From star abyss

Chapter 628 332

Chapter 628 332."In English"

Li Ozi fell silent.

Diswell's statement surprised him.

In the previous game, there was no knowledge of "Secret Society" in "Star Abyss", and even the entry did not appear. Li Ozi once thought it was because of the 'knowledge filter' installed by KitKat Network, in order to protect players from being Stealth erosion, but choose to block all news.

If this is the case, then as the person who knows [Society] best in Layer Abyss, Mr. Diswell must have already known the structure of [Hidden Society].

But now, Diswell says he knows nothing.

Either he is lying, or it means that the 'secret' ability of [Hidden Society] is far beyond Li Ozi's imagination.

The first point is to lie - lying is impossible - the hunter-killer mentor made an oath to the gods not to lie or conceal the truth from his companions.

Xingyuan's divine oath is the highest guarantee. Grandma Atamashi who originally provided Li Ozi with the truth medicine is now an Omega level (24), so she still has to abide by her oath honestly, and must not lie or be in a high-level position. Yuan exerts his power.

Not to mention, Diswell only has Zeta (6).

The result was obvious... He really didn't know about the existence of the [Secret Society], and even the hunters in the entire Star Abyss didn't know this fact.

[‘Once secret citizens die, no one will remember them except their own kind. If you remember the names of individual citizens, it must mean they are still alive. ’]

The previous conversation with Zhannia came to mind. Li Ozi once didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but now, he finally understood what it meant.

For example, if there is a secret citizen named 'Arthur', during his lifetime, Arthur acted as a secret citizen and looked no different from ordinary people. He maintained close relationships with neighbors, relatives and friends. He would meet every morning every week. At ten o'clock, I went to have an affair with Li Cuihua from the flower shop.

Everyone knows Arthur is a good guy.

But when Arthur died, from that moment on, he was forgotten by the whole world.

Neighbors who often invite Arthur to dinner will take it for granted that there is no one across the street. The landlord will sell the room that still retains Arthur's warmth as a new house. Li Cuihua from the flower shop will pick up the phone at ten o'clock on Thursday morning and talk to Wu next door. Old man flirts.

The whole world has forgotten you.

Now that I think about it, this is actually the self-protection mechanism of the [Secret Society].

"In White Candle Star, some refugees from Haines made it clear: [The Hidden Society] invaded White Candle Star twice three thousand years ago and one hundred and twenty years ago, but not only did they not pay attention to it, but the locals quickly forgot about the injury. Pain, it seems that it is not worth mentioning at all for the damage caused by the hidden personnel.”

Li Ozi dug out some information he had. As the president, he has the right to mobilize these:

"However, in comparison - [Machine Realm Society] The damage caused to us by Mashgar Gang has not been recovered until now. Look here - this is the village chief of Lanju Village, Luther, in commemoration of the past in the 'Machine Realm' Statues erected by our compatriots who died in the disaster."

"This is a film shot by the people of the former capital city of Trivela - "Under the Waning Moon". It records the history of people saving themselves and surviving from society and terrorists."

"There are various signs that Gaia, the [hidden society], is different from other [society]. It has a unique ability to make people gradually forget the history of being invaded and hurt."

"This is beyond the capabilities of all [society] in the past..."

Diswell was in disbelief:

"Leoz, do you know? If what you said is true, then the [Secret Society] will be the most terrifying enemy of our star abyss."

"There is no need for 'general', it is now. Even the very remote Andromeda Galaxy - Azure Star, has discovered hidden traces."

Li Ozi turned on the projection of the tablet and pointed out one point:

"When I was investigating [the hidden society], I found that they have a common characteristic."

"Is this... language?"


Li Ozi said:

"As long as the members of the [Hidden Society] are successfully corrupted, they will learn a language that is different from any other region or civilization in the Star Abyss without any teacher. In their mouths, the Hidden People have a very unified impression of this language: English. "

"English? Hard revision of history? Hard isolation room? Should interest be paid?"

Diswell frowned.

“Put simply, Secret Citizens speak ‘English’.”

Li Ozi made a relatively conservative proposal:

"From this point of view, we must eliminate all creatures that speak and communicate in English and completely exterminate them. Only in this way can we ensure the absolute safety of Xingyuan."

"...The secret is [society] from other universes. This is so strange. We always thought that other universes were eaten up by the three destroyers, and we are the only survivors." Diswell sighed: " This discovery alone is enough for you to win the highest award in history."

"Now it seems that we are not alone, but this is not a good thing." Li Aozi said seriously: "The secret has a unique poisonous blood. Unless you don't breathe, you will definitely be hurt. I almost died from this Ability."

"How many civilizations don't breathe? There are only a few elemental creatures. Even silicon-based creatures can't do it without respiration."

Diswell shook his head, this is really terrible:

"English...English, this sounds really weird, but it always sounds familiar to me."

"Sounds familiar?" Li Aozi was surprised: "What do you mean?"

"Leoz, according to the information you gave me. English has 26 basic letters, ABCDEFG..."

Diswell had a very high IQ and quickly learned the language. Then he picked up the pen and wrote out the English letters one by one in the air, and then wrote the letters one by one below:

α, β, γ, δ…

"There are 24 levels of hierarchy from Alpha (α) to Omega (Ω)."

Diswell pointed at the two rows of letters and said suspiciously:

"Don't you think... α and A look exactly the same from a certain angle? β also looks very similar to B, and Delta also sounds like the English Delta, which also happens to start with D..."

Li Ozi frowned:

"You mean that the English used in secret is the alphabet that corresponds to the class and has a common origin?"

"Just a guess."

Diswell raised his chin and said in a deep voice:

"Leoz, do you know how the alphabetical order of classes came about?"

"I don't know about that." Li Ozi shook his head.

"This alphabet is called the Helenic alphabet. You may not be familiar with this name. This is not the language of the Abyss. It comes from a very ancient narrative: Narrative No. 5 - "The Eternal Corridor". So far, The limits of what we can reach. "

Diswell said thoughtfully:

"In the language of Narrative No. 5, "Eternal Corridor," any word has only one meaning, emphasizing absolute rigor and concentration. And the word Helenike is no exception. "

"It means: Kit Kat."

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