse than a lottery.

But there is a difference between the outside of the abyss and the inside of the abyss. The most important thing in the abyss is people.

In the six-story Star Abyss, if you search for secrets one by one, no matter how unlucky you are, you can gather together the council and rule the Star Abyss.

In other words...

If Li Ozi can solve this problem, he may be able to completely block the supply of secret members, so that the people on earth will never be able to invade the Star Abyss.

Li Ozi was not excited. He calmly thought about the feasibility.

"If you want to study sequence's not enough for me alone."

"I need [Biochemists], I need more arcane scholars, and I need theologians of the [Domination] department to study and deconstruct authority. In other words..."

Li Ozi narrowed his eyes:

“I need the Commune of Life.”

Mr. Liu E and hundreds of thousands of scientists with lofty ideals once formed the Life Commune in order to break the hegemony of narrative. Their view is that as long as everyone lives forever, they will give up their pursuit of material civilization and turn to the sublime. We strive together for an ideal world.

Although the Life Commune is too idealistic and not in the interests of the stars, no one dares to deny that their research on arcane energy and life is definitely at the pinnacle.

"However, I don't need to break the narrative hegemony - what I want is a life commune that belongs to me and only serves me."

Li Ozi doesn't like to be shared interests and power.

Weak people, as long as they stand behind him honestly and accept being dominated and protected by them, it is enough. There is no need to think about other unnecessary things.

"In order to resist the crisis of invasion by Earthlings, if I don't want to repeat the tragic defeat of Leoz, I must build my own life commune."

Li Ozi opened the notepad function of the system and quickly compiled a list based on his memory. Above are the names, occupations, origins, and schools of graduation of former members of the Life Commune.

"Astell Megan, Kubrick Dominik, Nangong Xiyue, Beichen Chang'an, Lin Aimin, Kishida Ichibo, Sutville Verazzi - huh? Oh my God, there are actually some in the commune. Traitors from capitalism, I didn’t even notice them back then!”

You don’t know if you don’t list them. Li Aozi looked at the list and combined it with the engine search, and immediately took a breath of air.

These idealists from all civilizations include capitalists, landowners, farmers, mercenaries, demigods, high-ranking priests, warlords, revolutionaries...

In order to change the hegemony of narrative-level civilization, these people do not hesitate to give up generous treatment and betray their class. They must gather here without asking for rewards or profits, and strive for the ideal of equality for everyone.

How pure.

Perhaps their goals are too vague and unrealistic, but their spirit and practical behavior are respectable enough.

It just so happened that he was going to the hunter-killer gathering, so he could go and ask.

"I need more scholars to be my disciples."

Li Ozi turned off the laptop function, gathered his mood, and looked at Naifei:

"It's okay, I've taken care of it."

"I actually have nothing to say." Naifes said calmly: "You have cut off my shackles. The ones I had in the past are completely dead. I no longer belong to the company."

"Next, you're being hunted for killing members of the company."

Li Ozi said:

"Do you have any plans?"

"...I don't know, I have never thought about this problem. Freedom is not something that belongs to me. I have no assets, and my hometown is just a breeding ground for selecting killers. I don't have anyone to rely on, and I don't have anyone." It can be said that apart from this life, I really have nothing."

Nefes was silent for a while, and then said:

"I don't have any ideas, but I just want to live. I want to... slowly find the reason why I can exist in the world."

"That's right - as long as you survive, no matter how bad your luck is, you will still encounter good things."

As Li Ozi said, a business card popped up:


"This is--"

Naifes took the business card and read:

"President of the White Candle Autonomous State, Leoz Dominette. Contact information..."

"If you can't find the meaning of life, why don't you try to work here?"

Li Ozi shrugged:

"I'm different from capitalists. I don't use people as resources. As long as you are not [society], I treat everyone equally, regardless of your origin or race."


Nefes pondered for a moment, then raised his head and asked:

"Will I be paid?"

Li Ozi replied:

"Baizhuxing's basic 13 insurances and four benefits will be based on the position and workload. The more you work, the more you will get. There will be arranged dormitories, uniforms and year-end bonuses. You will enjoy weekends and statutory holidays. No time off. Overtime will be four times the salary. . I am an industrialist and a president, and I will not delay wages like a financial landlord."

"...I shouldn't have a choice."

Nefes shook his head gently:

"What should I tell make me feel very different."

"What's wrong?" Li Ozi looked at the other party.

"In the company, everyone yells at me and bosses me around. In everyone's eyes, I am a commodity. If I am unqualified, I will be thrown into the pool and destroyed."

Nefes covered his heart with a stiff expression, as if he didn't know what to do:

"But... you gave me freedom and the power to choose."

She looked at Li Ozi and tried her best to express her feelings:

"I, I feel very strange. Do normal creatures feel like this? What should I do? My mood is extremely stable, but I feel very uncomfortable..."

Nefes poked at her heart. Her tone was harsh, but the content of her speech was very soft:

"My heart is empty, there should be something in my eyes, I should say something, I should show something different."

She opened her mouth, lowered her head, and whispered:

"But I can't."

"I don't know how to express it to you. This body has been chemically destroyed and biologically modified. I can't express...emotions."

"Sir Leos, please tell me, how would a normal person behave at this time?"

Nefes looked at Li Ozi and for the first time said the word "please" to someone other than a capitalist.

"...No need to show anything."

Li Ozi raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile:

"Everyone has their own characteristics, and so do you. If you can't express your feelings, there's no need to force yourself - it's funny how you are so awkward and speechless."


"I should say it's quite cute. He looks like a child who is limited by his cultural level and cannot express his emotions accurately."

"Unable to express emotions..."

Nefes lowered his head, thought for a moment, and said:

"So, please tell me, how would you behave in a situation like this?"


Li Ozi put himself in his shoes and thought about it:

"I am the person who can't stand confinement the most. If I take away a day or two of confinement, or if something goes wrong, I will have mental problems..."

As a host, Li Ozi has a very strong desire to perform, and he hates the feeling of being ignored by others.

If his freedom is taken away, Li Aozi feels that he will really be able to achieve perfection in a short time.

So, he said with great emotion:

"If someone has been enslaved for decades and is rescued from the dark fate of slavery - no matter what the person is, I have to hold him and kiss him twice!"



Nefes stepped forward, opened his strong arms, and hugged Li Ozi tightly.

"Then I would like to thank you with my most intense enthusiasm... eh, Nefes?"

Before Li Ozi could react, his whole body was tightly restrained by strong arms. He twitched the corners of his mouth:


"Thank you, Leoz."

Then, she opened her mouth, slightly revealing her sharp crocodile teeth, and placed her pale pink lips on Li Ozi's ears.


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